• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 644 Views, 27 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 10 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, Canterlot City is invaded by an alien army known as the Changelings, and the Equestria Girls struggle to figure out what they're after and how to stop them.

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LEGO Equestria Girls 10


The Lego World consisted of much more than just a single world. Beyond the reaches of the home planet — commonly referred to as simply Earth — there was an entire universe full of remote exploration bases and alien realms, where the power of creativity and imagination was just as widespread and essential as it was in any of the regions of the home planet. In fact, with the exception of certain other planets and specific areas, everything that existed beyond the atmosphere of the Lego World was designated as simply the Space Region. Despite its immensely vast area, this region still operated much like any other region, most notably with the presence of a headquarters facility where organizations like the LEGO Team could keep an eye on things and prepare to help out whenever and wherever they were needed. For the Space Region, such a facility came in the form of a massive base that was located on the surface of the Moon, just a short distance from the Lego World itself.

Somewhere between the Earth and the Moon, there was something rather unusual drifting through the empty vacuum of space. To a common observer, it would have appeared as little more than a small cloud — not unlike some kind of space nebula — that glowed and sparkled as it wandered around aimlessly, but this was no ordinary cloud of cosmic gas or dust. This tiny cloud was actually a wisp of magical energy that had seeped through from the alternate universe of Equestria. Stray wisps of Equestrian Magic like this had gotten loose and caused trouble in the Lego World a few times before, but this was the first time that one of them had ever wandered out this far from its point of origin. As it drifted around, this aimless trail of magical energy steadily wandered away from Earth and approached the Moon.

After a very long journey between the two worlds, this wisp of Equestrian Magic made its way down toward the surface of the Moon and continued its journey across the barren alien landscape. Eventually, after flying over countless craters, this wisp of magic arrived at a large collection of interconnected structures built upon the lunar surface, the largest of which stood significantly tall in the center of this facility and was marked on one side by a large red square and in the middle of it was the word “LEGO” in white rounded letters with a black inner outline and a yellow outer outline. This symbol featured so prominently on the outside of the building identified it as the regional headquarters building for the LEGO Team.

The stray wisp of Equestrian Magic circled around the large central structure, then drifted out towards one of the smaller segments near the edge of the base of operations. After passing by a few more structures, the wisp of magical energy finally reached a window, where it was able to pass through into the perfectly sealed facility and ultimately descended into a tablet computer that was resting upon a table. When the magic infused itself into the tablet, that device transformed so that the circuit board patterns that would normally be concealed inside expanded to cover much of the exterior with the exception of the large screen on the front.

The room in which this occurred was currently occupied by two minifigs, who were in the middle of a routine maintenance inspection of the large data storage machines that had been set up within this room. According to the identity tags that were part of their dark blue work uniforms, one of these two guys was named “S. Pace”, and the other guy was named “P. Lane”.

A few minutes after the unnoticed arrival of that stray wisp of Equestrian Magic, Pace walked over to the table and picked up the tablet computer he had left there. He was a little too preoccupied with his job to notice the tablet’s newly enhanced appearance, but as he opened certain digital pages to proceed with his work, he began to realize that something wasn’t quite right with this device.

“Huh… That’s weird…” muttered Pace.

“What is it?” asked Lane as he peered around one of the data storage machines to look at his coworker.

With his attention focused on his tablet, Pace replied with concern, “Either my tablet just got a ridiculously huge automatic upgrade without my knowledge, or something very unnatural is causing its performance to go haywire.” He tapped the screen a few times as he spoke, then turned the tablet around to show the screen to his coworker. “Look, I just hacked into Luna’s personal email account without even trying.”

Lane looked closely at the screen, and while he didn’t say anything in response, the look of astonishment on his face was enough to express his shock and disbelief. He glanced over at the other tablet on the nearby table, then grabbed it and started tapping away on its screen. After a few seconds, he shook his head and frowned as he grumbled, “Well, my tablet doesn’t seem to be capable of doing anything like that. Whatever happened to your tablet, it definitely goes against the strict policies of our jobs.”

“You said it,” agreed Pace as he continued tapping away on the screen, morbidly curious by what other incredible capabilities his tablet now possessed. When one particular page suddenly came up on the screen, he immediately froze and muttered, “Whoa. I’ve never heard of this Dimensions Box before, but from what this thing is showing me right now, I’m really glad Kjeld is keeping its very existence a top secret from practically everyone.”

Lane set aside his ordinary tablet and worriedly stated, “Okay, if that thing is giving away universal secrets that easily, then we’ve gotta be really careful about whoever gets their hands on it. I mean, we’re responsible tech workers who know how to be careful with these sorts of things, but there’s no telling what a less responsible person might be tempted to do with such ridiculous power.”

Pace looked up at his coworker and asked, “So what do you suggest we do with it?”

