• Published 10th Mar 2021
  • 8,614 Views, 16 Comments

Tippy Toe - Revel Montaro

Rarity is set up on a blind date with a young man from Crystal Prep. She is looking forward to it, but her friends want to make sure she has an easy out in case it goes south.

  • ...

Thank You for Being a Friend

March was a time of transition in Canterlot City. While the mornings were still crisp with the final throws of winter coming to an end, the days were getting longer and warmer with the ever approaching equinox. For one young high schooler in the last semester of her senior year that also meant seasonal wardrobe change.

Rarity had arrived at school on a that Thursday morning wearing a white high/low dress in a blue floral pattern. The ankle boots had a half inch heel and matched the blue flowers and paired well with the light purple leggings she wore to ward off the morning chill. Her dark blue jacket served more for style than function since it was so short it did not even touch her belt line.

Once inside the school it would be relegated to the locker until later when she would toss it over one shoulder playfully as she would strut her bare shoulders on her way out. Naturally, she would turn plenty of heads who would admire the style and colors that she had carefully selected. All compliments that were not crude would be appreciated and returned.

“Don’tcha think it’s still a might bit early to be breakin’ out the spring wear, Rarity?”

Rarity rolled her eyes as she smiled at Applejack, holding the front door to Canterlot High School open so that her life long friend could enter first. Applejack tipped her hat to acknowledge the courtesy.

“Darling, I have a sense about these sort of things, you know that. I can feel it in the air that though it may not be officially Spring by the Gregorian Calendar it is time for light and freeing fashion!”

“Kinda like how ya had us all try out yer summer wear right before we got hit by that sudden snowfall?”

“I forgot to check the weather app on my phone that morning, so sue me!”

Applejack laughed in her hardy, country chuckle. “It’s all good Rares, I’m a jus’ gettin’ my licks in while I can. Truth be told I’m gonna miss seeing you roll out all yer different fancy wears once the summer is over and ya head off to that college you got yer acceptance letter from.”

Rarity sighed, a bittersweet smile on her face as she accidentally overshot the combination number on her locker and had to start again. “Yes, I must confess I am both looking forward to and am greatly saddened at the fact that this chapter of our lives is coming to an end in less than four months. So much to look forward to, and yet, so much I want to stay the same. Still, life must march on.”

Applejack closed her locker that was directly across from Rarity’s. “Speakin' of change, didn’tcha tell us ya got a blind date of sorts set up for tomorrow?”

Rarity’s sapphire eyes lit up again at the delightful subject change. “Oh, yes! As you know, ever since our collaboration on the amateur music video we did with the Crystal Prep students I have made it a point to stay in contact with some of our once rivals. While Twilight was correct that they can be aggressive and occasionally conniving, I find them to be excellent conversationalist and love to bounce ideas off of some of them. Especially Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare.

“Anyhow, we got into a small conversation about dating potential and they had suggested a young man at their school named Worth Valumore and I would be quite the match. I laughed politely at that suggestion, but then they went ahead and asked him about it and apparently he said he would love to have a friendly sit down this Friday afternoon at the Franscea de la Rouge, which as you know is an extremely exclusive restaurant in mid-town.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Right, totally knew that.”

“So, I will honor their efforts and make an appearance and of course enjoy the high society atmosphere. The thought of combing their delectable dessert menu is already giving me tummy flutters!”

“Just be smart out there, you don’t know this guy even if he comes by a good word. I reckon the weather’ll be nice so maybe press for an outside table and if for some reason you need an out, but want to save face, call in a tippy toe.”

Rarity arched an eyebrow and blinked. “A… tippy toe?”

Applejack paused and tapped her chin. “Aw, shoot, I forgot you missed out on that talk. That was somethin’ Dash and I heard on the radio goin’ on about and we made it a thing. Well, more accurately, she made it a thing I don’t think I could pull it off myself. So, say you’re at a get together and it’s a function or somethin’ that didn’t turn out quite the way you was figurin’. Well, you could go with the normal excuses and then everyone there will know you’re lyin’ and ya ditched them or ya call in a tippy toe, which is a code word for your friend to come rescue you in a… let’s call it interestin’ way.”

Rarity stopped walking and narrowed her eyes at the cowgirl. “Interesting how?”

“Did I hear someone call in a tippy toe?”

Rarity and Applejack turned to find Rainbow Dash eyeing them quizzically while Sunset Shimmer looked up from her phone she had been enamored with.

“What’s a tippy toe?” asked Sunset curiously.

“We were just getting to that, were we not, darling?” Rarity gestured for Applejack to continue, but Rainbow Dash, in typical boisterous fashion, beat her too it.

