• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 151 Views, 3 Comments

The Odd Family - Shadowblade93

Meet Firebrand a batpony who gets bullied

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1: A New Home

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It was a cold Winter's night, a blizzard was blowing in hard and you could barely see your hoof in front of your face; in addition, the temperature was cold enough to kill you in a very short time.

Along the streets of Canterlot a small family of three. The parents limped through with a small bundle wrapped under the mother's wing. The father was a unicorn, their child was a batpony filly. The filly was the product of a rape. They were now on the run, debt collectors were tracking them and the father led his family to safety. But in a few weeks it was apparent that they had to get their foal to a safe home and then they themselves would flee and hopefully one day see their daughter again.

They dropped her at the door step of a nice two story town house cottage and fled north to leave the city. It was about thirty minutes they found themselves in an alley and cornered by four unicorn stallions and a pegasus.

The husband fought the best he could and in the end as the cold claimed it's brave victim a small sputter was heard, "I've failed in being the protector........forgive me?"

"You saved our daughter, this is just the last chapter of our tale........" His wife spun around and charged; he couldn't watch what they did to her before they killed her.


Meanwhile, a family of unicorns were were about to start eating when their son suddenly perked up his ears and ran to the door; his parents had followed him and picked up the small bundle.when they realized it was a blanket the mother realized that she had to act fast. The little bundle barely breathe and almost dead. They got it heated up and when it started moving a pair of bat-like wings flopped out. The parents were shocked, who would abandon a foal at night in this weather? However, there had been a note left explaining everything about the the foal and her name, Firebrand.

> Chapter 2: A day in the Life

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Firebrand rolled over as the winter sun shown through her window. Throwing her pillow over her head and moaned..........it was her first day of school. Her brother Cold-steel nudged her gently and an occasional poke, "Hey sis, it's time to get up. Mother and father sent me."

She rolled out of the warm bed and trudged to wash her face and brush her teeth. Cold-steel thought himself the luckiest colt at school to have Firebrand as a sister; he was in the popular group but he ALWAYS wanted a sister and his parents had tried to to have another but that ended with his 'would-be' baby sister didn't make. Cold-steel saw as a gift of fate that the night that his unborn baby sister died that Firebrand showed up. On that night and whole day his mom had been depressed. Now eight years later, his mom would refer to his sister as her guardian angel, and refer to him as Firebrand's protector.

As they ate breakfast in the kitchen father was reading the morning paper reading the jokes from it to illicit laughs from the family. Cold-steel looked over at Firebrand and she was really distracted, "Am I a monster? Other fillies and colts have said so."

Her parents looked up from what they were doing, "You're not a monster don't listen to the others, they just believe what they're told and don't take time the time to know you. Quill help me out please?"

"Sure thing Aurora Dawn. Your mother is right Firebrand, they don't realize that your bat species is fruit bat...........not of the species that require blood; most blood feeding bat ponies tend to be clingy to a source and even then the host has to be willing to be fed upon. You're our special angel." With that said he presented a very bright red apples and and Firebrand eyes dilated and her ears twitched body tensed and as the apple went airborne she took off and caught it as it barely left her father's hoof. When breakfast was cleaned up Firebrand and Cold-steel walked to school. When they arrived to the two story school building Firebrand froze in her step as a shadow car into view and she tried to dodge the pegasus; bodies made contact and Firebrand hit the snow and she felt her wings crunch harmlessly in the snow.

"You finally made it! Damn I thought you'd never show!" The cream colored pegasus with a dark brown mane and tail with banana split for her cutie mark said in a speed almost matching Pinkie Pie.

"Split, you almost killed me! You crazy filly." Firebrand laughed, Banana Split laughed and retorted:

"Barely, I needed more speed to that. Anywho, I smell fresh apple on your breath."

Firebrand snapped her mouth shut and looked bashfully to the side. Cold-steel watched the interaction as he talked to his friends who intercepted him, of any Fillie at school were to intercept his sister it would be best if it was Banana Split. Banana Split even though she was in the cool popular group it didn't hinder her kind heart. The morning classes went well, it was during lunch when trouble hit.

> Chapter 3: Trouble

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During lunch Firebrand sat alone and Cold-steel tried to sit with her but kept getting side lined and he knew in about two minutes that the bullies from the older classes from upstairs would target her for being so much smaller than the others: hell even Banana Split tried to get her.

