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Oh my Gosh, I can add Emojies? 🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒 Kofi


Mistakes are inevitable in life, and Princess Celestia has made more than a few in hers. Now, she must decide if she will allow one mistake to continue, or attempt to help a mare who she wronged, and possibly shatter what fragile sense of reality remains.

My first attempt at a Sadfic. This idea has been in my head for a while now, and I finally decided to knock it out in a few minutes and throw it to the wind.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

That's it?! This sounds like a cliffhanger! Also, I think Human Sunset won't be very happy when she learn the truth. I think Celestia deserves a Huge Slap to the face for ruining Human Sunset's Life. And screw with her mentality! :twilightangry2:

Also, Pony Sunset will be upset too. But, regrettable that she DIDN'T think about her human counterpart. Or didn't help her sooner.

Hey! I rememeber this idea. Glad it finally got a bit of light, even if very brief.

Dear Celestia this story!
It is so..
accurate to what i think would happen if a human came through the mirror, exception if they just "magicked" her brain back to "normal"

This definitely sounds more like the beginning of a multi-chapter work rather than a one-shot. The level of harm Celestia has caused is nearly incalculable. It's hard to see Human Sunset recovering from this.

A wiser Celestia might have tried to figure out what the "new" Sunset knows that nobody in Equestria does. Depending on how well the physics and chemistry align, Human Sunset could've singlehandedly kickstarted a new age of technology.


I think that the Ponies DON'T deserve to have our kind of Technology. Not yet at least. Because one: That will technically be "stealing" our ideas of our technology. Because Celestia probably "force" the poor Human Sunset to learn the information of our modern technology. Like some cruel interrogation of a extraterrestrial. But the cruel irony is that the Human ( Sunset) is being interrogated, while the Pony ( Celestia and her "doctors") are the interrogators.

IF Twilight, her Friends, Spike, or especially Luna, Pony Sunset and the Rainbooms (Human Main Six) have all finds this out. Celestia is in BIG, BIG, BIG Trouble!!!!!!! :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:

This is a great story plus it explains what happened to human sunset.

Wow the psychological implications are astounding. What kind of procedures would Human Sunset have to go through to get her to believe that she was never human? What spells did the Doctors administer before she finally cracked? Did Celestia inform those Doctors of the circumstances before destroying her psyche a second time?

It's a good start, but doesn't feel like a complete story in itself.

I can't help but feel that Celestia's sneaky approach is self-sabotaging. I can imagine Sunset saying to her shrink later, "Doctor! I had his horrible hallucination that Celestia told me my delusions about the human world were real! But I asked my neighbors afterwards, and they just saw some pegasus visit. I think we need to adjust my medication or something."

It's a bad situation in any case. She's missed out on a lot of schooling and built a life in Equestria. Either she's been declared dead, or the other Sunset has stolen her life. And there is the toll on her mind from years of medication and gaslighting. Still, a visit back home seems in order if just to reconnect with family.

Very interesting premise. People have done the human counterpart appears in Equestria thing before but never had them become institutionalized before.

If you ever write a sequel, it should be called "This One's for Sunset".

Emil #12 · Mar 5th, 2021 · · 3 ·

A wise Celestia would have been able to gently tease the material out from Human-Sunset as she helps H-S acclimate to Equestria (while secretly under heavy watch when H-S moves out of the castle). This might even help them figure out what Pony-Sunset was doing. There's a tremendous lack of patience and psychological understanding from this Celestia, which also doesn't bode well for the immediate aftershocks of her visit.


Well, I don't like it. And "gently teasing talking about the material" is STILL bad. Because this is obviously a psychological manipulation of the "Mr. Nice Guy/Gal" or the "Good Cop" of a interrogation tactic. And like I said. I DON'T want Celestia to take/steal our technological ideas. What If they want it the information to KNOW/GET our Weapons like Guns/Tanks/Jets/War Ships or something worse like a Missile/Nuke?!

I know Human Sunset isn't from the military, or smart enough to know the ins and outs of Human Weaponry. But considering that it's common knowledge for everybody on Earth to know guns. PLUS, you learn about Guns, and the past Wars in history class. It wouldn't take a genius that if Sunset unintentionally slip up with our technology. Celestia might be keen to learn about our ( Human) weaponry. Specifically Guns, Tanks, War Planes/Jets, War Ships/Submarines, Missiles, Nuclear Weapons/Nukes, Bioweapons, etc..

Which is obviously BAD for everyone/everypony.

Like I said. Just wait until Twilight, her Friends, Spike, Luna, Pony Sunset and the Rainbooms (Human Main Six) finds this out. Then, Celestia will be a DEAD MARE!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Also, LIKE this comment to have Human Sunset give Celestia both BLACK EYES for basically ruining her life. Technically kidnapping her from her Family/Friends. And SCREWING with her mental mind by brainwashing her. AND treat her like a insane person in a asylum. ( Which Human Sunset is obviously NOT the insane person.) 😈 😈 😈

This was pretty interesting. Any plans to continue?