“It’s obvious this super-powered device is way too dangerous to allow in the hands of just anyone,” responded Lane with a grim expression on his face, “so the ideal outcome we can ask for is to simply destroy it.”

Pace lightly gasped in shock and glanced down at the magically enhanced tablet in his hands as he protested, “But this is a standard issued tablet that’s essential for me to use at work!”

“Not anymore, it isn’t,” argued Lane. “You can always claim it was lost or destroyed in an accident and get a replacement without much hassle. That thing in your hands right now has the capability to destroy worlds! For all we know, its very existence could be a dire threat to the entire universe!”

Pace sighed and muttered, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He stared down at the screen of the unbelievably powerful device in his hands, then stated with grim acceptance, “If we’re gonna have to destroy this device, then we might as well be very thorough with it. We’d better put this thing through the Shredderator.”

“The nuclear-powered super-blender that can practically atomize anything that gets disposed into it?” questioned Lane. Only a moment later, he simply shrugged and acknowledged, “Well, can’t ask for anything more thorough than that.”

“And since it happens to be just on the other side of this base, we might as well put it to good use,” noted Pace, before he turned and began walking towards the doorway out of the room.

“Yeah, this data center can wait,” agreed Lane as he followed after his coworker. “I think preventing a potential end of the world by eliminating a single powerful object would count as something far more important.”

As Mr. Pace and Mr. Lane began to make their way through the corridors of the lunar base, somewhere thousands of miles above the surface of the Moon, a small fleet of spacecraft suddenly appeared as they slowed down from a journey that was done at warp speed — faster than the speed of light. This space fleet consisted of three massive battle cruisers and three immense carrier ships, all of which shared the same color of black and dark grey with glowing bits of green in some places. Now that they had dropped out of warp speed, these enormous spacecrafts began to change course down towards the surface of the Moon below.

Back inside the lunar base, the two data storage maintenance workers identified as S. Pace and P. Lane continued walking through the corridors of the lunar base towards the so-called Shredderator.

“You know, it’s kinda weird to think that we’re about to do something that just might save the universe from total destruction,” remarked Pace.

Lane smirked and responded with a smile, “I guess it’s true when they say that not all superheroes wear capes. Sometimes, they’re just ordinary people simply doing the right thing.”

“Kind of a shame that hardly anyone will ever hear about the heroic act that we’re about to do,” noted Pace with a tone of disappointment.

“Eh, I’m perfectly fine with that,” assured Lane. “The less drama in our lives, the better. Besides, our obscurity will just make completing this task a whole lot easier.”

“Can’t argue with that,” agreed Pace. “Better to get this taken care of before any bad guys ever find out about it and start chasing after us.”

Meanwhile, the recently arrived space fleet had descended down to just a few miles above the lunar surface and were now closing in on the site of the lunar base that served as the Space Region's headquarters facility for the LEGO Team. Once the six massive spacecraft slowed to a stop directly above the facility, large panels opened up on the sides and bottom of the three carrier ships, from which emerged dozens of small fighter spacecraft and hundreds of troop transport ships, all of which began descending down to the lunar base below. At the same time, the three battle cruisers aimed their laser cannons downward and fired precision strikes against most of the base’s defensive turrets and sensor arrays, significantly crippling the entire facility’s defensive capabilities in a matter of seconds.

Inside every room and corridor of the lunar base, a loud alarm started blaring along with flashing red lights. Civilians and common workers quickly panicked and ran for any safe places they could think of, while security forces swiftly scrambled for the nearest armory stockpiles and prepared to face whatever severe threat had just made its presence known. In the midst of all this sudden chaos, S. Pace and P. Lane stood still and glanced around in confusion.

“Uh, remind me again,” Pace spoke up worriedly. “Which alarm is this one supposed to indicate?”

“It’s the invasion alarm,” answered Lane fearfully. “This facility is under attack!”

“By who?” asked Pace in terror. “For what purpose?”

“I don’t know,” replied Lane with concern, “but I can guarantee that if they manage to get their hands on that device, they might as well have obtained the ultimate superweapon.”

“Then why are we just standing here?!” exclaimed Pace. “We gotta get this thing to the Shredderator right away!”

The two tech maintenance workers immediately took off down the hallway as panicked civilians and armed security forces rushed past them in both directions. As they ran, they occasionally felt the structure around them slightly shake from some kind of impact on part of the facility some distance away, but it was hardly enough to make them even slightly stumble.

“Take shelter!” ordered one of the security guards as he ran past the two fleeing maintenance workers. “The invaders have breached the airlocks!”

Upon hearing that urgent news, Pace and Lane slowed to a stop in an intersection in the corridors. They glanced around fearfully until Lane suddenly pointed down one of the corridors and exclaimed, “I think I see them! They’re heading right this way!”

