• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 1,132 Views, 23 Comments

Passion - Undome Tinwe

Twilight is forced to condemn her lover Rarity to death to take away the sins of the world.

  • ...

Et resurréxit tértia die, secúndum Scriptúras, et ascéndit in cælum.

Twilight Sparkle hadn't left the Praetorium in three days.

The governor had buried herself in her work, trying to drown her emotions in endless ledgers and scrolls. When all the work had been done, she would retreat into her library and read all she could on magical theory, devouring the works of all the greatest minds in history.

And yet, it was not enough to banish the horrors of what she had been forced to witness.

She knew she hadn't been required to be present during Rarity's torment, but if she were the one to give the order, then she would force herself to see it through.

At her own request, the identity of the soldier who had flogged her beloved was kept secret to her. It was better that way, though she now looked at all her guards suspiciously, wondering which of them had hurt her true love. Every cry and scream wrenched from Rarity's lips as she was struck again and again was permanently seared into Twilight's memories.

Even worse, at one point, when Twilight could no longer bear the pain she had subjected her lover to, had been about to stand up and put an end to the cruelty, Rarity had turned to her, and smiled through gritted teeth, even as the whip had struck her on her back yet again. In that moment, Twilight felt like a part of her soul had died.

How could she have ever been worthy to stand in the presence of one so selfless that she cared more for the pain of her tormentors than her own agony? Afterwards, Twilight had even heard her dispensing fashion advice to the crowd as a crown of thorns had been placed upon her head. It was at that point that Twilight's courage had failed her and she had fled back into the Praetorium, her stomach rebelling in disgust and anguish as she had dry-heaved over and over again.

She'd heard afterwards that Big Macintosh had helped Rarity carry her cross to the place of her execution, and had made a mental note to find some way to express her gratitude to him for easing her beloved's suffering. As for the other details of the crucifixion, she had been spared the most gruesome accounts for now, and took some small comfort that Rarity's death had been quicker than normal.

Still, that was little balm compared to the overwhelming pit of despair that was her constant companion in her chest. Even worse, she'd received reports that Rarity's tomb had been desecrated this morning, her body missing from its resting place.

Rarity's own people were looking into the matter, and while Twilight would not hesitate to send her own soldiers to find whmever was responsible for this heinous crime, she'd recognized that they were better equipped to do so. It galled her to have to do nothing about this, and she'd retreated deeper into her work to block out the anger, emptying her heart and trying to purge her sorrows in legislature.

There had been other reports of strange occurrences the day of Rarity's death. An eclipse had blotted out the sun for three hours, and the ground had shaken and damaged the temple. The part of her that had wanted to believe Rarity's wild tales thought that it might have been her little vengeance for her execution.

The truth, however, was that it had simply been coincidence, and it was useless to try to seek out more meaning in these events.

There was a knock at her door.

Twilight frowned. The guards should have stopped anyone from getting this close to her personal quarters, and the knocking, while firm, had not been frantic, so this likely wasn't an emergency. Had she missed a meeting of some sort?

"Come in!" she called out, curious. Perhaps this visitor would distract her for a little while, give her something else to focus on.

The door opened, and Twilight's heart stopped as her jaw dropped in shock.

"I do so love a dramatic entrance, don't you?" the unicorn mare asked as she strutted into the room with a smile. An elegant red dress flowed down her back, hiding most of her body, but the pristine white fur on her neck and face didn't show any signs of injury.

"Rarity!" There was no time for thought, for fear, for anything besides rushing up to wrap her hooves around the mare she had loved and lost, to confirm that she wasn't just some cruel illusion conjured up by her grieving mind. "How are you here? This isn't scientifically possible! You're not scientifically possible!"

"I did tell you I would return, darling," Rarity said, embracing her back as they gripped each other tightly. "As I always try to tell you, love is the most powerful force in the world, more powerful than even death."

At that, Twilight stepped back, taking a moment to look at her. Rarity's whole being seemed to glow with some kind of divine radiance, and even Twilight could no longer deny that Rarity was just a mortal pony.

