• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 1,100 Views, 4 Comments

A Nighttime Rendezvous - Applefai

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A nighttime rendezvous

Twilight slightly hummed to herself as she styled her mane, the comb gently gliding through her locks as she gazed into the mirror, Her heart was filled with rapture as she used her magic to ready herself for tonight, her dress was a fine yellow silk dress that could light up the whole room and offer a warm glow from anypony standing near her. This was her favorite dress that Rarity made, it was made to reflect the princess that Twilight most related to in any fairy tale. Twilight absolutely adored it, because it was the same dress Belle wore when she danced with the beast. Though these sleeves were more poofy.

Twilight magically put on the dress so to not mess up her mane as she put on some finishing touches, nerves started to set in so she put on a spritz of lavender scented perfume.

Twilight had originally wanted a tiara to go with the dress, but unfortunately Rarity didn't know how to make one and Twilight, try as she might, couldn't save up the bits to buy one. But nonetheless, nothing could dampen her mood, today was date night for her and her coltfriend. Her and Flash have been going out for a while now, but have always been too busy to actually have an actual date. It had been a month since her coronation and her and her friends have had many lovely visits, even Celestia and Luna came to visit from time to time, Twilight was especially happy since she learned that she won't outlive her friends or anypony she care about, but it did add pressure on her to find a heir, but that was a long way from now. Now, she was young and was in love.

Twilight steps out of her room in Canterlot castle and sees Spike waiting outside the door.

"How do I look? How do I smell?" Twilight began bombarding Spike with questions "is my mane ok?" Twilight continues as she stepped closer to Spike for him to smell her.

Spike couldn't get a word in with Twilight freaking out, "Twilight!" Spike yelled as he grabs her hooves and starts to gently speak. "You look great and you smell great, but that matters little to Flash. Flash cares about you and genuinely loves you. Just take a deep breath and enjoy your date." Spike said as he consoles Twilight.

Twilight takes a deep breath and does the hoof motion that Cadence had taught her. After taking a few deep and steady breaths, Twilight puts a hoof on Spike's shoulder. "Thanks, Spike. I needed that." Twilight said as she wraps her hooves around Spike wrapping him in a hug.

"You're Welcome, Twilight. Now go out and enjoy yourself." Spike tells Twilight while helping her put on her gloves.

Twilight walks out after putting on her gloves and looks up. The sun had just set and the full moon was illuminating the city, with a few dark clouds littering and moving across the sky.

Twilight remembers when she and Flash started dating, Shining Armor had threatened him with bodily harm with a spear if he hurt her, little did he know the spear was rubber. Remembering this made Twilight giggle to herself as she made her way to the spot She and Flash agreed to meet.

When she arrives at the spot she sees Flash waiting for her on a red and white checkered blanket with a picnic basket by his side. Flash was in his artic blue suit with a lapis blue collar and cuffs, his white buttons fastening his cuffs and collar to keep him looking professional. He steps off the blanket to meet Twilight half way, offering his hoof to her and escorts her to the blanket.

"It's nice to finally have time for this." Flash said as he sat down.

"Yes, it is." Twilight replied as she sat down joining him on the ground. "You actually won't believe how nervous I was getting ready for this." Twilight said, letting out a small giggle.

Flash lets out a small chuckle, "knowing you, I probably would." He said jokingly. "But, I was also nervous. I wanted to look and smell my best for you." Flash said as he opened up the picnic basket taking out two grilled cheese sandwiches, carefully keeping a small package out of Twilight's sight.

"Ah, I thought I smelled juniper." Twilight said as Flash took out the sandwiches which were wrapped in napkins.

Flash let out a small laugh before speaking. "Yeah, I heard that the smell of juniper is calming, probably why you wore lavender scented perfume." Flash said as he hands Twilight her sandwich.

Twilight takes the sandwich with her magic and gingerly unwraps the napkin from it. She takes a small bite of the sandwich and a creamy, nutty taste dances on her taste buds, she savors the taste before swallowing. "Hmmm, this is pretty good Flash." Twilight said causing Flash to blush.

"Hehe, thanks, that one's made with Gouda, I didn't just want to bring singular tasting grilled cheese sandwiches, so I made two each with Gouda, Munster, Provolone, Havarti, and Swiss." Flash said as he started to eat his sandwich.

"Hmmm, I didn't know you were a cheese connoisseur." Twilight said laying down on her belly causing Flash to blush more.

"I wouldn't call myself a connoisseur, but I do love experiencing new things." Flash admitted as he finished his sandwich.

Flash put the wrapping his sandwich was wrapped in back in the basket and pulled out the small box. "Twilight, I got you something." Flash said as he handed Twilight the box.

With surprise in her eyes and voice Twilight gingerly picked up the box and opened it. Upon seeing what lay inside her eyes started to read up. "Oh Flash, you didn't have to get me anything." Twilight said, admiring the gold colored tiara that sat before her.

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to." Flash said as he planted a kiss on her cheek, causing her to blush. "I noticed you had your eyes on this one, so I thought I'd get it for you, because you're not just Equestria's princess." Flash paused as he took the tiara out of the box and put it on Twilight's head, "you're my princess." Flash finished causing Twilight to blush bright red.

Flash and Twilight began leaning closer to each other puckering their lips when a flash of lightning and thunder clash interrupted them. Slowly it began to rain threatening to soak everything, Flash hurried to get the picnic packed up, as Twilight cast a shield spell for her and Flash to stand under.

After packing up the picnic Flash steps under the shield with Twilight. Together, they started to run to find shelter from the storm, eventually they rushed into a theatre that somepony forgot to lock up for the night or so they thought, and slipped inside. Lowering the shield they analyzed their surroundings and noticed they were backstage. Hopefully no one would mind if they hunkered down for a few.

Though not completely soaked, water dripped down from their manes as they lay down. A few moments passed before Twilight started laughing. "So much for a perfect date." Twilight said as she let out a torrent of laughter before calming down.

"I don't know, seems pretty perfect to me." Flash said as he looked at Twilight.

"What makes you say that, darling?" Twilight asked before blushing; Rarity clearly had an influence on her dialect. This however made Flash smile as he runs his wing through her wet hair.

"It's perfect because I'm here with you." Flash said, causing Twilight to blush bright red.

Looking around the room Flash gets an idea, he stands up and offers his hoof to Twilight, knowing what he's thinking Twilight grabs his hoof and the two begin to dance, when they separate for a split second, Twilight uses her magic to magically put them in bubbles that won't burn their eyes. They then dance back towards each other and in doing so, they merge their bubbles into one gigantic bubble.

They dance for a good hour or so, eventually dancing their way on stage, Flash finishes by dipping Twilight when an uproar of applause alerts them to the audience's pressense. Twilight just smiled as she illuminated her horn and cast a spell on the bubble so the audience couldn't see them. In the privacy of their bubble, Twilight and Flash share a kiss before she teleports them to her castle, leaving the bubble to pop on stage, seeing that they just vanished, but thinking it was just an impromptu performance the audience cheered for a masterful act.

At the castle Twilight and Flash continue their picnic indoors, laying on the blanket in front of the fireplace as the warmth envelops them, they cuddle each other with their wings wrapped around the other as the storm rages outside.

Comments ( 3 )

Aww... a rather short but very sweet story.
Post-ending always brings me to tears *sniff*
Very well done.
You've earned one like

It could be longer
But good job

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