• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,248 Views, 274 Comments

Genealogy - (or the Mating Habits of Nocturnes Pegasi) - Georg

A trip to Ponyville turns into adventures in fashion, love, and romance that unfold like a kick to the head with the two most hapless Night Pegasi ever to work for Princess Luna.

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Chap. 19 - Happily Ever After

Genealogy - (or The Mating Habits of Nocturnes Pegasi)
Happily Ever After

“Come on, girls. Just a few clouds to clean up and we can all head off to the party.” Rainbow Dash looked around the nearly empty evening sky, her lip curled in annoyance. “Where’s Flitter?”

“Right here, boss.” The giggling pegasus in question dropped down onto the cloud Rainbow was using for her impromptu staff meeting of the weather team. “You’ll never believe it. Guess who Pumpernickel’s sharing a cloud with?”

“Cloud Kicker?” guessed Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

“What is it, boss?” asked the perky pegasus with a grin, popping out from around the staff meeting cloud. “You found out about my cloning project so I can bang two ponies at once?”

“No! I thought you and Pumpernickel were up on that cloud.” Rainbow waved at a small cloud at higher altitude, far above the town.

“Oh no, not me. I don’t bang hot stallions with crazy marefriends. So are the two of them up there?”

“Oh yeah,” snickered Flitter with a toss of her blue-green mane. “I heard it from Cloudchaser who heard it from Derpy who heard it from Sparkler that Pumpernickel’s going to pop the question at sunset. Isn’t it exciting!”

“Oooo,” sounded the voices of a half-dozen female pegasi.

“Now cut that out,” snapped Rainbow Dash to the weather team, who had quit breaking up the last scattered puffs of the evening drizzle residue and were crowded around Flitter exchanging gossip. “Ladies! We have a job to do before we can go to Pinkie’s party tonight. Just a few more clouds to go, and we should have a clear sky.”

Raindrops looked thoughtfully up at the high-altitude cloud, highlit in red from the sunset. “I don’t see any lightning yet. You don’t think she’ll kick him over the edge, do you?”

“Err. No. Of course not.” Rainbow glanced upwards, as if expecting to see an unconscious dark shape hurtling down from the evening sky. “You don’t think we should… check on them, do you?”

“For safety, if nothing else,” said Flitter with a nod and a badly-concealed smile.

“And to see if they want to make it a threesome,” said Cloud Kicker.

“Oh!” Flitter gave a happy squeal and turned a quick cartwheel. “We could float our own cloud up and serenade them. That poor stallion needs all the help he can get. What’s wrong?”

All of the weather team looked down at the mouth.

“My guitar is down at the party for tonight,” said Rainbow. “Anyway we don’t have a thundercloud up here to plug it in.”

“I haven’t been studying the song sheets,” groused Raindrops.

“I’ve got a sore throat,” rasped Cloudchaser.

“Well, if you didn’t keep the window open all night trying to lure in a Night Guard, you wouldn’t have a sore throat,” said her sister Flitter, with an impish grin.

“Ladies,” chastised Rainbow Dash. “Mash a couple of those little cumulous together for cover and let’s go take a look. If Pumpernickel looks like he’s having problems, we can always do one of the classics everybody remembers.

“Fat-Bottomed Mares?” asked Raindrops.
“Gimmie All Yer Lovin’?” asked Cloud Kicker.
“Marechiare?” asked Flitter. “I just love Istallian Opera.”

“No, I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Kiss the Girl.’ Now hurry up with those clouds or we’ll miss it.”

* * *

“I still can’t believe you lugged that stupid thing up here.” Laminia glared at the pink box sitting next to Pumpernickel and sighed in resignation. The cloud’s fluffy surface had been stomped pretty flat and solid to hold it, but there was always the hopeful possibility of it slipping through anyway and smashing itself on the ground.

The big guard had hardly said a dozen words since she woke up in the boutique and went outside to meet him with a kiss to the cheek. She had not planned on the kiss, it just snuck up on her. He had barely twitched, but a smile seemed to have sprouted at her touch, and refused to leave his face, even as he gathered up the box and flew with her into the damp late evening sky. The cloud seemed suspiciously placed to provide both a magnificent view of the Ponyville valley, and of the setting sun which was lighting the whole place in beautiful shades of orange and red.

“Nut,” she grumbled, trying to hide her smile.

