• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 901 Views, 40 Comments

Will You Be My Very Special Somepony? - Mechawrecker

Pound makes his first card for Hearts and Hooves Day. Who could it be for?

  • ...

Craft, Confess, Cuddle

Pound’s eyebrows furrowed as the thick glue slowly encased its target. “Come on… come on…”

A bead of sweat crept down his cheek, mingling with the hours worth of work on his matted fur. Squinting at the uncooperative adhesive with pure contempt, he muttered, “Don’t you dare move, you colt-of-a-”



Pound slammed his head into the craft table as his millionth attempt fell apart in his hooves. Chucking the failed product into the trash, he ran a frustrated hoof through his mane, failing to notice the residual glue still clinging to his foreleg.

As the horrible realization finally dawned, he frantically tried to free himself, yanking out a few painful hairs in the process. Scowling at the smiling primate on the bottle, he growled, “I knew I shouldn’t have used Orangutan Glue.”

Before he could shout for help, a knock at the door interrupted his incessant grumbling. “Pound, are you okay in there?”

“No, I accidentally glued my hoof to my mane! Can you help me get it out?” he called, choosing to ignore the obvious snickering from the other side.

Pumpkin’s smug grin appeared in the doorway as she approached his helpless form. Choking back another round of giggles, she pointed at his disheveled mane and quipped, “Did you let Zephyr Breeze style your mane again? It’s a huge improvement~”

“Not in the mood, sis. Can you just magic the glue away for me?” Pound shot, indicating the hardened resin now coating his hoof.

Her cocky grin only widened as she let out a few glowing sparks. “What’s the magic word?”

“You can’t be serious,” he growled, shooting her a reproachful frown. “You’re just going to leave me like this?”

Pumpkin rolled her eyes as her horn lit up, casting a soothing glow on the stubborn hairs now unraveling themselves from the glue’s unrelenting grip. When each caught fiber finally freed itself, she canceled the spell with an expectant look and snarked, “You’re welcome.”

Pound flexed his now free hoof with a relieved grin and sighed, “Have I ever mentioned I love that you're a unicorn? I dont know what I'm going to do once you move out.”

Her stomach churned as she dropped her confident smirk. Pawing the floor with a hoof, she smiled, "Don't worry about that! We're taking over the bakery after Mom and Dad retire, so we'll be together all the time, right?"

A confused look overtook his muzzle as he wondered, "I thought you wanted to start a family? Don't you want to be with your special somepony instead of being chained down here?"

Pumpkin swallowed as his inquiring gaze pierced through her bubbly veneer. Glancing around his messy room, she spotted the craft supplies littering the table and asked, “What were you making before I came in?”

Pound’s face reddened as he carefully nudged the loaded trash can under his desk. Fluffing his wings to obstruct her view, he stammered, “Just something for a school project. Don’t worry about it.”

A disbelieving frown crossed her snout as she noted, “You know we’re in the same class, right? I’m almost positive Cheerilee hasn’t assigned a craft project. Want to try again?”

“Look, it’s not a big deal,” he repeated, scooping the leftover materials into the bin. A flash of pink broke through his wing barrier before disappearing amongst the scraps of yellow and orange.

A small huff escaped her snout as she pulled the trash can from behind his flank. Ignoring his angry protests, she sifted through the ribbons of paper, searching for the secret he was so intent on keeping from her. "I already know you bought those edibles from Tree Hugger, so there's no point trying to hide--"

She felt her heart skip a beat as a pink and orange card emerged from the basin. Her eyes widened at the surprising affection before her brother's behavior began unraveling. Glancing up with a look of vindictive pleasure, she adopted a saucy smirk and teased, “Bro, were you making a Hearts and Hooves Day card?”

Pound’s cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment as he snatched the half-finished card from her grasp. “Shut up! I told you not to go through my stuff! Can’t you just mind your own business?”

Her smug grin didn’t abate as she pointed at the crumpled wad in his hooves. “So, who’s the unlucky mare? I need to send her a sympathy basket.”

“Not funny,” Pound growled, tossing the unfinished card into the trash. “It’s really hard to do this kind of stuff without magic. I can never get the decorations to stick without breaking them or putting them on wrong.”

“Fair enough,” she joked, playfully nudging his side, “but having wings can’t be that bad. Aside from when they puff out whenever Sweetie Belle wears shorts in gym class~”

Pound’s wings gave an unsubtle twitch as he chuckled, “Yeah, I’ve always had a thing for unicorns. Their cute horns blend perfectly with their manes, and their magic can do such amazing things!”

