• Member Since 25th Feb, 2020
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For all I have and all I am

Comments ( 21 )

WW1 reference, love it!

Two combatants spar, Hindenberg agains the Tsar...
(Will give this a read soon!)

A true soldier fights not because he hates what's in front of him, but because he loves what's behind them

Is there a difference?

Octavia lifted her rifle and shot a changeling straight through the eye as green blood splattered onto the ground. Soon almost everypony was firing at the changelings, who were now running away in panic at this attack of the undead. So much so that they ran right into their own c-wire traps.

Wow, that’s sad.

Lyra and Bon-Bon were on a roll as they fired shot after shot without missing, Vinyl had been the most affected by the gas but she was still crawling across the ground and firing from her lying position, Octavia was firing with such ferocity she might as well been a different pony whilst Derpy was walking in front bayonet in hoof.

Do they need to reload?

The day after the battle, the bodies were retrieved and Ponyville was set ablaze.

Was that necessary?

Love the historical allusion, but this reads like an outline; you're telling, not showing. This would have worked better if it clocked in at 10,000-15,000 words.

When I'm a more experienced writer, I may rewrite it.


Do they need to reload?

They're using Bolt-action rifles with five round internal magazines. So, yes.

Was that necessary?

It is a reference to the Russians demolishing Osowiec fortress when they left as it was only a matter of time before the Germans took it.

the attack of the dead men is one of my favorite horror story of ww1:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

this story is like the walking dead remix:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Love the story would like to see more of it and void blade is back as changeling again

Thanks and, hey, this time he didn't die.

Which means he'll be back

Comment posted by SMT5015 deleted May 29th, 2022
Comment posted by Northguard deleted May 29th, 2022

“At 11am on the 11th of november the guns fell silent on changeling surrender all in all a tragic loss equestria secured but at what cost? A generation lost we are forever in debt 100 years hence lest we forget”

History bombs world war 1 (also I changed Germany to the changelings)

Comment posted by SMT5015 deleted Mar 29th, 2021

Interesting fiction you got here. I do like the ending but will there be a sequel?

I and Akula966 are working on both sequels and prequels to this.

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