“Nut,” he replied affectionately. “Look, I just wanted to spend some time with you before we head back to Canterlot tonight.” Pumpernickel carefully did not look behind her as he spoke, or use the word ‘alone’ for good reason. “There’s just this one thing for the weather team. They really worked on your training, and they should be rewarded.”

“What about me?” Laminia bumped the Guard with one hip without getting up. Both of them remained laying chest-down on the slightly-flattened cloud looking at the sunset. Far beneath them the town of Ponyville spread out like a glistening jewel in the ruddy sunset; buildings still damp from the short evening shower sparkled as brightly as anything in Canterlot. It was a beautiful sight, but Pumpernickel had not taken his eyes off her since they had reorganized the cloud into a viewing platform, and she kind-of liked it. Only without the kind-of.

“I want to be with you and make you happy too. Forever and ever.”

“Sounds a little like a proposal,” said Laminia, with another flank-bump. “You sure this isn’t one of your stupid ideas? I mean, being stuck with me that long. It could be very unpleasant.”

“Not as unpleasant as spending any time away from you.” They both sat on the cloud in silence, looking at the far-away sun hover on the horizon like a blazing torch on its way to the other side of the world. “Do you feel the same way?” he said in a rush.

She sat without speaking for a long while before bumping him with a hip again. “I’m cold.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll go back and get a blanket.”

Laminia put a hoof on him before he could get up. “I didn’t say I wanted a blanket. I said I’m cold. But whenever I’m around you, I can feel myself melting inside. I think you make me afraid that if you stay, I’ll just melt away and dissolve into nothing. I don’t know if it’s love. All I know is I never want you to leave again, or it might go away.”

Pumpernickel lifted one wing and hesitated, finally stretching it over the Night Pegasus mare who shuddered and scooted a little closer. “That’s better.”

They contemplated the sunset some more, intentionally ignoring the lumpy cloud that had floated up behind them and was currently remaining stationary, although with little jiggles as concealed pegasi struggled for spots to peek out.

“I-I trust you,” blurted out Laminia. “The Princess told me something once that kind of stuck out. ‘There are no end of ponies you can trust with your life, but very few you can trust with your honor.’ I think… your family named you correctly.”

“Not likely,” he muttered, his smile fading.

“Shut up for once and let me talk. Your family founder was named Rye, and his big brother was named Pumpernickel. I found his diary in the bottom of your family’s Book. Nevermind how I found it, just I did. He made a rule that only colts that were worthy of his big brother’s name could be Named after him. Twilight made a copy of the diary for me… for us now. The original Pumpernickel died on the Night of Creation while saving a bunch of foals; he sacrificed his life to save others. I think they both would be proud of you, and would approve of your name. I would be proud to have you as my husband, if you could tolerate me as your wife.”

Pumpernickel laid his head down on the cloud and made a troubled grunt. “I snooped in your family Book too. I know about your real father, and how you tried to hurt him. I can’t blame him. It’s been Tradition for the Night Pegasi stallions to be… popular so the race doesn’t die out. And I can’t blame you for being angry about your own father not caring about his own child, just in the window and out like—”

“Like hundreds of generations before him,” continued Laminia with only a trace of past bitterness. “So why do you want to blame him for me being angry? Are you trying to divert blame from me to make me seem like something I’m not? I’m not very pleasant to be around, you know. It’s my talent.”

“No.” Pumpernickel tightened his grip with one powerful wing as Laminia made a futile attempt to get up. “Sit down. I want to get through this in one try. Just because your cutie mark looks like a heart torn in half, doesn’t mean your special talent is tearing your loved one’s hearts in half. Your talent is healing their hearts.”

“Oh, now that’s one of your stupid ideas. My family—”

“Your family,” he pressed onwards, “was about to break up. Half of them wanted to go to Fillydelphia, half of them wanted to stay in Canterlot. There were a lot of angry arguments in the meeting minutes you didn’t see. You managed to break them up into small squabbling groups long enough to let them expand the family into a newly purchased home. Your actions kept your family together, and brought Rusty Pin and Safety Pin back together. I read their letter to your family about adopting you. He made little smiley faces over all the I’s and o’s.”

“He does that all the time,” mumbled Laminia. “And he pulled some strings for our old neighbor to get a job elsewhere so the family could buy the house.”

“His own idea, or yours?”

