• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 1,311 Views, 7 Comments

Shooting Star: Six Points of Light - Alchemystudent

Ancient beings of light awaken from their stone prison, forcing Twilight and friends to explore the unkown west to find a means to stop them

  • ...

Tales of the past

Samus heard a beep on her helmet, and she paused for a moment. Green eyes moving to the left of her hud, she read to herself "Missiles downloaded."

"Lady, your missile-"

"I can read, Adam," Samus said, looking down. Putting a hoof to her chin, she said to herself, "I guess our theory is right. Each time one of them dies, my suit gains one of its powers back. Nice."

"All the more reason why we should move on from this little hunt, Lady," Adam said.

Samus turned o the bipedal creature in front of her, his tentacles moving under his mouth as he snarled. Then she looked at the two unicorns as they sat together in fear. With a smirk, she said, "What, and with a nice bounty in front of me and the additional reward of bringing those mares home?"

"Of course Lady, I was just hoping we would stop after this," Adam said.

The mind flayer growled, "Are you done? I was about to crack open your shell and feed upon your brain."

"I'm not done yet, I just have a request," Samus said with a smirk. Before he could ask, she said, "Say, "I want your braiiiiins, like a zombie."

"No, that's just stupid," the mind flayer said.

"Fine, how about after I calibrate my missiles, then you'll say it," Samus said, her horncannon opening to a small warhead.

"You really think that you can-" the rest of the sentence was blocked out by a volley of missiles to the face and a series of explosions. As he lay on the ground, bleeding out, he looked up at Samus.

"Now, say it," Samus said.

"Braiiiiiiiiiiins," he moaned.

"And who's my bitch?" Samsu asked, lightly smacking his face.


"Who's my bitch? Are you my bitch?" asked Samus.

"I'm your bitch!" whimpered the mind flayer.

"Good boy." Samus chuckled.

A stallion's voice bellowed as the Mane Six entered,"Who goes there?"

Fluttershy let out a small eep and hid behind Rainbow Dash. Applejack stepped forward, and then Twilight stepped up. Nodding she said, "We came to this temple to find a font for earth magic and we are looking for help finding one of Meadowbrook’s items. We are on a long quest from home."

"Oh, and there's this god outside attacking? Care to help the ponies outside?" asked Rainbow with a smirk.

"I think the ponies outside have," He coughed a little," It handled. You are looking for the Madmare's items?"

"You mean Meadowbrook," Twilight said. "And yes. I mean, she is a scientist and an item maker. We kind of have to be a little mad."

"That explains so much about you," Dash teased.

A bronze stallion came into view, “I am Bronze Tail." He coughed again, “If you wish to grab one of her items, you must pass a test."

Applejack stepped forward, "Test, what kind of test?

"A test of combat." Bronze Tail said,"There is a creature behind me that will test your strength. If you can survive him for 10 minutes then I will allow you through." He walked through a door behind him.

“A combat test? Oh my," Fluttershy said, looking down.

Rainbow Dash smirked, "Hey, don't worry. Me and Applejack have got this."

"Yeah," Applejack said, "We can keep ya'll safe from whatever big guy is behind that door."

Pinkie looked behind her, hoping to see Scanlan. Instead, she thought she saw a random pony and said, "You see where this is going. I can even feel it."

"Yeah, so let him bring on any big bad ugly piece of-

A large bronze dragon stared them down.

"Bronze Dragon ass," Rainbow Dash said, frowning.

The bronze dragon laughed, “You've got a spine, Little one." He raised a claw up and slammed it down on them.

"Scatter!" Twilight shouted, causing the girls to disperse.

Applejack looked to Fluttershy and shouted,d "Shy, keep an eye on her. Me and Dash got this!"

"Party time!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew around the bronze dragon and began to charge with lighting. Then she clapped her front hooves together and launched a lightning bolt at the dragon. She had a small smirk on her face, only to lose it when the dragon didn't even flinch. Dash shook her head, "No way..."

Pinkie pie ran to the side of the dragon and began to look through her bag. then she pulled out a small shoulder-mounted cannon and fired a very hot pie at his face. At the same time, Rarity cocked an arrow.

The dragon ate the pie, before looking at Dash,"Nice shot. Allow me to return the favor." He charged lightning in his mouth.

Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs in front of her to take the shot, allowing the lightning to flow across her body. Narrowing her eyes, she spun her foreleg in a circle and then flew right back at him, the tornado now covering her entire leg as she slammed her hoof into his snout.

Down below, Applejack thrust her foreleg into his leg, followed by two more blows. Rarity aimed and fired three shots into his neck. Fluttershy watched and kept to Twilight, making sure she could keeper friend safe.

Twilight grumbled in frustration, “Don't kill yourself doing this!"

The dragon waved a claw in the air at Dash, before swinging his tail at Applejack

Applejack let out a grunt as the tail slammed into her stomach and knocked into the wall. Applejack held onto the rail for dear life and began to beat away at it.

The dragon swung it around, attempting to toss her into Dash.

