• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 1,634 Views, 35 Comments

Nightmare Host - The A I

Luna returns to find she is not the only being to traverse the dream realm.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Dark, moldy stone walls shoot past a pony from the darkness, twisting and turning seemingly at random. No sound, not even that of rushing wind as they are rushed down a seemingly endless series of corridors. Despite this however, the stallion in question does not react with anything other than a look of concentration, as though trying to keep track of each and every turn and direction.

Out of the oncoming darkness of the tunnels and corridors a sudden bright light, a stone wall approaching fast with bright blue shining runes covering it. Just before the pony hits the wall, they wake up with a start, looking around to find themselves in a forest outside a ruin.

Daring Do’s rival awakes with a shock, sweat dripping from him as he tries to settle back into sleep.


“So you have met my sister, Princess Luna” A somewhat amused voice comes from behind our yet unknown character, and upon turning to look at them, Celestia comes into view, her chromatic mane flowing in the non-existent wind as always. Scenery around the two popping into place to make walls of bookshelves lines with unnamed books who’s colors change whenever one of them look away. Between them a small coffee table rises from the floor, made of a wood-like material with 2 plain white cups of tea appearing with it.

“Ah yes, Princess Luna found her way in via one of your guard’s scheduled meetings with his little sister. Those 2 play so nicely together, it’s sweet. It’s a shame they won't be meeting here anymore though” The voice starting off sounding like a young boy slowly shifts to that of a girl’s and everywhere in between as they speak before cycling back to a young boy’s. While they talk, going through what happened while Luna was in the Nightmare realm, the unknown speaker’s body starts to take physical form within the dream. At first, a rough shape like an outline forms, followed by colors fading in to make a blurry purple, light brown and blue mess as the colors bleed into each other like wet paint.

“... and then they woke up, forcing Luna out of the nightmare, very unfortunate in it’s timing really.” The blurry mess of colors sighs, while Celestia picks up her tea with a golden glow, sipping on it with a coy smile, watching her friend take form before her.

“I was wondering what the ruckus in the guard barracks was.” With another sip of tea, a small frown appears on her face along with a hardness to her eyes, almost glaring at the other being in the room. “Why didn't you just let her in like you do myself?”

The scenery darkens and the coffee table cracks as though some unseen force is applying a large amount of pressure onto it. When the blur speaks, it is as though coming from several mouths at once of different ages and genders. “To show that she does not have power here, that this is NOT her realm.” Celestia’s frown remains, clearly not finding it as an acceptable answer, and yet, the form continues to become a little clearer. 2 glowing eyes open, their purple hue joined by 4 smaller eyes opening, one above each eye and one below each eye, and below them a jagged and torn mouth filled with warped and serrated teeth. The rough shape of a wolf-like body becomes more evident along with 2 large wings, both still mostly blurred to bare recognizability, yet clear what body part they are.

“What has lead you to believe that she would try to seize control of your home from you like that? Have I not told you only good things about Luna?” The scenery returns to its previous state as Celestia leans forwards with her stern gaze.

Purple hair comes into focus messily sprouting from the head that seems to form around the facial features, draconic in shape, but covered in a light brown fur with wolf-like ears protruding from either side of the apparent mane. From within the hair 2 horns curve backwards and point up at their tip with blue bands going along their lengths, a similar blue marking the tips of the messy purple hair while the rest of the body comes into focus more. Tall, but thin, beyond anorexic looking form of a wolf, the bones poking through at points, especially along the spine with large tattered wings spread upwards. The wings appear more like that of a dragon’s, but the membrane is torn and the bones seeming twisted and broken, held in place by some unseen force. Instead of the paws as one would expect with a wolf, long claws and talons end every leg, in a similar state to the wings, being twisted broken and looking heavily damaged. The last thing to come into focus is the tail, long and boney much like their body, showing yet more draconic ancestry with the tail long enough to wrap around themselves with ease, ending in a jagged boney spike that has bears the appearance of being snapped off at the tip. All together, they look like an amalgamation of 2 corpses.

Their voice returns to the changing tone as though undecided which one fits. “If someone returns from a long stay away from home and find some of their home has been taken by someone else, would they not try to take it back? Would they not try to force their control onto what they perceive to be their own?” lifting a claw to gesture around them as though presenting their surroundings as proof. “I had to show that this is a place in which she holds no sway” All but their central 2 eyes close and with an exhale, as though to regain composure, their body takes on a more full appearance, no longer looking starved and damaged. Coat shining as though freshly cleaned and all damage fixing itself in the blink of an eye. Tail nearly doubling in length and ending in an arrowhead shape. Wings taking on a slight fuzz of light brown fur across them and talons looking more like those of a dragons claws. The only things that remain the same are the hair, the horns, and the almost disturbing jagged gash full of teeth that makes up it’s mouth. “I apologize for my attitude towards the situation, but i do not appreciate the idea of losing control over my own realm, even if the chances of such a thing happening are miniscule”

Celestia lets out a sigh and nods in understanding. “I see, you saw my sister’s attempted entry as her trying to take control from you” Taking another sip from her tea, she nods and turns around as though heading for an exit that isn't there. “I will go and ask her to come here again, with me this time. I would rather have you both on good terms than have hostility between you both.” and with that, the world ripples, and Celestia is gone, taking the cup of tea with her.

“... she always takes the tea with her, instead of asking for what type of tea it is” the sole remaining being smirks to themselves, shaking their head. “And this time, she’s coming back for more in the same night”

Author's Note:

I feel like the pacing for this chapter is too rushed. should I edit it and repost it or leave it as it is and try to do the pacing better for the next chapter?