• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 6,564 Views, 194 Comments

I Am Anonymous - IWasAnonymous

After Jacob Irving runs away from his problems, he ends up falling through a portal and lands in Equestria. Now he plans to start a new life as Equestria's only resident human.

  • ...

The COBA (Commissioned Officers' Battlefield Assessment) PART 2

Chapter 16

It is the day of the Conquest Event. The time is 0800 hours, and Anon is in his tent with his officers. They are standing around drinking coffee and sitting at a foldable table in the middle of the tent. They are waiting for some files from Starlight Glimmer that Anon requested her to copy. The rest of the 25th, including the NCOs (Non-commissioned officers), are at the arena, watching the Solar Guards fight. Anon is sitting at his desk reading his Daring Do book. Every once in a while, he'll sip on his coffee. About fifteen minutes go by, and Starlight still hasn't shown up.

"Where's that student of Princess Twilight, sir?" Shooting Star asks.

"I have no clue. For a student under Twiggles, you would think punctuality would be something that she would like about you," Anon responds.

"Twiggles? That's a new one, sir. I could have sworn you called Princess Twilight 'Sparkle-butt' a few times," Denim Jacket says.

"Yeah, but don't go around a few saying that. I only called her that... affectionately."

"Affectionately, huh? Is there something going on between you and the Princess of Magic?" Wood Frame questions teasingly.

"Oh, hell no! I'd rather take my chances with Princess Luna. At least she's bearable to be around more than five minutes!"

"Sure, LT. Sure."

About five minutes later, there is a flash of cyan-colored magic. Starlight Glimmer is standing at the tent entrance. A manilla folder with some papers in it is enveloped in her magic.

"It's about time, Glimmer," Anon says.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had an issue with making copies."

"Care to elaborate?" Ocean Dawn asks.

"I'm sure you know duplication spells are illegal despite being easy to learn. The copier broke, used a duplication spell, got busted by Twilight, and got a long lecture about the ethical use of magic. Are you happy?"

"That sounds like Sparkle-butt. Anyway, thanks for the copies," Anon says.

"You're welcome, Anon."

"It will. I owe you one."

"Sounds good. Good luck to everyone today."

"You're welcome, Anon."

"It will. I owe you one."

"Sounds good. Good luck to everyone today."

The officers thank Starlight as she sets the folder on the table and leaves the tent. Anon has Red Sun hand out the sheets of paper to everyone. Once she finishes, Anon stands up.

"To start this meeting, I want to say that a big part of my job is teaching you how to lead. Eventually, one day, you'll be promoted to 1st Lieutenant and lead battalions of your own. Today's lesson is about knowing your enemy. Not just knowing who they are but everything about them. Flash Magnus and a famous man named Sun Tzu, who was a philosopher, strategist, and general from my world, once wrote, 'Know the enemy and know yourself. In a hundred battles, you will never be in peril. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.'. I've already read the file on the guy we are facing today. I know everything about this guy, but I was hoping you could tell me what you find and pitch any ideas you have to win against him. Then, I'll tell you what I think. Don't worry about this being against the rules. I checked with Commander Grate, and he said it's okay. You have thirty minutes. Go."

The 2nd Lieutenants study the files. Anon sits down at his desk and waits. He's entertained by his subordinates' so-deep involvement in this assignment. Anon has never seen them this motivated. He believes their desire to prove themselves to be more than "noponies" drives them. Anon likes to teach and help his troops climb the ranks despite the apparent obstacles that stand in their way.

"So, tell me who we are facing in battle today," Anon says.

"It's 1st Lieutenant Soda Can. He leads the 15th Sunspot Battalion," Red Sun answers.

"It says here that he was about average at the Academy and boot camp. He did nothing really of note. His service record is pretty much blank," Ocean Dawn adds.

"Even his unit is nothing special. Sweet Celestia, I'm surprised these guys are even here. We make sen-- oh, wait. The 15th Sunspot is a throwaway unit," Denim Jacket says.

"Exactly. How do you propose we face Soda Can?" Anon asks.

"Since he and his unit are kind of shitty, I say we take it easy," Wood Frame suggests.

"I disagree, Wood. Just because they aren't that great doesn't mean we should half-ass it. It reflects poorly on us, our troops, and 1st Lieutenant Anonymous. We need to take this match seriously and give it our all. An easy win is still an easy win," Shooting Star replies.

"Red Sun, would you like to add anything?" Anon asks.

"We can't underestimate Soda Can. For all we know, he could be a master tactician but is waiting for the right moment to shine. It's better to overestimate than underestimate him and secure an easy victory," she answers.

"Those are mostly good answers. They mostly coincide with what I have in mind for today's event."