Rainbow Dash caught Applejack in midair and then sat her back down. Looking back up, she growled and flew at him, rapidly hitting him at such a speed, it looked like there were four of her. Rarity began to move to the side to fire another arrow at the dragon's hide.

Pinkie, on the other hand, began to load a small bomb and fired at it from her cannon before throwing another bomb at him with a sparkling ball.

"A sparkling ball?" The dragon asked.

Music began to play

"New invention! I call it my Dancing Ball!" Pinkie giggled

The dragon smiled,"I like this!" He tapped his claw to the music.

Rarity stepped to the side and fired three arrows at him. At the same time, Applejack jumped up and slammed her right hind leg into his gut.

The dragon looked down at Applejack,"Don't you know not to attack a drake while he's dancing!?" He slammed his body down on her.

Applejack let out a groan of pain from the body slam. Slowly getting back up, she said, "Don’t ya know that you shouldn't try putting down an earth pony who's ready for a rumble?!" and then she charged.

Fluttershy laid down, closing her eyes, "You can do this, remember your training."

("It's easy to use druid magic. It's like, um...well, like earth pony magic but just a little bit different," Keyleth said.

"Sarenrae is just one of the gods," Pike said. "Melora is the one of nature, she guides and helps a lot of earth ponies in their magic.)

Green mana began to flow through her hooves as she looked, before launching out wines and roots to wrap around his tail, "I...I did it?"

The dragon looked at his tail,"A pegasus who uses druid magic?"

"Um well, I'm uh, kind of just starting, Mr. dragon sir," Fluttershy said walking to Applejack.

"Aw." The dragon said,” You’ll get better at it.”

"And I have been learning a little bit of cleric magic if I could heal my friend here while Rainbow Dash beats on your back or a few moments,” Fluttershy said. She ran to Applejack and placed her hooves on her body to summon a pure white glow.

"Ah, you mean the backscratcher?"

Rainbow Dash, who had been striking thirty times a second, frowned, "What do ya mean back scratcher?!”

"I mean you, little one.”

Rainbow Dash frowned, "I am not a little back scratcher!" she said, flying back up and spinning into a tornado, slamming her leg into his snout.

Standing up while Rainbow Dash began to swirl around and strike at the dragon, Applejack looked to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy, what was that?"

"H...healing magic, like Pike's,” Fluttershy said, panting a little, "I've been trying to use it for a while but I think I just got-" she then swayed, before being caught by Applejack.

"You just rest. We can still handle this." Applejack said, jumping back onto the dragon’s tail and running along with it.

Rarity saw a few diamonds in the horde behind him and used her magic to grab some. Then she hurled a few to Pinkie. Smiling, Pinkie attached some to her party cannon and then fired a few shots into the air. Aiming, Rarity fired a magic sot into the gems, hoping to create a set of blinding lights.

The Dragon held his claw in front of his eyes, “It seems I have underestimated you. I will stop going at 15%"

"..." Said Rainbow

"..." said Applejack

"..." said Rarity

"..." said Fluttershy with a gulp

"...So was the other 85% just you sleeping? What was going 15%? your pinky?" asked Pinkie.

"How does that work," asked Twilight, looking down, "You can't use only 15% of your body or your mind, it's physically impossible. It's like putting only 10% of your mana into your fire spell and the rest into the water spell at the same time. Sunset can convert her mana but that is her special talent. You can't just say you are only using 15% of something because then where is the other 85%. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to the next or transferred. This is a fact of science and magic."

The dragon raised his claw over Twilight.

Twilight noticed the shadow on the ground, then looked up and let out a very high-pitched "Eeeep."

Applejack body checked against the claw, "Hey, leave her out of this!"

The dragon looked at her,"She shouldn't be in this battle then. If she dies with you here, then you cannot pass."

"It ain’t gonna happen because she isn't going to die!" Applejack said.

Twilight stepped forward, "It's my duty to be here. I can't just let my friends risk their lives without me while I stayed behind doing nothing! I don't care if I don't have my magic, I don't care if I don't have any spells and I don't even care if I die! If I let them fight without me, and something happened, I would never forgive myself." she looked down and then back up, "I HAVE to be here, and I have to help them to beat you."

The dragon cocked his head,"There's a possibility of all of you dying."

"The possibility of that is actually very marginal," Twilight said.


Twilight smiled and nodded, "Yes, very marginal. Most likely about 5-10% if I calculated right."

"And how did you calculate that?"

"First, the time," Twilight said, "We need to survive for 10 minutes, and if Rainbow Dash is correct six minutes."

Dash looked up and closed her eyes, allowing for the wind to flow through her. After a few minutes, she said, "Yeah, that's right. Plus the thirty seconds we've been talking."

"Which means all we need is another three minutes and 20 seconds in order to win," Twilight said. "And I may be without magic, power, or anything else, but I have one very important thing that no one, not even death is taking away."

The dragon leaned down, his face curious, "And that is?"

"My brain, and three minutes-"

"Rainbow, run distraction with Pinkie. You aren't doing a thing against him!" Twilight said, looking to her left, paying attention to the boulders. Looking back at Applejack, she counted the seconds, "On Rarity's signal, let go."

