• Member Since 26th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Starlight Fan

I am a big fan of Starlight Glimmer most of my stories center around her. I do crossovers as well.


The worst episodes of the show get a happy ending with some logic.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 76 )

Yea, twilight would have to report me. Boy or girl, I’m not dressing up fancy and serving spike. I’ll take my chances with the charges that would be dropped, thank you very much.

This is basically an accusation fic on steroids, and the pacing is ludicrously fast. You also need to work on phrasing as sentences are ridiculously long and have no commas seperating words and this produces a lot of run on sentences that (DEEP BREATH) have very disjointed and unnatural flow.

Okay thanks for the tip but what would you like to see next?

2, 4, 6, greaaat is a fantastic one to start with. TV Tropes and Idioms has it thus;

In "2, 4, 6, Greaaat", we're supposed to feel upset at Rainbow Dash for essentially ditching her duty of coaching the School of Friendship's cheer squad to do something she would rather do like watch and help the buckball team. The two major problems are, Twilight Sparkle couldn't have picked a more disinterested and underqualified mate as Rainbow repeatedly states, and it's revealed in the end Twilight Sparkle purposely Voluntold Rainbow Dash to do a task she didn't want to do to teach her a lesson. Why the audience is supposed to be upset with a character for having a perfectly reasonable and understandable reaction to unfair treatment by someone who purposely made them do it because they knew they wouldn't want to do it is anyone's guess, especially when both times Discord has messed with Twilight in a similar way to teach her a lesson she was every bit as upset as Dash was and this was treated as a reasonable reaction.

I'll see what I can do, got anything else?

Just a lot of whining, and the pacing is terrible.

I will keep that in mind when writing the next chapter. What episode would you like to see by the way?

Worst episodes huh okay I will admit that's some of the episodes did not deliver to well and it could be very anger inducing now for me I never had any worst episodes that leave a bad taste in my mouth that much because I'm kind of mix okay but everybody has their opinion about this episodes

Uncommon Bond?
One of the worst episodes?
Surely you jest.

It was just a request, I actually sort of like this one but Starlight was sort of flanderized by becoming a bit stalker-ish.

Yeah I lost respect for Sunburst after this episode.

This is MUCH BETTER than the actual episode! Thanks for doing this one for me.


You have to admit, that was a pure shit episode.....equally as bad as "The Last Problem."

Me too. So what episode do you wanna see?

You’re welcome. I enjoyed making this.


I'm glad to know that. You should do "The Last Problem" too.

Well I guess there is that episode where Twilight went on a zeppelin cruise with her family.

I'd love to see a version of Daring Done where Dash fights back against Caballeron's goons instead of just getting captured.

Neither of those episodes are bad.
Heck, Last Problem is AMAZING.

The last problem wasn't that bad actually I think it ended pretty well sure it ended with a flashback which I do want to see more about all the other characters are doing in the future but I want to call it the worst episode I think I actually liked it it was very emotional for me at least but again it's just my opinion about the episode and to me I think they ended pretty well

“Wait how long were you gone?” Sunburst asked scared.[‘

“I WAS GONE FOR AN HOUR!” Starlight screamed angrily at Sunburst.


“What Spike meant to say was, Sunburst what you did to Starlight was wrong while you didn’t mean to hurt her you still made her feel bad about herself, you need to make things right with her.” Twilight said in disappointment.

Twilight, don’t act innocent.

Starlight then began feeling guilty she should’ve told Sunburst how she felt sooner before this mess started.

Isn’t that what friends supposed to do? Sorry, I don’t take friendship lessons so I may be confused.

“Now they can walk, now they can run, now they can spend all day in the sun-“ Trixie sang.

Is that supposed to be a parody of the k-i-s-s-i-n-g song?

Yeah that episode is annoying I will fix that one.

Oh that last one is a parody of Part Of Your World, but yeah it is ripping off the k i s s i n g song.

Also, are you just doing mlp episodes?

Yes, why? What would you like to see?

I didn’t see that one, the Daring Do arc was boring for me.

I was asking because I wasn’t sure if you were limiting yourself to just mlp episode or if you were including eqg and all that junk.


Heck, Last Problem is AMAZING.

To each their own but seriously, Twilight becoming a Celestia re-color was proof the writers didn't even try. Hell Hasbro didn't even benefit from it! They could have at least made a Twilight figure like that and made money off of it because I would have bought one and kept her MiB like I do all my other pony figures.

And Luster Dawn was LAZY writing. Why not give her her own personality instead of pre-series Twilight?

The shipping, both real and implied, terrible.

I also don't see Equestria's demographics changing THAT MUCH in a matter of thirty years or whatever it is supposed to be unless Twilight has an open borders policy with unchecked immigration.

Another thing that bothers me is having all these creatures going to Twilight's coronation like she is going to be THEIR leader instead of the one who is their leader. It gives me the impression that they are recognizing her as ruler of all of Eqqus, not just Equestria. The episode was emotional for all of us but I honestly think the writers could have done better. Finished it off with a 2 hour finale with a final battle as epic as the battle at Minas Tirith.....and scrapped The Last Problem entirely. Just ended it with the defeat of the Legion of Doom. They had a chance to make a finale as epic as the finale for M*A*S*H was. Instead of MLP: FiM going out with a bang, i feel like it went out with a whimper.

