• Published 11th Mar 2021
  • 1,609 Views, 32 Comments

P.O.W. - Bandit Blue

A griffon ends up as a medic in a war. When he chooses to save an injured enemy soldier, he is imprisoned in Equestria. Also a captive of Fate, he was anything but free.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Leone and Moonflower held each other for a good while, until Celestia’s voice caught their attention.

“It’s nice to meet you, Leone.”

Both creatures broke their embrace to look at Celestia, Leone looked at Moonflower, who nodded to him with a gentle smile. He turned his gaze towards the monarch, who towered them even from a distance while sitting down.

“Likewise… Your Highness.”

“Please, take a seat next to me and help yourself to any food, you must be famished.”

Leone looked once more towards Moonflower for validation that it was safe, and she looked at him with the same gentle smile from before. He was unsure why suddenly he was now being treated as a guest instead of a prisoner, he assumed the likeliest reason was that Moonflower had convinced them to do so, somehow.

“Thank you, your Highness.” Leone said and he slowly approached Celestia. He looked back and he could see Moonflower walking right behind him, and the unicorn from before following them from a distance. He sat a few seats away from Celestia and for a brief moment he was unsure on what to do next, split by the presence on a deity that could end his existence in a split second, plentiful, mouth watering food displayed on the table in front of him, and the pony sitting by his side, the reason why he was here at all. All his thoughts were interrupted by the monarch’s voice.

“First of all, I’d like to personally thank you for saving one of my precious little ponies, Leone. It breaks my heart to even think how many creatures, both pony and griffon, were hurt in this conflict.”

“I… I feel the same, your highness. That’s one of the reasons I tried to help Moonflower, I suppose.”

“I’m very glad to hear that-”

“But… You don’t really- What you did to me, harmed me plenty. You could’ve just sent me to a labor camp, forgive me for being so blunt, but… There’s no need to keep up the charade.”

Moonflower stared at him in shock, she wondered what exactly he was put through while in the dungeons. She looked at Celestia, who now wore a saddened expression.

“I assure you, Leone, there is no charade or tricks at play here aside from your own. You must understand that during these times, extra care is needed to ensure safety, and the circumstances of your arrival were rather unique. It raised a lot of suspicion and paranoia, and I’m not the only in charge. My sister loves our ponies just as much, if not more so than I do, she’d do anything to ensure their wellbeing. Even then, I apologize for all the harm we caused you. If possible I would’ve liked to have avoided this conflict all together.”

Leone sat in silence as he tried to process Celestia’s words, he tried to figure out if or which of them were lies and which were truth.

“Leone…” Moonflower softly called for his attention and he turned his gaze at her in confusion. “I’m really grateful that you saved me, thanks to you I was able to see my family again. When we last talked I was still unsure if I should’ve enlisted, now I know for I shouldn’t, I was overconfident and in fear, and because of that we both paid the price. But thanks to you I’m still here, you have no idea how much that means to me.”

“It’s okay, Moonflower. I wasn’t being a hero like you might be thinking. I wanted to help you, of course, but I thought of you as my ticket out of that infernal place. It wasn’t the altruistic act I’ve made it to be. But it comforts me to know that it wasn’t in vain, you lost something important but you’re doing well, that’s good enough for me at least.”

“I could’ve lost more. I was sure I was gonna go back home victorious, I didn’t stop to think that If I died, I wouldn’t be able to see my daughter growing up, I wouldn’t be there for her if she needed me, and how she would suffer if I had…” Moonflower looked at the floor with her smile gone, Leone worried about her as he waited for her to continue. “I’ve seen when they deliver the news to a family… To think I could’ve put my daughter and family through that, because of my sheer arrogance no less, I just can’t… Thank you, Leone. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help you sooner but I promise I’ll do everything I can to repay you. I won’t let you suffer anymore, I promise.”

“Oh, you have a daughter…”

“Yes, thanks to you we can be together again.”

“It never occurred to me… Griffon females with cubs aren’t required to enlist.”

“Nopony is required, I enlisted out of my own sheer free will and stupidity.” The mare giggled, trying to improve the mood however she could.”