"And that is?" Denim Jacket asks, looking interested.

"Outright annihilation," Anon replies.

All of the 2nd Lieutenants look at each other, confused and concerned. Considering his careful approach to almost everything, they never expected to hear this from him.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say we don't know what you're talking about, sir," Red Sun says.

"We are facing an inferior enemy here. If we give it our all and play it smart, we will annihilate the enemy. Of course, not only with combat skills but with tactics and strategy. There is a reason I drill and train you guys every weekend. That's why I request we do War Games with other battalions every other month. I intend for us to be the best of the best. From the looks of it, Soda Can will likely fight defensively because he's likely heard of our improvements. As Shooting Star and Red Sun mentioned, we need to give this our all, and-"

Anon is interrupted by one of Commander Iron Grate's Sergeants walking into the tent.

"1st Lieutenant Anonymous?" she says.

"Yes?" Anon replies.

"I'm Sergeant Glow Stick. I have a message for you from Commander Grate."

"Okay, let's see it," Anon answers.

She puts the rolled-up scroll in Anon's outstretched hand and leaves the tent. Anon begins to read. His eyebrows narrow as he takes in the letter's contents. Anon sighs heavily as if one of the Princesses summoned him to an inconvenient meeting.

"There's been a change to the event. The amount of hits you can take before elimination is now one, not three," he announces.

"Are you fucking serious?" Wood Frame groans.

"It seems that they are trying to keep us on our hooves by adding last-minute changes," Red Sun says.

"Could be. So, this will change a few things, strategy-wise."

"Do you think Commander Grate was gracious enough to tell the Solar Guards before their matches?" Ocean Dawn asks.

Anon turns to look at the clock on his desk.

"Well, the 2nd Lieutenants just started, so more than likely."

"I can already tell this is going to be a long day," Shooting Star grumbles.

"That doesn't matter. We've got a job to do, and we need to improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacles we face," Red Sun retorts sternly.

"Excellent point. Now, on to other matters. I'll devise a game plan before the match during that thirty-minute planning period. For now, we'll need to get some rest and prepare ourselves. When the time comes, head to where I gave my speech the other night. There, a magician will open a portal for us to the arena. Got it?" Anon says.

"Yes, sir," the 2nd Lieutenants respond.

"Good. Dismissed."

The 2nd Lieutenants get up and leave Anon's tent. He sits on his bed and looks at Soda Can's file again.

His subordinates didn't pick up on a few necessary things. One thing that they missed is Soda Can's grades on specific subjects in OCS. Strategy, Tactics, and Historical Battles were classes in which he scored highly. Everywhere else, especially in Leadership Skills, the grades were average. This shows that he applied himself in areas that HE thought mattered. This plays out well for Anon. It shows that Soda Can focuses only on the significant details rather than the smaller ones, which makes for a terrible leader. Anon sighs as he continues reading further.

Another thing in the file that the 2nd Lieutenants missed was a report filed by the commanding officer in Las Pegasus, Colonel Long Bow. It says that Soda Can doesn't care about his troops much and stays cooped up in his office all day. The report says that the guards in the 15th say he doesn't even bother getting to know them. Soda Can rarely drills or trains them. He doesn't even bother to inspect his troops during the day. The thing Anon truly has over Soda Can is that his troops trust and respect him.

It ticks Anon off that Soda Can tosses the importance of the trust and trust of his troops aside. Anon spent months earning his troops' trust. It took even longer to gain their respect. He owes Flash Sentry a lot for helping him with that. Soda Can's behavior reminds Anon of the stories of how Twilight used to be, except this one wears armor and carries a sword. The utter disregard for the trust and respect of one's troops is worse than what Golden Lance does because at least he pays attention to detail, and his troops respect him. It's he's a jerk to everyone because he comes from a wealthy family.

Anon sets the file down and walks over to his clock. He sets the files down before adjusting the alarm to two hours and thirty minutes; then, he lays down on his cot. A few minutes later, he falls asleep.

It's 1700 hours (5:00 pm) in the evening. Anon and the 25th Aurora Battalion are in formation, awaiting their turn in the arena. All the guards have shined their armor so it shines like the Sun. Earlier, a magician had enchanted their armor weapons. All of the Solar Guard and Royal Guard 2nd Lieutenants events have concluded. Currently, the third 1st Lieutenant Royal Guard match is finishing up.

Most guards are excited for the shot to prove themselves in battle. The rest, including Ocean Dawn, are nervous. As the most inexperienced officer, both in leadership and combat, in the 25th, the pressure makes her shake in her armor. She had barely graduated from the Royal Guard Academy six months ago when she was assigned to Anon's battalion. Ocean Dawn didn't meet Anon until he returned from his deployment. She's afraid of making a fool of herself in front of her troops, Anon, the Princesses, and her parents.