Well to each their own. I think it was an unnecessary afterthought that Hasbro failed to capitalize on. They could have at least made future Twilight figures and capitalized on it but Hasbro pretty much quit trying to make money off of FiM after season six it seems.

You should do one for that boring as hell special where they went to Hope Hollow.....oh and The Best Gift Ever with the way Spike was acting when it came to Rarity.

Well I might do Best Gift Ever but I fail to see how Spike acted horrible.

Okay I guess you're one of those people who doesn't like season 9 and I get it that's your opinion but I think it's much better than the freaking Game of Thrones and How I Met Your Mother

Spike was not bad in that episode or that Christmas episode I don't understand what is this person talking about I watched this episode and I didn't see nothing bad about Spike


Hey, I like season 9 just fine. It made Tirek a likeable character for me and Frenemies is very high on my list....it is just the ending that I didn't like.

Changing things just so he could be the one to get Rarity a gift? I thought Spike was making progress up until that point but then he is reset back to "OMG, I wanna get in Rarity's coat!"....ok, not that bad but it seemed like a setback for his growth.

Oh ok fair enough I guess but I still think the ending is much better than those two shows that I mentioned


I never watched those shows so I have no clue what you're talking about. I suppose M*A*S*H set the gold standard for finales and not many writers are going to go by that standard.

I really liked most Daring Do episodes, but that sequence in that one episode is among the small times I actually got angry.

I also got mad at Grannies Gone Wild and Break Up Breakdown

Another episode that I feel could use a rewrite: Dragon Quest

Rainbow Roadtrip was great. I love how relaxing and low-key it is.

As for Last Problem:
I didn't mind Twilight becoming a Celestia re-color. I feel like it fits with however long the timeskip was.
While I got the parallels to pre-series Twilight, I don't think Luster's an exact one to one copy.
The only confirmed ships were CheesePie and LyraBon, both among the best ships in the series.

I also don't see Equestria's demographics changing THAT MUCH in a matter of thirty years or whatever it is supposed to be unless Twilight has an open borders policy with unchecked immigration.

Maybe that is the case.

As for every creature being at Twilight's coronation, it probably IS a big event for everycreature, even though Twilight only rules over the ponies. Or maybe it's just a sign of how far Twilight and the others were able to spread friendship that all creatures would want to pay their respects to her. I think it's really sweet.

And I like that they had the last few episodes structured the way they did.
You get the two part epic battle AND a nice slice of life episode to end things off on and show just how far the characters have come over the course of the series.


I didn't mind Twilight becoming a Celestia re-color.

Here is my problem with it, it cheapens the Sisters. I always believed they were the way they were because of genetics. I thought it was something unique to THEM. Hell with the logic they are using, you could put Snips and Snails in charge of Equestria and they could become the Celestia re-colors.

As for every creature being at Twilight's coronation, it probably IS a big event for everycreature, even though Twilight only rules over the ponies. Or maybe it's just a sign of how far Twilight and the others were able to spread friendship that all creatures would want to pay their respects to her. I think it's really sweet.

I look at it like this. We don't go to our allies' leaders swearing in ceremonies nor do they come to ours and bow down before them. That is what I got out of it, them accepting Twilight as their leader. I probably read way too deep into things like that. I could understand the leaders of Equestria's allies showing up but for so many others to show up?

All I'm going to say about the ending episodes, let's agree to disagree. You think it is wonderful, I think it was a major league letdown.

Alright, fair enough I guess.

Good ideas on these two chapters.

I like to see how you do Ponyville Confidential, Newbi Dash and Marks for Effort. I view them as the worst of the show.

I’ll do those at one point, but for now I did The Last Problem.

Here are my picks for the worst episodes of the show (which might be fun to see redone):
Grannies Gone Wild
Break Up Breakdown
Daring Done? (as I've said before)
Dragon Quest (again, already previously stated)
Griffon the Brush Off
Somepony to Watch Over Me
One Bad Apple
Friendship University
Leap of Faith
Apple Family Reunion

Best one yet! Twilight x Starlight is one of my favorite ships.

Boy how many episodes are bad????

Was the episode that bad or something?

Now when I think about it, I’m pretty sure that’s a trend.

Check all of the parts of my Top 20 Worst MLP Episodes list in my blogs.

Dang man the list that you put on of the worst episode I actually like some of them despite the flaws and because my niece and nephew like some of the episodes that you listed as the worst episode

The Spike part was pretty hilarious there.

And the fact they didn't bother showing how are Luna and Celestia doing after the timeskip.
Their dumb retirement stuff is a huge part of the season.
In fact it added salt to their wounds of the terrible sendoff they had gotten due to the writers thinking the sisters aren't important enough to included in the timeskip.


I'd love to know why they shit all over the Sisters in the finale, and when it comes to Luna, throughout the whole series. They never got a chance to have any glory, it was always Twi and the gang with the exception of the season six finale. Never was it the two Sisters like it was in ancient times. Just imagine, now it is Twilight's turn to sit back and get no glory while Luster and her buddies will be the ones to save the day....although I doubt anything like that will happen given that G5 is supposed to be a hell of a long ways in the future and from what I understand it will be going in a different direction.

Why is this story getting so many dislikes? I think it is great!

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