Pace followed his coworker’s gaze and soon found himself watching a squad of at least half a dozen of those invaders running directly towards them. These attacking forces — built in the typical shape of most minifigs — appeared to be some kind of alien soldiers who were entirely covered by armor that was as black as the background of space, with visible dents and scratches all over their arms and legs. From what could be seen on the front, the only distinctive features on these armored alien troops were a pair of long protrusions rising up on either side of the helmet, a third protrusion rising up from the forehead of the helmet, and a seemingly solid bright blue visor that covered the area where one would expect to see the eyes of a face.

Pace knew he needed to start running for his life, but he hesitated to get going, and in that hesitation, he instead ended up turning his attention down to the magically enhanced tablet that he was still holding in his hands.

Lane did manage to start running away from the advancing alien troops, but quickly stopped when he realized he was alone. He turned back to see his coworker was somehow standing still while facing the oncoming threat and staring down at the tablet they were intending to destroy. “What are you doing?!” exclaimed Lane in disbelief.

Pace glanced up briefly to notice the edge of a large doorway at the transition point between the intersection he stood in and the corridor that the alien squadron was charging through, so when he turned his attention back down to his tablet, he decided to tap a few things on the screen. Just seconds later, as the alien troopers rapidly began to close the distance, a massive blast door suddenly rose up from the floor, effectively sealing off access between the assault forces and their intended target.

Pace smiled in satisfaction. When he turned back to see his coworker staring at him in disbelief, he just shrugged and confessed, “Might as well put this thing to good use while we still have it.”

Lane shook his head in disapproval, but didn’t protest any further before he urgently exclaimed, “Come on! This way!” He turned away and resumed running in the direction down the other corridor he had initially started through, prompting his coworker to swiftly follow after him while clutching that super powerful tablet close to his chest.

The two coworkers rushed further down the corridor until a rather nearby impact shook the facility enough to throw them off their feet. They both quickly stood back up, but the noise of several footsteps against the metallic floor caused them to look back, where they saw another squadron of the black armored alien troopers charging towards them.

Pace immediately glanced back down at his special tablet again, then quickly tapped the screen a few times. This resulted in the floor under the alien troopers to suddenly drop away, causing all of them to plummet into the dark abyss.

“Ha!” taunted Pace triumphantly. “Take that!”

But just seconds later, all of those fallen alien troops quickly flew up out of the hole with large insect-like wings that flapped rapidly enough to appear as a blur. Once those alien troops landed upon the solid floor in front of the hole, their translucent blue wings stopped flapping and folded back into a backpack-like part that was draped over their backs and attached by their necks.

“Oh...” muttered Pace defeatedly. “Didn’t see that one coming.”

“Run! Run!” shouted Lane as he and Pace quickly turned away and resumed running down the corridor.

Those alien troopers each swiftly extended a long blade that was mounted to their right arms before they pursued after the fleeing coworkers.

As the two tech maintenance workers continued running, Pace kept his eye out for any other possible doorways that could be closed off. As soon as he finally saw one up ahead, he quickly tapped the screen on his magically enhanced tablet, making sure to time the final command just right so that as soon as he and Lane crossed the threshold, the blast door swiftly rose up out of the floor. With the corridor suddenly blocked, those pursuing alien troopers were unable to avoid colliding face-first into that barrier.

Pace let out a sigh of relief and muttered, “That’ll give us a little breathing room.”

“Then let’s not waste it!” insisted Lane. “Keep running!”

Pace and Lane continued running for their lives along the corridors through the lunar base. They stumbled slightly every time a large impact shook the facility, but were able to stay on their feet for the entire distance as they navigated around security personnel charging into action and civilians fleeing for safety. Finally, after several left and right turns, they arrived at a corridor where several large boxy containers were stored on either side.

“We’re almost there!” Pace eagerly announced as he pointed at a doorway on the right side up ahead. “The Shredderator is just through that doorway!”

The two coworkers were only a few steps away from their ultimate destination when another squadron of alien troopers came around the corner further ahead and raised the laser blasters they wielded to take aim.

“Look out! They got blasters!” shouted Lane as he swiftly dove for cover behind the nearest storage crate on the right side of the corridor.

Pace stumbled a little as he quickly took cover behind the nearest storage crate on the left side of the corridor just before the alien troopers unleashed their barrage of laser bolts upon him and Lane.

Pew! Pew-Pew! Pew! Pew-Pew-Pew! Pew! Pew-Pew!

“Now what do we do?!” exclaimed Lane desperately as the countless laser bolts either whizzed by or struck the containers he and Pace were hiding behind.

Pace took a moment to catch his breath while he thought of a potential plan. He once again glanced down at his tablet, but was unable to think of any particular way he could use it to his advantage. He then flipped it over to see the circuit board pattern that practically emphasized just how immensely powerful this once common device had become only minutes ago. As he flipped it around again to glance at the screen, he let out a sigh of resignation, then shrugged and muttered, “Oh well. It’s gonna get destroyed anyway.”

