• Published 7th Apr 2021
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness II - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - Season II

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Chapter 31 - The truth behind the truth

The truth behind the truth

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were gathered in the library with Dusk Shine. Unlike most times, when the three fillies would do some crazy activity together to try to discover their cutie marks, this time, each one was focused on a different task.

A few days ago, Diamond Tiara had teased Sweetie Belle for not being able to use magic yet. That gave the young unicorn the impetus to begin learning to use her magical horn once and for all. However, that was harder than she thought it would be, so she decided to ask Dusk for some advice, who wasn’t for nothing as the student of Princess Celestia herself, and his magic abilities is at a very high level.

For her part, after accompanying Sweetie Belle to her first lesson, Apple Bloom thought it would be a good opportunity to take advantage of also asking Dusk for advice on botany. Something in which the little filly had become very interested after becoming friends with the young deer prince Bramble and was amazed by how the deer could make the forest plants grow quickly. Thinking that could help her family's farm a lot.

Finally, Scootaloo didn’t want to be left out of that new study group and decided that she could also take advantage of that time with Dusk, learning about mechanics. After practicing her stunts hundreds of times, it was normal for some parts of her car to come loose and fly after a crash.

That's how that morning, Scootaloo was struggling with the pieces of a unicycle that she had taken apart, trying to put it back together to its original state. Sweetie Belle read a book on basic magic, understanding that to levitate an object, it was best to start with very light objects. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom was mixing various ingredients in a jar, trying to prepare a potion to grow a small apple sprout, which she had in a flower pot next to her.

“I finally managed to put the seat together!” Scootaloo shouted excitedly, raising the unicycle seat high. Looking excitedly at Dusk Shine. Who seemed to be distracted, watching something through the window. “Dusk was right, it’s easier to follow the instructions if I separate all the parts of the unicycle well before starting to assemble it.”

“Yeah, it was a good idea to ask Dusk for help.” Apple Bloom said, finishing her potion. Pouring it over the pot, causing the small sprout that was there to bloom. “We should do this more often. Make it a new weekly Cutie Mark Crusaders activity!”

“We could call it 'Dusk time' or something like that,” Sweetie Belle said, closing her book and focusing on some scrolls on a small table. Then she effortlessly shone her horn, and one of the scrolls levitated awkwardly and fell in front of Sweetie Belle. “I did it! I can't move a broom yet, but I can now move a scroll with my magic! Did you see it, Dusk!?” Sweetie Belle shouted excitedly, turning to see Dusk.

"Uh? Oh! Yes, congratulations Sweetie Belle!” Dusk said, a little startled, since he had been distracted. “If you practice daily and follow the advice I gave you, I’m sure you’ll achieve the goals you seek,” Dusk added with a small, sad smile.

Seeing that sad smile on Dusk, the three fillies understood why Dusk seemed to be so distracted. Apparently, he was still sad that Spike was no longer there. A few days had passed since Dusk had told them that Spike traveled and stayed in Dragon Land. But it seemed that Dusk still couldn't completely get over it.

“You're still sad about Spike, right?” Scootaloo asked, approaching the lavender unicorn. “I'm sure he'll be fine.”

"Yeah, I know," Dusk said with a small smile, feeling guilty that the girls had noticed he was depressed. “We’ve written to each other every day, but still, I miss him.”

“Is this a letter from Spike?” Sweetie Belle asked, reading the scroll she had levitated with her magic.

“No, that's a letter from Shining and Cadance.” Dusk responded, seeing the letter. "It seems that they have already finished their honeymoon, and now they will go on a diplomatic mission to the North of Equestria... Huff... I guess I have my two brothers away now..." Dusk added, with a sad look.

“Aww… I know you're sad about Spike. But I assure you that you’ll be very happy very soon! We have a big surprise waiting for you!” Apple Bloom said, approaching Dusk and giving him a big smile.

"A surprise?" Dusk asked with a worried look. Remembering all the crazy ideas that those three fillies came up with every time they thought about how to get their cutie marks. "I'm not sure…"

“Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous.” Scootaloo said approaching, guessing what Dusk must be thinking. “This is something you’ll like. It’ll help everyone, just like you always help us!” Scootaloo added with a big smile. Same as her other two friends.

Dusk couldn't help but look insecure at the 'surprise' the fillies were apparently preparing for him. However, before asking what the surprise was about, everyone was distracted when there was a knock on the door. Dusk approached and opened the door to see who it was.

“Hi Dusk, is Apple Bloom here?” Applejack asked after being greeted by Dusk. Then she saw that just as she suspected, her little sister was there, in the main room. “Apple Bloom, Granny Smith is calling for you. She said she already has the candy apples you wanted ready… Anyway, why did you want so many?”

