• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 2,222 Views, 24 Comments

Flutter Filly Playdate - lillytheomegawolf

It's a rainy day and poor Spectra is stuck inside until her mom Rainbow Dash gets home.

  • ...

A Rainy Day.


Spectra almost felt like screaming out loud. The sunny yellow filly gazed out the window of their cloud house with her deep pink eyes, into the wall of falling water that had killed her day. Her rainbow mane hangs limply down her shoulders giving a visual representation of how dull she feels inside. Rainbow Dash was out keeping the storm clouds in line while her other Mommy, Fluttershy was in the kitchen preparing a big meal for the mighty weather pony's triumphant return and had instructed her filly to stay inside out of the bad weather.

'I wish mom would get back already. I know she'd want to have fun in the rain with me.'
She did her best to scan the sky for the tell tale rainbow trail but after staring into the void for several long minutes, she sighed and gave up. Feeling disheartened she wanders back over to her bed and pulls a few toys out.

After doing her best to play with them she abandons them all in favor of checking on Fluttershy.

She passes several animals who are sheltering inside the cloud home, Angel and Tank appear to be still engaged in their little competition so the filly leaves them to it.

A spiky rainbow mane appears around the corner, poking into the kitchen. Spectra peeks in and can see Fluttershy hovering above the cloud floor, lost in her own world, singing softly while carefully cooking a meal The aroma reaches the sunny fillies nose and her tummy realises that it is hungry. She bites her lip, nervously debating with herself. She takes a deep breath then walks on into the kitchen, doing her best to appear happy.

Fluttershy turns and spots her daughter. A warm smile lights up the eyes of the happy mother. She can tell her filly is in the kitchen for one reason, the same reason Rainbow Dash always likes her kitchen too.

She flies down, grabbing a few filly sized hay bites on her way and deposits them carefully in front of Spectra. The youngsters eyes light up and she devours the food before her mother could react further.

"Thank you mommy."

"That's okay dear." Fluttershy ruffles her fillies rainbow mane affectionately. "I'm sure Dashie will be home soon. Then you can have fun with her outside."

Suddenly the front door to their home is flung open and in strides a proud cyan pegasus. Her rainbow mane flaps in the rough gale as she takes stock of the quiet family house she has just barged into. Dash shakes herself dry, powerful muscles driving the offending droplets off her. Several animals hide from the onslaught, they came inside to shelter from the rain and now the crazy rainbow had drenched them anyway.

Fluttershy zipped to her wife's side, nuzzling her, oblivious to the dampness being passed to previously dry yellow coat.

Spectra bounds up and joins in, turning the brief hug between lovers into one big family hug.

"Its so good to see your safe Rainbow," Fluttershy softly cooed.

"Who me? Of course I'm safe Fluttershy. No rain cloud can stand in my way." She boldly demonstrates her point with a cyan hoof, obliterating an imaginary cloud.

"Hey mom! Can you take me outside? I wanna go play in the rain."

"Spectra I've just dried myself off." Dash stops herself from continuing the pleading face of her filly could met any frosty heart. "Lets go. Bye 'Shy."

Rainbow Dash gives Fluttershy a speedy kiss then grabs Spectra and speeds outside into the storm.

Fluttershy smiles to herself, the two rogues would be certain to have a real ball of fun and return ready to demolish the meal she is preparing. She checks her animals are alright after their drenching then wanders back to her task singing softly.


An elated Spectra rides on her mothers back. She tosses her head back letting the wind rush through her rainbow mane. The magic moment is killed as she is unceremoniously dumped on the ground. She gazes up at the mighty form shielding her from the elements. Rosy pink eyes hang in front of her for a few seconds. A mischievous look crosses Rainbow Dash's face. Everypony knows the look means trouble for somepony else.

"Any minute now..."

Spectra glanced around, wearing a confused look on her little face, wondering what is going on.
The daredevil mare shifts her position to better cover her filly, sliding a wing over her, mentally counting down to herself.

Suddenly a gentle hoof taps Spectra on the shoulder and in a streak of rainbow, her mom took off, galloping along the field toward the location of the CMC's old club house. Spectra races after her, doing her best to catch up. She puts on a determined face and sprints, hooves drumming the soft ground like a runner in a race. Rainbow Dash spins around and stops.

"Wait right here. I have a little something to show you squirt."

Little yellow hooves skid in the mud as their owner does her best to come to a stop before slamming into anything.

"What is it mom?"

Dash points toward the tree house. The door creaks open to reveal two other fillies wearing grins on their small faces. Big Mac follows the small group out. Acey Mac has a lighter red toned coat than her father and green eyes that shine despite the ugly weather. A strawberry pink mane similar to her mom, Cheerilee adorns her shoulders. Moonlight Eve looks less willing to enter into the wild elements, her deep violet coat well groomed. Her horn glows levitating a pair of glasses off her soft lavender coat with the same precision her mother Twilight always used. Her purple and blue mane sparkle, even in the rain just like her mom, Luna's does. All in all, she looks like a little darling of a tiny alicorn.

"Come on out, this rain’s awesome!" Called Spectra.

Acey Mac and Moonlight Eve bound up to greet the rainbow filly and her mom. Dash nudges her filly forward then flies up to the shelter of the club house.

The two adult ponies watch on with kind smiles as the small group of files take off, little hooves kicking up dirt as they bound around playing tag and enjoying the rain.
Spectra LOVED it. The feeling of the rain caressing her soft coat, the way her mane whips about as she dodges her friends attempts at catching her. She looks back and can tell that Acey was having the time of her life too. Eve is clearly less sure hooved, continually pausing to calculate the most efficient way to navigate the soft ground around the roots of the trees they are playing near. Not wanting the violet filly to be left out, little yellow wings extend, a grin forms and Spectra powers into the reserved filly, tackling her to the ground.

They roll round and round on the grass, their hooves quickly churning the green pasture into mush. Acey can't stand being left out of the action and piles on in. Laughter and sloshing of fillies in the mud carry strongly in the breeze. Several times Eve attempts to pull out and regain her composure only to have Acey put on a burst of speed and pull her back into their mud ring. Spectra rams Acey out to enable herself to have a go at catching the elusive evening filly. The pair slide round and round, giggling and squealing. Spectra lunges for Eve’s tail, misses and slides into Acey instead. They both spring back up and Spectra takes off laughing, galloping full tilt at Eve. The two collide and flip through the air landing with Spectra on top.

The lunar filly powers up her horn and pushes her energetic friend off. The alicorn dashes off before any response can be given, a giggling red filly in tow. A moment passes as Spectra straightens herself out.

"Hey. No magic! That's cheating!" Utilizing her wings for an added boost, she gallops off after the pair.

She reaches the woods, trailing them round and round. The group zigzag between trees then encounter massive specimen. Acey and Eve begin to orbit it, shouting wild calls joyfully into the elements. Acey suddenly skids to a halt and deploying her hind hoof and tripping the charging yellow filly. Spectra is sent flying through the air and roughly slams into the mud.

Spectra tears her face from the ground, shaking her head sending mud flying into her laughing friends. She then attempts to tackle Acey to the ground but gets bucked off by the stronger filly. "Ah ain't letting you get me that easy." The green eyed filly turns, grinning to her downed friend.

Spectra rises from the earth grinning like a mad filly "wow. You are strong!"

"Eeyup!" Agrees the bouncy farm pony, instantly regaining the spring in her step.

Eve cuts into the moment, "I'm heading into the clubhouse now. This rain is getting too cold."

"Right behind you." Acey falls in beside her friend while Spectra wanders along behind them enjoying her last moments in the open elements.