• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 2,847 Views, 35 Comments

Risks and Consequences - NightThinker

Fluttershy deals with her new found emotions, while Dash has to come to terms with her actions.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The sensation was strange, yet very enjoyable, almost mind numbing. Rainbow Dash didn’t move, instead desiring to keep this feeling as long as she could. She couldn’t really describe it, but there was a sense that she'd experienced it before.

She was completely submerged in darkness, unable to even move. Yet, that fact didn’t cause alarm or fear. Rather, it seemed to be part of the deal. Remain motionless and sightless and you may keep this feeling.

Whether she interpreted those unspoken rules as a challenge that needed to be bested, or because of the sensations that rippled through her body, Dash couldn’t be sure. Regardless she didn’t want to leave. She wanted to remain in this place. It was... soothing.

But, despite her efforts, she felt a twitch and slowly she stirred from her sleep, the dream and the strange emotions fading as she did.

Rolling onto her back, Rainbow Dash gave a low groan. She winced as she attempted to open her eyes, only to squeeze them shut as a heavy throb swelled in her head. How much did she drink? Too much was the simple answer. Draping a foreleg over her eyes, she moaned softly. ‘Way too much’, she amended. For a moment she remained motionless, allowing her head time to clear. Her body felt heavy, limbs sluggish, and there was present, and very annoying, tingle in her legs.

She waited for a few more minutes to pass. Feeling a little steadier, she slowly lifted herself until she was upright on the couch.

Working her lower jaw, trying to remove the acrid taste from her mouth, she looked around room, noting that the main light was mercifully dim. The room itself was a fuzzy haze, a wash of blurred shades that shifted in and out of focus. She squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds, then opened them again. The room was a little clearer now, but still not great.

Grudgingly realising she had no pony to blame for her current state but herself, she turned to the small table beside the sofa. On the polished surface a jug of water and a glass waited, with a note resting against their sides.

Curious, she leant towards it. Gripping it with her teeth, she placed it on the pillow in front of her, trying to get her eyes to centre on it. After a moment, she could see the crisp, elegant handwriting.

‘Didn’t want to wake you, but I thought you might need this. Hope you don't mind.’

Turning her attention back to the glass and jug, a smile touched Rainbow. Leave it to Fluttershy to know exactly what she needed. Another throb pulled her from her thoughts, painfully reminding her of last night’s binge.

Bringing her forehooves to her face, she began to gently rub her temples, trying to ease the dull, painful pulse there. She was glad Fluttershy had been with her last night. Had it been AJ, then Rainbow knew she would never live this down.

“Aw, what’s the matter sugarcube, can’t hold yer liquor?”

Dismissing the fictional image of her friend, Rainbow slowly stretched her back, trying to loosen it and allow for better circulation. As she lowered herself back onto the sofa, she felt in the back of her mind a single, faint ripple. She paused, trying to focus on the memory, trying to give it clarity.

However all she managed to product a single hazy image. She tried again, trying to replay any scant memory from the night before. Once again, she drew a blank. Deciding it probably wasn’t that important, she leant forward and took the glass Fluttershy had left for her.

Sipping the water and swishing it around her mouth, she briefly wondered where her friend was. Absently she looked at the large grandfather clock.

Ten thirty, well that wasn’t too bad, all things considered.

She figured Fluttershy was either out tending to the animals, or shopping for supplies.

Finishing her glass, Rainbow slipped off the sofa and moved towards the door. Headache or not, It would be best if she made a move herself. Even if she was going to spend the remainder of the day in her bed, there was no reason for her to stay. Besides, she didn’t like being a burden to anypony, especially if that pony were Fluttershy.

Moving across the room towards the door, she pushed it open and stepped outside. As she did, however, she quickly ducked her head, squeezing her eyes shut as the harsh rays of the sun struck her. With a low groan, she blinked slowly, trying to adjust to the bright light. It was going to be a nice day, too bad she would be unable to fully enjoy it. She stamped a hoof. She had really, really, really overdone it. Shifting her wings, so they provided cover for her head, she moved behind the cottage.

As she suspected, Fluttershy was already out tending to her animals, lovingly watching her hens as they fed on the scattered seeds and grain. Pushing open the gate, Rainbow Dash walked over to her friend, careful not to make any sudden movement that might startle her.