"Singal, what-" as if on cue, another dazzling blaze of lights showed above the dragon's head while Twilight ran. Moving quickly ], she hid behind the rocks and then began to tap quickly on the rock wall. The echo began to sound throughout the cavern with the rhythmic beat.

Rainbow Dash began to count the beats and smirked. Flying to Pinkie, she waved her hooves to the mare. Pinkie, letting out a gasp, fired one of her sticky bombs to Rainbow Dash who stretched out the taffy. She then threw it to Applejack, who took it in her hooves, did a running jump along the wall to wrap the sticky candy around the drake's neck.

Fluttershy slowly began to get up to her hooves and panted. Putting her hoof to her chest, she began to remember one of the spells she saw Pike demonstrate to her and summoned a small shield around Rarity.

Nodding, Rarity reached into her quiver and fired three more arrows. As they flew, they struck the dragon with a splash of acid. Meanwhile, Rarity could feel and hear the beat of the tapping and closed her eyes. Allowing the weave to flow through her, she concentrated and summoned three small glowing missiles. Narrowing her eyes, she fired them off at the dragon.

Up above, Rainbow Dash started to fly around the Dragon, keeping his eyes on her, "By the way, I'm not the distraction, Pinkie is."

"Pinkie?" The dragon turned to the pink pony.

Pinkie giggled, "No, Applejack is!"

Applejack appeared behind him, wielding a large bat that said 'Pinkie's Coconut smasher MK 1' and slammed his head with it, "No, Rarity is."

"No," Rarity said, firing a shot at him. "Fluttershy is,"

Fluttershy panted, "No...T... Twilight is."

Twilight stood behind him, tapping out a beat, "Three, two, one... we win."

The dragon turned to her in shock. Then he started laughing,"You are a clever one, Twilight Sparkle."

"Well, I, um, don't like to brag," Twilight said sheepishly, "The reason why I stayed behind was just as much because I was lacking in magic as well as observing and thinking. It was what did me in back with the gods. Now that I think of it, if I could do it again I would've done more and-"

"Twilighting," warned Rainbow Dash.

Twilight blushed and chuckled lightly, "Sorry. But, thank you, sir."

The dragon stood up at attention,"I am Revru." He coughed a little,"Did you say you were lacking in magic?"

Twilight looked down, "A side effect of my return from the dead and being put into this clone body. I lost all my magic, I can't even use telekinesis."

"You should see her reading a book!" Pinkie said, "She uses her mouth and starts growling and cussing and asking AJ how she does it without magic."

"Thanks for the reminder Pinkie," Twilight growled lightly.

Pinkie smiled at this. Twilight continued, "That's why we are looking for the fonts and partly why we are looking for the items."

"Ah, the items." A burst of magic and he turned into Bronze Tail,"Come with me."

"DRAGONS CAN DO THAT!?" shouted the group of ponies at once.

Twilight walked with Bronze Tail, "Can all dragons do that? I've never heard of the dragons changing forms before."

Bronze Tail let out a cough,"Plenty of dragons can. Though, mostly the metallics like me." He looked at her,"I assume you are only familiar with chromatics?"

Twilight looked down, "I never even heard of the metallic race until now. All I ever saw were red, green, blue, and the occasional purple. I didn't even know that you existed until now."

"We metallics tend to blend in the background. As you can see, we tend to disguise ourselves as ponies to... not scare them."

"I can understand why," Fluttershy whispered, walking a little slower.

"You ok?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy smiled reassuringly, "Yes. It's just a little tiring to use magic like that."

"You never tried a spell-like that dear," Rarity said, petting Fluttershy's back comfortingly. "It's going to be tiring the first time you try something like that."

Twilight looked up to Brass, "Why is there a division? And why haven't you tried flying over to the east."

"Yeah, there are some annoying dragons back home that could use a wake-up call," Dash snarked. "And I bet Ember would love you."

"Well, we don't attack unless it is absolutely necessary, plus I'm kinda ruling this place right now."

"When this is all done, maybe you can visit?" asked Twilight.

"I would love that." Revru grinned.

Rainbow Dash flew up, "So, where does this tunnel lead?"

Revru looked down the tunnel,"This is the temple where the item lays.

"Any traps or something like that?" asked Applejack.

"Nope. I think I qualify as the trap." Revru said with a smirk.

"Right," Applejack said.

And then they stepped through the door to the temple.


Applejack woke up the next morning, yawning as the sunlight beamed through the window. Smacking her lips, she said, "What a good morning. Perfect for doing some bucking and harvesting."

Then she blinked for a moment, "Wait... arent I supposed to be at that temple? Why, why am I home?" she asked, looking around, noticing her room and her bed.

That was when the door opened slowly, and a peach-colored hoof stepped in, "Applejack? Honey? Are you all right?"

Applejack paused, and looked at the mare with a mix of sadness, happiness, and fear, "M-mom?!"

Pear Butter smiled and put her hoof to her chin, "Last I checked. But you know, I have been wrong from time to tim-oooof!" she looked down and smiled as Applejack hugged her close. "Sugarcube? What is all of this, you act like you haven't seen me in ages."

