• Published 24th Mar 2021
  • 1,131 Views, 5 Comments

Fallen Queendom - Zeroraid

For over a thousand years now Equestria has known a near unbroken peace, one broken with the passing of a month long storm. Now the princesses are forced to rely on outside help in hopes of saving their nation. Considering such a thing is possible.

  • ...


Ruins of the Everfree Forest

Truth? The silence here was almost painful to listen to. That was the thought that ran through a mare’s mind as she stared skyward, attention focusing on the world that rests beyond the walls of this ruined castle. She let her gaze drift from one place to the next before letting it return to the clear night sky that had painted itself across the heavens, as well as the full moon and those uncounted stars that were blinking in and out of creation. She were staring down at her, staring down at everything this world had to offer. She wondered just how much they had seen in their long lives; and shamefully, that was a question that went unanswered. All she knew was that they had seen more than she could possibly comprehend, and they would continue to see much more even after she left this mortal world.

“It’s a nice night isn’t it?” Her counterpart asks as they step forward, walking through the rubble as she follows behind like she was their shadow; though, the words she would prefer to be used would be bodyguard; after all that was more or less what she was hired for after all. Running a hoof through her mane the mercenary smiles as she feels a breeze run through an opening in the wall to hit her like a shield to the face.

“Nothing like a cold summer night to stimulate the senses.” She responds before looking at her client. “And I must admit it is quite beautiful.” She states, her gaze resting upon the pale moon.

She’d never understood why the sun was seen as the greater light. Its reach, while grand, did nothing but blind and burn those who gazed upon it. The moon though, that is where true beauty resides; its light bathes the world in an otherworldly glow, granting even the most plain strips of land an unnatural - almost mystical feel.

Truth be told, any other night, this sight would bring the purests of smiles to her face, but tonight she found little joy to be had staring at the moon.

With a sigh, the mare turns away, lets her gaze drift to her surroundings, before she sets a hoof upon her head and begins to mutter. The words are faint, spoken in a dead language that she doubts her counterpart understands. Still, there is a chance - however faint it may be - that they do. She pops a joint in her neck, and the noise echoes into the world around her.

“You really shouldn’t do that.” Her cloaked counterpart states as he rests his hooves on the throne before her, seeming to search for something as she makes a noise.

“I shouldn’t do a lot of things.” The mare remarks as she leans against the brickwork, a flask floating to her lips as she takes a drink. “Yet I do them anyway.” She focuses her attention on the stallion before her, watching him sit and mutter something incoherent under his breath. She looks beyond him, to the place they have come to today. This pace is hidden in the woods of the Everfree, out of sight, and out of mind. It is old, untouched by the modern world. This place is a sanctuary, stone is caressed by vines and by time. She knows of this place - more or less. It is part of a story her grandma used to tell her a filly. Stories more than half the world seems to have forgotten, unwillingly or intentionally. She remembers these stories, but never put much stock in their importance, but these old tales made a great bedtime story. The story of the Castle of Everfree. “So~” She begins. “How long will this take?”

“As long as needed.” Her counterpart mutters as he continues gliding his hooves over the throne in search of… something.

“And what exactly are we doing here?”

“Searching.” The stallion states simply.

“Search for~” She trails off for a moment. “What exactly?”

“An old switch.”

“A switch?” The mare repeats as she stares at the stallion fondling the Daybringer’s old throne. “Why would there be a switch there?”

“The castle of two sisters carries a few thousand hidden doors and passages my dear.” Her counterpart states. “These switches open and close those locked and unseen doors.”

“And there's one in the chair?” The mare questions as she looks at her counterpart.

“Oh yes, it’s a very useful switch in fact.” Her counterpart admits. “Ah here we are.” He pulls something under the throne, and what sounds like the heartbeat of a giant pulses through the ruins of the castle. It shakes brickwork and makes the loose debris fall from the ceiling. The entire castle moved, and it felt like the place was going to come apart. The fact that it didn’t amazed the mare, and it was even more remarkable that it still stood as the floor started to open up.