She refused to go to college and went to the Academy against her parents' will. Her parents have resented her and refused even to acknowledge she's their daughter ever since then. However, they came to watch her fight in the COBA. This makes her afraid.

Anon notices this as he paces in front of his troops. He stops deeply and squats down in front of her.

"Ocean Dawn, is everything okay?" she asks.

"Yes, sir. I'm okay," she replies nervously.

"I think you and I both know that's not true. What's going on?"

Ocean Dawn sighs deeply and then tells Anon about what's been bothering her. He listens intently as she talks. He notices a single tear rolling down her face. She blinks away, but it's useless as a few more fall. Anon puts down his spear, wipes the tears away, and places his hand on her shoulder. Anon offers a gentle smile to comfort Ocean Dawn.

"I know how you feel," he says.

"You do?"

"Unfortunately, yes.

"My parents wanted me to be a doctor. I wanted to join the military and serve my country. They treated me like a servant while they coddled my younger brother when he said he wanted to be a doctor. Granted, it took me a few years, but look where I am now. Don't worry about your parents. You have what it takes to be a good leader,"

"Thank you, sir. I feel better."

"You're welcome."

Anon pats her head before picking up his spear and standing back up. A few minutes later, there is a flash of magenta light. Twilight Sparkle is standing next to Anon. He calls the guards to attention, and they salute the Princess. Twilight smiles weakly. Then, she tells Anon that the arena is ready for him and the 25th. Twilight uses magic to open a large portal as Anon does a right face.


The 25th Aurora Battalion marches through the portal. Cheers of thousands of ponies fill the arena.

Anon stops the battalion when the last line is through. They are on top of a hill, with an officer's tent in front of them. Next to it are two flags. One is the national flag. The second is the Royal Guard flag, which is white with a Royal Guard helmet on it. Underneath the helmet is 25th A. Bn written in blue.

"All commissioned and non-commissioned officers, come with me! The rest of you remain in formation but at ease!" Anon orders.

Anon and his officers walk inside the tent. Inside, there is a large table with a map of the arena on it. A few candles are set up around it. The Sergeants, Sergeant Majors, and 2nd Lieutenants stand around the table while Anon stands behind it. He lays his spear and shield on the ground next to the table. After that, he looks at the map and spends around five minutes reading it. He looks down and spends around five minutes reading it. Finally, he looks up at his subordinates.

"All right, listen up. There are five control points, A through E. A- and B-points are close to 1st Lieutenant Soda Can and the 15th Sunspot Battalion. D- and E-points are close to us. The C-point is at the center. Shooting Star, you and the 10th Aurora Company will capture E. Wood Frame, you and the 33rd Aurora Company will take D. You and your units need to book it to these control points so you can get set and ready for an attack. Do what you think is necessary to defend the control points. Now, the rest of you will help me assault the A- and B-points. Now, here's the fun part of my plan. C is on top of a hill similar to the one we're on now. We need a small enough force to go unnoticed but big enough to maintain their position. Sergeant Major Potato Chip, you and your platoon will capture the C-point when the D-point has been captured. When you capture the control points, have one of your unicorns shoot a blue magic burst into the air."

"1st Lieutenant Anonymous, are you sure that's a good idea to send just fifty of us to C? I'm sure a platoon can capture the point, but I'm not 100% sure I'll have enough troops to maintain the control point," he protests.

"Okay, that's a fair point. To be safe, I'll send Sergeant Flash Sentry to accompany you. You think you can handle that, Sergeant Sentry?"

"Yes, sir, I can!" he replies.

"Good. If you need to, Sergeant Major Chip, call on more reinforcements from A and B. Ocean Dawn and Red Sun, near where A and B are a grove of trees and shrubs. When right, we'll assault the enemy and capture the control points. Soda Can will likely fight defensively, so he probably won't send many troops to attack our positions. Any troops that try to do so will be overwhelmed with numbers and skill. I'm willing to bet he thinks he can widdle down our forces by going on the defensive, but that's a mistake he'll regret."

"What about a plan of retreat if all else fails?" Sergeant Blue Moon asks.

"We'll regroup at the B-point and holt out there. We have the strength to hold our ground and launch a counterattack."

"Got it."

"Guys, the guards of the 15th don't train or drill often, so they won't be hard to defeat, but that's not an excuse to slack off. If I catch or hear about ANYONE slacking off, I will make the entire battalion run until I get tired of watching you. Any more questions?"

"For the attack on A and B, what formation will we use?" Red Sun asks.