"Just, really really glad to see you," Applejack said, whimpering. "It's just been a weird couple of days. And I just needed to see you again."

"Is this all right?" Pear asked.

"Huh?" Applejack asked.

"I said, is apple butter ok on your waffles?" Pear asked.

"Y-yeah ma." Applejack said with a shudder. Sighing, she walked to her bed and pulled off her hat. Smiling, she looked out the window to the apple farm that she lived on and the town of Ponyvile in the distance. Turning to walk away, she did not see the photos on the stand, the picture of her and her family, her on the farm, and the photo of her, alone in a photo where five other mares should've been.

Happily, Applejack ran down the stairs, much to the annoyance of Granny Smith, "Land's sake child, slow down! Do you wanna break your neck?"

"Sorry Granny," Applejack said, tipping her hat, "I just wanted to get the breakfast before I lose it."

"Applejack? Why are you standing there?"

Applejack perked her ears for a second, "What?"

"I asked, why are you standing over there? I saved ya a seat!" Applebloom said happily. "Pa was thinking of taking your plate but I stopped him."

Applejack rolled her eyes as she saw Bright Mac sitting on his chair, a newspaper on the table, "That's what she gets for sleeping in," he said with a smile, looking at his middle child.

The brought forth a laugh from Applejack as she sat at the table, "Yeah, sure Pop." she then began to eat.

"AJ? we need to get moving. We're almost there"

Applejack turned her head left and right, trying to find the voice. Only to see Big Mac smirking with a piece of vegetarian bacon in his mouth. Growling, she said, "Hey, that's mine!"

"Nope!" Big Mac chuckled.

"Big Mac, stop teasing her," said Pear with a giggle as she finished putting away some of the plates.

Bright Mac sighed and looked at the paper, "Well look at that. Looks like the elements are back from their long journey."

"Yep." Applejack said, "There were some hard fights, but we won."

There was a long pause for a moment, and then Applebloom broke the silence, "My sister is an Element Bearer!? That is so cool! I'm the sister of an Element. Oh, wait until Twist hears that."

"Honey, Applejack is not an Element," Pear Butter said. Looking up, she asked, "Applejack, where did get this idea that you were an Element Bearer?"

"Mom, I have been. You remember, Twilight came here to see us and-"

"You mean Princess Twilight visited us?" asked Applebloom. "Oh, that would've been great!"

"Honey... she visited Manehatten when she found the Elements. She still lives there with your Aunt Orange and-" before she could say anymore, Applejack was running out the door.

Shaking her head, she whispered, "No, can't be true, can't be true!"

"Maybe she's meditating! Or having an out-of-body experience?!"

"Oh, please wake up. The item is glowing, and we can't touch it!"

Applejack shook her head, trying to ignore the voices as she made her way to the library. She paused and looked at the tree, seeing it as it once was all of those years ago. Giving out a soft gasp of surprise, she made her way inside and passed by the librarian, "Excuse me, just needing to read the newspapers for a bit."

"Is this ok? Are you fine with this?' the librarian asked.

Applejack paused and looked, raising an eyebrow. Turning to look at the librarian, she saw that the mare had gone back to reading, ignoring the orange pony completely. Trying to ignore it, she found the newspapers and began to read to herself

"Elements found, Nightmare Moon defeated"

"Trixie puts on spectacular show, Element of Laughter ablaze"

"Princess Twilight coronated"

"Octavia, Element of Honesty, wows with the concert"

"Battle with Tirek interrupts wedding."

Applejack shook her head, "So...it's true. I'm...not really an Element Bearer am I? None of it happened. And, my friends..."

"Is this all right? Are you ok with this?" asked Pear. "You are no longer the hero of this story."

Applejack looked up, "What did you say, Mom?"

"I asked if you are ok," asked Pear."

Applejack nodded a little and moved away from the table, "Y-yeah, but can I just head for a walk for a bit?"

"Sure, honey”, Pear said, watching Applejack walk away.

"Girls...she's turning grey."

"Fix her!"

"What do you mean?"

Applejack sat down in front of her favorite tree, watching the wind blow through the grassy fields. " So that's it then, no more adventures. No friends, no world-altering threats. I can just live the rest of my life as a farmer and relax. Just me, and my family."

"Are you ok with this?" a male voice whispered.

Angrily, she stood to her hooves and shouted, "OF course I'm not ok with this! Who would be!? I'm stuck on this little farm, doing nothing but wake, eat, harvest, and who knows what else while there are brave ponies out there doing something about the world's problems! It's not the life I wanted, and it's not who I am!"

"Are you sure?" the stallion asked, stepping out from behind the tree.

"When I first met Twilight," Applejack said, sighing and looking down, "I saw a mare who looked like she needed someone, a friend who could help keep her straight and narrow. And when Nightmare Moon attacked and she went off? I knew that she needed my help."

Turning her head to the sky, she continued to speak, "I love farming, and I love my home, but when you can do the things I can? When you can do something about the world's problems? I don't believe that I should stand back and not do anything to help."