“The switch opens the floor?”

“Yes.” The stallion stated as he watched the floor begin to open like the maw of a giant.

“What’s beneath this place, a bunker?”

“Something the princess would have the world forget.” Was the response she was given as she just stared at the new path being laid out before her.

When the building stopped moving her guide stepped down, and she could do nothing but follow. She raised her head, ready to light the path with magelight but that act was beaten by her counterpart who simply but raised a glowing stone and from it, came a light that could be mistaken for a brightly burning lantern. Her guide led her below, through a passage of old but sturdy stone that refused to bend or break despite all the centuries they had been forced to endure.

The silence is near deafening, broken only by the souls of steps being made.across forgotten stone.

“So~” The mare, a bodyguard - a mercenary begins as she continues following her charge through the depths of the old castle passage. “You said that… the hid something down here that she would rather have the world forget.” The mare stated. “What exactly is that?”

“A remnant of the past.” Her counterpart states. “Something she usurped power from…”

The road leads to an end, and what rests before them is less of a door and more a slap of pure silvery metal. “Something pure.” The stallion rests a hoof against the silver slab and seems to search for something, anything that can act as a switch or lever to unveil the contents hidden within.

“I’m afraid… you won’t find such a thing to open this door.”

A voice, a mare's voice called out from the other side.

“It speaks.” The mare states, gazing upon the wall.

“This wall can only be shattered by the power of an Alicorn.”

The voice continues.

“Still, I must commend you for what you have done; discovering this place must not have been an easy task.”

“It was not.” The stallion confesses. “Reaching this castle was nothing short of easy, but the journey...” He chuckles. “The journey was indeed long.” He admitted. “The Princess has done quite a bit of work in hiding this place, changing the history of this land, erasing the memories of those that would seek you out.”

The voice seemed to chuckle lightly.

“I see; dear Celie was always good at covering her tracks.”

The voice paused.

“Tell me, how long has it been?”

“One thousand, one hundred and seventeen years.” Was the stallion’s response.

“Dear oh dear, that is quite a while.”

She mused.

“How much the times must have changed.”

She wondered..

“Still you found me, and yet, I am afraid without the power of an Alicorn at your side, your journey may very well have been for nothing.”

“That.” The stallion began. “Is something soon to be rectified.” He continued. “I will journey to Canterlot City, and acquire what we need.”


There was a question there.

“I’m afraid I know nothing of that city, is it new?”

“Not exactly.” The stallion states. “But it has been the capital of Equestria for a thousand years now.”

“Ooh? So this castle I was sealed beneath no more?”

“It stands but it is in ruin.”


The voice states.

“But, it explains why I can not sense dear Celie nearby; she abandoned this castle, abandoned her post…”

She paused.

“She swore to remain vigilant over my cell till the end of days, but it seems that was just one of her many lies.”

The voice paused.

“Oh well.”

They said simply.

“Find what you must if you wish to free me. Or not, I can not force you to do such in my current state.”

“My Queen.” The stallion begins. “If you asked, I would burn several thousand cities across several thousand worlds for you.” Was his response.

He earned a giggle of sorts.

“I will hold you to that.”

They paused again.

“But for now?”

“Your freedom is my top priority.” The stallion whispered. “I can free you, and I can do it soon, but… I regret saying that, it will take a few days.” He tells whomever rests behind the walls. IIt will take but a day or so to reach Canterlot City from here. We will go there and acquire the power of an alicorn, so you may be freed from this… dreadful place.

“I must wait a few more days?”

They paused.

“I can wait that long. As they say; patience is a virtue.”

Three days later

Canterlot City

  • Castle

She hadn’t expected it to rain today. That thought ran through the mind of one Princess Celestia as she stared outside her balcony, watching it was cloaked under a veil of heavy rainfall. Glancing above she saw the dark clouds that hung over her, saw the streaks of lightning that raced across the sky and listened to the thunder that sounded so much like divine drums. Had she turned her gaze lower, the Equestrian Princess would see her subjects running around town under a sea of umbrellas.