The aforementioned bullies a group of four large pegasi flew in and went straight for Firebrand who wasn't eating yet because she was trying to decide what she would like to eat. She hit the floor with a crash as dark red pegasus slammed into her, he was named Red Lightning. He stood over Firebrand flaring at her and his buddies Tar (an oily black pegasus), Flint (a pegasus who was the color of his name) & an ornage and red pegasus named Blaze landed near by.

"Bat ponies aren't allowed to here, you should just hurry up and die.........better yet I'll help ya!" Hoof went up and Firebrand struggled to get away and as she turn her head she felt a warm liquid flowing down her face.

She wimpered as she suddenly felt a couple hits more. Then Red told her to stand as she so, Blaze went airborne and kicked her ribs breaking a few of them. She hit the floor with a this. Out of the corner of her she saw Cold-steel and Banana Split pushing their way through the crowd to save her. As she tried to stand she saw Tar and Flint pinned her wings to the ground. She waited for the crunch that told her that her wings were broken. Red leapt up and reached the ceiling and came crashing down on her left wing and the bone was shattered near where her wing met her back. She began crying from the pain. As she stood she tucked her wing under her body and she was tackled and between the four pegasi she got mauled and it left her cowering at Red's hooves and she whimpered as he repeatedly kicked her. Cold-steel and Banana finally made it to her side and they stood between her and her tormenters. Battered and bruised and broken she sat in the nurse's station waiting for her parents and the principal. Her left hung limp and bandaged, her rib cage was wrapped securely as well. She still cried from the pain, Banana Split and Cold-Steel were seated with her gently holding her close. When the awaited parents and the nurse arrived with the bullies parents and the attackers.

Firebrand cowered and the parents of the bullies were horrified! For a a creature so small compared to their sons looked pathetic and scared. All the parents agreed and said in unison, "Our sons will pay for this themselves....." Finally one pony spoke, "and we'll make sure every bit is paid in full including therapy for the wing! After that their punishment will be up to you to decide and we'll back you 100% we tried everything in our power and they won't listen to us now maybe they'll listen to somepony else."

Firebrand's parents nodded. They had hundreds of ideas to make things right.

> Chapter 4: Recovery and a Mauling

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After a few months Firebrand's ribs were healed and her wing took longer to heal due to the severity of the break. When it did heal, she began therapy and that included re-learning how to fly. When she could operate at full power in her flight she was escatatic! The bullies steered clear of her not wanting to get in trouble after spending every bit they had earned in their jobs, however Red Lightning would occasionally shove her around and treat her like garbage.

The little group of bullies besides paying medical bills were forced to be basically her servants and had to do her bidding. They complied at first grudgingly but actually began to enjoy it some once they got to know her better. Red on the other hoof vowed that he'd one day make her life a nightmare.

It had been a year when Red Lightning made good on his vow; Firebrand was trotting to her locker to grab her books to go home when a red blur slammed into her at full speed sending flying into the lockers. Red stood over and began slamming his hoof into her face and kicking her. She had tried to run but he tackled her and struck her wind-pipe. As she tried to breathe, he went airborne and and sent his weight on her leg and there was a resounding crack. She dragged herself down the hallway and there was a jerk on her left wing with a the bone cracked. Unable to flee and unable to fight back she figured that Red Lightning was probably gonna kill her.

She froze in fear as he circled around. A blur of yellow and a blast of magic Red was sent hurdling back; Flint came in behind Cold-Steel and Banana Split and the three took a defensive stance Red laughed as he flew off, he had his fun. Firebrand was once again rushed to the ER. Her injuries had a high percentage of being fatal; several ribs if moved wrong during surgery would Pierce a lung or her heart. Her spine had taken a severe hit she could live her life walking with a limp. She also suffered a cunncussion and the optic nerve a in her left eye were badly damaged as well. Her family paced nervously in the waiting room, she had so many ponies in that waiting room worrying about her that if she knew she'd be embraced to be getting this much attention.