"We'll use the two-layered arrowhead formation. Red Sun and the 29th make up the first layer, and Ocean Dawn and the 54th will make up the second. Denim Jacket, you and the rest of your company will make up the rearguard as a five-row company front. Once we break through the enemy's lines and force a retreat, send a fire team or two to capture the A- and B-points. The rules say we only need one guard, but I want to be safer than sorry. Remember, everything we do today needs to be shock and awe tactics. Watch for enemy scouts as well. We need to be able to catch Soda Can off-guard. Sergeants and Sergeant Majors, I'm sure some of you know about the rule change where to be eliminated; the enemy will only need to hit you once, so watch your comrades' backs. Red Sun, am I forgetting anything?"

"No, sir. Not that I know of," she replies.

"Fantastic. Are there any more questions?"

No one answers

"Good. All right, relay the information to your companies. We have about twenty minutes before the match starts. Dismissed."

Everyone leaves the tent to talk to their troops. Anon walks over to the hill's edge to look upon the battlefield. It has a lot of similarities to the mainland European countryside.

As a teenager, Anon and his class went on a history trip to Europe. Anon closes his eyes as the memories come back to him. They visited Bastogne, Versailles, London, Berlin, and Prague. During the trip, he kept to himself, but he nonetheless enjoyed it. It was the best week of his life, mainly because he managed to escape his miserable home life for a change.

His nostalgic flashback is interrupted when Red Sun taps his leg.

"We brought the battalion up to speed, and we are ready for battle, sir," she informs.

"Thank you. Bring the troops forward, and I want them to line up behind me," Anon orders.

"Yes, sir."

A few minutes later, the entirety of the 25th is standing behind Anon. He drops his spear and shield and removes his helmet, which he puts on the ground. Anon gets down on one knee. After performing the Sign of the Cross, Anon silently prays the Soldier's Prayer. This time, he adds a personal line to the prayer at the end. It's a plea for his troops.

"Santa María, Madre de Dios, pide a tu hijo Jesucristo este favor para mis tropas. Se han enfrentado a constante persecución y calumnias por parte de otros. Permítales tener esta victoria para demostrar a quienes se oponen a ellos que son dignos de su credo y deber. Por favor, María Santa, escucha mis súplicas," Anon prays. (Holy Mary, Mother of God, please ask thy son, Jesus Christ, this favor for my troops. They have dealt with consistent persecution and slander from others. Allow them to have this victory to prove to those who stand against them that they are worthy of their creed and duty. Please, Holy Mary, hear my pleas.)

Anon puts on his helmet and shield and picks up his spear. As he stands and turns around, he sees his troops have their helmets off. Most of them have relaxed looks on their faces.

"Everyone, put on your helmets! Prepare for battle!" Anon shouts.

The guards slip on their helmets and make sure their gear is secure. Anon does the same thing. Once that's finished, he faces the field again. Everyone is silent as they wait for the signal to start the match. Everyone waits in anticipation, but they aren't nervous about it. The fact their commanding officer would pray for them to a god that they didn't know meant a lot to them. A few moments later, a bolt of magic shoots across the sky, and it explodes like a firework. The match has started.


The 25th Aurora Battalion jogs at moderate speed down the hill toward their assigned control points. After about a minute, a blue burst of magic burst in the sky behind Anon's forces. Two red ones explode in front of them. Then, another blue magic burst explodes to his right.

"Sergeant Major Chip, break off now!" Anon shouts.

The seventy-five guards sprint towards the C-point. Anon watches them as they split off. Compared to a few months ago, their speed and endurance are far better. Anon smiles as he focuses on his mission. Eventually, the remaining 225 make it to the grove of trees and hide. At one point, one of the guards catches what they believe to be a scout and eliminates him. They are close enough to the edge of the treeline to where they can see the enemy but deep enough to where the enemy won't notice them. To keep from revealing their position, Anon orders his troops to remove their helmet so sunlight won't reflect off them.

In the distance, Anon spots the enemy lined up in company fronts. Anon's prediction was correct. Soda Can went on the defensive and allocated most of his forces to defend the A- and B-points. Red Sun received a message via magic from Wooden and Shooting Star. They say they've engaged the enemy but very few guards—only twenty-five per control point. Then, another message comes in from Sergeant Major Potato Chip. She says the same thing. Anon starts sweating as he thinks about whether to continue his current plan or make a new one.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Ocean Dawn asks.

"We are badly outnumbered here. Over there are 425 guards. This will make things interesting," Anon responds.

"Do we need to call on reinforcements?" Red Sun asks.

