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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 66 )

What the actual fuck how is this not child porn?

Because the characters are actually ponies, and not anthropomorphised/human, it doesn’t break the sites rules.

Whether you agree with those rules is up to you.

Ah, the comments I get when I get to the front page...

I'm not interested in arguing the merits of the ToS (that's a separate issue), but stories far worse than what I'm going to assume this contains can be found in virtually any large public library.

I'm not sure why people want to water down the words "child porn" to include fictional text about cartoons. Those two words are powerful and awful and should remain that way by not being used for emotional exaggeration. I mean, would you go to a mystery or horror story and say, "what the actual fuck how is this not murder"?

It must be that people make lots of deep and unrealistic assumptions about readers, as that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

she slid down the length of Scootaloo’s hind leg and gently touched the plush bulb of Scootaloo’s lovely little treasure.

"Mmm! Tastes like chicken!"

if i recall correctly theres a fic (and a sequel) where little scoots gets boned by bat ponies which something something something she becomes one to serve under luna......and then she is able to fly or some shiz like that.

Oh my goodness it was a joke please stop gang raping me.

Pretty sure it was called "Scootaloo goes batty" ... but I can't seem to find it. Maybe I'm remembering the title wrong.
Maybe it was this one?

[Adult story embed hidden]

Heh, I should have thought to use that joke!

This is the right attitude.
And to anyone concerned, I can guarantee that no cartoon horses -- of any age -- were harmed in the making of this clopfic.

Well, if you don't want to be gang-raped, you're going to have to work on a better sense of humor.

Lol you can use it in the next chapter if you want.

Awesome! I've been waiting so long for a sequel:pinkiehappy:
One question, is Dusky Fluffentuft related to Batsy Fluffentuft?

Oh yes. This scratches my Mare on Filly itch QUITE nicely indeed. And there’s more to come?

SERIOUSLY can’t wait. 10/10 story already!


Yes, it was Scootaloo Goes Batty. It was going to be a trilogy, but when my turn came up the author refunded my money and said that was it. No more foal

I think the reason people call art cp is, to an extent, because people don't understand why cp is bad to begin with. cp cannot be created without harming a child, and the victim has to live with the knowledge that those images are out there being spread forever, both of these facts don't apply to mlp fanficton. That fact alone makes it insulting to equate the two, but if you also consider the fact that some victims will create erotic art like loli specifically to help them overcome their trauma, the conflation of cp and art is just straight up morally wrong. The main issue is that people get passionate about things involving children, but they don't have the experience to properly engage with issues involving children. People say "get help" to foalcons even though therapists encourage their patients to engage with sexual fantasy in ways that make them happy. People say to victims "your retraumatizing yourself by making it because when I tried it it retraumatized me" even though the nature of trauma itself means that there are no one-size-fits-all approaches to trauma therapy. To see evidence of just how uneducated people are about this, look at arguments about foalcon or loli, etc. And look for appeals to emotion, or arguments that are tangential to the issue. "It's wrong because it's illegal." "It's wrong because it's disgusting." "It's wrong because it makes people unhappy" "it's wrong because they're children" But these common arguments don't address the question, "why is it morally wrong?" Some people will address that, by saying it can be used to groom people. But grooming is an action, the abuse of trust a victim already might have in the perpetrator. And there are many tools to accomplish it. The kid can't read? They use candy. The kid can't have sugar? They use toys. The kid doesn't like the toys? They use their words. If stories such as the one on this page were made illegal tomorrow, perpetrators will just use other methods. And any law that can try to make this illegal, allows the politician to chose what is and isn't valuable. Daddy's Girl is a comic about the HORROR of child sexual abuse made by a victim. But art is subjective, and a politician can and will call it dangerous if given the opportunity. Just look at Michal Diana and his comic Boiled Angels. Neil Gaiman, when talking about censorship, free speech and lolicon, mentioned Diana. He said Diana's work was personal and had raw power. The politicians saw his work and barred him from making art. The police checked on him everyday to make sure he wasn't making any art. He had to pay thousands of dollars and spend hundreds of hours in community service for making something that at lest one person found beauty in. That is the natural conclusion of censorship laws, because they try to give an objective interpretation of subjective things. They restrict creativity, hurt victims who use art therapy, and don't prevent child sexual abuse.

...I'll get off my soapbox now. If what I wrote changes anyone's opinion than this was worth it.

The earlier installations of this story were excellent, and I very much enjoyed the pre-Scootaloo scenes. This really isn't my kink, so I won't be reading the rest, but good job on the non-foalcon stuff, at least!

Comment posted by dirty little secret deleted Jun 14th, 2021

Thanks! ^.^ Next chapter is out now!

Seriously, have people here never seen a foalcon story before?

Ah, that explains why I can't find it.

Eh, to each his own. Glad you enjoyed some of it!

Heh, that's a lot of text, but you've got a point.

Ahaha... Needless to say wordcount is the one thing I haven't struggled with in school

This actually makes me kind of mad at Scootaloo's parents. They never taught her about the birds and the bees, so she had to go and do shit like this with Twilight. LOL

Or you could just not write child porn.