“Huh… Her father is out there?”

“No, no. He’s in Equestria but… Far away from us. And… with another family.”

“Oh. That is… Good. I mean, he’s safe and all.”

“Yeah, he’s a great guy, we just… weren’t made to be together it’s all. Maybe one day you can meet him.”

“Leone, please help yourself, we prepared this banquet for you.” Celestia suddenly said, interrupting the conversation between Leone and Moonflower. Leone looked again at the table filled with all types of foods and drinks, and he decided he was going to indulge himself even if the food was poisoned, as long as it tasted good. But before doing so, he had some questions.

“For me? Why?”

“As an apology for your initial reception, as gratitude for your sacrifice, and as a welcome to our land.”

Moonflower picked up a bottle of wine with her hoofs and tried to pour some into a cup in front of Leone, her hooves trembled as she struggled to hold the bottle. Leone gently helped her by holding her hooves together, once the cup was filled, she pulled her hooves away and carefully placed the bottle back on the table.

“Are you okay, Moonflower?”

“Yes, it’s just… I’m still getting used to handling some things with hooves.”

“I’m sorry… Losing a limb is-”

“It’s fine! Don’t worry, I’ll get the hang of it eventually, earth ponies and pegasi do fine without magic, so can I. I didn’t lose a limb, I lost an appendage at best.” The mare said with a clear forced smile and she sat back down.

“Still, it was part of you. I have no doubt you’ll get over it but… it’s okay to be sad, you know? Bottling up your feelings is not healthy. I’ve seen griffons trying to hide their pain with a facade of strength or play it off as a joke. I understand they did it because they didn’t want to worry others or look weak, but anyone could see they were suffering. It was sad that they forced themselves to suffer alone, they didn’t have to, their pain was more than justified. What I’m trying to say is… You’re not alone, no one will judge you for being sad or for complaining. Sharing your pain… can alleviate your suffering and make you stronger.” The doctor in Leone took control as he looked at her with a saddened expression, his instincts making him briefly forget he was trapped in hell for what felt like an eternity. The mare’s smile vanished as she looked away from the griffon.

“I’m fine… really.”

Leone wanted to comfort her further but he knew these things take time, and he was barely a stranger to her, he thought maybe it wasn’t his place to go any further. He snapped back to reality, his current situation. He took the cup of wine in front of him and drank it all in one go, but slowly. He was able to savor the taste of the wine, he wondered if that was the best wine he ever drank, or it was just regular wine that tasted a hundred times better now because heavens knows how long since the last time he was able to drink wine. After finishing and putting the cup back on the table, he stared at the cup, pondering about time.

“How long was I down there?”

“About two weeks. You would’ve been moved out sooner but… intriguing details came up regarding your identity.” Celestia answered his question.

“His identity? Was that why they wouldn’t let me see him?”

“Yes. Despite all the… Methods we had to make one tell the truth, Leone was strong enough to never drop his disguise. Which we only found out by coincidence, and only let him out after we confirmed there was no ill intent behind it. Should’ve he dropped it sooner, we would be having this delightful meal a week ago.”

Moonflower looked at Leone, who was clearly disturbed and still staring at the cup, without saying anything. “Leone? ...What is she talking about?” Moonflower wanted to just scream at him, asking why he lied and what he was up to, but she gave him the benefit of the doubt, she wanted him to be the savior she thought he was.

“Don’t worry, Moonflower, Leone lied about who he is but only to protect himself. Why don’t you tell her your real name, Leone?”

“That explains why you’re here. You think I have value.”

“Everycreature has value, to others and to themselves. But in a way, yes, I’ve taken the time to be here due to your lineage. Even if you have no value to them, you were important to many, and especially to Moonflower.”

Leone looked distraught and in silence once more. Moonflower was still confused, but Celestia’s words gave her some relief, fears of him being some sort of spy now gone. She gently touched his claw with her hoof and gave him her gentle smile once more. He looked at the mare and found some comfort, he was afraid but it was obvious they already knew the truth, there was no point in lying anymore. After taking a deep breath, he proceeded to talk.

“My real name is Grover...” He said, still gazing towards the table, avoiding eye contact.