"No, not while our other forces are engaged in combat. Besides, I believe we got this. Numbers don't mean shit when you have skill. On August 2, 2,244 years ago, General Hannibal of Carthage and his army of 50,000 men faced off against 80,000 Roman soldiers at the Battle of Cannae. They won, only taking 8,000 losses, while the Romans lost around 90% of their forces. Besides, look-"

Anon points behind him. The Sun is shining directly in the enemies' faces, blinding them.

"That's a good advantage," Red Sun says excitedly.

"Exctamamente como la Batalla de San Jacinto," Anon mutters. (Exactly like the Battle of San Jacinto.)


"Don't worry about it. Tell everyone to get into formation quickly. Then, we'll move out."

"Right away, sir."

Within less than a minute, everyone is in formation. They slip on their helmets but are still crouched down. Anon raises his hand and then motions for them to move forward. They emerge out of the trees like a leopard in the Serengeti grasslands. At first, Soda Can can't see what's going on. Neither can his troops. They hear the sounds of marching, but they don't know where from. The Sun, as Anon had predicted, is blinding him. He can barely see the enemy even when he puts his hoof up to block out the Sun. He can barely make out a small force of the 25th Aurora Battalion marching towards his position. He smirked and ordered his troops forward, confident they could beat this smaller force.

"BATTALION!! TROT!!" Anon orders as he smirks.

They speed up their advance. The distance closes in. Adrenaline rushes through everyone in both units. Anon keeps his troops at a steady and light pace so his troops won't waste their energy in a long-distance charge. He needs them to break through and divide the enemy's line effectively.

Once they are 100 meters from the enemy, Anon gives one more command.

"CHARGE!!" he bellows.

Everyone lets out a blood-curdling battle cry as they rush forward. Soda Can, and his troops can't see a thing, so they stop and try to prepare for impact. However, it's no use. The two units collide, almost the entire front row of Soda Can's force disappears, and the lines behind them begin to split. The arrowhead formation's intended effect works perfectly. Denim Jacket sends his squads where they are needed. However, he is eliminated by a lucky jab from a spear.

The 25th begins pushing the enemy back while taking minimal casualties. Anon directs his troops exceptionally well to the point while in mid-combat. This impresses some commanding officers who are watching the match. What also impresses them is that each of Anon's troops doesn't entirely use the traditional fighting styles they were taught at basic training. Instead, they use their unique styles.

It isn't long before Soda Can orders his troops to fall back to protect the remaining control points. A blue magic burst is sent into the sky to add to the humiliating retreat. Sergeant Major Chip has captured the C-point.

Now, Anon has about 175 troops left, while Soda Can has 225 left. He sends 50 to protect the B-point. So, Anon sends Red Sun and 75 troops to the B-point while he takes the remaining 100 to finish off Soda Can. It isn't long before Red Sun succeeds in her mission, sending a blue magic burst into the sky.

Soda Can puts his remaining forces in a line to defend the remaining control point. Anon decides to call on reinforcements. 50 from D and 50 from E. Now, he outnumbers his enemy, seemingly cowering behind his men. Anon stopped his advance about 50 meters from the enemy to let his men rest, and the reinforcements arrived. He steps forward so he can speak to his opponent.

"Hey, Soda Can! How about you do yourself a favor by stopping being a coward and coming out from behind your men!" Anon shouts.

Soda Can follows the command.

"Happy?!" he shouts back.

"Yes, I am. The way I see it, you have two options. Option One is you and what's left of your battalion; drop your weapons and forfeit the match. Option Two is you can fight to the last guard. I'm fine with either one. I'll give you a one minute to think it over."

He lowers his head as he thinks about his options. When the minute is up, he draws his sword. Anon and his troops prepare for another fight. Then, the reinforcements he had called for arrived. They see their comrades ready for a fight, so with some groans of exhaustion, all of them get ready for another fight. Much to their relief, Soda Can drops his sword on the ground. His troops follow suit.

The audience and the remaining guards of the 25th Aurora Battalion cheer as blue fireworks streak across the sky. The remaining guards make their way back to their respective command tents. When they arrive at the command tent, Anon is given a report by a Royal Guard in Commander Grate's division about how many guards he lost. One hundred ninety-six guards were lost. Anon is impressed by these numbers because he expected to lose at least 50% because of how thinly he spread out his troops. He will admit his plan was risky, but it was effective. Then, a portal opens up, and the remaining guards walk through. The eliminated guards and the Elements of Harmony are on the other side. They cheer on the "surviving" guards as they walk forward. Anon hangs back a little to watch his troops celebrate. He smiles at the sight of his battalion, happy over a victory like this despite it seemingly being easy. This causes something weighing on his mind to start bothering him again. Anon pulls Red Sun aside to tell her he's returning to his tent for some alone time. She understands and nods her head. Then, he slips away unnoticed.