“Okay, so say your parent’s tell you that your one aunt or uncle or both are in town and they made a surprise visit, but they are the too handsy type and smell of three day old cheese and you reeeeeeeaaally don’t want to be there, but you can’t just ditch because they will know you ditched. So, you call your friend or text them and say TIPPY TOE! Then, no explanation is needed. Your friend or friends, depending on how bad it is, comes over ASAP and show up at the door and say, ‘Dash! Oh, thank goodness I found you! Big Mac is stuck under the tractor and we need you to help brace it. No time to explain more, c’mon!’ And then you grab said person, throw them in the car and speed away. The people you leave think it’s a real emergency and totally understand why you had to leave in a hurry.”

“Wait, is that why when I asked for help to clean my basement studio when that pipe burst that you were suddenly whisked away by your peculiar Uncle Blazer, the one with the nappy goatee that was talking about needing to have you screened for bone marrow donations without any explanation?”

Rainbow Dash looked down at her nonexistent watch and said, “Oh, hey, I have office aid this period, don’t want to be late to collect those attendance sheets, see ya at lunch!”

“Right, that was… illuminating. However, she was correct, the bell is about to ring.” The girls all nodded and moved to their classes. AJ and Rarity went in to their economics class while Sunset traveled three doors down to meet up with Twilight Sparkle, who was already sitting studiously with notes and pencils ready, in their Advanced Placement calculus class. Twilight brightened, smiled, and waved as Sunset entered and sat next to her.

“For a second there I thought you might be running late.”

Sunset smiled back, stowing her bag under her seat, and retrieved her notebook for class. “Nah, but thanks. I just happen to walk in on a conversation about some sort of advanced excuse making from Rainbow and AJ. Apparently, Rarity has a blind date tomorrow night and they felt it was necessary to give her how-to-get-out-of-the-date advice.”

Twilight’s features contorted a bit, confused. “Is she anticipating that the date will go badly?”

“I don’t know, I’m sure we'll hear more about it at lunch. I’m just glad that I don’t have to work tomorrow. First Friday night I’ve had off from work in more than a month. The only hot date I have planned is with my couch. I am going to be gaming and probably editing last week’ stream so that I can post it Friday night. Pants totally optional!”

Twilight giggled and covered her face to hide her blushing. Sunset did not notice the redness of her friend’s cheeks while she turned to face forward as the instructor walked in and closed the door as the bell rang. Twilight tried to focus as well, but now she could not shake the curiosity of how many of Sunset’s streams had been done with no pants.

Lunch found the seven of them around their favorite table once more. Rarity knew she was in for a game of twenty questions, but was more than happy to answer all that she knew. It was nice to have a normal lunch conversation every now and then about what would be considered normal teen talking points as opposed to one that centered around rogue magic or the latest possessed person or item.

“Well, naturally it would be nice if we knew the name of your blind date, Rarity.”

Rarity smiled brightly. “Oh, of course, Fluttershy! His name is Worth Valumore and he is a senior at Crystal Prep Academy. Perhaps Twilight recognizes the name from some of her classes there?”

Twilight set her sandwich down and adjusted her glasses. “The name is not ringing any bells. But all that may mean is that he was not in any of the AP classes that I was in. As you already know, I didn’t socialize much outside of a few polite conversations... and those were far and few between. I’m sorry I can’t give any insider information.”

“Think nothing of if, darling. sour and Sunny provided me with most of what I would need as it were.”

“So," Rainbow Dash leaned forward, cupping her hand over the side of her mouth, "you need some condoms? You know, better safe than sorry, am I right? I know a girl who has unopened packs and variety choices too.”

Sunset could not decide which expression was more comedic, Rainbow Dash’s shit eating grin or Rarity’s ridiculously wide eyed, aghast face of disgust. Of course, then Rainbow had to take it a step too far.

“If you don't want to be seen buying them at school I’m sure AJ can probably get some out of her brother’s room or better yet, Twilight’s got a boyfriend and I know she’s always prepared. She's got to have some stashed away somewhere.”

Sunset grumbled under her breath and smacked a hand over her face. If she had been looking, Sunset would have seen the beet red, mortified expressions on both Twilight and Fluttershy’s faces. Pinkie was too engaged in her pudding cup to really add to the conversation. The sound of Applejack’s hand smacking Rainbow upside the back of her head, diffused most of the situation.


“I ain’t sneakin’ into my brother’s personal stuff, ya dingus!”

“Not to mention this is a first date! A lady does not engage in such carnal, desires of the flesh behavior so quickly! Do you know nothing of the sacred dance of proper courtship?”

“Nope. Not really.”

“Uncouth Neanderthal,” Rarity mumbled under her breath. “As I was saying, this is just dinner, conversation, and if things seem like there is a bit of compatibility then I will honor him by giving him my number so that he may text or call me later. We will then bid each other goodnight and part ways. At most, and I stress this point, there may be a kiss in it for him. Most likely on the cheek. What there will NOT be is any… hanky panky!”

“Eh, whatever. I was just trying to keep it real.”

“Your meager understanding of dating must have come from anime or a video game I would be willing to wager. Since you have no experience in such things, I will forgive your ignorance on the matter.”