In all her thousands of years being alive, out of all the countless rainstorms and sunshowers she had experienced, none had ever been like this.

No, that was a lie.

She had seen such storms before, but that was long ago. This breed of storm was rare, the last time she had seen such was just over a thousand years ago, back when…

Celestia didn’t finish that thought, instead biting her lip in an unprincess-like way as she left her personal chamber. Passing the royal guards positioned outside her doors she made her way down the halls as she uttered a single word and at the same time a name.


The last time Equestria was met with a storm like this one, it had been brought by her sister; and it had been brought by accident. For reasons neither sister could understand, Luna’s feelings were intimately tied to the weather. It was something that made her special, unique even. A brief moment of sadness could bring rain, bouts of anger could bring both thunder and lightning, and her grief could call upon the winds. If Equestria was to be met with such a storm, it meant Luna was at its heart.

It meant she was suffering.

Wandering through another hall, Celestia came across one of the castle maids and approached her. As she did, she slipped on her mask, hiding concern and fear - hiding who she was behind pristine elegance and compassion that befit the benevolent ruler that was the Sun Princess. “Your Highness, is there anything I can do for you?”

“Feather Duster.” She remembered her name. “Have you seen my sister Luna?” For her part, Feather Duster simply shook her head and apologized.

“I’m sorry, your Highness, I haven’t.” Inwardly Celestia cursed. Feather Duster was one of the many maids responsible for attending to the castle's Lunar Wing. On more than one occasion the mare had crossed paths with her sister since her return. “Is something the matter? Shall I search for her?”

Calmly, Celestia shook her head, giving the mare a light smile. “No, that won’t be necessary, my little pony.” She tells her. “I just need to speak with her for a moment.” Starting back on her way the princess walked past the mare with an almost unnoticeable kick in her step. “Thank you for your time.”

“If I see her I promise to inform her that you're looking for her!”

“Thank you.” As soon as she rounded an empty corner Celestia dropped her mask as she picked up her pace a bit. ‘Maybe I should start by checking her room.’ Celestia thought to herself as she started thinking back. When Luna had first returned to Equestria she had spent a considerable amount of time locked away in her room. It was her haven, her sanctuary where nopony could judge her especially considering her past… accidents. If there was any place that she could release her feelings away from prying eyes, it would likely be in her room. “What's bothering you Luna?”

Canterlot City

  • Graveyard

It’s quiet here.

Course it is; no one really comes here. Even when they did its mostly quiet as the ones that come here talk only to the dead and the Alicorn princess, Luna came here to do just that.

“It’s really been a long time.” The mare whispered under her cloak as she stared forward. Rain pelted her, but it went ignored as did the building storm that pelted her with rain like it was made from hail. She didn’t mind, nor did she really care. She just looked ahead, reading the names etched on tombstones.


Berry Bonette.

Joking Jackal.

Fruit Pie.

Turning her attention to the fourth grave marker, Luna released this hollowed out laugh as she read it.

Red Sock.

“I see Sweat finally got his name changed.” She whispered with a light smile. “Always said he would.” Raising a hoof Luna wipes a bit of mold and grime off the markers. Her smile slipped as she stared at the four. “I… always knew you’d go before me.” The mare admitted. “As an Alicorn my lifespan eclipses all of yours.” She admitted. “But… I didn’t think it would be like this.” She whispered. “We… I am still having trouble wrapping my head about it all.” She whispered. “Has it really been a thousand years?” She didn’t get an answer. “It feels like only yesterday that I last saw your faces.”

In truth, it may very well have been yesterday that she last saw them. Saw her friends - the mares and stallions going on adventures and trying to make names for themselves.

Being sealed away… it was like… sleeping. Like she had fallen asleep and awakened to face a new day. Something she had done countless times in the past; only this time, in those fleeting hours in which she slept the world had changed drastically.

In her mind, it felt as though Equestria had changed overnight, transforming itself into this foreign nation that shared its name.