Perhaps sensing her, Fluttershy turned and greeted her with a warm smile. “Good morning, how are you feeling?”

“I’ve been better,” Dash admitted, slowly folding her wing back; this part was nice and shaded. “Fluttershy, I hereby promise I’ll never have that much again... how much did I drink?”

“Quite a lot...” she looked uncertainly at Dash. “Perhaps you should go and lie down? I could mix you up something for your head.”

“Can’t,” Rainbow said, lightly moving her head from side to side until she heard a click. “I need to go and apologise to Mike. Do you think he’ll ban me? Hope not, I really like that joint...”

“I don’t think he will. He’s very fond of you, you know.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “For my sake I hope so... how come you didn’t stop me?”

Fluttershy gently scraped a hoof against the ground. “I tried to, but you just glared at me... and I got nervous…”

“Yeah...” Dash admitted, feeling a pang of guilt as she saw her friend’s ears droop. “You know I don’t mean anything nasty by it, right?”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said, the sincerity in her quiet voice helping to ease Dash. “But… perhaps you could, maybe, I don’t know, listen next time?”

Rainbow Dash gave her a good natured smile. “For you Fluttershy... I’ll consider it. I can’t have ponies thinking I’m going soft you know?” She gave a wink and stretched out her wings. Her headache was starting to subside, improving her mood. “Well, I best get going. Need anything? I figure I owe you for last night...”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Oh no, I believe I have everything I'll need. Besides, I’m meeting Rarity for our spa session.” She lapsed into silence, her large eyes looking hesitantly at Dash. “Um... I promise not to ask them about what you saw...”

“What I saw? What do you...” Rainbow Dash stared, her mouth partly opened. “Oh crud – I told you about that?!” When Fluttershy’s nodded, the brash pegasus slapped a hoof over her muzzle and gave an exasperated groan. “I really need to cut back on the cider. Look, just forget I told you that... Okay?”


Feeling a twinge of panic, Rainbow began to pace. Was this what she’d been trying to remember earlier? “Twilight would kill me if she found out I’ve spied on her and Rarity…” She rounded on her friend. “Promise me you won’t tell them!”

“I promise,” Fluttershy replied, dropping a few inches.

“Promise me!” Rainbow stamped a hoof.

“I promise...”

“Right.” Spreading her wing, Rainbow Dash gently rose into the air. She was just about to bolt for the Timber Dragon when she felt the pang again. From the corner of her eye she could spy Fluttershy watching her.

She paused, a hoof thoughtfully tapping her chin. “I don’t know... I feel like I’m forgetting something.” She looked back. “Did I do anything else last night?”

Fluttershy remained silent, large eyes glancing at the ground. “No...” she responded, finally. “Nothing else happened.”

“You sure?” Rainbow asked, not even attempting to hide the scepticism in her voice.

“Positive,” Fluttershy said, offering another smile, though it seemed oddly forced. “Nothing else happened...”

Returning to the ground, Rainbow Dash took a step forward, but immediately stopped when she saw a stir of panic enter Fluttershy's eyes. Silently, Dash scolded herself. She should know better than approach so aggressively. Sighing, she extended a hoof to her cowering friend.

“Sorry,” she said, helping her up. “I just feel like I’m forgetting something... something important.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy looked down, a hoof tracing a nervous circle in the dirt. “Honestly, nothing else happened...”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, absolutely...”

For a while, Rainbow didn’t move, her gaze fixed on her friend, trying to read her features. It seemed that Fluttershy was hiding something. Still, she couldn't be entirely sure. Finally, feeling a flicker of frustration, she turned away.

“O-okay then,” she said, spreading her wings again and rising into the air. “Listen, I’m going to apologise to Mike, then I’m going to sleep for the day... I might be back later tonight though.”

“That’s fine,” Fluttershy said. “I’ll prepare your favourite meal.”

“Sounds good.” she gave a mock salute. “Well, take it easy!” Without another word, she turned and bolted from the cottage, the ripple she felt earlier, once again, touching the back of her mind.

::Author notes:: Okay, you win, here is the sequel. I'd like to extend a thank you to you all for your encouraging words and support. I'd also like to thank "GodofBrown" for proofreading and editing, and also thank "Nonameknight" for his helpful and much needed edits as well. To you the reader, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to next one.

Until then dear reader,

Night Thinker