Pumpkin gave a start of surprise before pushing the thought aside, acutely aware of her own horn in full display. Stealing another glance at the discarded cover, she asked, “Who’s the card for? Is it for a certain unicorn that lives in Carousel Boutique?”

A flush of heat rose to her cheeks as she smoothed out her fuzzy coat. Batting her eyes, she flipped her curly mane to illuminate her glowing horn and tittered, “Or is it maybe for a different unicorn you know?”

“It’s not for Rarity if that’s what you’re asking. Spike would cook me alive if I made a move on her,” Pound said, sliding a fresh sheet of paper onto the table. “Besides, she’s a little too old for me. I’d prefer a mare that’s still in my grade or at least still in school.”

“You know who I meant,” she groaned, dimming her light spell. “Are you going to ask Sweetie Belle out? If so, you might want to step up your game. A lot of guys have the same idea, so there’ll definitely be competition.”

Pound’s muzzle curled into a smirk as he reached into his backpack and grinned, “I know. That’s why I got these!”

Pumpkin shielded her eyes as the glimmer of several miniature gemstones flashed through the air. She felt her jaw drop as he placed a brilliant ruby in her hoof, its flawless facets dancing with the light of the sun.

“Where in Equestria did you get this!?” she squeaked, marveling at its immaculate beauty. “There’s no way you bought this with our allowance. Did you melt down one of Diamond Tiara’s earrings?”

His triumphant smirk widened as he snatched the jewel out of her grasp. Reveling in her jealous stare, he boasted, “It helps to have a gem-eating dragon as a hoofball partner. Spike hooked me up if I promised to help him get with Rarity.”

Pumpkin let out a sympathetic sigh and chuckled, “You and Spike, huh? What did the Belle’s ever do to deserve such a fate?”

His grin faded as he tossed the gemstones onto the table. Glaring at his overflowing trash can, he shook his head and grumbled, “Of course, all the gems in the world won’t help if the card looks like crap. I didn’t want you to know earlier, but can you help me out now? Your magic would be really helpful.”

Pumpkin glanced at the fresh construction paper with a raised eyebrow and asked, “Why are you using orange? Wouldn’t purple be a better choice?”

“No, I think she’ll like orange more,” Pound remarked, folding the sheet into halves. “Come on, I need you to levitate those gems onto the cover while I add the glue.”

The next hour consisted of them arguing over the best color schemes and designs, ending with Pumpkin giving in to her brother’s stubborn refusal to take her advice. As she set the final ruby into place, Pound clapped her on the barrel and grinned, “Perfect! This’ll catch her eye for sure!”

She gazed forlornly at the purple fabric practically begging to be used and sighed, “What a waste. It’s going to clash horribly with Sweetie Belle’s coat and mane.”

Smoothing out the card’s cover, she dabbed a quill into a nearby inkwell and asked, “What do you want to write on the front? It should have her name and maybe even a--”


She broke off as Pound frantically snatched the quill out of her grip. Scanning the card's surface, he let out a sigh of relief as all the pages returned blank. “Oh, thank Celestia! I thought you already wrote something.”

“What was that about!?” she barked, clutching the spot where the quill had dug into her foreleg. “I was just writing her name on it. Aren’t you going to do that anyway?”

A wave of heat engulfed his cheeks as he placed the quill back into its holster. Pushing the card aside to dry, he replied, “Yeah, but I don’t want you doing it! I have to be the one that writes her name.”

Pumpkin’s eyes narrowed as he refused to meet her gaze. “Why? I’ve always had better hoofwriting than you, and I can use magic to make the words even prettier.”

His guilty expression deepened as he awkwardly shuffled in place. Still refusing to meet her gaze, he mumbled, “I want to show how much she means to me. I want her to know that I did more than just spend a couple bits on a crummy card at the general store.”

He bit his lip in embarrassment and finished, “I just… I just want her to feel special.”

Her gaze softened as he buried his head in his hooves. Trotting forward to stand next to him, she nuzzled his fuzzy cheek and cooed, “Aw, that’s so sweet! I never thought you could be so romantic~”

“Oh, stop it,” he mumbled, returning the affectionate gesture. His hoof wrapped around her fluffy barrel as they shared a laugh at his overwhelming cheesiness.

