• Published 3rd Feb 2021
  • 728 Views, 4 Comments

Ghosting - Lucy_Marigold

Queen Twilight Sparkle journeys through the mirror but something is off. Those who have died are alive and those who lived are dead.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Ghosts

~ Chapter 4 - Ghosts. ~

01:37 PM, September 5th, 2 C.E.

Canterlot High.

‘Let’s just follow along with it. Perhaps she’ll be able to help us get the crown.’ Chrysalis whispered through the hivelink. It was quiet, eerily quiet. Just like it was before they combined hives.

Twilight mentally sighed, following after the lean figure of Rainbow Dash through the halls. ‘Applejack is alive, Chrissy. What else is different here other than appearances?’

‘I don’t know.’

“We should get you back home, Twi’.” Rainbow Dash had led them outside to the statue, leaning against as she crossed what she called arms. “Listen, I know you’ve always wanted to be the princess of this stupid formal thing, but you’re not supposed to be here. You know, she’d be livid to know you came over here with a mere guard.”

“We aren’t-” Chrysalis gritted.

“Nice try. Nothing is getting past Primrose!” She signalled over what looked like a large enclosed pony-less carriage. “After you.” She held open the door, ushering them inside.

The carriage bumped along in silence, Twilight idly reaching a hand towards Chrysalis. Her friend held tightly to it. ‘Wherever we’re going, don’t let go, you hear me?’ Chrissy firmly stated.

I won’t. Even though this is Rainbow Dash we’re talking about, something’s off. I just don’t know what.’

There was a moment of silence. ‘Was this what the link was like for you? When you were growing up?

Even lonelier. Can you still hear them?’

No. It’s quiet. Something is preventing me.’ Chrysalis turned away, staring out the window as they passed streets.

“We’re here.” Rainbow Dash said listlessly, opening the door.

Emerging from the carriage, Twilight’s eyes wandered upwards. Spires reached into the sky, flags waving from banisters and points. Made of smooth obsidian, the palace-like structure vanished into the clouds at its peak. Figures walked back and forth on walls, spears clutched tightly as black armour plated them.

Chrysalis nudged Twilight the side, indicating they should follow swiftly after Rainbow Dash. She led them inside and through some winding tunnels until they reached a grand courtyard, eerily similar to the one Twilight knew they had at home.

Realisation hit her, eyes going as wide as saucers.

This was the Enigma Hive.

“Oh.” A voice said, a girl standing at the edge of the balcony as she glanced down at them. The room became silent. A figure dressed in a neatly buttoned-up blouse and a pair of long pants stared back at Twilight. The girl’s lavender bangs hung over her face before she pushed up her glasses. “Well, this is interesting.”

“You’re me!” Twilight spluttered. ‘How is this possible?’

I have no idea, Sparkle.’

“Or are you me?” The other Twilight said, adjusting her glasses yet again. She ran down the steps quickly. “That’s the question! I knew something was off. What are you? If you’re me, why are you taller? Perhaps a clone? No. That would be impossible. Perhaps you’re a long lost descent from Enid? We don’t have all her history.”

“Too many questions, not enough answers.” She coughed. ”Uh. Did you say ‘lost descent of Enid’?”

“Yep! Are you? That would make a lot of sense. Are we cousins?” She questioned, smiling and beaming. “By Enid, Mother is going to love this!”

Mother?” Chrysalis and Twilight said in tandem, sharing a concerned look. Twilight’s double tilted her head in confusion, muttering something under her breath.

Another figure stepped out of a room, shifting a veil of poppies aside as she emerged. Lavender hair flowed in curls, loosely tied into a bun. A crown sat idly on her head, shining in the afternoon light that streamed through the skylight above.

Odonata turned her gaze towards the group, a look of utter shock on her face.

“Why am I not surprised?” Chrysalis muttered, hand clenching tightly to Twilight’s. “No matter what, this world keeps surprising me, but this, this doesn’t.”

More realisation sunk in as Twilight stared. This version of her had never lost her mother, never lost her friend, never got to know Celestia. This version of her had only ever known this. Her hands grew clammy, slipping in Chrissy’s grip.

“Mother, I-” Twilight’s counterpart began but was cut off by Odonata raising a hand, silently indicating something to her.

“I’m aware of it, starlight. Who are you?” Odonata coldly muttered, tone instantly shifting.

“Travellers,” Chrysalis paused, sharing a glance with Twilight. “Just travellers from out of town.”

“If what my daughter says is true, you are from a lost strain of Enid, yes?” Odonata gazed at them, seemingly drinking every detail from the way they held themselves, to the way they were dressed. “I do believe I should properly introduce myself. I am Queen Odonata of the Enigma Hive and this my daughter Princess Twilight.”

Twilight’s counterpart bowed respectfully, pushing her glasses back up before they slipped too far.

Should we tell them the truth?’

No. We’re here for your crown. We shouldn’t mess with this dimension too much, we could change Equis for all we know.’ Was her response, a solemn tone lacing her words.

“Could we talk quietly, Queen Odonata?” Twilight spoke, a bittersweet taste in her mouth.

“If we must. But only briefly as I have an important meeting with some of my guards.” Odonata nodded, indicating to a nearby closed door.