• Published 29th Mar 2021
  • 560 Views, 19 Comments

Doofy in Equestria - LightningChaser04

An evil scientist ends up in a world of technicolor ponies. Hilarity ensues

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Five: Inator, and new nemesis

Discord brought DEInc’s top floor (Doofy’s house) alone from Danville, and then made it a whole house.
Norm was in there, cleaning the inators.

Norm’s POV:
I found myself in a weird place. I see Dr. Doofenshmirtz and a weird creature. “Hi, I’m Norm. Who are you?” I asked. He responded “Discord, Lord of Chaos. Pleased to meet you Norm. You are the third most chaotic being in Equus, after me and Pinkie Pie. How are you made of metal, and can still talk?” “Where am I Discord, Lord of Chaos?” “In Equestria, you big tin schnitzel!” yelled my master. “Ok, what evil scheme are you planning today Doctor D?” “I’m making a power drain-inator!” “Oh, hooray! I love building. Can I help? Pleeease? If I help, you have to play catch with me!” “Oh, fiiiine!” whined my master. In a few minutes, the drain-inator was completed.

Doofy’s POV
“Wremch, bolt 382, nut 382, metal sheet 20, laser beam,” I kept asking Norm. “Screwdriver 2” I asked, and he gave me screwdriver 4. I need screwdriver TWO, not FOUR!! “NOOOORRMMM!!!! Bad robot! You schnitzel!” “Sorry Doofenshmirtz, I am now sad.” said Norm.

5 eternities later:

Anyway, now we’re done with it. “Buh-bye Elements!” I zapped it at the 6 ponies.

Pinkie’s POV
Outside Twilight’s Castle, before the shooting the beam.

“Thanks for joining the cupcake party girls! Cupcakes for everypony!!” “No problem Pinkie, I simply love a good party!” said Rarity. “Has anypony seen Spike? He never misses the gem cupcakes!” said Rainbow Dash.

Nopony’s POV
Spike snuck into the castle, and went down the portal. “Hey Major Celegram and Lulu! What’s today’s mission?” asked the little dragon. “Hello Agent S, uh... where’s your hat?” asked Celegram. Spike pushed a button, causing a hat to appear on his head. “Thank you, much better. Lulu! Where’s the mail?” “At the post office, mam.” responded the younger alicorn, and flew off to get it.
“Much better, now, Discord has formed an alliance with a Doofandsmirks guy from a different dimension. Go stop them Agent S!” “Yes mam!” said the dragon, and went to DCInc, which was near DEInc. Spike went to DEInc, and suddenly, a trap sprung at him. “Well, well, well.” said a Germane accented voice in the darkness. clap-clap Then the lights came on to reveal Doofenshmirtz. “Perry the Platypus!, wait, YOU’RE NOT PERRY! Who are you?” “I’m Spike the Dragon, I’m from the EOWCA, Equestrian Organization Without a Cool Acronym. My nemesis, Dr. Chaos Discordant has formed an alliance with you, according to EOWCA’s intel. And what’s a platypus?” “Ok, Spike. So may people have asked me ‘Doof, what does it feel to be powerless, the hated child?’ Let me tell you. You see, my goody two-shoes brother Roger is the mayor of Danville, where I’m from. His job gives him cool powers, and I planned to take them away with this, but then I ended up here, and I’m doing it here! First, I’ll remove the Main 6’s powers, then Celestia and Luna’s, then Cadence’s, and then Equestria will be totally chaos without them. My partner also causes some chaos, pranks, and makes good, non-schnitzel Norms, and then first I’ll take over Equestria, and then I go back with my pony army, and force Roger to surrender his position as mayor, and if he doesn’t, tristate area and Equestria are going into war. And they’ll be clinging for dear life, and then they’ll surrender, and I’ll take over the TRISTATE AREA!!”

Author's Note:

I know a power draininator exists, this is an AU without the Marvel Crossover.