When he arrives, he puts his equipment down at the foot of his cot. Then, he puts his armor on the stand and puts on a clean tunic. Removing the armor after a long day always feels good, especially when physically demanding. Also, his tunic soaks up much of his sweat, sticking to his body like a glove. His underwear didn't do him any favors either.

Anon lays down on his cot and sighs. He's thinking about what's been bothering him over the past two months. He's concerned about a possible promotion. It's not the fact he's worried about getting promoted, but leaving his battalion behind. He's led them for so long that leaving them behind worries him. They are the family that he never had. More than anything, Anon loves them like a family. Then, his thinking is interrupted by someone calling his name. It's Twilight Sparkle. She's standing outside the tent.

"Hey, Anon, are you in there?" she asks.

"Yeah," he responds.

"Are you decent?"

"Yes, why?"

"Making sure. I'm coming in."

"Please, don't."

"As your princess, I'm coming in anyway."

Twilight walks into the tent.

"For a tall guy, you disappear pretty easily," she states.

"I guess."

"How come you aren't celebrating with your battalion? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I need some alone time. That's all."

"Anon, I've known you long enough to know when something bothers you. You always become antisocial and clam up. What's going on?"

"It's not important."

"That's not true. You can tell me what's going on."

Anon sits up. He has an agitated look on his face.

"Take a fucking hint, Twilight. I want to be alone, so please, let me be alone."

"Nice to know you still haven't changed one bit."

"Old habits die hard. From what I hear, you know that one very well. Now, please, leave me alone."


Twilight walks out of the tent, disgusted. She doesn't know how often she tried helping Anon but failed each time. She wants him to trust her, but the only ponies he seems to trust are his battalion, Celestia, and Luna. She wants to talk to Princess Celestia about how to gain Anon's trust but remembers that she and Luna are having dinner with the nobles in Canterlot that night. The next best pony would be Anon's second-in-command, Red Sun. Twilight flies over the camp, looking for her. It is long before she spots Red Sun walking with other guards on the 25th. She lands in front of them. They snap to attention and salute Twilight, who tells them to be at ease before speaking Red Sun.

"2nd Lieutenant, I need to have a word with you," she says.

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Red Sun responds.

The other guards watch as the two walk off.

"What do you need to talk to me about, Your Highness?"

"It's about Anon."

"What about him?"

"He seemed a little upset earlier and won't tell me anything. I know it's because he doesn't trust me. I want to be somepony he can open up to."

"Ma'ma, may I speak freely?"


Red Sun turns and stops. Her glare at Twilight sends shivers up the Princess's spine.

"Start by not prying into his fucking business."

Twilight looks confused.

"Yeah. Anon and I have talked a lot, and he told me you tend to pry into his business. I think you and I know that's incredibly fucked up. You are supposed to be the friendship expert. Not only that, a Princess of Equestria and Element of Harmony. Do yourself a favor and practice what you preach, Princess, because I don't think ponies will want to know that one of their princesses is a hypocrite."

Red Sun turns and walks away. Despite how rude Red Sun and Anon were, they have a point. Twilight sighs as she takes flight. She flies towards Ponyville so she can think. However, something catches her attention. She sees Princess Luna and 10 Guards standing at one of the Lunar Guard officers' tents. She flies down to get a closer look. When Twilight lands, she notices that the Lunar Guards have a symbol on their shoulder plates. It resembles the Mare on the Moon, which is fitting since Princess Luna was that mare. These particular guards are a part of Luna's personal bodyguard unit. Anywhere she goes, they go. All of which are thestrals. Twilight watches them talk with their Princess briefly before they walk away. What surprises her is that they walk past her like she's invisible. They didn't even salute or even say hello.

"What's going on?" Twilight asks as she approaches Luna.

"Good evening, Twilight. They are off to conduct a..."

Luna pauses momentarily to think of a better description that won't give too much away.

"...special military operation."

"What is it for?"

"I am afraid that I cannot tell you. My sister classified the nature of the operation until further notice. It is nothing against you. Not even Cadance knows about this. So, please not a word to anypony."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"Fear not, Twilight. Tomorrow, I will reveal the operation to the public."

"Should I be concerned?"

A smile creeps across the moon princess's face as she spreads her wings.

"I would not lose sleep over it, dear Twilight. There is nothing to worry about."

Luna takes flight and joins her sister in Canterlot, leaving Twilight behind.

The Royal Dining Room is full of lively music and ponies. This is the second most significant event for the nobles. Of course, the first is the Grand Galloping Gala. This particular event is for the nobles to discuss their actions in their regions or cities over the past year and exchange ideas. Then, Princess Celestia gives Luna advice. Luna doesn't have much advice because the nobles believe her opinions aren't as important as her sister's.