She pointed towards the holes in her hooves. "Do those hurt?"

Rarity shook her head. "Not if I don't wish them to. And really, there's no point tormenting myself further now that my purpose is finished."

"Your purpose," Twilight echoed quietly. "You... you really are the Princess of Harmony, the Messiah from the prophecies." So many emotions were coursing through her at this moment. Wonder, awe, and shock were first and foremost. That Rarity was truly a divine being, and that even so, she had chosen to give her love to Twilight.

Then, the sadness. "Your kingdom is not of this world," she said hollowly. "You'll have to go back and rule it, won't you?"

"As I said before, my ministry is ended," Rarity replied. "It is time for my apostles to do their good works. I'll be paying them all a visit to say my proper goodbyes, and then I fear I shall not see them until they come into my kingdom."

"Until they die, you mean," Twilight said, and in her voice was the acceptance of the tragedy of their love. "Just like with me."

"Well..." Rarity raised a hoof into the air in a thoughtful gesture. "I suppose that while my followers must believe that I am gone forever so that they can establish my Church, you are not truly one of my disciples, no? So long as nopony discovers us, there's no reason why I cannot visit you in life."

Hope blossomed in Twilight's heart for the first time in three days. "You mean...?"

Rarity smiled, and it was Good. "We shan't be parted for very long, my love. I would not deprive us of the happiness that we shared in our time together, and you never did finish reading me that story of the general returning to his wife after the siege of Trot."

Twilight snorted. "Like you don't know how the story goes, Miss I-Have-Divine-Knowledge-Of-All-Things." Her breath caught in her throat as the implications of that statement washed over her. Rarity knew everything, could answer any question that Twilight had. It was a terrifying and exciting thought.

Rarity didn't comment on Twilight's silent revelation, instead saying, "Ah, but I do so love hearing the story from you, darling. What is knowledge without the ability to share it with others, anyways?"

Twilight forced a smile. "So you'll share all your knowledge with me, then?"

"And ruin the fun for you?" A false gasp issued forth from Rarity's lips. "Oh, heavens no, I wouldn't be so cruel. Besides, some things you aren't quite ready to know yet."

At that, Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And when will I be ready?"

Rarity shrugged. "In due time. Though, you'll have to spend time with me to find out when."

This time, Twilight's smile was more natural. "I think I can do that. So, what happens now, Your Highness?" The title sent a thrill down Twilight's spine. What she was speaking was treason, and yet, if Rarity's kingdom truly was not of this world, but something greater than any mortal empire, then she supposed it didn't matter.

"Well, as I said, I need to pay a visit to my apostles, and let them know the wonderful news." Rarity looked down at her hooves. "And then I shall have to return to my kingdom for a time, if for no other reason than to get a body that doesn't have these dreadfully unfashionable holes in them. Rest assured that I shall return to you soon, however. I would not deprive you of my blessings for long, even if nopony else must ever know of our little tryst.

"Until then, would you please be a dear and release Fluttershy from your dungeons?" Rarity's smile faded as her expression grew sombre. "I thank you for saving her from herself, but I think visiting her to assure her that I am still alive will ease her guilt."

"Did you really tell her to betray you to the authorities?" That had been the story Twilight had managed to get from a distraught Fluttershy, after she had come to her to apologize. She'd already returned the thirty pieces of silver given to her, and had been ready to ask Twilight to execute her for her misdeeds. Twilight had nearly done so out of anger, but she knew Rarity wouldn't have wanted it, so she'd had her put in the dungeons until she could figure something out.

"I did," Rarity replied. "It was necessary for the prophecies to be fulfilled, you see. Exactly thirty pieces of silver, just like it was written all those years ago. And now she will be in a position to preach the wonders of repentance and forgiveness."

"Efficient," Twilight commented. "So, I guess I'll see you around, then?"