“Prince Grover.” Celestia added.

Moonflower was dumbfounded. “Prince?! You’re a prince?! Son of the griffon King?!” She shouted as she suddenly sprang into all fours. Grover’s attention and gaze were now fully directed towards Moonflower.

“Y- Yes. He is indeed my father, but It’s complicated, I’m not-”

“Why?! Why did you… What’s your goal?”

“I have no goal, I just wanted to leave, the furthest I got…” Grover averted his gaze once more as he failed to finish his sentence.


“Moonflower, calm down. Leone, or rather, Grover, lied to protect himself. We investigated his actions thoroughly to be able to confirm he had no ill intent. And as short sighted as his father is, I’d say it’s unlikely he would make such an elaborate plan with some goal of sending him to us in order to sabotage us from within.”

“He thinks I’m dead, apparently when he heard the news he just believed it and went on with his day as if nothing happened.”

“Why- I don’t understand, why does he think you’re dead and why in heavens would he not care?” Moonflower asked, now calmed once more by Celestia’s words.

“I’m a bastard, my father would have me killed when I was a cub, but his wife didn’t let him, she forced him to take me in as his son because she knew he hated me. I was his punishment for his betrayal, and because of that, he only ever saw me as a nuisance at best.”

“Why did he hate you? Shouldn’t his wife be the one who hated you instead?”

“I never knew, I assume it had something to do with my mother. That somehow being with her brought him great shame, and I was a living reminder of that.”

“I see… What about your mother, is she...?”

“They told me she was exiled, but I suspect either the queen or the king had her killed not long after I was born.”

“I’m sorry, Leone- Uh, I mean Grover.”

“It’s okay, Moonflower. You can call me Leone if you want, I took this name after lazely faking my own death and fleeing, which is why he and everyone think I’m dead. My hunch was right, no one cared to question or investigate, they were probably glad I died and moved on, maybe they even knew I had just fled and it made no difference to them. I was not much different than a butler to them or a punching bag for my half siblings.”

“I’m sorry, Leone, that sounds terrible, but why were you in the war if they hated you so much? And were you not recognized by the other griffons?”

“Every griffon is supposed to enlist, and if they want you, they send you. I studied medicine and healing growing up so I was sent as a doctor. As for my identity, maybe some did recognize me, but none bothered to question me about it. What would a supposed dead prince be playing doctor in the war, after all? Still I was afraid of my so-called family finding out I was alive and hurting me for some reason. Which when I saw you...”

“You thought it was a chance to get away once and for all.” Moonflower said in a sad tone.

“Yes. I swear I really wanted to help you, but I also saw it as an opportunity. I’m not as altruistic as you might have thought. I’m sorry.”

“No… Don’t apologize. You saved me and you were trying to save yourself as well, no one can blame you for that. I’m still grateful, besides, you still spent two weeks in a dungeon for it. Which… Now that I think of it, why didn’t you tell the truth when they questioned you? You would’ve stopped being a prisoner and become a hosta- A valuable guest instead, you wouldn’t have to suffer much beyond that.”

“It wasn’t because of strength like Celestia said… I was just scared. I thought about it, but of all the outcomes I could think of, there was only more torture and death . Even if I became a hostage, a hostage with no value is as good as dead. And believe me, I have no worth to them, neither as Grover or as Leone. I’m a nuisance in one identity and a traitor in the other.”

“Well, that’s not the case, prince Grover.” Said Celestia, snapping the attention to her.

“Why not?”

“You are still a prince, even with your lower status amongst your family, you can help to stop this war.”

“How? My word means less than nothing to them.”

“You would only need to convince them you were captured by us and be allowed within their home once more.”

“So I can feed you intelligence for you to massacre my kind and win the war? Even if I would agree to that, they’d never let me get my hands on any sensitive information. I wasn’t even allowed in several parts of the palace.”

“That’s not the case, prince Grover. You see, the only reason why this war hasn’t ended yet is the same reason why it started. Me and my sister alone could easily wipe out the griffon royalty, along with several hundreds of their troops within a few minutes, yet we are unable to do so because your father holds an artifact that can drain us of our magic. Which is why this conflict started in the first place, your father wanted to control our power.”