"But you are just a farmer," the stallion said.

"Yeah! I am just a farmer, so what? I'm strong, agile, and a good fighter! And there are times when that is all that is needed. For a good mare to take a stand and say "No more!". That's all that's needed to be a hero." Applejack looked down, "And that's what Twilight needed a good and honest heart."

"You know," the blue earth pony stallion stepped forward, his mighty beard flowing out, "I thought Meadowbrook was mad when she made this test, but here you are. Someone who embodies honesty and true strength. The ability to stand tall and abide by your truest principles, no matter what. Willing to be someone’s pillar."

"I know you... yer that pony from the legends, Rockhoof," Applejack said.

"Yes, and now it's time for your test to end. Step forward, and claim the item that rightfully belongs to you," Rockhoof said, stepping away.


Applejack found herself walking to the boots, their glowing magic flowing onto her legs and bonding with her, "What?"

"Applejack?" Twilight asked, “You okay?"

"Yeah, fine, just fine," Applejack said, "What happened?"

"We walked into the temple, and then your face went blank," Twilight said.

Pinkie nodded, "You just stood there and went 'ooooooooooo' and then began to sway back and forth and we couldn't talk to you."

"Yeah," Dash said, nodding, "And then you began to cry a little."

"That's because," Applejack said, looking down, "I saw my parents. They were alive and I was with them."

"Oh, Applejack, I'm so sorry," Fluttershy said, walking to Applejack, and hugging her.

Applejack shook her head, "It's fine. It also showed me a life without you girls and without my element, but I couldn't accept a life like that. I need to be here with you all."

Twilight heard this and then looked down. Sighing, she said "a life without responsibility..." shaking her head, "We're just glad that you are ok."

"Hey! Lookie lookie!" Pinkie cheered, pointing to Applejack's legs, now adorned with green boots. Buckles were adorned with little apple blossoms and the tips of the boots were a dull grey.

"Wow!" Twilight looked them over, “They're amazing! I wonder what they can do!?"

Revru put a claw to his chin in thought, before stating, "If I remember right, Meadowbrook gave the items their own names and told us a little of their powers. That one is Truly’s Honesty. It has the power to, well..." he smirked as he flicked a boulder to Applejack.

Applejack let out a gasp and threw out a punch. Rainbow saw this and began to fly out in a rage, only to be held by Rarity. Rarity pointed to Applejack and the boulder. the large stone now had a hoof-shaped indent in it. "Your strength and endurance increase. It was made to make an earth pony and their connection to the earth even stronger."

Rainbow Dash flew around, looking at Applejack and then the boulder, "Ok, I admit, that’s pretty cool."

Rarity began to look around, "Hmmm..."

"What?" Twilight asked.

Rarity looked, "I seem to remember that we were told there would be clues to the past back with Titan and Terra with the items. I was trying to look for it." she then paused, looking at a small disk, "Is this it?"

The disk began to glow, and the image of Methuselah appeared once again,"Hello once again. You found one of the disks, and are ready to hear Chapter One of the saga of Titan and Terra."

Pinkie brought ut the popcorn and drinks, "Yep!

1,200 years ago, when the god war began...

Titan sighed as he looked out the window at the city below, sighing. Turning back to look around his room, he could only feel a sense of sadness and...grey. Nothing but grey and order, which wouldn't be so bad considering his cutie mark, but he hated it none the same. Grabbing a robe from his closet, he walked out of his room and down the stairs, "Mother? I'm heading out into a neighboring city with Starswirl, don't know when I'll be home."

Titan's mother spoke out,"Be back before sundown."

Titan nodded and walked away, his white mane casting down around his black coat. As he stepped out of the city walls he heard a voice. "Are ya really gonna come back at sundown?" asked a blue mare with curly red hair. "Or are ya gonna be brave for once."

"Lady Meadowbrook," Starswirl said, stepping out, his bells ringing with each step.

("He looks so young," Twilight said.)

"If you pay attention, you know that the lord has some responsibilities, dignity, and-" he paused as he watched Meadowbrook clapping her hooves and making faces "Will you stop!?"

"Whatever, Starly," Meadowbrook joked, playing with his mane, "I'm just saying Tighty can deal with a little more effort in being a rebel!"

Titan ignored the convo of his two friends, walking towards the small town. He could only sigh as he looked up at the blue skies, and then down to the ground. His mind just thinking about how privileged his life was, and the war...


"Whetstone! PLEASE BE READY! TERRA IS HERE AND SHE IS READY TO ROCK!" Terra said, stepping out in front of her bodyguard, letting her brown mane swish back and forth. The sun shone down on her green coat as she began to step out, "Whose ready to party and make some wicked bad choices!?"

A green pegasus in orange and red armor sighed, her yellow mane done up in a ponytail,"Please don't go crazy, Terra. I’d rather not get killed by the Queen."

Terra let out a giggle before quirking an eyebrow, "Now, Tori, a friend of friends, lovely bodyguard, annoying busy body, my long-lost sister who probably was conceived thanks to Dad and a drunken bender. List two events when I have gone crazy."

