• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 16,742 Views, 1,222 Comments

My Little Behemoth: Friendship is more than Food - Kishin

Just because you're a 3-ton Changeling Behemoth doesn't mean that you can't have friends.

  • ...


I made some minor changes and additions towards the ending of the last chapter. It'll make more sense if you read the changes and read this later. Sorry, but I wanted to make this as smooth as possible.


Cyr opened his eyes into a bright whiteness. He couldn't feel anything. The last thing he remembered was the sound of tumbling rock, a sudden, dull ache afflicting his head, and a green glow in the darkness.

"Ah, there we are!" Cyr turned to find a very jubilant Night Princess next to him.

Cyr questioned loudly, "What are you doing?!"

"Appearing in one of your dreams, of cou- well, if you could call this a dream...this isn't the result of a self-induced slumber," Luna answered. "And I'm sure what caused it, even if you knew, wouldn't exactly help the situation."

"I feel uninformed of something...and somepony adopted the modern Equestrian language!"

Luna stated bashfully, "It was a last minute struggle. Nothing to it!"

"So, what are you going to do now that you've, you know..."

Luna continued softly, "...died?"

Cyr's eyes opened wide to the size of dinner plates. He felt a swear begin to slip out of his tongue, followed by a scream that would fully describe the amount of misery and frustration he presently-

Wait. Was that laughing?

Luna was hysterical with laughter, her body shaking as her diaphragm was forced to contract rapidly in order to compensate for her rate of mirth and her chuckles echoing through the vast infinity of Cyr's subconscious. Or wherever they were. Whether he was in the deepest realm of Tartarus, or the Elysian fields, it still mattered to Cyr whether he was truly still...living.

"Y-y-you....you s-should have seen the l-look on your face! Hahahahahah!" Luna was left breathless.

She stopped abruptly, "But you are still alive. And what you may find outside of the Dream Realm, you may not quite perceive with optimism."

"Uh, yeah. About that," Cyr began. "Why are you here, in the first place? I'm sure that you have better things to contemplate with your time, what, with an entire kingdom to rule, rather than going into the dreams of random Changelings."

"This is what constitutes as part of my public duty nowadays. For me at least," Luna informed. "And it can get quite entertaining, yet depressing at the same time. Ever tried to create nightmares for other ponies?"

Cyr, in response, stared at Luna with a look of impatient annoyance.

"Do not give me that face! Nightmares force the individual to experience and confront events or problems that they choose to ignore in real life. 'Tis an important service I do for my little ponies every moon, and like many others tonight, it is your turn."

Cyr raised an eyebrow. "Can I wake up now?"

"No. You still have a mandatory 3 minutes before you wake up from unconsciousness," Luna plainly added while checking a miniature sundial strapped on to her hoof that she didn't have on a second ago.

"So, lets finish the chit-chat, and get down to business. I have noticed that you have trouble taking love," she said.

"Um, I'm sorry?"

"You can't hide it. I've seen your memories. You have had hundreds of opportunities of satisfying your appetite on certainly high amounts of friendship, love, or any other emotion, yet you hesitate even when attempting to consume negative emotion."

Cyr sputtered, "Well, it would have been a bit rude to just...take it. For nothing in return."

"For nothing in return? When my sister and I sent you to Ponyville, you have done many noble acts, much of them at your own expense!"

Cyr answered back, "And what was I to do? Ask for assistance? Ask for love? When the topic is as delicate as a pebble on the bare edge of a precipice, especially with the aftermath of my species' involvement in a certain Royal Wedding? I'd rather starve than alienate them, or worst yet make them despise me for who I am. A creature, no, a monster of a species that I can't change any aspect of."

Luna smiled at the Behemoth. She grinned, "What is this? You care for these ponies? And I dare say, friends?"

"Cyr, you delightful fool, you value your friends enough to weaken or harm yourself for them, even if they don't consider you the same manner (though I'm sure they do!). The friendship they gift you with is not held or connected within themselves, but are ripped directly from the source, their heart and soul, to be directed towards you! The friendship they contain within themselves still exists, and only grows stronger with every ounce of love they give you. As long as they give it to you, and you alone, you do not have to refrain feeding from your only source of nourishment. They, your friends, wouldn't want that. Believe me when I say that friends would want to help you in return as much as you already helped them."

Cyr smiled back. "Thank you. But...what now?"

"Well, you will wake up. And we will hope for the best. I will try to locate you as soon as possible, but I may not have enough time. You will have to hold out for as long as you can. I've contacted my sister, so I have just begun formulating a plan."

"The last thing I saw was a green glow. A magical glow, with magic traced with the essence of an alicorn," Cyr contemplated. "It's her, isn't it? Chrysalis?"

Luna sighed, "Yes, I'm afraid. And not only are you in danger, but those you have originally purposed your exile to protect. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was only inevitable. This is what happens when one tries to run away from one's problems. They accumulate. But this time will be different. I'll stand up to her, and no matter what happens, only one of us will leave that forest."

Princess Luna worriedly hinted, laying a hoof on Cyr's shoulder, which was quite an awkward task as she had to slightly float with her wings in order to reach Cyr's appropriate height, "Don't do anything stupid, would you? We may have met as enemies, but I care for you now as a dear friend."

Cyr chuckled. The lighting of wherever they were presently having the conversation was dimming, leaving his vision to be swallowed by the darkness.

"No promises. But, you and your sister are so intensely trustworthy that I'm afraid I have no choice but to follow your wish to the best of my ability. Farewell, and the best of luck to you."

Cyr could barely make out the outline of the lunar alicorn next to him.

"Likewise, friend." Luna's voice echoed.

Cyr could not see anything now. His breathing became more erratic, and as a dull ache flooded throughout his carapace, the smell of humus and his fellow kin returned.

Well, let's end this.