• Published 17th May 2021
  • 528 Views, 22 Comments

Malta Mayday - WainbowHedgie

Mayday over Malta for No. V (AC) Sqn during a regular training exercise.

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IV: Head on Desk Collisions

Fg Off. James Burkley

Never have I ever seen a scholar so stubborn about what they already believe to know. It took the rest of the day to convince Twilight about orbital mechanics as far as I knew anyway after reading up on the topic before I entered Officer Selection. Now I know how Italians felt trying to convince Spain that the world is indeed round and not the centre of the universe, this time however I was convincing a regnant that Equus was not flat, orbits exist and space travel is certainly possible. It still wasn't over.

"I'm telling you all I know, if your claim to immortality is true then as your nation develops you can see space travel grow for yourselves."

Twilight in disbelief called upon the now retired rulers to come and help solve this issue too about an hour ago. To which their wisdom has been about as useful as an arse bandit is to society. Celestia basically said she had no idea how her magic worked and in what way Equus' solar system worked. Luna admitted she hadn't the foggiest either but agreed that it did need investigating, even going as far as to agree with orbital mechanics.

"I'm no astrophysicist but I do believe that you are actually maintaining a day and night cycle on a tidally locked planet. The case of the moon, its in orbit still but enough force could adjust its orbital position."

Twilight interjected "Fine, maybe we can begin to research rocketry and find out ourselves. Secondhand knowledge is often flawed when given from old memory."

"Your kind's most advanced form of engine is a steam engine. Your houses are a mixture of medieval and some more modern designs in which I'm sure your magic has played a significant role. You need to have some sort of industrial revolution much like my home that allows mass industrialisation of Equestria. Without industry and advanced machinary you aren't getting off the ground anytime soon with heavier than air flight."

"We have industry! We have weather factories and mills of different kinds."

"You still need some form of energy production and an energy grid, you need improved industry which will require said energy system. You may be able to use magic to improve the efficiency of energy production and when it comes to designing industry. Quality control is a must! You need materials that all come out from different batches at good rates that are as close to identical as possible consistently. Basic resources such as paper, steel and its varying forms, wood, iron, coal, oil, fuels, glass, ceramics and many more. All of those are necessary to build an industrial powerhouse and it must come to some form of mass production through machinery. You need precision tools to make components for advanced materials and thorough training if manual tools are used, and I expect they will for a start. An Industrial Revolution in Equestria is feasable if you start expanding production of resources. You need to have an understanding of the atom, how molecules work and the fundamentals of Chemistry!"

"Do you mean Alchemy?"

"Oh good Lord above..."

Celestia interjected, thankfully. "Enough you two. This can be discussed at a later date where you, Flying Officer Burkley, can assist in the planning. I would personally like to take a look at the notes you have taken Twilight as to review them and speak to some professors to begin studies into these phenomena.

"I provided some experiments that you could do to prove what I have said as much as I can, the most important ones that you can do rather quickly regard the curvature of the planet."

"I shall keep that in mind, I'm sure the studendts would be happy to band together to research this theory."

With that, Celestia and Luna left to make the necessary arrangements in proving everything I have said thus far. This could have been a lot worse. I just pissed off the ruling monarch and my neck is still intact. Sure, the ponies don't seem set on violence in any way shape or form, even going as far as to despise it, that doesn't mean that I was going to necessarily remain unharmed after this little debate. Then Twilight smiled. FUCKING SMILED.

"It didn't take long for me to see what Celestia and Luna meant by everypony around me always bowing down and never refuting anything I say or do, never arguing with me as if I'm some higher being that knows all. I'm still a pony for Celestia's sake and have only been an alicorn a comparatively short time. I'm certain most ponies still remember when I was that unicorn student of Celestia herself. Thank you for treating me like anypony else."

"People get things wrong, although I didn't think about what I was actually doing until we had already gone quite far. It may not happen as much now but Royalty back home would probably have me locked away or worse for daring to speak against them and their God given right."

"Ah yes, the religion thing. Well violence isn't very common here thankfully and has become very frowned upon. Development of games centred around violence would never be banned however, Games are a valid learning tool after all and if based around real events, can make those very events easy to remember. Religion still exists in a few places around Equestria but is becoming increasingly rare simply by it's flawed logics and restrictions in freedoms. Unlike your Royalty back home, I serve my ponies here and wish them to hold enjoyable lives in freedom where they can enjoy the rights to speak as they wish to and hold civil discourse properly rather than muting out one side or another under the veil of hurting others like some nations around us have."

