• Published 9th Mar 2021
  • 1,093 Views, 37 Comments

Dimension G4.5 - _Undefined_

It’s challenging to make sense of an unfamiliar world that isn’t really all that sweet, magic, posh, fun, or cute.

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As Twilight Sparkle emerged from the mirror, she stumbled over her longer forelegs and wound up performing a rag doll–like somersault into the room, ending up on her back.

“Of course,” she said to the ceiling.

Starlight stepped over and looked straight down at her. “How was it?” she asked. “Weird, right?”

Twilight got back up onto her hooves. “Starlight, how many other ponies know about this mirror?”

Starlight paused for just a moment before answering. “Just you and me,” she said. “I haven’t told anypony else about this mirror yet.”

“Good.” She glanced over at it. “Here’s what I’m going to do. I am going to take this mirror and encase it in a half-meter-thick block of concrete. Then I’m going to cast a spell of undetectability on it and drop it in the fifth-deepest part of the ocean so that nopony will step through it ever again.”

Starlight’s eyebrows went up. “Isn’t that a little… extreme? I know that that new dimension is unsettling, but are you that sure you want to prevent any other ponies in this dimension from ever experiencing it?”

“It’s for their own well-being. Trying to make sense of that world results only in madness.”

With no further discussion, Twilight teleported out of the room.

Leaving behind the pony who had the knowledge to create the portal in the first place.

Starlight looked at the mirror, then shrugged. “She doesn’t need to know about the two-year deal I already signed with the Hass Brothers,” she said.

After all, toy and media franchises were profitable and the content had to come from somewhere.

Comments ( 19 )

Late for the contest, but still a magnificent execution on the metacommentary. Great work on this one, especially in capturing the arguments of both sides... though I do still side with the original. I admit, part of me wants to see FiM!Pinkie and PL!Applejack hash out a compromise, but this is probably for the best. The multiverse has wonders and horrors in equal measure, but some planes are just annoying. Thank you for this.

So, that's what Pony Life is like? Ugh. I agree with Gen4 Twilight.


“Hee hee!” Pinkie giggled. “I’m brighter than you!”

It spoke volumes of Twilight’s diplomatic training that she was able to keep her response to herself.


Twilight didn’t have time to both wonder why she didn’t get to see or hear the musical number whose preparation had been such a big deal five minutes ago and wonder how much time had passed

Not Enough Time For Time. Mmm.

Starlight looked at the mirror, then shrugged. “She doesn’t need to know about the two-year deal I already signed with the Hass Brothers,” she said.

After all, toy and media franchises were profitable and the content had to come from somewhere.


Also Starlight needs money. Mmm. Hard to hide this from Twilight once it starts appearing, though? Unless Twilight gets a mindwipe... Hmm...

i'm torn between wanting that world destroyed utterly and letting discord run amuck in it


Great work on this one, especially in capturing the arguments of both sides... though I do still side with the original.

I assume that I built a bunch of straw men, but I hope they were at least decently constructed straw men.


Also Starlight needs money.

Starlight wants money.

Hard to hide this from Twilight once it starts appearing, though?

Starlight's going on the theory that Twilight has too many big problems to deal with to notice what kind of pop culture her subjects are consuming.


A nice bit of self-awareness.

Only a BIT?!?
(I kid, I kid.)


Pinkie, I'm guessing.

You'd think Twilight would have learned that the answer to that type of question is nearly always "Pinkie."


i'm torn between wanting that world destroyed utterly and letting discord run amuck in it

Which Discord? Because the native one wouldn't even have the (non)sense to perform the sight gag of running in muck.


Finally a good Pony Life fanfic! :)

16th time's the charm!

(Seriously, this is only the 16th Fimfiction story to use the Pony Life tag. If that isn't an indicator of what kind of impression this show left...)


Wouldn't it be easier to just break the mirror?

Also, yeah, I'm not interested in ever seeing Pony Life again.

I neither love nor hate Pony Life (in my opinion, it had some funny moments, and it's not nearly as derailing as, say, Teen Titans Go), but you're right, it would probably drive original Twilight insane.

Personally, I still adhere to my head canon that the Pony Life world was created by Discord to keep his hand in now that he can no longer fill G4 Equestria with random nonsense.


Wouldn't it be easier to just break the mirror?

Twilight wasn't in her right mind at that moment. And who could blame her?



"Oh, well that explains it."

When I wrote that, Trixie was my first thought, too.


I neither love nor hate Pony Life (in my opinion, it had some funny moments, and it's not nearly as derailing as, say, Teen Titans Go), but you're right, it would probably drive original Twilight insane.

Now you've got me wondering how different the debate would be if it were about Teen Titans Go! instead of Pony Life. I actually don't mind Teen Titans Go! -- at least they committed to being nothing like the previous show. It also helped that there was a longer period of time between the two series and, I assume, Cartoon Network giving TTG more freedom to be irreverent.


Personally, I still adhere to my head canon that the Pony Life world was created by Discord to keep his hand in now that he can no longer fill G4 Equestria with random nonsense.

If he actually did place a hand in it, that would be a pretty Discord-y thing to do.

That was great, we need more pony life fics :yay:

Mine is this is the dimension where Discord was decent enough that they just let him do his thing untill the world became universe's greatest :yay:post.

Although you theory might hold a fair bit more water the more I think about it...

I don't know whether he originated it, but I like FanOfMostEverything's explanation that the Pony Life universe was created during the few seconds that Pinkie Pie was channeling Discord's chaos magic near the ending of "The Ending of the End."


Oh dear. I can only imagine she means either jail cells, or something more like battery cells.

Officially, it's the former, although given that this is Starlight, it's entirely possible the latter will be used on ponies while they're in the former.

And it wouldn't be Pony Life without an animation error, right?

Or if she decides to build the Friendship Matrix, the ponies in the cells will be used as battery cells. :twistnerd:

It's easiest to tap the energy from unicorns, but earth ponies provide the greatest amount of raw power per pony. You know that Starlight has already figured all of it out.

If you had Twilight operate under Pony Life laws of physics, she would have exploded, then exploded again and then materialized as a crab holding the Twicane before returning to her normal state a few seconds later.

Oh my gosh, that was brilliant. G4 Twi's reaction to G4.5 was my reaction to JJ Abrams' idiotic reboot of Star Trek. If you've never seen the original, it's not bad, but if you love the original, then it's really bad. I can see a fan of "JJ Trek" making 4.5 Twi's argument for why it doesn't suck.

A proper "Star Trek XI" would've been freaking awesome if it had JJ's unlimited budget. In the same way, if Pony Life had continuity editors, and Lauren Faust, it might've lasted more than 1.5 seasons.

Starlight looked at the mirror, then shrugged. “She doesn’t need to know about the two-year deal I already signed with the Hass Brothers,” she said.

I see what ya did there....

Starlight looked at the mirror, then shrugged. “She doesn’t need to know about the two-year deal I already signed with the Hass Brothers,” she said.

I mean I have One suggestion starlight
How about we make a new character and make her enjoyable!
Let's call her Potion Nova

I mean Honestly? I have seen some of the orignal and yet j can say both have their pros and cons!
Just like pony life!

Seriously its gonna make erroria look Like main character at this rate

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