“Cutie Mark Crusader, apple eating competition!” The three fillies shouted in unison. Showing that their next craze to try and discover their cutie marks was to see if they could participate in eating competitions. Then the three fillies hurriedly ran towards the door.

“Wait girls! The capes.” Sweetie Belle suddenly said, stopping in her tracks. Then the three fillies put on their red cloaks, which were piled in a corner. Proudly wearing the Cutie Mark Crusaders emblem stamped on them, the brand of their club.

“Soon, the emblem of the Cutie Mark Crusaders will be known to everyone when-” Scootaloo said, before being silenced by Apple Bloom. Who put a hoof over her friend's mouth, so she wouldn't continue talking. Then the three fillies looked at Dusk with big innocent smiles and ran out of there.

“I still don't know if this 'surprise' they’re preparing for me will be good or not,” Dusk muttered, unsure, once the fillies left.

Dusk Shine approached the mess left by the three fillies and began to tidy up silently. While Applejack stood at the door, staring at him. It was obvious that Dusk was sad, although he didn't want to show it, and it hurt as his ex-marefriend to see him like that. She would probably be just as sad if she were separated from one of her siblings so abruptly.

I wonder if there's some way to cheer him up…” Applejack thought with a hoof over her mouth. Until suddenly a large shadow blocked the light coming through the door and Applejack turned to see what it was. As she did so, her face disfigured as she saw one of the strangest things she had ever seen.

In the doorway, Pinkie Pie appeared, wearing a big, fluffy purple dragon suit. With a huge fluffy head, which imitated Spike's head.

"Howdy!" Pinkie Pie said with a huge smile.

“Pfft! Hahaha! What are you wearing?" Dusk laughed, not being able to help but laugh when he saw how ridiculous his marefriend looked.

"Do you like it? I thought… all night… about a way… to get… you back to normal.” Pinkie Pie said with effort, as she tried to get through the door with her huge costume. Only succeeding when Applejack helped her, forcibly pulling her inside.

"Yeah… I'm sorry. I know I’ve been kind of depressed lately.” Dusk said, lowering his head and putting on a sad smile.

Pinkie Pie and Applejack looked at each other, with saddened looks when they saw that Pinkie Pie's surprise did manage to make Dusk laugh, but he quickly put on that sad smile he had since he returned without Spike. All to try to hide his sadness.

Applejack was eager to approach Dusk and comfort him, however, she knew that someone had priority to complete that mission. Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie and pointed her gaze at Dusk so that she would approach him. Pinkie Pie nodded seriously and slowly approached Dusk.

"That's it... Dusk doesn't need a friend now, but the loving touch of a marefriend who understands and comforts him at a time like this..." Applejack thought, with a tender look.

“Stop being a crybaby!” Pinkie Pie yelled, hitting Dusk on the head. Leaving Applejack with her mouth open, because she never imagined that Pinkie Pie understood the situation so badly.

“Ouch! That hurt." Dusk said, rubbing his head.

“You've had several days to be sad, it's time to move on.” Pinkie Pie said, looking seriously at Dusk. “You and Spike are still brothers and you’ll see each other again one day.”

Upon hearing those words, Dusk opened his eyes wide, remembering that those words were very similar to the advice that Spike himself had given him a while ago when he and Applejack ended their courtship.

"You're right! I'm sorry. I think it affects me a lot when someone I love separates from me.” Dusk said with a big sigh. Shaking his head and realizing that he should go back to how he always was and stop worrying his friends.

“Besides, I'm the one who should be upset, and you're the one who should be worried.” Pinkie Pie added, looking away in annoyance and pouting her mouth. “You went on a trip with Rarity and Rainbow Dash without even telling me, and I'm your marefriend!”

“I'm sorry…” Dusk said, making a scolded puppy face and then puffing out his cheeks, making a silly face. Knowing that when Pinkie got upset, the best thing was to make a funny face so she would stop being upset.

“Hmpf!” It was the only sound Pinkie Pie answered. Looking away blushing, since she wanted to continue pretending to be upset, but seeing Dusk's face, it was very difficult for her not to laugh.

Seeing Pinkie and Dusk's couple dynamic, Applejack couldn't help but think about how similar the two of them were, and what a good couple they made.

I wonder if Dusk also acted a little like me when we were dating…” Applejack thought. Remembering the beautiful moments lived with Dusk as a couple, missing them more and more.

“I guess I forgive you.” Pinkie Pie finally said, surrendering to Dusk's stupid look. “But now you owe me a trip with you alone!”