I didn't think I would find such an intelligent response on this site regarding censorship, free speech, and cp. Really surprised me, and while I mostly agree, there is one thing I'd like to point out. The claim of censorship being pointless, because they'll just find another way to do that, isn't a great claim. In a way, it's similar to saying, "Murderer's don't need guns to kill people, so why put restrictions in place, when they can find other ways to kill people?". This is a big flaw in your argument. A better point, is that it's healthier to give these people somewhere to direct their fetishes, other than actively seeking out real cp, or grooming, abducting, or raping an actual child. Do I believe a healthy society should have this type of thing out there? Not really, I think we shouldn't have such a large problem with the attraction towards minors. However, it only really affects the people partaking in it, so to come on this page and say, "Ooh, foalcon bad" also affects no one, but yourself, and the people who partake in it, who only get slightly annoyed at you. I do agree with your talk on free speech though, people have begun to take censorship too far, to the point people can't say their own opinion, without someone getting offended, or wanting their statements censored. It's ironic, that people want this censorship to, "protect the public" when said censorship, leads to a common perspective, that if you don't fit in, you're wrong, which often leads to a bunch of sensitive people who can't take anything short of a compliment. Anyway, just wanted to point out that one thing that I see far too often in cp and foalcon arguments on this site, but I understand how one can come to such a conclusion. Thanks for taking the time to really explain your position, rather than throw out a couple sentences and leave it at that, always refreshing to see the few times I happen upon it.

Damn fine chapter. Got to love learning the practical way :rainbowkiss: Scootaloo will be a A+ Student im sure :scootangel:

A+ Student indeed... Scootaloo sure is going to be working for extra credit for her assigned grade :trollestia:

:rainbowkiss: It jumped to 69 likes when i like it :rainbowlaugh:

Or you could just learn to separate fiction from reality. Is it really THAT hard?

Or, hear me out here, maybe get help instead of consuming child porn

Ok, maybe it IS that hard. Sorry.

Maybe don't touch kids? It's pretty easy.

So’s learning the difference between real and fake. Try it sometime.

For the record, I absolutely HATED Cuties when it was announced. You know why? Because that was a bit TOO close to reality, and that shit is DISGUSTING in REALITY.

Yeah, she's catching on real quick! ^.^

But then how would I get da money?

Yeah ... but I guess it's kind of canon? Her parents are always off having adventures instead of ... you know, parenting. I do think it was pretty irresponsible of them to have a kid if they didn't have room in their lives for raising the kid.


so to come on this page and say, "Ooh, foalcon bad" also affects no one, but yourself

That's the craziest part.
Don't like foalcon stories? That's fine. So don't read them.
Nobody is forcing you to be here.

The innuendo here is getting out of control!

Somehow, moving herself around before Scootaloo’s fuzzy brain could even come to grips with what was happening to her, Twilight managed to pull herself away from the stallion in her ass as well as from Scootaloo’s mouth. At fist, Scootaloo pined for the loss … until she found Twilight’s face right in front of her own – cheeks full and lips dripping white. Scootaloo’s mouth opened, acting purely on orgasmic instinct. That’s when Twilight kissed her.


A most excellent chapter. Guess Chapter 4 will introducing Scootaloo to how a stallion pumping massiv amounts of Cum inside her?
Perhaps one overpowered load to her pussy until every inch of it filled and a second load in her ass without insertion...

Damn fine reading experience :rainbowkiss:

Since you added this to the Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo section of the Mare on Filly group, I assume you’ll have at least one scene between the two of them on the last chapter, right? Looking forward to it if so!

Heh, mistakes still slip in, don't they? Fixed.

Well, it's out now -- time to find out! ^.^

Yep -- that's basically the whole 4th chapter, and it's just now published! ^.^

A Beautiful end to a juicy story. Very well done!

This chapter will make a lot of male envy females of the length and number of females ability to enjoy a chain of climaxing after another.

For anyone overcome with envy, here's something to relieve it:
Aout 1 in 5 women are completely unable to reach orgasm by having sex.
About 1 in 20 are unable to have orgasms at all. Ever.

Edit: You know what? I'm going to use that in a story idea. A nice wholesome one. And I'm going to put it up for the monthly vote.
Now up for my Patreon supporters to vote on:

[NSFW] A more wholesome kind of clopfic. It turns out that Cadance -- The Princess of Love herself! -- has never had an orgasm. Like, never. Not when having sex, not when masturbating. Never ever. Shining Armor makes it his mission in life to rectify this situation, going to ever-greater lengths to try and give his wife her very first orgasm. Cunnilingus coaches. Magical stimulation spells. Absurdly romantic evenings with hours of foreplay. Anal. Fetishes. Tentacle spells. Cuckolding. A dozen of the most well-endowed crystal guards tag-team plowing her until they can't keep going anymore... And *none* of it is working. Finally, *finally* he starts to listen to her when she says it's okay that she doesn't reach orgasm. Even without orgasms, she still feels plenty of pleasure, and her greatest pleasure is making *him* happy. And they finally spend a nice, romantic night together, with a blowjob and some nice plain vanilla sex, with loving cuddles afterward.

Didnt see that one coming... Huh, neat :rainbowderp:

It was getting to the point where she’d had dreams about them. Sometimes all three of them, sometimes just one at a time.

Mmm, this sounds like it'd make for a hot story!

Heh, yeah, and it would fit with the way this whole story series began...

10894057 Agreed! And then, continuing on from this story, Scootaloo could convince Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to help her let Twilight live out her ultimate fantasy. I bet they're both total buttsluts just like Scootaloo and Twilight. :pinkiehappy:

lol, just waiting for the next commission...

Nice and lewd. I like how Twilight has overcome her prior hesitation and is diving headlong into sexing this 'innocent' and eager filly.

Heh, all my stories are lewd. ^.^ But good to hear that it was also nice!

"what's going on? Well, I've decided to give you the Princess Treatment package! 😇"

To those not in the know, their innocence is thusly preserved! 😉

Silly Scoots, need just a bit more preparation. Now you know...

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