The event has been going on for about two hours. All the nobles are in their groups, talking, drinking champagne or wine, and eating. Some of them are talking with Princess Celestia. Luna, however, stands by herself. She sips a glass of scotch and watches a group of four ponies: two pegasi, one black Earth pony, and a brown unicorn. These nobles are the ones who plotted to poison Anon.

George was the only suspect until he confessed five nobles had blackmailed him. Per the law, he was released from jail because he put the arsenic in Anon's food under duress. Anon suspected the identity of three of the nobles. The fourth, the brown unicorn named Tall Mocha of San Francisco, had a crisis of conscience and confessed to being a conspirator. She identified a fifth noble, Peach Orchard of Baltimare, who wasn't in attendance tonight. In exchange for a lighter sentence, she also told the Princesses of a meeting and its location. They are going to discuss how to get Anon sick again. Luna chose her guards to arrest them during the meeting. She told her guards to make the arrests as quietly as possible to avoid being detected and gather evidence of another attempt.

The conspirators talk for about twenty more minutes until the yellow pegasus, Golden Bit of Las Pegasus, looks down at his watch. Then, he slips out of the dining hall. The red pegasus, Crimson Sky of Cloudsdale, leaves five minutes later. The black Earth pony, Sinister Serov of Stalliongrad, leaves about ten minutes later. Tall Mocha leaves almost immediately. Then, Luna walks over to her sister. She waits for one of the nobles to finish a joke that isn't even funny before speaking to her sister.

"Sister, may I have a word with you?" Luna asks.

"I beg your pardon, Princess Luna. We are conversing with your sister. I'm sure what you need to say can wait," Swan Song says, slightly annoyed.

"It's quite alright. I'm sure it's urgent," Celestia replies, holding up her hoof.

The two sisters walk to the terrace to be out of earshot of the nobles.

"Tia, the conspirators have left for the meeting. I will notify Captain Blossom of their departure," Luna whispers.

"Okay, good. I'm having Raven Inkwell review my public statement for the press tomorrow."

"Sinister Serov likely won't come quietly, so my guards will knock him unconscious. However, I am sure he and the Equestrian Socialist Pony's Party will create an uproar tomorrow."

"We'll deal with that when we get there. For now, we take care of the task at hand."

Luna nods once before Celestia returns to the dining hall. She ignites her horn and sends a message to Captain Blossom.

Two miles away, the ten Lunar Guards are hiding amongst the bookshelves in a bookstore owned by Peach Orchard. It's pitch black, aside from the dim light of the Moon shining in.

Of course, the first noble to arrive is Peach Orchard. He unlocks the door and sits at the tables at the back of the store. About twenty minutes later, another arrives. It's a Golden Bit. The following noble arrives about five minutes later. They sit in silence until the last three to arrive. Captain Blossom notices that Tall Mocha is very nervous. She realizes that the noblepony might unintentionally reveal what is going on. However, if she can keep her cool long enough for the others to reveal more information about the plot, that doesn't matter.

"Alright, everypony is here. Does anypony want to explain why that green ape isn't lying in a hospital bed?" Golden Bit asks.

"It's that blasted griffin. He must not have put the arsenic in or passed a note to that ape letting him know that someone tainted his food," Peach Orchard says.

"I had somepony watch him the whole time put the arsenic. He didn't say anything to him. Perhaps it was Serov who gave the griffin too little."

Sinister Serov slams his hoof on the table and glares at Golden Bit. Fury blazes in his deep blue eyes from behind his long black mane. Everyone knew he had a quick and fiery temper that tended to spiral out of control when provoked.

"How dare you accuse me of that, suka?! Unlike Comrade Altidya, I'm not that careless. I ensured that one of my followers gave the griffin enough to make a minotaur sick!" she yells.

"I also saw that the griffin acted extremely nervous when giving the ape his food. He must've noticed something was wrong."

"So, how d-do we poison him again?" Tall Mocha asks.

Serov sits back down. She pulls out a small glass vial from her thick, black jacket with her mouth. She sets it down on the table and smiles.

"I call it Novichok-1. It's an organophosphate nerve agent. A few of my scientists developed it in my private lab. I believe it's potent enough that only five milligrams can kill a minotaur in minutes," she says.

"Hold on, Sinister. I thought we were trying to make him sick enough to--"

Golden Bit holds up his hoof to interrupt Peach Orchard. There is a look of intrigue on his face. The others are completely in shock. Murdering a Royal Guard isn't what they signed up for.

"Do you have proof of how effective that poison is?" Golden Bit asks.

"Comrade Vasiliy Wheatin would love to tell you if he wasn't resting in that pine box of his," Sinister Serov replies.