“That does sound like him… But even though I hate him, removing the only deterrent that stops you from, as you said, wiping out my kind or worse, enslaving them, doesn’t sound like a good idea, if that’s what you want me to do.”

“Leone! Princess Celestia would never enslave anycreature, she is the kindest ruler alive!” Moonflower said while slamming her forehooves on the table and drawing all attention to her.

“It’s okay, Moonflower, he makes a fair point.” Celestia turned her gaze towards Grover and continued. “Unfortunately, I can only give you my word that I have no intention to cause further harm to your kind. I simply want to cease this conflict and keep my kind safe. I believe you want the same thing, so if you want to keep the artifact as a deterrent against me and my sister, that would be acceptable to us, as long as you can keep it safe.”

“That doesn’t sound bad, but I doubt I would be able to get my hands on such an important item, let alone keep it safe.”

“That’s why your title of prince will be needed. Whether you’re able to get the artifact without causing any harm, or by any means necessary, we would ensure you became king of the griffons. And before you protest, no, we do not intend to control or manipulate you in any way, we prefer to collect friends rather than enemies. We want you as an ally, we already have enough things to worry about in Equestria, managing another empire would not do us well.”

“I… I don’t see that ending well for me. Do I have a choice?”

“Well, you do but, none end up well for you, as you say. Setting you loose on Equestria would certainly mean your demise, as would sending you to a p.o.w. labor camp. In one instance you would be harmed by ponies, simply for being a griffon, and on the other you would be harmed by griffons, once they find out why you’re there or who you are. Moonflower requested that you were set free under her care, but that would mean that not only you, but her and family could also become targets. You could also go back to the dungeons and we’d arrange some better living conditions as gratitude for saving her, it wouldn’t be an optimal life, I must say. Unfortunately, these are all your choices.”

“Couldn’t you just let me free in someplace I can fly away from here, never to return?”

“I suppose that’s also an option… If you really want to flee and leave it all behind, that can be arranged. But would you be in peace in a place far away, knowing a meaningless war still rages amongst our kingdoms?” Grover looked at Celestia in silence, pondering all that had been said. Unbeknownst to him, Moonflower sat by his side with a sad expression, worrying about his future.

“In the very unlikely scenario I’m able to get the artifact without getting killed, what about my father, the queen and my siblings?”

“That would depend on their actions. Unfortunately, the further they resist your claim as the new king, the stronger we would have to retaliate. We also cannot allow any of them to jeopardize your rule, to be blunt, the best outcome for them would be exile, but most likely incarceration. We think your kind would appreciate the change in management, even if it’s supported by ponies, your father has been less than kind or considerate towards them, as did his father before him.”

Grover stayed silent once more, with an expression of worry and a little fear, he held one of Moonflower’s hooves with his claw, which made her blush in surprise. He then stared at her face, she made an effort to give him her gentle smile. The more he stared at her, the more she blushed, she moved her eyes to avoid further eye contact in embarrassment. She was unsure what was going through the griffon’s head. He looked at her and found himself proud for having saved her, not only she wouldn’t be there comforting him, but her daughter would be without her mother by her side, he was also taken by surprise by how much he admired her appearance, her mane style and colors, her coat color, her eyes, but most of all her smile. Seeing her smile made him calm, made him feel like nothing that happened before mattered, her smile made it all worth it somehow. He wanted her to keep smiling, and he wondered if he was going to be able to see her smile again after that day. After a while, he looked back at Celestia.

“I have no real reason to trust you but as you pointed out, I don’t have many options, and it beats being lynched to death or going crazy in a cell, I guess. So I’ll hope you are the benevolent ruler Moonflower says you are and that you have the best interests for my kind as well as yours.”

“King Grover, I assure you, only good things will come from our friendship. Together, we will end this moronic conflict and see our nations thriving and in peace. I promise.” Grover smiled at Celestia and Moonflower smiled happily, seeing him smile like that for the first time. He then let go of her hoof, studied the food on the table before grabbing a pear and biting into it. With his mouth still full, he asked:

“So, what’s the plan?”