There were new ponies… new cities, new innovations… so much was different, even her sister was different. Celestia had changed with the coming of the times, Luna thought, Luna was stuck in the past, and she had no one to blame but herself.

“Do you remember how Pistachio used to tease Sock about his name?” A voice called out and Luna wasn’t entirely sure if what followed was reality or her mind playing tricks on her. She saw her shadow sit next to her - she saw her sins made manifest - she saw Nightmare Moon. Still there was no hostility in her presence, there was no malice either coming or directed at her. The two halves of the moon simply sat in the rain and stared at the graves ahead of them.

“I do.” Luna confessed. “He’d already get so angry about it his coat turned red.” Luna was met with silence as shrwiped her eyes, blaming the rain for the water that was running down her cheeks. “Berry, what about the time you accidentally turned Puddinghead into a foal?” She chuckled, as did the Nightmare. “We had to pretend we were foal-sitting his nephew until we found a way to reverse the aging spell!” A series of laughs left the princess and her shadow as one of them ended up fussing with their mane. “We were horrible foal-sitters; any chance we had of starting a foal-sitting service disappeared in an instant.” Luna took a trip into her memories, reminding herself and the dead about what they had done in the past. As she did she saw the markers disappear, replaced by the plantoms of ponies she once knew. “Those were good times.”

“Some of the best.” The Nightmare agreed.

It really was a strange sensation; to essentially go to sleep and awaken in a new era. To wake and discover that your closest friends and longtime companions had passed away.

It didn’t seem real.

Luna’s memories were frozen - trapped with the images of young vibrant stallions and mares aiming to take an equally young Equestria by the reins. Each of them talking about their dreams and ambitions, and challenging one another to childish competitions. She remembers ponies so full of life. She couldn’t imagine them aged by time and lying on their deathbeds. She couldn’t imagine them resting in a casket as someone gave them a sending so they might cross over to the Far Plains.She couldn’t imagine it, because she hadn’t been there to experience those days with them.

This was the price she had paid for her actions. It was more than her reputation; it was time. Experiences that she could have shared with her loved ones. All she had now were the questions and the what ifs.

Who did her friends grow into?

Did they ever reach their dreams?

Did they marry?

There were hundreds of things she wished to know about her closest friends, things she’d wish to ask them, but wouldn’t be able to. She missed so much, all because she let herself be consumed by her jealousy and rage. “I'm so sorry… I - I miss you.” Nightmare Moon simply stayed silent as she watched her counterpart break down, figuratively returning to the small mare that she always was inside. Without a word she unfurled a pitch black wing as she enveloped the mare by her side and rested her chin on her head.

“I know, I miss them too.”

Canterlot City

  • Elsewhere

“Well shit.” Those are the first words that leave a mare as she adjusts her hood, trying her hardest to keep the rain from pelting her face. “This weather’s getting pretty bad ya know, wanna wait till it lightens up a bit?” She asks, looking over at her client as he does the same, trying his hardest to keep his form hidden.

“No.” He tells her. “This is perhaps the best time to get what we need.”

“You wanna risk our lives on a ‘perhaps’?” She asks, a hint of annoyance on her face as they hide behind the shadow of an alley. “This storm’s just gonna keep getting worse, we stay out here too long we’ll get blown away.”

“I know.” The stallion grumbled. “However, if we can siphon off the power of the storm we can force it to calm, before it levels the city.”

“Siphon the storm? I thought we were here for alicorn magic.” The mare remarks, remembering the conversation she had listened to days ago. “Why do we need to draw magic from the storm?”

“Because it’s a manifestation of alicorn magic.” The stallion muttered as he drew his counterparts attention. “The Nightbringer’s magic leaks out when her emotions are agitated, and they affect the weather on a scale that’s near unheard of.” His bodyguard just looked at him, a bit of disbelief on her face as listened to the words.