Pound grinned as she pressed herself into his side, basking in her heavenly warmth on the otherwise chilly day. The smell of fresh bread tickled his muzzle, mixing with her already alluring scent as the cute bow atop her head accentuated her sparkling blue eyes.

Resisting the urge to breathe into her lustrous mane, he pulled her into a tight hug and whispered, “Thanks for everything, sis. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Pumpkin’s eyes widened at the sudden contact before settling into a look of content. Relaxing into his caring embrace, she caressed his fluffy feathers and sighed, “No problem, bro. Good luck on your date.”

Hearts and Hooves Day: a day of love, companionship, and a massive influx of changelings admitted to the hospital. While most ponies anticipated its arrival with roses and chocolates, others tended to break tradition with personal spins on the festivities.

Pound’s heart pumped as he added the final touches to the pastry’s icing. Leaning back, he let out a satisfied sigh and hummed, “Finally done! I can’t wait until she sees this.”

Turning towards the hallway, he washed away the leftover batter and called, “Sis, come look at what I made!”

Pumpkin’s head appeared in the doorway as she rubbed her weary eyes. Glaring through her tangled mane, she mumbled, “Why are you up so early? You know it’s the weekend, right?”

His grin widened as he pulled her into the kitchen. Ignoring her halfhearted protests, he exclaimed, “I know, but it’s really important! I want to get your opinion on this before I send it out.”

An annoyed grimace consumed her muzzle as he stood her next to the counter. Brushing aside a few messy hairs, she groaned, “Can’t this wait? I’m really tired from yesterday’s craft project and need some--”

Her voice broke as he unveiled the most beautiful cake she’d seen since the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. It’s firm yet fluffy sponge bounced in place as the deep purple filling transitioned to a milky pale along a smooth gradient. Each layer of fluff separated itself with a thick helping of creamy syrup, and a thin layer of porcelain-white frosting coated the whole pastry in sweet, sugary goodness. Atop the cake lay three flawless blue diamonds, each glinting brightly in the sun’s golden rays.

Pumpkin gaped at the confectionary marvel before shaking her head to clear away the shock. Fixing him with a look of astonishment, she stammered, "But when… how… what…”

“Do you like it?” he grinned, adjusting one of the gemstones that had fallen out of place. “I spent all night baking and finally finished my own culinary masterpiece!”

Her eyes roved over the delectable treat with amazement and hunger, but the purple fluff and white icing swiftly brought her back to reality. Biting her lip in disappointment, she mumbled, “Oh, is it for the Belle’s?”

Pound nodded as he packaged the cake for delivery. “I thought about your advice and made a pastry that fits her color scheme. Doesn’t it look great?”

Pumpkin’s face fell as the cake disappeared into the container’s confines. Pawing the floor with a hoof, she sighed, “It looks incredible, but I bet it tastes even better. She’s a really lucky mare.”

As Pound slid the box into the fridge, she trotted behind him and asked, “Can you pass me a tray of muffins? I need to restock the--”

The moment she spoke, Pound’s wings flared out, effectively blocking her from the fridge door. Whipping around, he shoved the nearest tray of muffins into her unprepared hooves, forcing her to catch a few falling pastries with her magic. “Yeah, sure! Take these!”

Juggling the wayward muffins in her telekinesis, she fought to regain control of the batch before they fell onto the floor. Fixing her brother with an alarmed glare, she barked, “What the hay, Pound!? What was that about?”

Pound’s ears twitched as he slammed the fridge door shut. Retracting his erect wings, he adopted an apologetic smile and explained, “Sorry! Your voice startled me, and my wings puffed up when the cake started slipping. It’s a pegasus thing.”

“Oh, sorry about that,” she mumbled, stacking more muffins onto the counter display. “I can’t imagine Sweetie Belle would appreciate a squashed cake.”

Pound waved away her apology with a relieved grin and chuckled, “It’ll be fine as long as you, Mom, and Dad don’t eat it. I agreed to meet up with Spike and prepare for tonight, so I’ve got to go. See you later, sis!”

Pumpkin waved back as his cheery smile disappeared through the front door. Turning around, she finished restocking the empty stationary before sliding the remaining muffins back into the fridge.

Her hoof froze as it brushed against the delivery box. Eyeing the parcel with envy, she glanced over her shoulder before slowly lifting the box’s lid to reveal the immaculate cake still gleaming with the fruit of Pound’s intensive labor. There it sat, as perfect as ever, a sickeningly sweet confection of passion, affection, and love.