"Let's see, you're responsible for turning the Ghastly Mountains into Ghastly Gorge, and there was that bender you went on where you decided to turn the Queen of Dragons into a toad. I actually have more, but you only asked for two."

"Hey, that dragon had it coming!" Terra said, tapping her hooves together, "Like did you see her, she was totally roaring at me and calling me a vapid party girl who only gets anything done when she is sloshed."

"..." Tori sighed,"Nope, that doesn't describe you at all."

Terra smiled, "Thank you for defending me!" she then gave her best friend a hug and began to skip away, "Now, let’s go and see what we can do to wreck this town!"


"Whetstone, you will never find a bigger town of villainy and deceit," Starswirl said, looking morose.

Meadowbrook sighed, "It's just a small town that has some Go games being played. Nothing else, no need for melodramatic descriptions!"

"I am trying to set up an atmosphere, do you mind!?" asked Starswirl.

Titan let out a small chuckle as he walked ahead, focusing on his journey towards the center of town. As he walked, he could see how happy the townsponies were. The ones that walked and shopped, talking to friends or making meetings over dinner. He let out a deep breath, noting the difference between his home country and his people vs the so-called 'dark towns', the towns that were under the control of the gods of darkness, "And of course, Mom gets the town on the borderlands in-between because she is the most hated. But...i s this really darkness."

Terra, on the other side of town, stepped out and began to twirl, "Oh, do you think I should sing about this? Oh, yes, I feel a musical number-"

"No!" Tori said, frowning.

"Has anyone, like, told you that you have no soul?" asked Terra.

In the center of town, a pony walked to a pretzel vendor, "I would like one twist of fate, meeting of destiny, and a string of fate. Along with a small lemonade?"

Destiny, who ran Destiny's snack bar, nodded and handed the pony the meal.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, time once again for the Go Tournament!" shouted a stallion dressed in a grey suit.

Titan smiled and walked towards it. However, he felt a hoof on his shoulder and turned around, "What?"

Meadowbrook pulled out a small medallion, "Here, just in case something weird happens and your cloak gets removed."

"Thank you, Meadow. And where are you and Starswirl going to be as I win my thousandth tournament?" asked Titan.

"Where else, I am going to see if there are some decent wizards around her and some smiths to buy materials!" Meadowbrook said.

"And I will make sure she doesn't do anything strange," Starswirl said.

"Oh come on, the Tri-Horn crown would be a great item for surgeons to work together..."

Titan sighed, watching as his friends left. Using the item, he began to concentrate and disguise himself before disappearing into the crowd.

Terra gasped, "Tori! Look, Go! Oh, do you think they would mind if I win?"

Tori looked at her,"Perhaps you should disguise yourself first, so that way they wouldn't hold back?"

“But Tori, if I disguise myself, then no one is gonna know who beat ’em!" Terra whined, "And it's so much fun when they think they can beat the princess!" she then rolled her eyes, "besides, how are you gonna disguise me? Invent that trenchcoat thing you have always talked about and give me a hat to hide me?"

Tori stopped, and then smiled.


Terra was now dressed in a trenchcoat and wearing a hat.

"What is even the point of a trenchcoat?!" asked Terra.

"It's to hide your cutie mark and coat." Tori whispered,"Now go while I mingle with the residents... in the bar.”

"Don't destroy it! I want a place to come back to for my victory dance!"

"Look, the only I would destroy it is if somepony made me mad," Tori said.

"...that is not reassuring,"Terra said.

(Pinkie smiled, "And cue montage."

"Pinkie, this is a magically crafted video from the ancient past," Twilight said, trying not to think of the oxymoron in that sentence, "There's not going to be a "winning" montage in this video-

Pinkie smiled with a wide grin. Twilight looked at her, and frowned, "You make it hard to be mad at that face." )

Terra smiled as she entered and began to play very weakly. Every match she battled, it seemed that she would win only by a hair's breadth. Every match was one with only a point to spare, but no matter what she smiled and laughed at the win she procured from defeat's teeth.

In another bracket, Titan could only sigh as he played. The game he loved so much was getting boring, and each win to come to him was too easy. He frowned as each opponent seemed to fall by the wayside. Each move they pulled out, each strategy they came up with, he had seen before and was known like the back of his hoof. No one could seem to touch him and each move he pulled out was orderly, perfect, like a circle.

Terra gave a wink to Titan at one point, seeing her opponent so far away. Titan looked away, ignoring her. He knew what she was going to be like from her plays and style, just another mare to fall by his game. An orderly girl who will fall to another piece. Just so much black and white. Terra saw a different look, a stallion who might make this exciting and grand, like a new tree being born and growing. She couldn't wait to challenge him in the next match.

The game continued to be played between the several players and opponents, but it became obvious that all ponies were there to just watch these two strangers battle and win. The mare who would win with only a point ahead ad the stallion who seemed unbeatable to the world. And as more ponies watched, some did recognize Titan's unique style and began to talk; however, most could only look at the mare in confusion as none knew who she was.