“Are you for real?” The mare whispered as she looked ahead, her eyes glowing as she peered across the city before her attention honed in on a lone figure. “I didn’t know she had that kind of power…”

“It’s a gift reserved for very few.” Her client admits. “You will need to send one of your beasts, one that can weather the storm and absorb her magic.”

“Understood.” The mare whispers as she watches her counterpart start walking away. “Hey, where are you going?”

“I’m afraid I have some shopping to attend to.” The mare raises an eyebrow, as the stallion chuckles. “You’ll see when I get back.”

“You say so.” The mare mutters as she uses her magic to pull out a crystal from under her cloak. “Well I guess we better get started then.” Without much of a thought she tossed the crystal into the air as it shattered.

Canterlot City

  • Graveyard

It was a bit strange; despite drowning in her feelings and cutting herself off from the rest of the world, for a brief moment Luna found her senses sharpening to an almost unnatural degree. The hairs on her neck stood up, her pulse quickened and it felt the world had slowed down, her instincts flared. All it was telling her that something was coming.

Luna hadn’t even realized she had created a shield of magic until it was already up. At the same time she didn’t realize she had braced herself until something slammed into her shield and attempted to knock her off balance. Still she jumped back, her hooves nicking one of her friends gravemarkers as she flew over it. From her blindspot something rammed into her, knocking her to the side and into another marker. The impact wasn’t enough to break it, but it was more than enough to send a familiar pain running through her side. “What?” Rolling to her feet Luna blinked several times in an attempt to clear her eyes of the tears muddying her vision. Something moved towards her and her shield protected her despite how she was forced to stumble back a few feet. Using her hoof she wiped her eyes so she might focus. “Who’s there?” The alicorn hissed as she looked around, noticing something shift in the rain before charging her once more. Ducking low she watched the figure pass over her before it landed, and she pointed her constructed shield forward so that she might protect herself and took a moment to get a better look at her assailant. “What in Mother’s name?”

Whatever had charged her was unlike any beast she had seen in her long life. In her mind it was like a giant worm, not a wyrm - a limbless dragon - but a worm. It had two long boney arms, ended in claws, it had two fin-like appendages where she could only assume its face might have been. Rows upon rows of sharp teeth appeared and disappeared within the creatures tunnel-like mouth. Two snake like tendrils grew out of its back and seemed to only slightly sway from either the rain or the vessel’s own movements.

‘What is this thing?’

Even in the old age she had never seen such a… ‘creature’ before.

“I’m not certain.” Her Shadow, the Nightmare muttered as Luna steadied herself. “But you will have to find out later.” Agreeing with her shadow, Luna raised her arcane shield to protect her from another charge, and grit her teeth as she was pushed back. The stench that left its mouth was enough to make her cringe.

“Oh, Goddess I’m going to puke…” Luna muttered as she turned, letting the creature go charging into a tree. “I really don’t need this today.” Here she was trying to pay her respects to those that had left this world, and now here was being attacked by this worm… thing. She didn’t want this fight. She didn’t want to disrespect the dead by fighting before their graves.

And yet…

Her anger spiked and with it a clap of thunder echoed throughout Canterlot City. Again the monster charged, and this time she rushed it herself. Dropping low she moved her shield overhead as she pushed the creature off balance, the bulk of its body rising into the air before a volley of magic rays slammed into it’s exposed underside. She teleported to its side, and followed it with a shield bash that toppled it over on its side. She jumped over the claw that was haphazardly swung at her and retaliated by yet another ray of magic. One of those snake-like appendages shot out and slammed into her, tossing her into yet another tombstone as the creature righted itself. She hissed in pain, disappearing in a sudden burst of magic as a claw slammed into where she had been, tearing through the grave as she landed on the creature's back.

She saw the rubble and winched.

If dancing on graves was disrespectful, no doubt destroying one had to be considered far worse.

“Take this fight elsewhere.”

Luna agreed, wrapping both herself and the creature in a veil of arcane magic as she clung to its back, and in a sudden flash of magic they vanished.

Canterlot City

  • Park

It happened in an instant.