Pumpkin winced as the shining gemstones flashed against her sensitive eyes. The diamonds’ harsh glare faded as the spongy cake bounced in place, taunting her with the prospect of digging into the delicious treat, but knowing she could never indulge without betraying her brother’s trust. The fluffy pastry swayed back and forth like a snake luring in its next victim, tempting her to sink a hoof into its pillowy snare.

A sneer painted itself across her snout as the cake continued its infuriating dance, goading her into a violent rage with each successive glint and wiggle. She felt her horn light up, a crackling aura surrounding the defenseless pastry until its icing began to melt. It would be so easy to just smash this disgusting sludge until there’s nothing left to--


Her furious glare evaporated as a look of panic consumed her startled muzzle. Jerking up, she slammed her head against the fridge before staggering back onto the kitchen floor. Clutching the goose egg forming on her skull, she squeaked, “Pound! I thought you left to hang out with Spike!?”

“I forgot my wallet. We’re buying some flowers to make bouquets,” he explained, reaching out a helping hoof. Fixing her with a suspicious stare, he asked, “What were you doing to my cake? I told you not to touch it.”

“Sorry, I was just…” she stammered, trying to invent an excuse that didn’t involve almost blowing up his masterpiece. Spotting a diamond she had knocked out of place, she continued, “I wanted to fix this gem since it fell after you left, see?”

Pound’s gaze softened into an appreciative smile as he nuzzled her cheek and grinned, “Oh, thanks! I don’t know what I would have done if it fell apart. I’m so glad you were there to fix it!”

A shard of guilt twisted itself inside her conscience as he lovingly caressed the delicate parcel. Averting her eyes to quell the shame, she mumbled, “Yeah, happy to help.”

Pound perked up at her downtrodden tone before pulling her into a rib-cracking hug. Running a hoof through her curly mane, he let out a sympathetic sigh and whispered, “I’m sorry we can’t share it, but it’s really important for tonight. I promise to bake whatever you want for all your help once today is over, okay?”

Pumpkin’s heart raced at the intimate contact before she returned the affectionate cuddle. Gazing forlornly at his soft, fluffy wings and warm, fuzzy coat, she closed her watery eyes and made a silent prayer to the princess of love.

What if what I want isn’t on the menu?

The last vestiges of sunlight disappeared over the horizon as multiple tinted street lamps flickered to life. The roads filled with happy couples eager to make their reservations and enjoy a moment of solace with their special someponies.

In Sugarcube Corner, Pumpkin grimaced as the couple across the counter made a series of sickening smooches at each other. She could practically see the hearts bubbling around their touched noses, forcing her to suppress a gag at the nauseating display.

Sliding their ice cream sundae over the counter, she cleared her throat and grumbled, “Enjoy your Hearts and Hooves Day special sundae surprise. Please come again.”

The distracted couple paid her no mind as they began feeding each other little scoops of the creamy delight before they were even out the door. Turning to mix another sundae surprise, she gave a start as a familiar wing enveloped her barrel. “Hey, sis!”

“Ah!” Pumpkin recoiled from the sudden contact, pushing away the unexpected hug. “Pound, what are you doing? You’re supposed to prepare the next batch of doughnuts!”

Pound’s gaze flickered with disappointment before he lowered his outstretched wing. Gesturing towards the refilled display, he said, “I already finished those along with another red velvet cheesecake. I came to tell you that I’m heading out to meet with Spike at Carousel Boutique.”

Her expression darkened at the mention of the town’s clothing store. Biting her lip, she turned back to her ice cream sundae and mumbled, “I’m guessing you and Spike are going to ask them out with that cake you made, huh?”

His muzzle split into a grin as he swished his mane and chuckled, “Yeah, you should have seen Spike while we were planning. He wouldn’t stop going on and on about how beautiful Rarity is. He kept saying stuff like, ‘Her flawless white coat radiates a light brighter than the sun, her flowing purple mane spans across the ends of Equestria to soothe even the stormiest of seas,’ and a bunch of other mushy stuff too.”

Pumpkin’s magic aura fizzled with barely suppressed rage as she glared at her plain yellow-orange coat. Wishing for the first time in her life that she was a changeling, she hissed, “That explains why you two get along so well. As long as she doesn't age in the next fifty years, I'm sure you'll be fine.”