“Hey, I’ve gone on dates, I get what you’re saying. I’m still a virgin, but it’s my choice! I’m allowed to be picky. No one gets in these pants unless they pass my awesomeness tests. So far, none have.”

Rarity’s expression softened and she smiled, gently patting Rainbow Dash on the back of her hand. “Yes, you absolutely are allowed to be as picky as you like, dear, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.”

“Well, good luck to ya,” said Applejack, finishing her lunch. “Granny’s needs the three of us out tillin' the north forty ‘til the sun goes down Friday. I’ll keep my phone on me, but reception’s a bit spotty out there. Prolly shoulda taken up that one feller's offer to put a cell tower out there. The rent for the land would have been nice too, but Granny was having none of that.”

“I’m also going to be busy all weekend. This is the animal shelter’s spring clean-a-thon. We have to get the place smelling like roses and ready for the first big adoption drive starting next week.”

Pinkie blew her hair out of her face, but still smiled brightly. “Sorry, Rarity, I have to work Friday otherwise I'd be your perfect wingwoman! Unless that would just make things weird, you know, since I don't have my own date so I would just have to stare intently at yours."

"Uhhhhh, thank you for the offer, Pinkie."

"Of course! Work is fun too! I love my job and my coworkers so that’s perfecto mundo by me!”

“I’m going to be working on research for additional scholarships I can apply for. I am waiting on at least two more acceptance/rejection letters from colleges I sent applications to. I have to have one chosen by the end of next month, but in the mean time there are plenty of things I can do to help ease the burden of cost on my family. Considering how many years I anticipate I'll be in college anything and everything is a bonus.”

Sunset set her apple down, her appetite spoiled as Twilight brought the casual conversation back around to talk of moving on and college. Something she would not be able to do given her falsified birth certificate and personal documents. It was not their fault, Sunset reminded herself, this sort of conversation was happening at every table where seniors prepared for what came next as the last chapters of high school came to a close.

Sunset glanced to Twilight, who was still smiling brightly, no doubt at the thought of new projects and a weekend full of intensive science and research. Those kind of weekends were Twilight’s favorites short of spending more time with her friends. Sunset could look at that chipper smile for hours. She knew she was staring, but everyone was so caught up in their own conversations no one noticed. The ringing of the end of lunch bell threw Sunset out of her daydream. She blinked twice. How long had she been staring off into space, lost in her own dour thoughts? Long enough.


Rarity had not waited around after the final bell Friday. She had said a quick goodbye to her friends and hurried home to shower, change, and prepare for a night of fun. She had already chosen a simple, but elegant pearl colored top with sheer mesh sleeves that sparkled when the light hit them just right. Her dress skirt was a two tone, blue to purple transition that ended at the knees and complimented the dark blue ankle boots for footwear. For accessory jewelry she chose a pair of diamond shaped sapphires and because it went so well with everything, her geode necklace. The only part that required a small, last minute debate was what coat to wear since the chill would likely set in once the sun slipped below the horizon.

Rarity held up her fluffy lilac designer coat with faux animal fur liner. “Yes, you will do nicely.” One last turn in front of the full body mirror where she looked over her shoulder and winked at the reflection and she was ready to go.

Given the near impossibility of finding a decent parking space near the restaurant district on a Friday night other than paying an appalling fee for valet, coupled with the fact that Rarity was admittedly self conscious of how not high class her used if reliable Jetta was, Rarity chose to ask her mother to drop her off for the date.

“Now, you know the rules, big girl,” Rarity's mother began, while smiling at her eldest daughter. “You call me if you need to be picked up, you call me if you go somewhere else, and you call you father if things turn ugly.”

“I am well aware of the ‘dating game plan’ as father likes to call it. However, I do not believe we will need his size thirteen boot stomp… this time.”

“You know how he is. Gotta be that big, bad Daddy for his girls when he gets a chance.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. Even if things do turn sour, she would save more face with calling one of her friends for a ride home. “I will call you later regardless, love you, Mom.”

“Have fun, sweetie!” At least she had been able to convince her mother to drop her off at the end of the block so no one would see her exiting the old, faded blue Camry her mother still favored. Rarity waved as the car drove off and waited for it to round the block. She let out a sigh at where she was, a smile splitting her face. She then began to walk with poise and hip swaying strut towards the restaurant entrance.

As she approached Rarity crossed in front of the valet lot. Though not as well versed in their make and model as say Rainbow Dash or Sunset Shimmer, Rarity recognized many of the foreign, exotic, and costly cars currently occupying the guarded reserved space. A testament to the restaurant’s clientele and once again making her glad she had chosen not to drive herself or be dropped off out front.

Rarity stepped up to the maître d’, she struck a pose and brushed her gloved hand through her coiled purple hair. “A Miss Rarity to be joining a Mister Worth Valumore. I believe we were to have a patio table?”