> Chapter 5: Recovery

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Firebrand lay in her hospital bed bored to death, she had read every book her family had brought her and was feeling restless. It was around 1 p.m. when her brother walked through the door followed by Red. Upon seeing Red Lightning she cringed and slid under the covers of her bed. What piqued her curiosity was that Red himself had been bandaged up.

"What happened to you Red?"

"Got mugged yesterday." With that, he turned and walked out. Cold-Steel had a look of confusion.

"Red Lightning told me he had something he wanted to tell you. That fellow confuses me. Anyway, sis the class is going on a cave exploration field trip next month and mom and dad are talking to the doctor and you'll be released tomorrow. Your body is healed up arm therapy for your wing will be started up again. In two minutes Banana Split will be visiting." As if on cue, the bubbly and energetic pegasus walked in.

"Good afternoon Firebrand! Everypony at school misses you. News has it that you'll be released soon. Sorry, I'm gonna have to go, got a few errands to run for my folks just was nearby don't dropped in to say hi." With that, she said goodbye and flew out of the room. Cold-Steel left an hour later.

It was a couple of days later when Firebrand was released and she got to go home.

> Chapter 6: Making Amends

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Firebrand walked down the hall to retrieve her books for class, Red Lightning had sheepishly made eye contact and hurried on his way.

The look wasn't malicious but it looked as if he wants to say something important. As the classes ended for the day and the students were given lists for a day pack to go exploring the caves. Cold-Steel and Firebrand discussed Red's odd behavior If late. It was making no sense! What did he want?

When the trip day arrived the class met at the beginning of the cave system below Canterlot; when they entered the caves their guide explained all the usual rock facts.........in a very monotone voice. After a few hours as they began the trip out, as they neared the entrance there was a tremor, and the ground shook and rocks from the ceiling began to fall. As everypony booked it; Firebrand took to the rear as she hadn't fully recovered from her injuries and her wing hadn't gained its strength back completely.

Everypony was out except for her, she didn't know if she was gonna make it! There was a blur of red as she was pushed backward and the whole ceiling caved in. In a panic, she stood and banged her home on the stone wall in front of her screaming, "Can anypony hear me! We're trapped!"

"Firebrand listen! We're getting a rescue crew just sit tight." Cold-Steel's voice was reassuring but she knew that the wall would take a few days to remove from how thick it was. Her echolocation kicked in along with her night vision. Who was the red blur that saved her? They had three red-colored pegasi in the class, she was about to be shocked.

Red Lightning stepped to her side and stood awkwardly silent. Firebrand stared for a moment and stuttered, "T-T-Thank you Red, for saving me."

"Think nothing of it, I would've done the same thing for my younger sister......." The sentence fell silent and Red drew circles on the cave floor. He had a younger sister that he swore to protect but his carelessness had gotten her killed. The guilt he carried tore at him, upon seeing Firebrand brought back memories. His sister and Firebrand shared the same color scheme, Firebrand served as an awful reminder of his failure; and the bundled up self-rage came out as brutal violence toward Firebrand who appeared to him as a demon taunting him.

Firebrand sat silently whilst pondering his statement. "May I ask what happened?"

"We went on a hike one Winter and I swore to protect her. Like I fool I forgot the compass and we got lost. I got to a point where I told her I could cover more ground alone. As flew off to find our bearings a blizzard hit and the return took longer than I expected. When I did return she had died, frozen to death. I brought her body home and a self-rage kicked in and depression as well. Seeing you Is like a demon coming to torture me. I took my rage and unleashed it at you, I should've embraced ya into our circles but I didn't. If she were here you and she would be about the same age. Both of you share the same color scheme and your hobbies are about the same as well. Thus brings us to what I wanted to say to you several days ago........can you forgive me?"

"Red I need to think about all this, I mean you almost killed me." Red nodded and sat silently.

All heard from the other side were thunder and rain. Water seeped in from under the rocks and they moved to a higher point three hundred feet back and the water rose quickly. Soaked in sweat from the humidity Firebrand noticed she had developed a fever and after several hours she dell asleep. She shivered as she slept and her fever rose. Red noticed that Firebrand felt feverish, finding a hollowed-out rock he used to scoop water and he tried to bring the fever down. "Don't worry Fire-blaze I'm not gonna fail you again." Firebrand moaned as illness ravished her body, did Red call her Fire-blaze? Her name was similar to his sister's with all he said it made sense. She would have to think more about if she could forgive him. It had been four days when a rescue crew cleared the rock and were able to get them out. The scene they found was quite heartwarming, Red was curled up next to Firebrand trying to warm her as she shook from cold whole her body was burning from fever. Cold-Steel and his parents stood shocked, Red Lightning's parents were very shocked.