Pound’s expression hardened as he pulled the immaculate dessert from the fridge. Brushing off the unexpected snipe, he trotted towards the entrance and called, “I need to meet Spike soon, so close the store once I leave. I’ll see you later, sis.”

“Don’t hurry back! Mares don’t usually like it when guys finish too quickly,” Pumpkin shot, the ice cream sundae in her grip now reduced to a slurry of hot cream.

The sound of the door closing cut through the empty room leaving her with nothing but a foul mood and a ruined smoothie. Tossing the liquified sundae into the sink, she tore down the revolting holiday decorations and stomped her way towards the stairs before another voice called out, “Pumpkin?”

Groaning internally, she resisted the urge to sigh as she turned around and answered, “Yeah? What is it, mom?”

Cup Cake couldn’t hide her excitement as she bounced in place and giggled, “Have you heard that Pound is asking out a mare for Hearts and Hooves Day? He left just a second ago to give her a present!”

Pumpkin gave a start of surprise at the unexpected question. “Wait, you know about that?”

“Of course! Who do you think helped him with the cake?” Cup Cake grinned, reaching into the kitchen to pull out her husband. “Pound has been asking your father for all kinds of tips and tricks about talking to mares.”

Carrot Cake puffed out his chest and drew her closer, a confident smirk on his muzzle. “After all, my skills talking to mares managed to snag your mother, so they must be top notch.”

Pumpkin gaped as her parents nuzzled their snouts together. Staring at the floor, she recalled Pound's numerous attempts to hide his plans from her and refusal to accept any of her advice. Her hooves gripped the floorboards as her jaw clenched shut. Why didn’t he want her to know? Why was she the only one that he didn’t tell? Was their bond really worth so little to him?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Carrot Cake’s voice broke through the cacophony of questions echoing in her head. “Honey, did you hear us?”

She glanced up at their confused faces and forced herself to mute those unpleasant thoughts. Refocusing on the current conversation, she mumbled, “Sorry, what did you say?”

“We asked if you knew who he was going to confess to. He wouldn’t tell us anything when we asked, so we figured he told you since you two are so close.”

Pumpkin winced as a cute, girly unicorn with green eyes and white fur flashed through her mind. Shooting a disgruntled glare at her father's yellow coat, she averted her gaze and muttered, “No, I don’t. I already closed the store, so I’m going to bed now. Goodnight.”

The Cakes stared after their daughter’s retreating form with a mix of concern and alarm. Cup Cake turned to her husband with a worried glance and fretted, “Oh, dear. I hope we didn’t upset her by asking that. Maybe it was supposed to be a secret between them.”

Carrot Cake wrapped a foreleg around her barrel and sighed, “Don’t you see what’s happening here? Pumpkin is jealous that Pound is going on a date!”

“W-What!?” she exclaimed, jerking her head to glare at him. “What are you saying, dear!? Are you implying that Pumpkin has a crush on her brother!?"

“Wh-- No!” he spluttered, waving his hooves in denial. “Of course she doesn’t have a crush on Pound! I meant that she’s jealous he found a love interest before she did!”

Cup Cake let out the breath caught in her throat and relaxed into his comforting embrace. Enjoying her husband’s warmth, her eyes wandered to the staircase where a single tear glinted against the otherwise unpolished wood. Clearing her throat, she returned the affectionate nuzzle and started, “Hypothetically speaking, if she did…”

Carrot Cake glanced at her in surprise. “You really think it’s worth discussing?”

Her eyebrows creased as she considered her options. Glancing at the darkening street and empty storefront, she shook her head and mumbled, “No, you’re probably right. It was just a crazy thought from an old mare.”

“Old mare? Now where would I find one of those?” he chuckled, flashing her a mischievous grin. His tail moved to caress her plump hips, inviting her to celebrate the love-themed holiday with some friendly recreation.

Cup Cake giggled into her hoof at the adorable pass and leaned into his side. Intertwining their familiar tail hairs, she pecked him on the cheek and whispered, “You’ll get your chance after you finish cleaning the kitchen. Only good little colts get to have dessert~”

Pumpkin burst into her room, frantically trying to outrun the doubts plaguing her mind. Slamming the door behind her, she sprinted into bed before burying herself under a mountain of heavy blankets.

