• Published 20th May 2021
  • 718 Views, 4 Comments

Flurry Heart’s Sick Day - Badguy400

Flurry Heart got sick because of something that’s practically avoidable

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A Not so Good Pickup

Flurry Heart; now fast asleep in her crib; is basically dreaming about her best day ever! Well.... . That is until she started developing; “problems”, in the long run. What kind of problems? You’ll just have to find out once the story progresses... .

“So; what’d you think of the art exhibit?” Shining Armor said whilst walking with his wife to the train station in Ponyville. “It was great; albeit a little weird at times... .” Cadence said in a little bit of discomfort. Shining Armor then looked at his wife, and asks; “what do you mean? You don’t like the exhibit?” Cadence started to shrug a little, then said; “no... it’s not that... . It’s just... you know.... this?... .” Shining Armor was at a loss for words as to what he thinks is bugging his wife. That is until... . “Wait; no... . Don’t tell me...” he began to reply. “You think that my friend is weird; don’t you?” Cadence; now blushing; meegerly says; “well... I wouldn’t say he’s weird, but...”. Before she can continue; she was cutted off by her husband; whom then said; “aw cmon cady... . He’s my friend, and a really great guy too. You’d really think that about one of my friends? Why?...”.

Cadence; having been brutally honest about what she was thinking about; starts to lean in towards her husband, and says; “oh cmon honey. You gotta admit though; he kinda was weird and all... . I mean; how does he know of our daughter? And... . How does he even keep all this... “art”; in an exhibit? It just doesn’t seem right... .” Shining Armor; now looking a little angry, and disappointed at his wife, says; “yeah? And so what? You don’t hear me complain about your friends; do you?” Cadence; having taken a hit to her pride, states; “no... . And so what? It’s not like it’d matter; right?” Shining Armor; almost at his breaking point, suddenly raises his voice, and shouts; “it matters to me!” Flurry Heart; having been a little woken by that; starts to shuffle, and whimper something in her sleep.

After a few minutes of nothing else; Shining then whispers to Cadence; still angry mind you; “we’ll discuss this.. later... .” Cadence; now looking red in the face with anger as well, then replies; “I couldn’t.. agree more... .”

After the trip back; Cadence and Shining Armor went into separate bedrooms for the afternoon, and slammed their doors shut. Meanwhile; Flurry Heart is in her room, but whimpered a little. Reason is because of the loud noise. And the fact that she’s starting to feel a little bad. How bad?... we’ll leave it up to your imagination to decide... .