The maître d’ consulted his list and then nodded. “Please, follow me.” The thin man in the tuxedo led Rarity through a small section of the inside of the restaurant, the smells tickling Rarity’s olfactory senses with temptation and delight before they exited out the open double doors to the garden patio. While the view was nothing special, looking over the valet parking next to the street and a small herb garden, the patio itself was adorn with pleasant vegetation and bordered by wrought iron that had carefully maintained ivy growing over it. Patio lights hung from strings above, crisscrossing the deck.

Rarity spotted a young man sitting alone who turned to her and waved, a bright, clean smile on his face. His hair was blonde and parted slightly to the left side, held still by some gel, she surmised. He was wearing a dark blue suit with dark burgundy tie that went well with his bluish green complexion. His eyes were a dark brown and sparkled a bit in the hanging patio lights that had just come to life as the evening set in.

“Miss Rarity, I assume? You fit the description that was given to me by Sour Sweet, though she could have done more to describe your beauty.” Worth gestured for Rarity to sit.

Rarity arched her eyebrow a moment, but quickly schooled her expression. Points for the compliment, points lost for not standing to greet her or pull out her chair. Well, we are young yet, so I can forgive a few misses on the manners. Not bad to look at, I will admit.

“Thank you for the invitation,” Rarity said while declining to hand her coat over to the staff. The night would be cool, but the charm of the patio made it worth it. “I’ll admit, I had not expected to be asked out on a blind date after only a short conversation with the girls. Unexpected, but not unwelcomed.”

Worth nodded and smiled again. “I liked what I heard from Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet, plus I have not enjoyed a Friday night out in the district in some time. My father regulars this restaurant for business and pleasure so I am familiar with it and was told you have a taste for the exquisite as well.”

Rarity chuckled politely. “I like to believe I have an ever growing appreciating for the finer things in life and I will admit I have been wanting to sample Franscea de la rouge’s menu since I first read about it.”

“I too have an eye for that which is fine.”

Rarity smiled coyly. Oh, he is good at this. Maybe the evening will go quite well after all.

Worth flagged down his waiter. “Yes, two glasses of mimosa and our salad starter course, please. No bread, however, it goes right to the hips I’m told.”

Rarity held up a finger to protest. “Thank you for the offer, but I am actually not old enough for a mimosa.”

Worth winked at her. “It doesn’t matter here, you are with me and they will do as I have asked.”

Well, it is just one drink. But, what did he mean by that ‘goes to the hips’ statement?

“Very well then. While I appreciate the drink, no more than one for me, thank you. And out of curiosity may I ask, do you have a bread allergy? I can understand skipping it in such a case.”

Worth chuckled again. “Oh, no, it just makes people fat and neither of us wants that. I was told you’re an aspiring fashion designer, yes? You understand.”

Points off again. “I… would say, everything in moderation is best, darling.”

Worth arched an eyebrow and smirked. “Darling? Oh, I like that pet name. Perhaps I’ll come up with one for you before the night is out.”

“Right, yes. So, tell me, Worth, do you know where you will be attending college and what you have an interest in studying?
Graduation is right around the corner so I'm sure you have plans for the future.”

Worth shrugged. “Eh, my father made a sizable donation to Princeton so they overlooked some of my transcript blemishes, but as far as study that is irrelevant. I’ll be studying law because that is what is expected of me. After that, meh who knows? A judge, a politician, what ever I find interesting at the time and keeps my parents off my back. Honestly the only things I’m looking forward to are being out of the house and the fraternity parties.”

Rarity had a moment to gather her thoughts on what was said as the salads and drinks were set on the table. As far as her mental tally went the date was still salvageable, but a second date was looking less likely each time he opened his mouth.

“Do you need additional time to order?”

Rarity had not looked at her menu, knowing what she wanted to start with based on what she had read in Trendy about Canterlot’s local cuisine. It was something she had been looking forward to for more than a year. Rarity was about to begin her order when once again, Worth interrupted and spoke first.

“No need to wait, I’ll have the Gateau de Viande and one fresh roll, the lady with have the lentil soup.” Worth gestured for the waiter to leave before Rarity could protest. Despite her best effort she knew her left eye was twitching as she fought to control her temper. It was a face that the girls had dubbed, 'The Look'.

“Worth,” Rarity had to fight to keep the hiss out of her voice and teeth from grinding. “While I do appreciate you inviting me to this lovely restaurant, I would ask that you please stop speaking for me. I was very much looking forward to having the Beef Bourguignon and yes, some women like bread as well.”

“Yes, that is a good dish, but I’m honestly doing you a favor. It’s far too fatty for you and your butt is already the perfect size. Any more and it would just get those unsightly cottage cheese thighs that are just so… chunky and you don’t want that. Trust me, we have premier fashion design leaders come by our school to speak to my design school classmates all the time, often at my mother’s request. The poor girls talk all the time about what is required of them personally if they even want to get so much as a pinky toe through the door of the industry. Thankfully, when they are blabbing about it to me it’s usually after they’ve already given me a little something first. The release makes it easier to stand their nauseating voices. I know they only do it to get in closer with my mother’s contacts, but I don’t mind as long as it was worth it.”