"I will always be with you, dear." Rarity stepped forwards towards her. "But yes, for now, I must take my leave with this form." She pressed a quick kiss against Twilight's lips. "Until tonight, my love. Go in peace, to love and serve Harmony." With that, her horn flashed, and she vanished in a burst of teleportation.

For a moment, Twilight simply stood rooted in place, staring at the spot where her beloved had been. Then, slowly, a smile crossed her lips, and she began to laugh in joy.

Truly, Rarity was a divine being, sent down to teach the ways of Harmony, and by the power of her love and sacrifice they were all saved. Despite that, she was still the mare that Twilight had fallen in love with, would continue to be that mare even as she ruled a kingdom beyond mortal comprehension, and Twilight knew in her soul that she was the luckiest mare in the world to be gifted with both halves of this wonderful being.

And so, with joy in her heart and love in her soul, she knelt down, and began to pray with the words that Rarity had taught her.

"Mater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum..."

Comments ( 9 )

"Until then, would you please be a dear and release Fluttershy from your dungeons?" Rarity's smile faded as her expression grew sombre. "I thank you for saving her from herself, but I think visiting her to assure her that I am still alive will ease her guilt."


Definitely an interesting take. I like it.

I decided to go with the interpretation from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Judas since having the Judas expy hang herself was a little too dark for my tastes.

This was a nice ending to the story, and it was good seeing Rarity still giving fashion advice during her torment.

I will say that Rarity returning to Twilight felt oddly under-described. This is one place where purple prose was warranted, but it felt perfunctory.

I see that article has a picture of Jesus and Judas kissing. RariShy confirmed.

Rarity being Rarity to the very end and beyond. Very fitting :raritywink:

I can't buy imagine how their story would continue in humorous shenanigans through the decades of Twiggles trying keep their relationship hidden in increasingly unlikely situations.
Also managing to somehow become an Alicorn and drowning her sorrows in tubs and tubs of ice cream because then she wouldn't be able to be together in the kingdom of heaven, not to mention having to support some crazy Alicorn cult so she keeps not being part of Rarity's clergy.

I know, rather on the opposite vein of this story, but the idea sounds too hilarious not to share :derpytongue2:

I just read the entire story today and I have to tell you...I'm quite impressed. Casting Rarity as Christ was very fitting, given that both are known for their generousity and selflessness. Fluttershy as Judus was a bit of a surprise. The romance between Twilight and Rarity was, I thought, an interesting way to show the sense of duty and guilt that Pilot may have felt, that you showed so very well with Twilight.

The scene when Rarity returns from the tomb and embraces Twilight with enless love was breath-taking to me. I could understand Twilight's relief while still being conflicted about her feelings concerning faith. But when Rarity reassured her that she would return and always be with her, and Twilight realized who and what Rarity truly was, I felt Twi's feelings turn. She knew and believed.

And the way you wrote that scene made me feel it.

Great work, Undome.

And now she will be in a position to preach the wonders of repentance and forgiveness.

As opposed to her name becoming synonymous with traitor. Good to see. The idea of people cursing one another by calling them "Fluttershy"... The mind boggles.

Mind you, the mind is boggling a little from the overall subject matter. Fascinating approach for both ends of this. Thank you for it.

...I'm not so sure this chapter resonated as strongly as the first. I was hoping that this would be a multi-chapter piece that really explored and blended what you were going for here. Instead, the fact that it ends here and depicts most of the Passion of Rarity through exposition really lessened the initial hype I had because it came across as abrupt. We don't get to see how the little quirks of Harmony and a Rarity Gospel change when they're not in the Biblical source material, or how the other Mane Apostles worked, especially since Rarity and Twilight were romantically involved. Leaving off on prayer and hope for Twilight to see her love again felt like a good idea, but then there are things like not exploring Judas-shy and having the Judas stand-in live that felt like they fundamentally ignored or took away from core parts of the story.

I do want to see more stories like this, be it from you or whoever else wishes to write them, but this one fell short of my particular enjoyment and I think it could have been better.


I had my money on it being Strawberry Sunrise, frankly.

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