• Published 6th Jan 2022
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Mean and Green - Gallants

Lilly Maxis Strike was a Corporal in the U.S Marines, she loved her work, it was hard, kept her in shape but during her last deployment however she ended up blown out of her nest, and now she's stuck as a mean green filly.

  • ...

Nightmares and Naps

Twilight watched the filly as she poured over the book with increasing frustration, "Can I get one not meant for children? I'm doing actual research here!" she yelled out, gently putting the book down.

Shaking her head Twilight walked over, "Sorry but the only mentions of Nightmare Moon you'll find are in fairy tales, but if this is for an important project I might be able to get an expert to come to town," she told her, "Now shouldn't a filly your age be in class?" Twilight asked.

"Ms. Moth said I could stay home today, doesn't want me getting bullied with the bandages on my face," Enfield said, "I don't really care, after all, it builds character," she said before shaking her head, "Sorry that was my father, he always told me it builds character and makes you stronger," getting to her hooves Enfield moved to magic section and began to look over the titles, "Twilight, Oneiromancy, that means like dream magic, right?" she asked pulling at a book.

"Oh, yes it does, good catch," Twilight said trotting over and using her magic to get the book down, "Oneiromancy allows you to travel into other ponies' dreams, of course, it's also a really difficult school of magic, this is just an information book on the things possible, you need to score pretty high on the exams in all categories to even be considered to take the class," Twilight rambled, "I scored well, but failed the stress test," she told Enfield, "Now, even though you seem smart if you haven't been through a few classes you need to learn the history first," Twilight stated opening the book, "I'll just be over there if you need some help, some of these words are pretty big," Enfield rolled her eyes at Twilight's eyes and started to read. Walking over the griffon Twilight sighed, "So are you her mom?" she asked.

"Not yet, my wife and I are thinking about adopting her, I was a little on the fence about it when she met our other daughter," Sabine said, "But they seem to have gotten along pretty well, even if Enfield isn't much of a let's play games sort of filly," she told the librarian, "Also before you ask where she got the name Enfield, she asked us to call her that instead of Lilly, which is her real name," the griffon said chuckling as she ruffled her wings.

"Well, I wouldn't worry lots of ponies prefer to go by nicknames," Twilight said, Sabine shook her head, "something to worry about?" she nervously asked.

"Like I said she doesn't play and gave us a scare yesterday morning, she had gone outside really early and went for a run," Sabine explained, "and she's a little abrasive, has a real thing for speaking her mind." she said lightly laughing.

"Ms. Twilight," Enfield yelled out waving her over, Twilight gave Sabine a polite nod and walked over to see what the filly needed help with, "It says here that in theory, it's possible for particularly powerful oneiromancers to affect the waking world, how strong would one need to be?" the filly asked.

"Well, I'd say as powerful as a princess, even then it probably wouldn't be half as strong of an effect as in the dream realm," Twilight said, "Magic is dependent on a lot of factors to be effective, most unicorns don't go past levitation and a few specialties spells connected to their talent." she further explained, Enfield nodded closing the book yawning.

"Thank you Ms. Twilight," the filly said standing up, "Sabine I think I've done the research I need, I'd like to go home." she said walking towards the door Sabine shrugged and followed her outside.

"So, oneiromancy what's with the interest in that huh?" Sabine asked walking down the edge.

"Something about my nightmare," she told her, "just interested in all possibilities, window wasn't open and I'd like to know how I got bit, if it was an animal we need to take care of that issue before Fox get's hurt," Enfield said flexing her wings "if not, then it's magic or I have really bad PTSS and stabbed myself in the face-" she said trailing, "I need to check my knife." she said speeding up her walk towards the house.

Running inside and upstairs Enfield drew her knife and checked it for any blood stains, before looking in her sheath and checking her vest, "Ahh no, it better be a large bat or rat in the walls!" she yelled kicking her bed, walking over to the wall and tapping it, listening for skittering, "Don't be magic, don't be magic." she muttered starting to become frustrated and stabbing at the wall. Sabine and Moth came upstairs about an hour later to hear her sobbing, looking into the room they saw her hunched and there were holes in the walls.

"Are you okay Enfield?" Moth asked walking over to her and putting a hoof on the filly's shoulder, "why did you stab the wall, sweetie?" she questioned lowering to her side.

"It's magic, not rats in the wall," she sobbed, "how do I fight magic, I can't shoot it, I can't stab it, it's slightly hard air," she complained, "I'll kill that demon!" she shouted shoving her knife into the wall and tearing off her bandages, "Tear her limb from limb!" Moth took a step back as Enfield kept on removing her knife and stabbing it back into the wall.

"Enfield calm down," Sabine said walking over and taking Moth's place, "I SAID CALM DOWN ENFIELD!" she screamed pulling the knife out of her hoof, "What is wrong?" she asked holding her close.

"M-my nightmare I-I was back in Bahrain and then Nightmare Moon w-was there and she bit me and I woke up with bite marks on my face," she whined shaking, "a-and I don't know why I can't control my emotions, as well as I, used to." she stuttered between her sobs.

"Hey, hey it's okay," Sabine said leaning into her and wrapping her wing around her, "how about to keep that nasty demon away, I stay with you tonight?" she asked getting a slow nod from the filly, "Okay I'll be with you the whole night, and how about we take a nap right now, you must be tired." Sabine said picking up the filly and laying in the bed with her.

Enfield wasn't sure where she was but she could see the desert camo on her arms as she dragged herself across the snow covered forest floor, not being able to control her actions or the deep seated fear she felt, her ragged breaths suddenly stopping as she pulled snow over herself something large, furred, two handed forelegs, and canines or cats paws for it's rear legs, it stalked past unable to smell her due to the bullet that had torn through it's nose, implanted in it's brow, three other bullet holes dripped ruby blood into the snow. It's form soon left her vision, as it chased the snapping of a branch in the distance.