"Your society is still so strange to me. Peaceful, has some modern technology, the rest seemingly ancient. Royalty that actually believe in freedom and willingly hand it out. A dream of many back home that could be a reality if we find that portal. You could learn so much from us, as much as we could from you."

"Here's to hoping we find that portal then." She passes me a cup of very delicious smelling herbal tea. "Let us build ties from this day forwards for the benefit of us all.

We drink our tea and head for bed. What a day today has been.

That Night

POW. Flop. A letter? Who would be sending in something this late? Wait, thats Luna's seal! Grabbing the letter I open it up wondering what she could be asking of me.

You may have heard about the events earlier in the day, if not then do not worry yourself as an annoucement will be made tomorrow discussing the full details. To summarise, we have a VIP from another nation which happens to be far more advanced than we are. He wishes to help us as we help him to get home. It is my understanding that you are a capable researcher and reliable if your position as Vice Principal is anything to indicate. You are being allocated funds to research the claims made by our VIP, in particular the nature of our planet, our planetary system and the atom. Attached is a copy of the transcript Twilight made during the conversation which details some experiments and known knowledge acording to our VIP. He has stated that he can give further details if necessary to aid research. You may hire researchers but Twilight suggested having students aid you in this research assigned as extra-curricular.

A research project? This is a long transcript. These experiments, some seem crude but logical, others very precise requiring great care. Gives me options for students then. What the hay is an alpha particle emitter?

The Next Morning
Fg Off. James Burkley

I don't want to leave this bed. It must be magic. I need to get up. Five more minutes please, I am in comfort that I thought could never exist. Alright, enough's enough. Bringing my hands to my eyes I give them a rub and sit up forcing myself to wake up before the day ran away from me. Sliding off the bed, I waltz over to the bathroom and start the shower. Roaring to life, the shower comes out at a near perfect temperature but a little too high pressure for my liking. There must be some kind of standard that most enjoy being employed here because all this makes getting up a lot easier and less time consuming. They even supply a shaving kit! Ponies can grow facial hair I guess despite the fact that they have fur all over their bodies.

I washed myself quickly, shaved and cleaned my teeth quickly. This is the point where I would have put on my No.1 Dress but I don't have it here, only my flight suit. Placing on my pale khaki undershirt and trousers, I pull my flight suit on without strapping up my g-suit or any of the gear required for flying, I leave the room and head down to the mess hall with some directions from the guard.

As I close in on the hall, the conversation between Twilight and some other pony can be easily heard.
"Sunburst, I understand that some of these experiments may seem borderline unfeasible but they are true experiments. We need to know if what James has said is the truth and the only way is through these experiments."

"They seem like a wild goose chase! Some of these are very barebones but make mathematical sense with clear proof. Others use made up names and don't hold up to any understanding nor theory we could ever concieve. Like this list of radiation emitters, alpha, beta and gamma. The only radiation we know about is magical radiation, the residue left after significant spellcasting which can sometimes be harmful. We know that the harm comes from a significant concerntration but can't understand why a physical residue gives off energy like that. It's not magical energy, but it still affects cells in our body!"

The two turn to look at me as I enter the room. I have to give sunburst credit that all this is a lot to take in, but may give answers to many events that the Equestrians have encountered so far in their lives.

"I think if you asked more about radiation or performed the experiments on the atom as given in the transcript which I can only assume you have, then your little magical radiaiton suddenly would make more sense and you could even identify the kind of radiation it gives. I understand that this is lots to take in but all I ask is that you perform these experiments and others you may think of, you may make the same conclusions we had, albeit much faster."

"You must be Mr Burkley, please to make your acquaintance. I'm Sunburst, Vice-Principal of the School of Friendship and a magical researcher. I will perform the experiments naturally but I need more information about Chemistry as you put it. All that was said on the topic is the transcript was our lack of understanding of it, I can only assume that is where the conversation ended for the night."

"I'm afraid so, allow me to use that quill and paper, I'll write down as much as I know that you will need to succeed in these experiments. What I'm about to give you is more of a mixture of Physics and Chemistry. I had to study both at a more advanced level than most if I wanted to become a pilot and have a good chance of finishing training with high marks and making it to fast jet training."

Sunburst nodded along.

"It begins with materials and what our world is really made from..."

Author's Note:

OK, apologies for the long wait, for those who didn't see the blog post, I had mock examinations for my A levels and this week I decided to take as time to relax after that. I was going to write a chapter before exam week but revision was my priority so I never found time. Better late than never though.

Hope the chapter is good and everything should be getting back on track now.

Feedback is greatly appreciated.