"Me too!" Applejack said quickly. So lost in thought, she spoke without even thinking. That made both Dusk and Pinkie Pie look at her in surprise, and this time it was Applejack's turn to look away, blushing. "W-Well... Just because I'm not your marefriend anymore doesn't mean it doesn't bother me to see you going on a trip alone with someone else..." Applejack added stuttering, red with embarrassment.

“I-I guess I owe you an apology too.” Dusk said nervously. He couldn't help but blush, seeing that his ex-marefriend still clearly showed that she still had feelings for him.

"Yeah! That's how it is! You owe me an apology for leaving me alone and not telling us that Spike was leaving; we didn't even get to say goodbye to him!” Applejack shouted, very nervous and blushing. Wanting at all costs to try to hide the fact that she was as jealous as Pinkie Pie of Dusk, Rarity and Rainbow Dash's trip.

"It's true... We couldn't even throw him a farewell party..." Pinkie Pie suddenly added, looking away sadly. Instantly losing her smile when remembering that.

“I know, it was all very sudden. But at least we stay in touch.” Dusk said, caressing Pinkie's cheek and smiling at her. “If you want, we can send him a letter together.”

"How will you do that? I don’t think Derpy delivers mail in Dragon Land.” Applejack asked confused.

“The princess helped me with a spell. Now I can use the same spell that she and Spike used to receive letters from each other.” Dusk said with a proud smile. One that only lasted a second, before Dusk looked away in shame. “Although… it doesn't work as I expected…”

Before Pinkie Pie and Applejack could ask what he meant, Dusk suddenly puffed out his cheeks as if he were about to vomit. Then he couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a big belch, from which several purple sparks flew, and a scroll magically appeared in front of him.

“Ohhh… You get letters just like Spike!” Pinkie Pie shouted, very excited to see Dusk's new trick.

“Yeah… I'm sure the princess can make the scrolls appear just in front of me, just like she does. But I think she used this spell to play another of her pranks on me…” Dusk said embarrassed. Taking the scroll he had just burped and opening it. “I could complain to the princess, but I'm sure that if I do, she’ll make the scrolls appear in a less elegant way…” Dusk added, imagining that his teacher could make the scrolls come out of a fart. Having a little chill imagining it.

“Is this a letter from Spike?” Applejack asked, getting closer to Dusk.

"No. It belongs to the princess.” Dusk responded with a confused look. Reading the letter a second time, believing that he had read it wrong. “It says she's going to visit... her SECOND best student?”

Just then, someone knocked on the door. Dusk approached to open it and saw with surprise that the pony who knocked was a palace guard. The guard didn’t say anything, he simply turned and stood at attention. Then Dusk looked out the door and saw that the royal carriage had landed nearby, and the pony who was getting down from there was Princess Celestia herself.

"Princess Celestia? What are you doing here?" Dusk asked, very confused and surprised.

“Did you not read the letter I just sent you?” Celestia responded with a mischievous smile, because she had deliberately sent that letter seconds before announcing her arrival, just to see Dusk's confused face. “I said I was coming to visit my second-best student.” Celestia added, motioning with her eyes for Dusk to follow her, so that they could both re-enter the house.

"I don’t understand. What is this about the second-best student?” Dusk asked confused. Closing the door behind him as Celestia greeted Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

“I mean this, dear Dusk.” Celestia responded, showing Dusk a newspaper she brought with her.

Dusk took the newspaper, where on one page the name of a mare was indicated in huge letters, and it said that she was Princess Celestia's secret faithful student. When Dusk read that name, he looked confused, because he thought he remembered that name from somewhere, but he wasn't sure where.

"Twilight? Why does that name seem so familiar to me...?" Dusk thought confused. Then, when he turned the page of the newspaper and saw the photo of that mare, Dusk's mouth opened wide, finally recognizing the name of 'that' mare.

“They don't put her full name on there, but it looks like that mare's name is Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia added, amused at seeing Dusk's expression. This time, she handed Dusk another newspaper, a smaller one, which was titled 'Twilight Sparkle, the Heroine Who Saved Equestria'.

Unlike the first newspaper Celestia handed Dusk, the second newspaper was much smaller and rudimentary, and Dusk immediately recognized it by name. That was the ‘Foal Free Press,’ the newspaper that the Ponyville's school students created, and that was on everyone's lips in town a while ago, when the Cutie Mark Crusaders, under the pseudonym 'Gabby Gums,' published precisely that news. That time, Dusk transformed into Twilight to approach the suspicious Flash Sentry, and due to a misunderstanding, the fillies took Dusk's report, believing that he wanted to appear as Twilight Sparkle.

“I would love to meet Twilight, could you introduce me to your dear secret sister?” Celestia asked, with a fake innocent smile.

“She doesn't… I mean… I'm… Flash Sentry came and… that blue flower called Poison Joke… I…” Dusk stuttered madly, red with embarrassment. Knowing that his teacher would annoy him for life if she found out that he had transformed into a mare.

