• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


I mostly post mature works. There may still be some worksafe posts though. For my non-pony smut works visit my Ao3 page.

Comments ( 37 )

ButterThighs: I’m busy, Zephyr.

more like
I'm busty
Anyway, great story mate. It's great to read some wholesome degeneracy from you again. Flutters was hot as expected, and Zephyr was pretty chill and caring in his Zephyrness.
Good job.

Well well, handsomely done there mate! Smart twist on the topic and some smart writin to back it up. Strong pitch and smooth followthrough.

Smashed it out at the park.

Fluttershy has huge...tracts of land!

I'm surprised there wasn't a single DamnYouAutoCorrect moment during this time, when both siblings were quite distracted, to put it mildly.

Was it not JT senop?

Hooray! Glad to see you back. Not usually a reader of humanized, but I'm looking forward to this 'un.

It's always the quiet ones...

A modern classic in a fun setting with a fantastic payout. Just all-around good goddamn times.

Hmm... on the one hand, a personal favorite kink, on the other, Zephyr Breeze...

Eh, it worked in the end. Enough stuff up my alley that I can disregard what isn't.

Nice to see someone enter some Flutter Breeze into the contest. Such an underrated incest pairing.

You think that's underrated (which it is. Seriously. Like, I want Gorilka or Clopician or SOMEPONY to make a SFM animation about it so fucking much because it's so good), then wait till you see what I have in store.

But yeah, this is fucking great. Haven't read it yet, but just because of that pic, description, and the fact it's Flutter-Zephyr-cest, it's gotta be A-1 fucking good!

This needs a sequel. You can't let this siblings' exhibitionionist adventures end here.

“Oh my gosh, Zephyr! Zephyr !” Fluttershy yelped in his ear. “The jumbotron!”

It was at that moment we knew

He fucked up

The main problem with Zephyr is how he acts like a prick, here he's supportive. Clearly the human version had better upbringing.

It feels like this who he is when a writer isn't doing everything they can to make you hate him.

This is both adorable and a sexy read. I agree with other comments, you can totally keep this going, AND you can have a running gag where Zephyr always manages to get caught instead of Fluttershy.....AND you can include a romantic subplot where Zephyr deliberately gets caught at one point specifically to allow Fluttershy to get away because she almost got caught..... *sigh*. I wish I were an author sometimes because I can't ever translate my ideas into something someone would actually want to read...

Cute little story, hopefully we'll see a sequel, maybe Zephyr starting to come up with 'challenges' for Fluttershy? Like for example dropping her naked at a park with the indication of where to find a cache of spare clothes...

I definitely dropped some intentional sequel hooks here and there in case I feel the urge to do another, cuz it was a lot of fun writing this one. Maybe another contest theme will inspire me....

Someone in another thread put it nicely: Zeph's EqG persona more or less removes why regular pone zephyr is hated to begin with somewhat, he doesn't come off as quite the same tier of useless moocher manchild. He is an unironic dork tho.

Even where he IS kind of a jerk, honestly for real Zeph's kind of fun if you just recognize him for the shitlord he is and roll with it.

Thanks for reading, y'all!

Okay, that was... almost perfect. Both Zephyr and Fluttershy were perfectly in character. I especially love how you captured Zephyr's relentless teasing and the way his mind wanders. Fluttershy is exactly how you'd expect her to be in this situation, with an appropriate amount of explanation for how she got this kink, and how it toes the line of two desires. The bit at the end felt very nice as well, actually seeing the fallout between the two and still maintaining some decency for Zephyr. But I think the thing that I like most about this is how it handles the "Found out" theme, which is of course extremely important for the contest. Working two different angles gets the best of both worlds. By being an outsider watching, there's an excellent feeling of escalation rather than just being party to exactly what's going on the whole time. This is helped along by the excellent descriptions as the intensity is ramped up. And finally, there's the double discovery of Zephyr by the stadium. I also liked the small doses of humor. Only real complaint I have, and it's really more of an idle wondering, is why there's a number of sentences with massive spaces between the words. But in the end, I think this does pretty much everything right for the story it wants to be, and the contest it's a part of.

Is there a possibility for a part 2 one where they actually do it

Speaking as another author hit by it: The spacing thing is a site-wide formatting issue that impacts almost every fic (especially chapters that come from the Google Docs importer), and has been persisting for months. There's no fix in sight, although they made it *less* egregious a month or two ago.

Ah, thank you for the info.

I wish I could see what you mean about the odd spacing, Ariamaki showed me a couple of spots of it happening for him but they don't show up on my browser at all, so I have no idea how I would even go about fixing it. Sorry!

Really glad you liked everything else though. You can thank Ari for the inspiration on the background for Fluttershy's kink, I'm glad it didn't feel forced, and I'm glad people are noticing the double-layer of 'getting caught' as well!

Hmm, that's interesting. But at least it's a very minor bug, and certainly doesn't detract from enjoying the story.

And yeah, I really liked this story. Honestly, my review might not be the best, simply because I'm a pretty inexperienced writer myself. But I really did like your story and the little details, and I'm glad if my review is of some help.

Okay: there's no way a girl who looks like Fluttershy, wearing short-shorts and a too-tight top didn't get noticed by more than a few guys as she made her way to her seat. Her brother wasn't the only one watching her.

This is entirely possible!

I sorta intended her to have changed into that outfit late in the game to minimize that risk, but the place is far from empty, and people do bring binoculars to sporting events. She definitely could have had other voyeurs. I'm sure part of her relished the thought.

I'm sure she did. And I just noticed the '69' on her jersey.

Well played.

Solid stuff! Here's hoping for a sequel.


you can have a running gag where Zephyr always manages to get caught instead of Fluttershy

While this sounds like it would be a lot of fun in theory, and as much as I’d like to see it, I’m a little worried about how long it would really stay funny in practice. Though the rest of this idea might give it a little more staying power. Especially if you mix it with unclefester’s idea.


Oh man, is it good to have you back. Normally I avoid porn with ZB like the plague, but I figured if anyone could make it work, it’d be you. And whaddaya know, it was super hot. Gonna join the other calls for a sequel, if the mood ever strikes ya. (Preferably featuring that butt stuff Flutters promised …)

For Comedic Value you have to suspend some disbelief and hand-wave it a bit so that there's no long-term consequences of him getting caught....the running gag itself being that he's always the one that gets caught and Flutters always gets away clean (as far as the reader knows anyway). As for how long it stays funny? That's up to the author to make it hilarious each time it happens. I agree though, its easy for something like that to get stale...but for the tropes of Moe and Fate's Bitch he would need to be the one to get caught.

Zephyr gave her a playful grin. “Well, we could always skip going home and find a nice, private corner of the park to chill and work on fixing that instead…”

Fluttershy actually grinned back this time. “…Maybe not too private.”

The pair laughed mischievously, and adjusted their course as one.

through clenched teeth oh..... My....... god! sequel! Please sequel! I must see this as a sequel!

Those codes, where do I look them up?

Yes, indeed! We must see(or I guess read) these 2 fuck! In public places specifically.

This was hot, I hope there's a continuation, if not I might have to write something like this myself. Very good work.

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