“A little… I’m… I beg your pardon, but are you insinuating that you only listen to other girls because of what… favors they can do for you first?”

“Well obviously. Nice to see the mimosa is already helping you loosen up as well. I figured it would help since you are unaccustomed to this little dance.”

Rarity glanced at her glass still untouched, but at this point she was not surprised he did not notice that given how badly he had been paying attention to her as it was. If this young man was expecting her to give him any sexual favors tonight simply because he invited her out to dinner he was in for a disappointment. If not for the scene it would cause she would have gladly thrown the drink in his face... it still may come to that. “Pardon me, I need to use the lady's room.”

“Don’t take too long or your soup will get cold.”

“Yes, dear.”

Rarity flashed a pleasant smile before slipping away. Once in the safety of the restroom, Rarity dialed Applejack’s phone only to be met with her voicemail. She tried to text and after another minute received no response. She could not stall much longer or he would become suspicious, possibly even ask the staff to come looking for her. Though as she weighed that suspicion and his tattling to his mother, whoever she was, against having to deal with such a crass and unpleasant young man… “AJ, of all the nights your family had to go plow a blasted field!”

Rarity could have called her parents. It would have been mortifying to have to be rescued by them in such a prestigious location, but they would do it without hesitation. The better alternative was still one of her friends. Applejack, her usually go to rescuer was unavailable. And she would die a thousand deaths having to be picked up by Rainbow Dash. Just the image of the shit eating grin on the athlete’s face sent shudders through Rarity's core. That left only one good option. Rarity scrolled down her speed dial list and picked the one with a picture of a setting sun.

Sunset Shimmer bobbed her head as she strummed her acoustic guitar while sitting cross legged on her futon couch. She had already finished about two-thirds of her stream editing when she felt a break was in order. While tossing some lo mein noodles with fresh cut veggies in her electric wok some new lyrics came to mind and Sunset quickly retrieved her guitar to see how they sounded with the others she had already written down for the song she had started working on. Inspiration came to her at the weirdest of times.

When Sunset had gotten her hands on her first smart phone she learned you could programed individual ringtones for different people on your call lists. Each of her six closest friends had their own unique sound and she knew exactly who was calling even before she picked up the phone. Her eyes turned to large window near her loft bed. Since there was still a sliver of daylight holding back the encroaching twilight, Sunset had to assume it was not a bragging social call.

“Hey, Rarity, thought you would still be in the middle of your date. Everything okay?”

“Hello, darling. Oh, yes, it is a lovely restaurant that one must not tippy toe through to enjoy. In fact, I could tippy toe around here most of the night if given the chance.”

Sunset arched an eyebrow. “Uhhhh, oookaaaay.”

Rarity sighed, letting out a breath that blew some of the hair from her face. “I was TRYING to be subtle, but never mind… Tippy Toe!”

“Did you say…”

Tippy toe, tippy toe, TIPPY TOE! He is a terrible person and no doubt expects to claim me tonight in some capacity or else use his likely loose connection to the fashion industry through his mother to punish me for not putting out! I don’t have time to explain, I’m heading back to the table now. We’re in the patio garden near the street.” Rarity paused, and Sunset listened to the background conversations and could hear that her friend had been walking through the crowded restaurant. “Saaaaave meeeeee!” Rarity said it in the most pitiful and pleading voice Sunset had ever heard and that was saying something.

Sunset stared at her phone as the image returned to her wallpaper of her friends. The situation was probably serious, not life threatening, but still not a joke, but Sunset began to snicker and snort and the harder she tried to fight it down the more her body shook with laughter. It was like being caught in a giggle loop.

After a minute of rolling laughter, Sunset caught her breath and stood. As she understood it from the brief description she had overheard about the ‘tippy toe’ was that Sunset needed a good excuse ready to go before she arrived. Sunset’s eyes traveled down to her bare, pantsless legs. “Miiiight also need to get changed.”

As Sunset sauntered over to her closet, she tried to come up with a good excuse to save Rarity from her bad date. “Rarity! Come quick! Your mom is on fire!” Sunset looked at herself in the small mirror mounted on the inside of the closet. “Well, that was just stupid.”

“Rarity! Sweetie Belle was in an accident! You need to come quick!” Sunset paused, tapping her chin. “No, that could go badly if she thought I was being serious.” Sunset stripped her shirt off and examined her underwear. It was nothing special, just basic cream colored cotton that was comfortable and breathable for wearing all day.

You know, you could really have some fun with this. Sunset paused, considering what the little voice in her head was insinuating. Sure, most people would have considered a second voice in your own head to be a scary thing, but not to Sunset Shimmer. She was unicorn from another dimension who had once turned into both a demon and an angel and even seen the depths of Pinkie Pie’s mind and survived… her possibly self aware subconscious speaking was small potatoes by comparison.