Laminia started to reply and hesitated. “Well. What about Princess Luna? I almost drove her crazy. I whispered to her when she was trying to sleep and tried to get her to draw on the same source of magic that caused her to become Nightmare Moon.”

Pumpernickel shook his head. “You couldn’t have done it if Luna had not been keeping all those doubts and fears bottled up inside since she returned. She had to get them out and deal with her sister or they were going to make her explode with crazy all over again. Admittedly, you could have done it differently, but it worked.”

She snorted. “Thank you, Mister Understatement. I wasn’t planning on becoming a therapist.”

“Thank the stars. But you knew exactly how to treat Raindrops when she went a little crazy on my face.”

“Right up until I almost electrocuted you. I’m sorry, by the way.”

“You’re forgiven. But there is one last thing that finally convinced me. My heart.”

She raised one eyebrow. “You?”

“Yes. Me. You did something to me. Well, other than nearly electrocute me and give me a concussion. I’ve always been terrified of females since that accident with my sister. It makes me all kinked up inside and speak without thinking. With you… I’m kinked up inside and speaking without thinking, but different. I don’t know. I’ve never been in love before either.”

“So you’re not afraid of me? You don’t hate me?”

“No. Do you think you can keep from kicking me and calling me names?”

“Do I have to? Hey, some of those names are—”


Laminia’s complexion darkened and she turned partially, only to stop when she saw Pumpernickel’s silly grin had returned. “Point taken. Can I keep ‘Lumpy’?”

“Can I keep ‘Snoogie Sugar Honey Bun’?”

“Yes!” She grinned back in the brilliant near-horizontal light from the setting sun, before snuggling in a little closer. “I think it’s a fair deal. I accept. Did you get me a ring?”

“Waiting down by the library. There’s just one catch.” He passed her a cardboard card and began to set up the pink record player.

Laminia looked at the card with suspicion. “I don’t like to sing.” She winced as Pumpernickel paused, and began to put the record back. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it, I just said I didn’t like it.”

He grinned and put the record back on. “I’m going to pay for this, aren’t I?”

“For years, and years, and years if I have anything to say about it. Now come up here and kiss me before the sun finishes setting.” She eyed the sunset with suspicion. “Seems like it’s been like that for an awfully long time.”

“Song first,” he grinned as the music started. They both drew together, looking into each other’s eyes and began to loudly sing, as if for an audience hiding in a nearby cloud.

♫I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss(*)
And a Prince I'm hoping comes with this♫

“Oh, come here,” she muttered and leaned into a deep, passionate kiss that seemed to last the two young lovers forever.

* * *

In Canterlot, far above the city and castle, the Royal Observatory was home to one of the most powerful telescopes in the entire country. From its rarified heights, the precision-built machine of steel and glass could be turned in any direction for a rather intense look at the stars ranging from straight up to all the way down to the horizon. Or things slightly below the horizon if some rocks were wedged under a few strategic parts.

Two Royal Guards stood outside the observatory door this night with strict orders to prevent interruptions while the telescope was being used by both of the Royal Princesses. Although it was not quite the use for which it had been constructed.

“Sister! Your sun has been in the sky far past the scheduled time, so get out here and put it away! Besides, it’s my turn to look through the telescope now.”

“Just a minute, Luna,” said Princess Celestia, making a minor adjustment to the eyepiece. “They’re still kissing.”


“All right, all right.” The Princess of the Sun relinquished her spot next to the telescope and moved to the edge of the tower roof to finish the sunset she had been delaying.

Luna wasted no time dashing to the telescope eyepiece and readjusting the focus. “Awww. They make such a cute couple.” Princess Luna glanced up at her big sister, who was regarding her with a critical look now that the sun had been tucked under the horizon where it belonged. “And I promise never to do it again?”

“Actually I was going to remind you about the moon.”

“Oh!” Luna’s horn glowed as the moon fairly shot up into the sky. “Better?”

“Yes, my silly little filly.” Princess Celestia put one foreleg over her little sister and gave her a warm hug. “Now move, please. I want another look at those two.”

“No! She’s my Hoofmaiden.”

“But it’s my telescope.”

“Our telescope! You said so.” Luna pouted and stuck out her bottom lip. “Let me look first and I’ll buy you ice cream.”

“Oh… All right. You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

“Of course not!” Luna giggled as she looked through the eyepiece with a smile. “Just like you will never let me live down those socks.