The parents had talked about why Red was treating Firebrand so poorly and told about Fire-blaze and how she had died etcetera. The surprise was that he had done everything in his power considering the circumstances to keep Firebrand alive.

> Chapter 7: Friends

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Firebrand awoke the next morning feeling miserable, her body ached and she could tell she had a fever. She remembered the cave and the talk with Red Lightning; as she rolled over to her surprise Red himself was in the chair that had been placed by her bed years ago.

She moaned, why did it have to be him? She had a ton to swallow and she needed to think. Then again, she thought maybe Red was trying to prove his apology by his actions? Why did holding a grudge have to be so hard! She looked at a drinking glass by her bed and it was empty. She had to say something to Red now. "Hey umm, Red, can you get me some water please?" He stirred and he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I'd be glad to" he stood and picked her glass and walked to the kitchen. She could hear that it was raining and the wind blew. Her mother sang in the kitchen as she cooked, her father was humming from his study Cold-Steel sat in his room doing homework. Red returned with a filled glass of water, he gently helped her take a sip. Now more awake she noticed at the foot of her bed sat an arrangement of orchids and tulips........her favorite flowers.

Cold-Steel trotted in, "Hey sis, how ya doing?"

"I feel like shit at the moment, how long was out for?"

Red answered, "We were in the cave for four days, and on day one you developed a bad fever with no warning. To better answer your question you were out for a solid two weeks."

"That can't be! But while out, my mind kept replaying your words and you and I need to talk. Cold can you give us some privacy, please? And close the door. Mom and dad will understand in time."

Cold-Steel left and shut the door. "Okay, I've thought about what you said then I would wake up and before I crash asleep. Before I passed out you called me Fire-Blaze, was that your sister's name?"

Red looked away, "Yes it was, I felt like I was gonna lose you, and seeing the similarities made it seem like I was losing her again. That sounds like a shitty thing considering I treated you like trash. I meant every word I said in that cave."

"I know you did, that's why I accept your apology, your actions proved it. I'll make a deal with you; If you stick around to be my doctor, then I'll help you with anything you need. Judging from how your eyes look you need sleep and if wager that your grades could use a little help."

Red laughed loudly, "You have no idea how bad my grades doing! They look like I did my homework on the day of their due date." They both laughed Cold-Steel came back in followed by their parents. Red Lightning looked a little nervous, he knew they had been listening from the other side of the door; he was assured there was no trouble, Firebrand's mother brought in two bowls of hot soup and some tea for the both of them.

Meanwhile, the other ponies about Canterlot spoke of the incident saying things pitying Red for having to be in a cave with a bat pony. The populous saw Firebrand as a monster, and the majority wished she was dead. In their minds all bat ponies require blood, not bothering to research the fact there are two species; blood bat ponies and fruit bat ponies. No pony even studied the subject of bat ponies, blood bat ponies had to have a willing host, trying to feed off an willing host led to the death of the blood pony; it was considered a bonding thing and it was for life! A lot like how some animals in nature only have one mate. The fruit bat pony variety if left on their own could ravage an orchard, so for a fruit bat pony to be able to feed and at a controlled rate is for the fruit farmers mark off a portion for them to feed. Usually the marked off section was about six thirty-six square acres and usually enchanted to to grow every more fruit every day right after feeding times.

Now back to to what ponies said, a few were kinder and considered it a blessing that he was there in cave or Firebrand would've probably died and those few were opposed by the others saying that he should've killed her when he had the chance! She is a monster and shouldn't be allowed to live or at least live among them.

> Chapter 8

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Several months passed by and Hearth's Warming Eve was coming up............that meant the school party was drawing nigh. Firebrand dreaded for the simple fact that ponies talked badly about her when she was in earshot. She began preparing her gift buying for the ponies she was buying for. Her parents were easy, Cold-Steel was also relatively easy so was Banana Split; this year Red Lighting was on her list.