“Sure I could, but this is serious. Rarity wouldn’t have called me otherwise.”

Didn’t say don’t take it serious, I said you could really have fun with this. When was the last time you really got to put on a character and try out those devious acting skills that use to fool all the faculty? Probably since before the rainbow to the face.

“True, I mean I’ve dressed up for Halloween and stuff, but never really let myself cut loose as of late. What did you have in mind?” Sunset’s eyes moved over the various items at her disposal until they settled on a pair of ripped up, low rise jeans. “Okay, and pair this with…”

Something tight across the chest and switch to the red floral lace bra and panties.

“Sooooo, look hot and slutty? To do what?”

Uh, duh? What locks a dumb boy’s brain up faster than anything? Hot lesbian!

“I’m not a lesbian, brain.”

Lesbian, bi, whatever. The details are not important in this case, unicorn. The point is, go in there, act like a jealous girlfriend, scoop up Rarity, and high tail it before anyone can say anything to ruin the act. Come ooooon, it’ll be fun!

Sunset tapped on her chin, considering. It would be fun, and if done quickly it would save her friend from having to come up with an excuse of why she did not want to go home or to where ever with him. On the other hand… Sunset had never told any of her closest friends that she was bisexual. It never seemed like the right time to bring up something so personal in casual conversation and then it just fell to the wayside of importance with all the other things going on in her life. Sunset was pretty sure Pinkie Pie already knew because Pinkie was, well, Pinkie. It was PROBABLY not a big deal. She was not attracted to any of her friends that way… well, not attracted to most of her friends would be more accurate. There was… one…

Focus, pony girl. You can fantasize about your nerd some other time. Right now, it's hero time. And don't worry about Rarity, she's sharp, she’ll catch on fast and then afterwards, if she asks, you can explain everything.

“That’s the thing! If I had wanted to tell them that particular part about me I would have already. I don’t THINK they would freak out, but… sometimes things don’t always go the way you would expect with people… or ponies for that matter. Assumptions and all that.” Sunset’s mind conjuring an image of Princess Celestia looking down on her with a disappointed expression. She shook her head to make the old image go away, smacking her cheeks lightly. “I don’t think I could handle my friends turning their back on me because my preference freaked them out.”

Look yourself in the mirror and ask, do you really think they would abandon you after all you have been through together?

Sunset looked at herself and nodded and after a deep breath, smiled. No, they would not. With her doubt squashed, Sunset retrieved a few more items and quickly changed in the bathroom. Once clothed, she added a little extra purple eye shadow and some red lipstick to go with the red bra that could be seen through the thin t-shirt fabric as well as from the deep cut v-neck she had torn open at the collar. The shirt had been condemned to her oil rag pile for her motorcycle, Shadow, anyhow. The jeans were tight and would be uncomfortable to wear all day, especially considering that when she moved certain ways it showed off the top of her lacy red panties as well, but damn did they frame her butt well. Lastly, Sunset grabbed her motorcycle jacket and fingerless gloves and headed out the door. She had one last thing to do out in her storage garage before riding to the rescue.


Half an hour had slowly ticked away since Rarity had called Sunset for help and she was beginning to question whether her fire haired friend was indeed coming or if she should just forget the whole saving face and just get up and walk out. That moment was fast approaching given her current situation. Rarity was actually thankful that her date had ordered the light meal of lentil soup since she doubted she could have stomached much else as Worth Valuemore kept dropping lewd hints that he was ready to move on to what he wanted for the evening while completely ignoring all the turned off signals she was trying to send him. Worth had proven to be oblivious to her discomfort and Rarity had doubts that even a flashing sign would have clued him in to her distaste. At least the mimosa had been good and there had been a moment of temptation to drink another, but she did not want to risk her parents catching even a hint of alcohol on her breath.

Before Rarity could comment on Worth’s latest string of hollow compliments and drabble, a terrible racket had grown louder. She had heard plenty of cars and motorcycles with loud exhaust systems before, but this one seemed particularly audible. However, instead of just roaring by like others it sounded like it had parked right out front before finally, thankfully ceasing. There were several gasps and garbled comments coming from the entrance of the restaurant. Most of the conversations on the patio had ceased as the patrons craned their necks to see what was the commotion.

“Young miss! You do not have an invitation or reservation! I will have to call the police!”

“Then go fucking call them, Kibitz, this won’t take long!”

The side gate to the patio was forcibly opened and a red and gold haired young woman stood there with a hand on her hip scanning the sitting guests. When she met Rarity’s eyes her smile grew predatory. Rarity could only gape at both the behavior and what Sunset Shimmer was wearing.

“You actually went through with it. Fuck me sideways, babe, I know we had a bad fight, but I really didn’t think you would just run right out and pick up the first guy with half a cock who said yes.”