Princess Celestia giggled back. “They were rather silly. Just like you, Woona.”

“I love you too, Tia.” Luna adjusted the eyepiece minutely and moved aside. “Quick, my sister, it is your turn. They doth have fireworks!”

“Ooo,” said Celestia as she peeked through the telescope. “Very nice.” After a brief pause and a brief licking of the lips, she asked, “Were you serious about getting some ice cream?”

“Yes, my sister. Of course. I was going to get some cake for us too.”

* * *

The two Night Pegasi broke from their kiss in the glittering moonlight, still wrapped in each other’s embrace and each unwilling to move the record player needle off the end of the record. The -psst- -hiss- -pstt- -hiss- of the record’s end played for some time until finally Pumpernickel reached over with one hind hoof and nudged the ‘off’ button.

“Better?” he asked.

“Perfect,” breathed Laminia with a grin. “Did the weather team leave yet?”

“Yep,” he said, looking over her shoulder at the departing odd-shaped cloud.

“Good. I’ll let them live.” She leaned against Pumpernickel’s warm chest and took a deep breath. “You smell nicer without all this iron. Can we do that again?”

“As many times as you want. Although there’s just one more thing before you get your ring.”

“If I must to keep your trust, I’ll say ‘Yes Dear’ to keep you near.” She coughed in embarrassment at his astonished look. “Sorry, I met the local zebra and she rubbed off a bit.”

“Okay,” he said, breaking into a broad smile of his own. “If you want proses instead of roses, just turn to your left and wave.”

She gave him a skeptical look, before turning left and looking down into the dew-glittering town. Even though the sun had set mere moments ago, it was nearly pitch black except for a glow around the distant town library. Far away on the balcony were two telescopes with what looked like two ponies behind them. She hesitantly raised her left hoof and waved as Pumpernickel raised his right. A pink dot seemed to levitate straight up from behind one of the telescopes with a cry of joy that they could hear even on their distant cloud and then it darted off into the darkness.

“What in the world? Lumpy, what are—”

“Just wait,” he said with an enigmatic smile. “It was expensive, but well worth it.”

A series of sparkles broke out on the ground, spreading out across the library yard in a growing series of brilliant sparks until the words “Happy Engagement Laminia and Pumpernickel” were spelled out in brilliant lines. Trails of sparks darted across the yard to the lampposts around the area, and suddenly what looked like half the ponies in Ponyville and the Office of Correspondence were illuminated, all looking up into the night sky and more than one of them concealing sheet music behind a hoof.

A set of speakers at the edge of the choir blared and they all burst into song(1)

♫Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true
Deep down inside we want to believe they still do
In our secretest heart, it's our favourite part of the story
Let's just admit we all want to make it too

Ever ever after
If we just don't get it our own way
Ever ever after
It may only be a wish away♫

“Let’s get this party started!” bellowed a voice from below, and the music abruptly changed to a raucous dance beat, with strobes and flashes lighting a night filled with dancing ponies. Columns of fireworks streamed up into the night sky, erupting into brilliant red and blue bursts, one of which looked suspiciously like Laminia’s cutie mark.

“So,” said Pumpernickel loudly above the noise of the fireworks. “Are you happy?”

“Yes,” she said with a grin. “But not as happy as you’re going to be in a minute. Look at your flank.”

“No,” he said firmly, taking her into his embrace and laying down with her at the edge of the cloud to look down at the ongoing party. “I felt it when you kissed me. It will be there tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives.”

She sighed and snuggled in closer. “Sounds good to me. When do I get my ring?”

“When we show up at the party.”

“You’re going to make me dance, aren’t you?”

“Yup. You’re going to make me tell your father, aren’t you?”

“Both of them. And I want to be there.”

“Always. Nut.” He grinned in the moonlight, leaning against her.

“Nut. Come here, I’m cold.”

The two Night Pegasi lay in each other’s embrace for the few minutes they had before having to rejoin the world, looking down into the party under the cool light of the silent stars. Pumpernickel’s flank fairly glowed in the moonlight, his new heart-shaped cutie mark appearing slate-grey as if made out of moonsteel. Pressed together next to Laminia, it matched her cutie mark as if to make one unbroken heart, for two broken hearts now joined.

And They Lived Happily Ever After

(*) True Love’s Kiss, © Walt Disney Corp, please don’t sue me
(1) Ever Ever After © Walt Disney Corporation, as above