“Stupid Pound,” she mumbled, fighting back a fresh surge of tears. “What’s so good about Sweetie Belle anyways? Sure she’s cuter than me, prettier than me, more popular than me, and way better at wearing beautiful clothes, but he’s my brother! I should get him all to myself.”

Another tear slipped through her eyelids to fall onto her damp sheets. Letting out a cry of anger, she punched a hoof into her mattress, imagining it was her stupidly handsome brother’s face instead.

Glaring at her yellow hoof with disgust, she rolled onto her side and muttered, “He’s just a dumb, stupid idiot that let himself get caught by the first mare that looked his way. I can do so much better than him.”

Memories of their shared foalhoods flashed through her mind, a dull, hopeless longing for their once unbreakable bond. She recalled the moments they would band together to finish upcoming homework, late nights spent sneaking downstairs to snag a stray doughnut off the counter display, even their sparse arguments that always resolved themselves with nothing more than a loving hug.

Shards of ice pierced her heart as a burning hatred festered in her soul. Glaring at the top bunk he used to sleep in, she hissed, “I’m glad he and Sweetie Belle are going out. I hope they get married and have children. Dozens! Hundreds! I’ll be their ‘Auntie Pumpkin’ and tell them all about how he stabbed me in the back to run off with some no-good, stuck-up, arrogant little--”

Her voice faded as she gasped for breath. Fighting to extricate herself from the mass of blankets, she stared out her window at the very building where her brother was leaving her life forever. Leaning against the cold, chilly glass, she watched as more tears streamed down her face, joining the ones already matting her wet, sticky cheeks.

The lights in Carousel Boutique flickered out, casting the building into total darkness. Pumpkin frantically scanned the desolate sidewalks, desperate for any sign of Pound’s approaching figure, but the dark streets remained as empty as the gaping hole in her heart.

After a minute of fruitless searching, she was finally forced to admit that he wasn’t coming back. No doubt he would be too ‘busy’ with Sweetie Belle to even give her a second thought.

Crawling back into her sheets, she stopped fighting the deluge of tears and let them flow freely, dousing her bed with the heartache of unrequited love. Her last vestige of hope, snuffed out by the cruel talons of reality as wave after wave of pain, sadness, and betrayal coursed through her veins and ripped apart her--


Pumpkin jerked up as she stared at her bedroom door. The sound of running water drifted through the thin floorboards, confirming that both her parents were still downstairs cleaning the kitchen.

*Knock Knock*

Her gaze whipped around to stare out her window. Where Carousel Boutique once stood now showed the outline of a pegasus hovering just outside her window. Peering up with apprehension, she moved closer to get a better look at her midnight visitor.

As she approached the windowsill, the full moon illuminated the knocker’s light coat and brown mane, along with an all-too-familiar cutie mark in the shape of a chocolate pound cake. Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as her brother waved at her stunned face, asking to be let in.

After a moment of hesitation, she quietly unlatched the window to grant him entrance, but kept her distance in case her mind was playing tricks on her. Pound took the all clear and somersaulted into her room with a thud, causing her to wince at the sudden noise.

“Hey, sis!” he grinned, shutting the window behind him. “I bet you’re surprised by my awesome landing.”

“Not as surprised as I am to see you at all,” she scowled, still wary of his intentions. “Why are you here? I thought you were going to ask Sweetie Belle out.”

His grin faded as her glare intensified, causing his wings to twitch in anticipation. Adopting an ingratiating smile, he said, “That’s actually why I’m here. The truth is, I never intended to ask Sweetie Belle out. You just assumed that, and I went along with it since I didn’t want you to know any more than you had to.”

Her vicious scowl deepened as she clenched her jaw tight. Suppressing the urge to blast him into smithereens, she hissed, “Why did you hide this from me? You told mom, dad, Spike, and I’m guessing half the town about your plan, but you wouldn’t tell your own sister? Why don’t you trust me!?”

Her eyes flashed with fury as her magic began building in her horn. His casual tone fanned the flames raging in her heart, threatening to boil over in a tirade of unmitigated hate and betrayal.

Pound's ears flattened against his head as she stalked forward, a magical blast aimed at his terrified face. Staggering away from her vindictive rage, he held up a hoof and pleaded, “I do! Of course I trust you, but I couldn’t say anything without being sure you felt the same way. I couldn't tell you if it meant throwing away everything we had. I couldn’t say that I… I...”