Rarity blinked. “Uhhhhh…”

“No, you don’t need to apologize. You’re right, it's all on me. But that was last week and you were right, I don’t appreciate you enough.” Sunset strolled up to Rarity, putting extra sway in her hips, her leather jacket hanging off her shoulders. When she leaned over, both Rarity and Worth’s eyes were locked on the exposed, goldenrod cleavage. “I love you and will do anything you ask of me, no matter what. Just come home right now and I’m all yours.”

“Miss, you must be mistaken, this is my d-”

“Hey, dumbass, talkin’ to my girlfriend here, do the world a favor and stop wasting the good oxygen.” Sunset reached out and tilted Rarity’s chin up right before planting a passionate kiss on the pale girl’s lips. Rarity gasped, but was too stunned to do anything else but ride It out. “Let’s get outta here, lover.”

Sunset stuck her tongue out and winked at Worth who was blushing to the point he had to loosen his tie. She easily scooped Rarity up bridal style and marched her back out the patio gate and back down to her beloved motorcycle. Sunset plopped her extra helmet on top of her friend’s head and then quickly secured her own. With one last one finger salute to the maître d she fired up Shadow, who was lacking its normal muffler and noisily made her exit. Rarity’s brain was still locked up and all she could do was just hold on. Sunset spared a glance back after they came to a stop at a light a few blocks away.

“Close your mouth or bugs will get in.”

That broke Rarity's shock and the purple haired woman began to laugh into the back of the leather jacket while holding tightly to her friend.


“I still can’t believe you kissed me!” Sunset shrugged sheepishly and blushed a bit. Rarity giggled at the expression and patted the spot on Sunset’s futon couch for her friend to join her. “It was quite unexpected and certainly left my terrible date baffled beyond comment. If that was your intention then bravo, dear.”

“Yeeeah, sorry about that. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing,” Sunset shrugged and collected her own pint of ice cream, handing Rarity another to dig into. “I hope it didn’t make you too uncomfortable, but I only had half a plan and winged the rest. I thought of a few other ideas while getting dressed, but none of them seemed like it would get the response I was looking for.”

“Oh, pish posh, darling. Though you should be honored that you are the first girl other than my mother and sister to touch these lips. Dare I ask the thought process for your… character?” Rarity smirked while gesturing to the pile of clothes that had been discarded immediately in exchange for a long sleeping t-shirt that came down to Sunset’s knees and warm, comforting blankets. Rarity was wearing similar minimal attire that she had borrowed from Sunset.

“To be honest, my first few ideas just sucked or would have gotten the wrong kind of stunned or terrified. So, I just stood here arguing with myself saying, ‘yeah, badass lesbian biker bitch’ why not?” The two giggled as they imagined what had been said by the staff and patrons after they left.

"You don't think that jerk is going to seek revenge for this, do you? Or try to damage your future by telling whoever that you're gay?"

Rarity giggled as the smooth chocolate ice cream went down. "Not likely and even if he did it's hardly scandalous for any who works in fashion to be queer or bi-curious. And speaking of which." Rarity set her ice cream down and regarded Sunset critically. “When were you going to tell us, your closest friends that you are bisexual?”

Sunset grimaced, wiping the excess strawberry cheesecake ice cream from her lips. “I wasn’t actually. I know it sounds silly, maybe even a bit offensive, but I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or complicate things with you or any of the other girls. I just kept having this one reoccurring dream where after I told you, everyone would be afraid of inviting me to slumber parties or going to the beach because, ‘careful, or Shimmer will be checking you out when you bend over'.”

“Sunset, darling, you should know after this long that we love you just the way you are. You are our friend no matter your sexual preference. While I can’t guarantee you that Rainbow Dash would take it… gracefully, even her poking would all be in good fun.”

Sunset nodded, slightly ashamed by her assumptions. “I know that in my heart, but sometimes I get a dumb idea stuck in my head and like usual, I'm my own worst enemy. Thank you all the same. And, before you ask because I know you want to. Yes, you are very attractive, but I’m not interested in you beyond being friends.”

“Oh! No offense taken, dear. While it was not a bad kiss, I agree with you completely and would not have a playful gesture complicate our friendship. Now that I’ve had a moment to reflect, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt a romantic attraction to another woman.”

Sunset smirked, she knew she should say nothing, but it was just too easy. “Come on, not even Applejack?”

Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled, poking a toe into her host’s side, satisfied when Sunset began to snicker and squirm. “Applejack and I? Can you imagine that? Well, maybe you can, I have seen your art and you have quite the imagination. No, we are wonderful friends, but what we want in our lives would sour anything romantic there. It's... probably best that way.
At least you didn’t say Rainbow Dash or I would have to question if you know me at all.”