As she trotter about acquiring the gifts, she overhead a pair of stallions talking about her and saying that they would "do her" just for fun. She shuddered, the thought made her feel sick! The majority of the ponies in town knew her and knew she was a minor. She made it home and told about her day.

The rest of the week involved a lot of baking and decorating. Red hung around more often, and she learned that Red had a love for art & music. The school Hearth's Warming Eve party arrived, since the students were to have "dates" Cold-Steel took Banana Split as his date, Firebrand had been asked by any pony so she was planning to stay home while everypony else went without her. As they grabbed scarves, there was a knock on the front door. She was paying much mind to what was said, all she knew she heard a shuffle at her bedroom door and she looked up. Red Lightning stood in the entrance and he held a poinsettia gently in his mouth (downside of not being a unicorn), she gasped, "Red what are you doing here? Don't you have date that's waiting for you?"

He chuckled nervously, "Well I did...........all because I didn't get the nerve to ask til now. So here goes. Firebrand...........will you be my date to the school Hearth's Warming Eve party?" she quickly answered yes and hastily got ready; as they left the house Red placed the poinsettia behind her left ear.

When they arrived at the party the newcomers got announced with their dates. The parents there served as chaperones. The party went well until a rich couple got talking, "For the love of the goddesses Red could have done better! Hell he could've have asked a mare of the same social status." the group they were with nodded in agreement. The conversation digressed and somepony in the group said:

"Such a monster like her should be killed. Hell if I had the resources I'd kill all of those bat ponies myself! The prettier ones I'd sell to the diamond dogs for playthings." Firebrand trudged down the dimly lit hallway lines with colorful lights, she pushed the exit door open and she sat in the snow.

Completely unaware that Cold-Steel, Banana Split and Red had followed her outside. Unaware that is until Red wrapped a foreleg around her shoulder. "You're no monster, I was once a part of that group of ponies who thought so. Not anymore, after actual research you bat ponies are amazing. The advantages you have over any other pony are amazing, echolocation and vision for starts. I read that once you hit a certain age telekinesis is supposed to kick in. It took four days in a damp, cold, and dark cave with a bat pony for me to finally see that you're harmless. One others will see it too."

The two rich couples that had started the conversation stepped out and were about to leave when Cold & Steel confronted them. Red spoke first,"Damn you ass holes! Did you not know that there are two species of bat ponies? Firebrand's specie so happens to be of the fruit bat branch!" with that he produced an apple that he swiped from inside a few moments ago and tossed up and over his head. Firebrand's ears twitched eyes narrowed and became a bright red and she launched herself upwards and caught the apple and began knawing it." Point proven!"

Cold-Steel was next, "I ought to teleport you to the diamond dog mines myself and let them 'play' with you until they get bored! Just get outta here before I do something I regret!" the couples hurried away.

They were able to convince Firebrand to come back inside, and just in time for dancing. When midnight drew nigh, it was time for the annual dance off, the young stallions and young mares would show off their dance moves and the winner of each group would dance the final dance of the night. It so happened that for the Red lightning and Firebrand won, and as they danced that final dance the lights went dim and the room was lit purely with the colorful holiday lights. A renowned cellist was hired for this specific dance and Red and Firebrand heard nothing but the soft carol playing and their own breathing. When the night ended and Firebrand thought back on the previous years of her life. She remembered how Red and his companions made it hell for her, she remembered when his comrades finally got to know her and became friends over time. The things that stuck most when Red had tried to kill her, and the thing that stuck most was the being trapped in the cave ad how Red began his redemption; that cave even though it was just eight months ago it felt like years to her. She lay awake all night humming to herself very happy that her life was beginning to turn around. It was five in the morning before she actually began falling asleep when a poking and a nudging was trying to wake her up, "You gotta see this sis mom and dad are waiting for us."

Sleepily she trudged outside, in the snow was dozens of poinsettias in the snow. Confused she went airborne, from the air the plants spelled out "I love you". Her parents and brother knew who had done it but played the clueless lot as not to give away the surprise too early. Now back in bed feeling like ice and yet warm, She had to visit Red in the morning.


Comments ( 3 )

Excellent Chatter 1 keep up the good work

Its complete that's what a reupload looks like from me.

I make this story with a 60 out 200 this a excellent score

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