She froze as he drew himself up to his greatest height. Flaring his wings, he swallowed the nerves buzzing inside his heart and shouted, “I couldn’t say that I loved you!”

Silence fell across the dimly lit room as she gaped at his bright red cheeks. Forcing herself not to scream, she took a deep breath and whispered, “w-what did you...”

Pound’s cheeks deepened in color as he repeated the words that had plagued him for months. “I said that I love you as more than just my sister. I-I want you to be my marefriend.”

Pumpkin backed away from his nervous form and held up a hoof. “This… this has to be a dream. I fell asleep, and I’m dreaming about what could have happened. Yeah, that’s it.”

Pound trotted forward to wrap a comforting wing around her barrel. Feeling her delicate frame shake with emotion, he pressed her against his side and soothed, “I promise this isn’t a dream. I’m really here, and I’m really asking you, my sister, to be my marefriend.”

“B-But what about Sweetie Belle!?” she cried, indicating the floor below. “You made that beautiful cake that matched her coat color and everything!”

“That cake was never meant for Sweetie Belle,” he explained, running a hoof through her disheveled mane. “If you remember the diamonds on top, you would have realized it was meant for Spike and Rarity to share in exchange for the rubies he gave me for the card. The cake I made for you was the pumpkin pound cake behind it, which was why I didn’t want you snooping through the fridge while I was gone.”

“But what about the card!?” she exclaimed. “You wanted to write Sweetie Belle’s name on the cover yourself to show how much she meant to you!”

“I said I wanted to write ‘her’ name, not Sweetie Belle’s, which is why I didn’t want you writing anything on it.”

“But,” she stammered, running out of ammunition, "why didn’t you just tell me? Why did you make me believe you were going to ask out Sweetie Belle? Do you have any idea how much it hurt to think you were leaving me behind?”

A shameful grimace consumed his muzzle as he averted his eyes to the floor. Pushing past the sting of regret, he squeezed her barrel and whispered, “I couldn’t tell you until I knew you felt the same way. If you didn’t, it would have ruined everything we spent our whole lives building.”

He fixed her with a teary, sorrowful gaze and continued, “I know it was wrong, but I was too scared to tell you without knowing first. I’m sorry.”

They sat in silence as Pumpkin tried to process everything she had just heard. The words flooded her mind, clashing together to form a cacophony of noise that threatened to split her aching head in two.

Seeing her apparent distress, Pound stood up and pulled something out from under his wing. “Sis, you mentioned before that orange paper and red rubies would clash horribly against Sweetie Belle’s coat, and you were right.”

Turning the cover over, he swallowed the last of his nerves and handed the card to her with shaking hooves. “But, while they might not match her colors, I think they look amazing next to yours.”

Pumpkin stared at the Hearts and Hooves Day card she helped make just the night before. The carefully aligned rubies caught the moonlight perfectly to create a magnificent shower of crimson flares, and the orange paper blended smoothly into her yellow hoof to accentuate the words inscribed in the center of the page.

Pumpkin Cake, will you be my very special somepony?

Author's Note:

A/N: Leave a comment with what you think happened after she read the letter! This might get a bonus chapter later...:duck:

Comments ( 40 )

Thanks, mate! Appreciate the comment.:twilightsmile:

D'aww, that was cute!

And I think the downvotes are from the combination of "cute, but eww, incest" and "where's the clop?" complainers. "OK with Cakecest even if not clop" is probably a niche audience.

I never thought about the "I want more clop" faction. I figured there were just a lot of fictional incest haters. Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

This has to be the most adorable Pound & Pumpkin Cake love story I've read!

Thanks for the support, mate! Hope you enjoyed.:rainbowkiss:

I did, it cracked me up that the card color scheme didn't tip off Pumpkin Cake when she noticed the the colors.

Who's to say it wasn't meant for Apple Bloom? That would have been an awkward conversation.:applecry:

Kinda forgot about Applebloom

Oof. Farm mare feels sad now.:ajsleepy:

Kinda focused on pumpkin cake and her thinking her brother was going for sweetie belle

That's fair. I'll give Apple Bloom her time to shine in another story.:ajsmug:

Okay, as this story stands at the end of the contest, I don’t consider it all that successful. If there’s a romance element to a story, it has to be sold well. The readers have to be convinced that the characters actually love each other. I really didn’t get any of that here. There’s no explanation for why these two have romantic feelings for each other, they just blatantly state that they do. If anything, I actually liked Pumpkin less and less as the story went on for her ridiculous jealousy and possessiveness. I could have bought that Pound would be interested in Sweetie Belle for her looks alone, since he wouldn’t actually have any experience in romance, but that was just a bait and switch. So it kind of hurts the integrity of the story to base the central premise on a relationship that’s poorly explained. Also, there’s really no “found out” element to this. Their parents discussing that they might have a crush on each other is not the same as someone actually catching them doing the incest. Slight positives… maybe are that I kinda chuckled like once or twice. And I did get thrown off a bit by Pound’s lying, he did a decent job at selling his excuse. But really, this story is just way too short and underdeveloped for what it seems to be trying to go for.