“Let’s be honest, Rares, we all love Dash, but the only person she really would consider having a serious relationship with is herself.” Sunset giggled at the thought of Rainbow Dash ever meeting her Equestrian counterpart. It really would be love at first sight. “As you have seen for yourself, in Equestria we spend so much time without clothes on our perceptions are different. Because of that, the physical attraction, at least for me, is second to the personal attraction. That's the way I've always felt for as long as I can remember. Obviously, I can’t speak for everypony.”

Rarity smiled deviously, once again attacking Sunset's ribs with a set of wiggly toes under the blanked causing her friend to giggle and squirm some more. “Which leads to the question I really wanted to ask. Is there anyone, boy or girl you DO have your eye on?”

Sunset hesitated, looking at her ice cream. “Yes, but… it’s complicated.”

Rarity nodded sagely. “Ah, complicated. An eloquent term for, ‘they are seeing someone’ I presume.” Sunset nodded. “I understand and will not prod further, thus ruin our fun for the evening. To be honest, fried food, ice cream, and romantic comedies are exactly what I need tonight after being in such unpleasant company. Tomorrow I will be expressing my displeasure to Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet on what they consider a 'perfect date'. Honestly, I would have had more fun turning the dirt with Applejack.” Rarity paused as Sunset tried to hold in her laugh. “That was not a euphemism!” Sunset laughed and took the extra toe prodding she so richly deserved.

“You called your parents about spending the night, right?” Sunset asked once she caught her breath.

Rarity nodded, picking up the TV remote. “While you were changing in the bathroom. I could hear the relief in my mother’s voice. It is… nice that even on the cusps of legal adulthood that my parents still worry about Sweetie and I so.”

Sunset nodded. The comment stung a bit, but Rarity did not know that Sunset never knew her parents and her relationship with Princess Celestia, though better, was still a long way from being patched up. A sad, tearful discussion for another day. Sunset was content for now that if her mother were still alive, she would have been proud of her and happy that she had been such a good friend in a time of need. Sunset’s attention was diverted when her phone lit up and rang. She picked it up without hesitation.

“Hey, Twi. What’s up?”

“I was just calling to say hi, you know, see how the stream editing was going. You usually post one by now.”

Sunset looked at Rarity and quickly whispered, Twilight, to her friend who nodded and smiled. “Well, I had to hold off the final edits tonight. It will probably go up tomorrow night. Rarity called in that Tippy Toe thing Dash and AJ were talking about. I’ll let her tell you the details when she feels like it, but long story short it was a crap date and I swooped in for the rescue.”

“It was a very loud and eventful swooping indeed!” Rarity said loud enough for Twilight to hear.

“So anyhow, we’re just going to kick back at my place tonight and watch some movies. I’ll drop her off at her parent’s place on my way to work tomorrow.”

“Okay, well, you two have fun! Goodnight!”

“‘Night, Twi.” Sunset hung up and stared at the blank screen a moment.

“Penny for your thoughts, dear?”

“It’s just odd… I never thought Twilight would be one to get excited to watch me angry gamer girl rant at playthroughs or spank sad dorks in PvP. Figured she was always too busy on her down time with getting ready for college or something. It's just... I don't know. Nice, I guess.”

Rarity tapped her chin, her keen eye for detail studying Sunset’s features, particularly the little smile on her friend’s face as she gently fondled her phone one last time. Something that would require further investigation in the future.

“Well, we are all allowed to have our little guilty pleasures. I, for one, love a good romantic comedy. Ohhh, here! This one is a classic. Ten Things I Hate about You.”


Rarity sat up and gave Sunset a hug, putting a genuine smile back on the redhead’s face. “Just relax and enjoy the movie.
Trust me, sweetheart, these sort of things work themselves out.”


Author's Note:

Okay, so that was fun.

Where the heck did this come from? Well, many years ago I was listening to the Rod Ryan Show on Houston radio and he explained the idea of the Tippy Toe code word for an intervention by friends. My friends had heard the show as well and we thought this was a great idea if it was ever needed.

As it turns out, in a case it was and I did this, except I did it using a probably really bad Australian accent.

That's part of the story. The other part of the story is dedicated to my friend and former college roommate Mark the Monk (if you want details on the nickname PM me, it would take to long to explain here)

Mark grew up in a very strict Catholic household in Deep Red Tarrant County. Because of this he was terrified for the longest time to not only come to terms with his sexuality, but also to tell any of his friends out of fear that people would shun him. I'm sure some did, because those people are assholes.
Needless to say, I was there for him and he is still a great friend and happily married and now living in the Seattle area.

Now, as far as this story. This was just something I wanted to do and establish a base going into Incarnate. I don't have any current plans to visit back to the high school years again. The next story which is already almost done takes place after Sunny and Twi finish college. After that we'll probably head back to Equestria.

Oh, and just as one finally note on the storyline. Yes, Rarity and Applejack in this universe did become on/off friends with benefits, but never married. They just lived lives that were just too different, but still enjoyed their friendship and occasionally something more.