Soon, the finals arrived and the Go board was set. Titan stepped forward and looked at Terra as she pulled out the black stones, "Black? So you decided to play with a disadvantage? My apologies, but whatever tricks you used to win, will not help here. You will lose, as it is meant to be."

"Like, I'm so sorry but no," Terra said, smiling, "I am going to win this one, and you be on the flat of your back in shock."

"Well then, come little mare," Titan said with a smile, "Best me. Show me where your strength truly lies!

Titan began to play, putting one of his stones in the upper corner and then looking at Terra. Terra looked for a while at the board, confused and bewildered. Then she placed her piece right next to his. A dumbfounded look came across his eyes as he saw this, wondering how a rookie could play a move like this and then put a piece next to hers.

Holding up, Terra let out a gasp, holding her green hooves to her chest in horror. Looking around, she played a piece to the side of the board as if trying to run away. Titan shrugged and countered by playing a piece in the center. Terra looked around, placing another piece randomly onto the board. Panic began to come onto Terra's eyes as she played against this god.

Titan could only shake his head, knowing that this would turn out like everything else in his life. Orderly, circular, and plain. There was no challenge in this mare like he expected. Then he heard, "Tell me, cutie... ever heard of a teaching game?"

"Yes, where you help a new player win by playing as a weaker opponent and give them an advantage," Titan said, "But I have no idea what this-"

"But I have another way of looking at it. I also think it's a good way to play dumb and let the other players, especially the top guy who has been playing the same way, think they know you," Terra said, moving her piece in the upper left-hand corner, "And the reveal who you are."

Titan raised an eyebrow at this, only to watch in horror as Terra placed a piece in the lower left-hand corner of the board, "No...it can't be."

"Thanks for opening up, big boy," Terra said, placing her piece down and then taking away all of his stones in a diagonal pattern. "Awww, and look at all of those points I took from you."

Titan could only shake his head in fear. Quickly trying to play and regain footing, he could only watch as each of his moves was countered by Terra. "Want to know what I love about Go and get bored with Chess? Chess is just too orderly. You study with greats and you can see how to play them, but all you end up doing is copying them. Go? You can have your own style, and that's what makes it fun for me," Terra said placing her last piece and watching as Titan stood frozen, hearing the loss being called out.

Getting up from her seat, Terra walked over and kissed Titan on the nose, "Mwah! Thanks for the game, sweetie pie. We must play again." And with that, she began to saunter away, while Titan stood there in shock.

Tori was waiting outside, “Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yep! I just beat the loser who was winning all of the time and won without even breathing hard," Terra laughed as she walked into the bar, "Now come on, let's get sloshed and party until way past curfew."


"And you know what?" asked Meadowbrook, "I don’t think he even knew what steel looks like, much less adamantine!"

Starswirl could only shake his head and was about to offer a rebuttal before seeing Titan stand alone in the field, his eyes wide. Scared, Starswirl tapped his friend on the shoulder, "Titan?"

"That... that mare beat me." Titan said, shocked "No pony beat me. Not even my mother was able to beat me in games. No..."


Terra walked into her home, tip-toeing in slowly, "Ok, be silent, hope Mom and Dad don't see me and this will be the best day ever!"

The torches leading to the throne room then lit up, until they reached two ponies on thrones., “Terra." A pink alicorn mare with a glowing galaxy filled mane glared at her

"Oh, fudge, it's the popo," Terra thought. Then she rolled her eyes and said, "What is it, Mom?"

Queen Majesty stomped towards her,"You are late."

"Only an hour late mom!" Terra said, rolling her eyes and walking around, "And I'm perfectly fine, right, Dad?"

Methuselah looked up at her, and then at Majesty who glared back at him,"Listen to your mother, Terra."

("Whipped much?" Dash snickered.

Methuselah's hologram looked away in shame.)

"DAD!" Terra said, before turning to her mother, "And in case you don't remember, I'm a powerful princess. I don't see why I need a curfew!

"You are also a target!"Majesty said, “What if an enemy saw you? What if an alicorn of light attacked you and killed Tori? What if they capture you!?"

"Yeah Mom, what are they gonna do if they catch me? Brainwash me? Turn me into a broodmare? Torture and kill me?" Terra laughed, "I don't think that is possible! I got this! I am like one of the most powerful alicorns on the planet! I made a gorge by accident! I created a freaking mountain because of a bad breakup! I think they need to try harder to beat me."

"Morning Dawn could break the continent in half if she wanted to." Majesty stomped towards her,"Evening Dusk had wiped out an entire race in one night. There are so many other alicorns with more power and experience than you! And the only thing keeping you safe is a mortal pegasus. Even then I do not think she'll survive if you continue to act recklessly!"

Terra stepped forward, putting her nose to her mom. She narrowed her eyes, "It's not acting recklessly if you know how powerful you are! I know how to protect myself and save myself! You survived this long before meeting Dad, right pops?!"

(“My word, the ego on this mare," Rarity said. "How did Celestia ever spring from her!?"

"Age does that ponies," Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash cheered, "Yeah, you tell her!"

"On the other hoof..." Applejack joked)

Methuselah sighed,"Honey, you are very powerful. But no one is perfect."