"Perfect. You can buy off anypony to slip a milligram or two in a drink or food. Tall Mocha, I'm sure you can handle that."

Tall Mocha sighs deeply. Then, she taps her hoof twice to signal the Lunar Guards to move in. She leans forward as a tear falls from her eyes and onto the table.

"I'm sorry, everypony," she says.

"What are you talking--"

Tall Mocha blows out the candle, cutting off Crimson Sky. She backs away as the others scramble around in confusion. Their confusion is soon replaced with fear when ten sets of yellow, glowing eyes surround them. The dim moonlight casts the thestrals' shadows on the walls.

"What is the meaning of this, Mocha?" Sinister Serov snarls.

"Golden Bit, Crimson Sky, Peach Orchard, Tall Mocha, and Sinister Serov, you are under arrest for conspiracy to murder a Royal Guard, interfering with a royalty-sanctioned event, and possession of biochemical weapons," Midnight Blossom announces.

"Mocha, you sold us out! I'll kill you!"

Serov draws a dagger from his coat and lunges at Tall Mocha. Sergeant Major Lavender Petal jumps in front of the blade and uses his spear to knock the dagger out of his mouth. Then, he spins around, using his hind leg to kick her. Serov's head slams against the wall, and he falls to the ground, unconscious.

"Thank you," Mocha says.

Lavender Petal snorts.

The conspirators are led out of the bookstore at spearpoint while two guards carry Sinister Serov. They walk down the street not to the sector jailhouse but to the castle. Instead of going up the stairs and to the throne room like the nobles anticipate, they descend the staircase to the castle dungeons. The musty and damp smell is putrid to the nobles. Tall Mocha nearly vomits.

Captain Blossom orders the nobles to be split up. The guards give Tall Mocha a cell for her safety while they put others in a cell. Once the conspirators are locked up, two guards are placed at each door, while three more are at the dungeons' entrance.

"You will wait here until dawn. Then, you will have the opportunity to contact your lawyers for interrogation," Captain Blossom announces.

"We better, you filthy demon," Golden Bit snarls as he gets in her face through the door.

Captain Blossom bares her fangs and hisses, which gets the noble to back off out of fear. Then, she turns to leave the dungeons. As she ascends the staircase, a smile spreads across her face.

Oh, how the mighty the fallen, Captain Blossom thinks.

Author's Note:

Wow. Two events down, one more to go. I've enjoyed writing this three-parter a lot. Of course, I'll probably do some editing that should have been made during the final cut. Also, I'm not a military strategist or tactician, so I apologize if some combat scenarios or actions aren't what we consider smart or actionable. I'm doing my best to be as accurate as possible.

I will put down the companies under the 2nd Lieutenants' command just for kicks and giggles.

10th Aurora Company (Shooting Star)
33rd Aurora Company (Wood Frame)
29th Aurora Company (Red Sun)
54th Aurora Company (Ocean Dawn)
26th Aurora Company (Denim Jacket)

Now, without further ado, the next chapter's title spoiler!
The COBA (Commissioned Officers' Battlefield Assessment) PART 3

Edits made on 4/22/2023 (grammatical and the gender of Sinister Serov. Apparently, in HOI IV [Equestria at War mod], Sinister Serov isn't a mare, but a stallion.])

Comments ( 16 )

"You're welcome, Anon."

"It will. I owe you one."

"Sounds good. Good luck to everyone today."

Also yay update

They will probably almost all stripped if titel for the agreed murder conspiracy.

Great chapter, shows the darker side of the story.

Great chapter, glad to see a new one!

Very nice chapter, Twilight sounds like a pain.

Always enjoy seeing your comments on the story!

Thank you so much. Yes, Twilight is a pain.

"Exctamamente como la Batalla de San Jacinto," Anon mutters. (Exactly like the Battle of San Jacinto.)

Isn’t also fought with um muskets?

Same on reading a update to a good story :twilightsmile:
Maybe Twilight can take a lesson from Pinkie Pie, she is the expert on turning a frown downside up, though she ones destroyed a long standing friendship as well :pinkiegasp:

Yes, but the tactics were the same. Sam Houston has the sun at his back and in the faces of the Mexican Army.

You know i have read a few stories of mlp, but yours is truly something I like. Your story is what made me make an account on fimfiction to be sure to not miss the next update. Keep up the good work!!!

Thank you so much for the comment. It means a lot that like it.

And the general did change into a regular uniform too

Yeah, because Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana was a coward. I was more or less referring to the conditions

I know still it was the perfect storm

Mannnnnn now I have to wait😒

It’s funny how this story is like the opposite of another one I read where a human falls in love with Luna and has a Roman obsession

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