Pace stood up and ducked his head low, then made a mad dash towards the Shredderator room while holding up his tablet as a shield in front of his body. Despite several laser bolts constantly flying by all around him as he crossed the corridor, he astonishingly managed to not only avoid getting hit, but his tablet also remained unscathed. However, he was just two steps away from making it through that final doorway to safety when he was suddenly struck in the lower left leg by a laser bolt. The sudden searing heat from that impact caused him to immediately cry out in pain and collapse to the floor, dropping his tablet not much further ahead.

“NO!!” cried out Lane in horror as he instinctively jumped out from behind the large crate and rushed towards his fallen coworker. Unfortunately, he had failed to notice that the alien troopers had been slowly advancing while they were shooting their laser blasters, so by this point, one of them was able to rush forward and swiftly punched Lane right in the face, instantly knocking the tech maintenance worker unconscious and sending him down to the floor on his back.

The sounds of everything going on around him was all Pace needed to know that his coworker was suddenly no longer available to help him out. Knowing what was at stake, he fought through the injury to his leg, hissing in pain as he dragged himself forward and reached out to where the magically enhanced tablet had landed. But just before he could even touch that super powerful device, one of the alien troopers deliberately pressed his foot down on Pace’s wrist, resulting in an audible crack that was followed instantly by Pace letting out a loud cry of immense pain.

The alien trooper — whose helmet and torso were dark blue rather than black — looked down at the whimpering fallen worker under his foot, the helmet and visor obscuring whatever facial expression he might have had. His attention then turned to the device that the worker had been trying to reach out for. At first, it seemed like a common tablet computer, but upon closer inspection of what was currently displayed on its screen, the alien trooper began to realize there was something rather peculiar about this specific device.

Pace tried to speak up in protest, but by this point, the pain from his injuries were so great that he was unable to utter any words before he finally passed out.

“Your majesty,” reported the alien trooper through the communicator built into his helmet. “You might want to take a look at this.”

The alien squadron stood their ground as they awaited the arrival of their supreme commander, with little more than the facility’s constantly blaring alarm and flashing red lights to indicate a passage of time. After a few minutes, a single minifig came around the corner behind the squadron’s position and marched towards them, prompting them all to turn and bow respectfully towards their supreme commander. This minifig had similar black armor with dents and scratches all over the arms and legs, with pale green horizontal stripes across the torso and detailing of a narrow waistline that identified her as female. The pack over her back that was similar to what the other alien troopers had was green, suggesting that she also shared their ability to fly via insect-style wings. Perhaps her most distinctive feature was her helmet, which not only had a green visor, but also had long turquoise hair that hung from the top and back of the helmet, and all of it was topped off with a small black crown.

The alien officer — his rank signified by the dark blue color of his helmet and torso armor — who had sent out the message stepped off from the fallen tech maintenance worker, reached down to pick up the device of interest, and held it out to his supreme commander.

The alien supreme commander calmly took the strange tablet computer from the officer. As she inspected that unique device, the portion of her helmet that covered the lower half of her face retracted, exposing her green lips and dark grey skin. She tapped a few seemingly random buttons on the screen, then every alarm in the facility was suddenly shut off. She glanced around in astonishment, looked back down at the peculiar device in her hands, then her exposed mouth turned to a wicked grin.

The alien commander turned to the officer in charge of the squadron and ordered, “Call off the assault. I think we have just what we need to initiate the next phase of our campaign…”

“Yes, your majesty,” acknowledged the alien officer with a quick bow before he turned away to pass the order down to the other troopers.

While the alien forces prepared to return to their space fleet, the supreme commander took a moment to revel in this unexpected victory, retracting the visor on her helmet to expose her green eyes. She had always had rather ambitious goals for universal conquest, but now that she possessed an object of seemingly immense power that she never could have imagined ever getting her hands on, the path to absolute domination was now seemingly within her reach.

As far as Queen Chrysalis was concerned, this day could not have gone any better…

Author's Note:

I know that for all of my previous stories, I would always post the first full chapter in addition to the prologue. I decided to do that differently this time because, now that I'm writing original material rather than following some official content, there's no need to rush through the part that everyone might be familiar with, because there is no familiarity with how this story will ultimately play out. Plus, as I'm sure you've noticed by the word count, this prologue has turned out much longer than any other I've previously written, and considering how long the first chapter alone could probably be, I figured it would be better to not overwhelm you with too much initial reading material. (Besides, I've made hardly any progress on writing the first chapter, and I didn't want to leave you all waiting another month for anything. Hopefully, I'll have the first chapter completed within two weeks to keep up with my usual update schedule.)