One second Canterlot park had been empty, the next there was light. From it, emerged Princess Luna who flew through the air, righted herself before she slammed into the dirt. Before her rested that thing, that worm-like monster that seemed to look around before seeming to turn to her. It lunged, and Luna raised a hoof. “This place will do.” She brought the hoof down, and the lightning followed.

Canterlot City

  • Elsewhere

“Well shit.” A mare thought aloud, her attention focused on the sight elsewhere, her attention turned to see a spear of lighting falling from the sky. It didn’t race across the sky, rather it simply ‘fell’ much like one would expect a stone falling from a high place. There was no possible way such a thing was natural. “Princess Luna.” The mare muttered. “To think you don’t just have the power to summon a storm with just your feelings, but you have enough conscious control to direct the lighting itself…” She stated as the lightning spear disappeared just as fast as it had appeared. The mare chuckled, shaking her head as she did so before looking forward, her attention turning to the park a good few paces away from her. “Damn, I am so glad I’m not your opponent.” She admitted to herself. “Still, keep it up.” She stated. “The more magic you put out, the more that little one will be able to collect for my client.”

Canterlot City

  • Park

Smoke and the scent of charred soil left the crater that Luna had created. The rain would probably fill it at some part, turn it into a makeshift lake or even a small pool inexplicably added to the park. For now though, Luna took a moment, letting the pause in combat linger as she waited for the spots clouding her vision to fade. It didn’t take that long, but when it did, Luna stepped up to the crater, staring into it and looked at the downed monstrosity that was resting inside it. “Dead already?” The creature didn’t answer, just lying in the ground as the scent of wet and cooked meat filtered through the air. Luna stopped her walk at the edge of the crater, staring down the worm-like apparition as her horn flared to life. “Best be certain.”

Before she could a claw burst from the ground beneath her, wrapping around her neck as she found herself lifted into the air. Then just as fast her flight changed, and she found herself half buried into the ground.

Gasping in pain the mare forced one of her eyes open as she saw the burned beast coming down on her, tunne-likel mouth spread open as to devour her. She teleported, letting the monster slam its head into the ground before it raised its head, a chunk of stone and dirt trapped in its mouth before it was crushed into dust. A volley of rays slammed into the creature’s hide before it fully turned, lunging at the mare, one of its tendrils lashing out as it slammed into the ground next to her hard enough to punch a hole through it. Luna enveloped herself in magic for a moment before charging. Shwe slammed a hoof into what she could only assume was the monster’s jaw, knocking it up before stepping in, her next strike landing on it’s torso before launching it back. A tendril wrapped around her torso and pulled her along, swinging her around till she slammed into a tree.

“What a peculiar feeling…”

Luna ignored the Nightmare, instead slamming ahoof into the tree behind her and ripped it in half. That done she used her magic to catch it and swing it around to knock the creature aside. When it got to its feet it ‘glanced’ up attention turning to see a jagged tree being slammed down on it. Luna lifted her makeshift weapon before bringing it back down over and over again again before going at it a final time and effectively buried the monster before jumping back. She called the lightning and it obeyed, coming down as a single grand bolt that tore open the land.


Luna dodged to the side, her attention quickly turning to see the scorched and charred monster swinging one of its claws at her as she raised a shield, and went sliding back in the rain. The second claw that came at her pushed her back further. The third swing hit air as she vanished into thin air, appearing under the beast before launching it into the air and calling down the lightning once more.

“This time?” The beast slammed into the ground, and simply picked itself up. “By my Mother, what are you made of?” She asked looking the creature over to see that most of its body was reduced to blackened chunks. It staggered for just a moment before turning in her direction. “You don’t know when to quit, do you.” She muttered as she cracked a joint in her neck. “Fine, let us continue.”

“Actually.”The Nightmare spoke up. “Mind if I tag in?”

“I do mind actually.” Luna grumbled as the creature howled at her and charged. “This is my battle, not yours.” She returned the charge.

“My dear Little Moon, any battle you face is mine as well.” The laughter Luna heard seemed to echo throughout the entire park.