"Oh sure, take her side! You both are just so...so...parental!" Terra said, stomping up the stairs to her room, "Oh, and I won a go game!" and then she slammed the door


Titan stepped into his home, just five minutes before curfew. His eyes were wide as he walked in a trance, "Mother? I...lost a game."

Titan's mother brushed her green mane aside as she walked towards him,"You did? Who were you up against?"

Titan paused as he looked at her, then he smiled as he noted the room was a little greener, "The most beautiful thing I had ever seen."

She laughed, “Aw, are we in love, Titan?"

"N-no! I'm not!" Titan said, a blush in his cheeks, "I just think it's beautiful that I have a rival who can match me!" he then run over and hugged his mom tightly, "No, I got to get to bed, night motherloveyou!" he then ran upstairs and slammed it.

Meadowbrook smiled and looked towards his mother, "Oh, he got it bad."


Terra laid back and looked to the window, knowing her friend was outside, "Hey Tori... that stallion was cute, wasn't he?"

("OH I do hope Titan and Terra get together! They are so sweet!" Pinkie said, before blushing, "Oh...right. Timey-wimey")

"I guess." Tori said, sitting on the banister of the balcony,"Are you in love, Terra?"

Terra blushed at this, and then chuckled, "No, just...excited."

"Right." Tori chuckled,"Good night, Princess."

"Night Tori," Terra said, before rolling onto her back and looking at her, "Hey, Tori...do you really think that the Alicorns of Light are all that bad? Can't there be a few good ones?"

"..." Tori let out a sigh as she looked out at the city before her, “I'm not sure Terra. I'm not sure."

Terra sighed, "It's just...it's not me right, I'm not the only one who is tired of all of this right? I just... want the world to be like it was before, no wars no blood.. just friends partying on down."

"Believe it or not, so do I." Tori said, before flying off.

Terra smiled at this and watched as her friend left. She then began to look around her room, covered as it was with band posters, some jewelry here and there, a few little plushies at the side of her bed. Just an average teenager room for someone who was about to leave her teenage life behind. Rolling onto her back she smiled, "I may not love him, but," she smiled, "He is a cutie. I hope to see him again."

"End Memory," Methuselah said before the hologram shut off.

"Hey, you can't end it like that!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "Where’re the cool fights and stuff!?"

"Indeed the romance, while a good build-up, needed more oomph!" Rarity commented.

Applejack frowned, "And we didn't get nearly as much as we wanted on Terra's Mom and Dad. What are their actors were too expensive or something?"

"I liked it," Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “This was obviously just the beginning chapter. It’s not going to get to the meat of the story until later!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "I prefer it when the story gets to the meat quicker!"

"Not every story works like that- why are we reviewing history!?"

Pinkie shouted, "For a gag of course!"

"You confuse me sometimes Pinkie..." Twilight muttered,"Come on, let's go."

"I hope Keyleth and the others are ok," Fluttershy whisper

They came out, only to see nothing. Rarity let out a gasp, and softly whispered, "No."

Applejack stepped out and shouted, "Grog? Vax, Vex?"

Rainbow Dash took the sky and began to look around, her ear twitching for a brief moment. Then she looked ahead, "Hey, I hear music coming from there!" she said pointing to the center of town

There was an increasingly large group of ponies parting, and in the center of it all, was Vox Machina.

Rainbow Dash gasped, "Whoa, what's happening here?"

"A PARTY!" Pinkie said, running into the group and jumping around to the music.

"Excuse me, pardon me," Rarity said, moving through the group and trying to find a table. Finding Vex, she said down with a cup and asked, "I assume all went well?"

Vex nodded as she took a sip,"Oh, yes, we-"

"Are the one and only VOX MACHINA!" Keyleth shouted, her words slurring, “WE have beaten gods... maybe we are gods...”

"Oh the poor thing," Rarity said to Vex, "Cannot hold her liquor can she. How many did she have to drink?"

Someone shouted from the crowd, laughing, "Only one!"

Keyleth draped a hoof over Fluttershy, “You're... a really good friend..."

"Um, thanks," Fluttershy said, hugging her back.

Dash looked at Vax, "So, did ya drink anypony under the table? Or are ya a pansy waist?"

Vax smirked,"Oh, please, I'm part pegasus, I can drink most of these ponies under the table." He shot a glance at Grog,"Well..."

“You don't think he can? I mean, pegasi don't get drunk, it's a scientific fact," Dash remarked.

"It is, but that guy's constitution score is high as fuck."

Dash silently nodded and then took her place to ake a few drinks. Applejack walked over to Grog who was finishing his thirtieth tankard of ale. Smirking, she reached up to offer a hoof bump to him. Smirking, Grog did a little hoof tap. Pinkie giggled as she walked to Twilight," Isn't this great?"

Twilight looked up, "Huh? What?"

"The party!" Pinkie said with a big smile, "We have an item, beat an alicorn, and no one died! We are only a few steps away from winning!" she said, before hopping away to the party.

Twilight gave a smile, “Yeah, today... was a victory." She began to laugh.