Not really. I'm busy with school work and other stories right now. Plus, from what I've seen in the comments, I'm not sure many people would like MY take on a sequel. I'm usually the first to board the Celestia-hate train, but considering what she did and why she did it in this story, I'm a bit hesitant to string her up and have everyone just say, "you're the worst" and move on.

In this story, Celestia just found her student in a strange state, spouting seemingly nonsensical things and is trying to treat her appropriately with the health systems set up in Equestria. Granted, the health system isn't perfect, and many people get hurt because of incorrect treatment or inadequate treatment, but it's still one of the only options Celestia really had. If I had a brother who ran away from home and suddenly appeared in one of our rooms talking about how he was a pegasus that came from a magical land of equines, then I'd have to send him somewhere to help him. Some people in the comments said things like, "Celestia should have waited and tested Sunset on her knowledge of the other world to see if the logic was sound," and I just tried to think of the reverse. Again, to the brother hypothetical, if he comes in talking about a tall pony with a horn and wings who raises the sun and claims to have a job of maintaining the weather, then I can't exactly believe that, can I?

If I ever did make a sequel, it would explore the theme of guilt and the idea of doing the wrong thing unknowingly. Sunset, (the actual pony) would attribute some blame to herself, thinking that she never bothered to search for her double and that if she stayed in Equestria when her twin arrived then there would be a bit more credence to the other Sunset's claims. Luna, being the only pony who can look into the minds of others, would similarly take an unreasonable amount of blame for herself, believing that in the years that she's been back from the moon that she should have done more. Celestia is the worst when it comes to blaming herself, spiraling into a depression that would threaten to send her into a sudden fit of anxiety similar to one of Twilight's twilitisms. And finally, the human Sunset would, of course, be upset, attributing blame not just to Celestia but everything that walks on four legs.

This anger would be a coping tool to use to take her away from her nightmares, a way to find her purpose in a life that wasn't even hers to begin with. Sunset (the real human) would return to the human world and try to readjust to life with her twin as her guide, surprisingly not blaming her double as harshly as she would to a total stranger in Equestria. Human Sunset would give them both the opportunity to reconnect with their parents, since Pony Susnet's were already dead in Equestria, and the two would slowly try to build each other up with the help of five inexperienced teens and a trio of sirens who mistake the human for the pony and quickly latch onto her as her friend. As for how it would end, if the theme of the story is guilt and self-deprecation, then the moral is acceptance and forgiving yourself. Sunset (human) would never say she forgives Celestia, at least not verbally, and everyone has to accept that forgiveness sometimes can't be earned. The sirens would teach Sunset (Human) this by recounting their own tale of Starswirl the bearded, and how their exile could have easily been a death sentence from the old stallion. They would never forgive him, but they would understand him. Forgiveness is not always something we can give to others, but it is something we can give ourselves.

Maybe someone will come along and be inspired by this story and try to continue where I left it. Or maybe not, maybe this will always be just one of many one shots on fimfic. Thanks for reading.

Please wright a sequel.

The storyndoesn't need a sequel. For a short story it does a decent job of encapsulating the horror of the coming conversation. If you're going to write a sequel, you should also write about the parts that come after the most immediate implications. But that's a significant time investment.

I do think there are a few tidbits you could have chanhed to slightly fine tune the story and make the ending a bit more t more smooth. It feels sligjtly clunky, but it does convey the intended message.

I think this is perfect as a oneshot.
I'm not into Celestia hate. But depicting her highness as imperfect (forgive me, my liege), caring, and so preciously, preciously, equine... it was very intense. Thanks for sharing your words.

I wouldn't mind seeing more. But not the sort of thing that comes across as Celestia hate. No story should ever do that. Now the thing is, Celestia knows about Starswirl's mirrors being gateways to other worlds. She had to have known there was a possibility that this Sunset was not her student. But the portal was closed and wouldn't open again for a very long time. I can just see Princess Celestia explaining the issue to this Sunset and telling her that she would just have to accept her fate and provide her with counseling that slowly morphed into humans aren't real. I can even picture her going to therapy sessions with Lyra Heartstrings. Years later, Sunset has accepted her fate and has even begun to believe that the human world really was just some kind of fantasy her mind dreamed up. In walks Celestia to destroy her delicately balanced sanity. And the worst part, going home would not only mean abandoning the life she's built for herself, but the other Sunset has destroyed her reputation in the human world.

This is a truly tragic possibility. It's short, yet that's all it needs to hit the right emotional punches.

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