Thanks for the input! I'll be the first to admit that it's far from perfect, but I ultimately wanted to practice my jealousy scenes since it's such a pivitol aspect of many stories. Also the fact that I spent three days writing this probably didn't help.:twilightblush:

Either way, I really appreciate the feedback and will definitely use it to improve. Hope you had fun anyways!

Practice is definitely good. And I’m glad if my feedback helps at all.

Are you one of the judges? I'm just getting to know my overlords.:rainbowwild:

Funny idea I might try

An Applebloom and Diamond Tiara shipping (Diamond is jealous of Applebloom and it leads to more.)

I'm not very familiar with Diamond Tiara's character, but I'll keep it in mind.:duck:

"Fictional incest haters?" Those are called normal people, my guy. "It's not real incest, because the incest is between fictional characters!" Get ahold of yourself.

To each their own. Props to you for helping that girl through her problems, though.

Mad respect for that!:ajsmug:

The one that came to you for help about her dad a few weeks ago. Have you thought about a career in therapy?:moustache:

I have, actually. I'm still not sure which girl in particular you're referring to, because I've helped a lot of people with similar problems and I'm losing track of time. I'm in college at the moment taking classes to become a family therapist. I firmly believe that the instability of the traditional family is the root cause of all the problems in the modern world. So I want to help in the best way I can. And the gradual normalization of incest in culture definitely does not help. I'm supposed to cherish women, not look at my sister like a sexual object. That leads to cases like the woman you mentioned.

(Keep in mind: I should cherish women, not progressive, selfish, High-T, defective Pokemon. And by the same token, men do not deserve to be praised by simply being men. Respect is something you earn, and part of being respectable is rejecting anything portraying incest as something fun, risqué, or acceptable.)

That's an interesting mindset, but please understand that not everyone shares the same ideals. You can still judge others how you see fit, but please refrain from harming or insulting them as it does nothing but add to the hatred and animosity of the modern world. Therapy is about healing and recovery, not single-minded admonishment.:rainbowkiss:

Being kind is not always about being nice. And healing doesn't mean doing whatever the patient wants. This isn't about a difference of opinion over what fast food place is best. This is about having sex with your brother and sister, or father and mother, or son and daughter, or any of the extended family. Not everyone shares the same ideals about incest? Fine. I have no sympathy for them. They have a problem, and it needs to be fixed, but not by saying incest is okay.

I'm glad we both know where each of us stands. If you really feel that strongly about this, I'd recommend checking the story descriptions first and clicking off anything you find unacceptable.

It was fun talking to you! :trollestia:

I specifically clicked on this story to read the description. Then it turned out to be about incest, and I wanted to try and have you see reason. But I suppose you've talked to people who hate incest before. You probably knew what I would say, but you wouldn't change as a result of anything I can do.

That's what descriptions are for! I'm glad it helped.:pinkiehappy:

I really hope I never see you again.

Comment posted by Thundercloud93 deleted Mar 3rd, 2021

10703741 Google search diamond Tiara and you will probably recognize her as the tormentor of the cmc

I know of her, but I didn't watch many episodes with her in it, so I wouldn't be able to write her personality well.:twilightsheepish:

Well written.
I enjoyed it very much.

Thanks, mate! Happy reading!:pinkiehappy:

It's just a story. It's not hurting anybody, is it? Also, I don't remember sex ever being mentioned. That isn't mandatory in a relationship. I certainly enjoyed the interesting dynamic it had.
I don't... sigh... I don't want to be rude, so I'll just stop myself there...

I appreciate the support, but it's not worth arguing anymore. Both of us have already said everything that needed to be said.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for your thoughts!:rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the review! I definitely could have done better with this one, but it's all part of the learning curve.:twilightblush:

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