“Hahaha, calm down, everything is fine. If you go redder, I think you'll explode, haha.” Celestia laughed, touching Dusk's shoulder to calm him down. After all, she enjoyed teasing her beloved student, but she knew how to recognize when Dusk was about to have a nervous breakdown, so she calmed him down. “You’ll have to tell me one day the secret you used to achieve it.”

“You… Do you know it's me?” Dusk asked, still red with embarrassment.

“Sure, it's pretty obvious. Plus, I would know if you had any secret sisters.” Celestia responded, laughing. “Apparently, my assistant, Raven Ink, secretly delivered this newspaper to a journalist in Canterlot. Raven recently confessed to me that Shining Armor asked her for that favor so that that annoying reporter would believe that 'Twilight' was the one who saved Equestria and wouldn't start harassing you in Ponyville."

“I-I see…” Dusk said, slowly calming down. Remembering that during the wedding, Shining had said something to him about it. “So, that reporter was the one who spread the Twilight rumor…” Dusk added, reopening the first newspaper that Celestia had handed him. Only this time, he looked at it in more detail and widened his eyes in surprise.

That newspaper was from the city of Manehattan. In that newspaper, just as Celestia said, only Twilight was mentioned, the word 'Sparkle' was never mentioned. Furthermore, Dusk didn’t remember having posed smiling for a photo while he was disguised as Twilight; and more importantly... The newspaper said that Twilight was giving friendship talks in Manehattan’s park!!

“H-How is it possible…?” Dusk asked stunned. Looking confused at his teacher.

"I don't know. That's why I came with you, to see if you could decipher this mystery.” Celestia responded, looking tenderly at Dusk. “I think resolving this will be perfect for you to stop regretting being away from Spike.”

Dusk opened his eyes in surprise when he saw that, although Celestia was far away, she knew that Dusk must still be sad about Spike, and like his friends, she also cared about him. Then Dusk put on a serious look and looked determinedly at his teacher.

“I'm sorry to worry you, princess… to everyone.” Dusk said, turning also to see his friends. "So... If I want to find out how 'Twilight' appeared in Manehattan, I guess the easiest thing to do is go there to find out." Dusk added, returning to focus on the newspaper and the mystery of his female doppelganger.

“Well, if Dusk goes on a trip, I guess this is our chance for him to pay off his debt,” Applejack said from behind smiling, looking at Pinkie Pie.

"That's right!" Pinkie Pie said with a big smile. Jumping up to hug Dusk and stay cheek to cheek. “We’ll go with you.”

“Are you sure?” Dusk asked with a somewhat nervous look. “This trip will be to unmask a mystery, it is not a pleasure trip.”

"Don't worry. It’s always good to travel with someone, my dear Dusk.” Celestia added with a small tender smile. “In fact… I think I'd like to add another member to your little mystery-solving group…” Celestia added, this time, putting on a more mischievous smile. One that gave Dusk a slight chill, because every time his teacher smiled like that, it meant that one of her pranks was coming.

It was a long train ride from Ponyville to Manehattan, which was on the eastern coast of Equestria. As soon as Dusk and company boarded the train, their group immediately divided by gender. Applejack and Pinkie Pie went to find their seats, while Dusk and the palace guard that Celestia assigned as an escort went to store the suitcases in another car.

Dusk found it very strange when his teacher offered one of her guards to accompany them. Celestia's excuse was that that guard knew Manehattan very well and could guide them through the city, since neither Dusk nor his friends had been there before. For a second, Dusk thought about thanking his teacher for being so attentive. However, upon seeing which guard would be their guide, Dusk immediately realized that Celestia had not done it to help him, but only to make fun of him a little.

“I can't believe it... I'll actually get to see the beautiful Twilight again! The mare that stole my heart!” Flash Sentry said. The handsome palace guard, who had been chosen by Celestia to accompany Dusk and his friends.

To Dusk, it was obvious that his teacher chose Flash Sentry for that mission because he was the only guard who had seen Dusk transformed into 'Twilight Sparkle.' That would obviously make Dusk uncomfortable, and make Celestia laugh. However, Dusk thought that after the initial surprise of knowing that Flash would accompany them, nothing worse could happen. What Dusk didn't know, and what he quickly understood, was that somehow, Flash Sentry seemed to have fallen in love with 'Twilight.'

As soon as Celestia gave Flash the mission, he almost jumped for joy, knowing that he would be able to reunite with the mare who had stolen his heart. And now that they were on the train, he couldn't stop talking about how beautiful Twilight was and how he was burning with desire to see her.

“Your sister is a wild mare, Dusk. Free, beautiful, brave… Since I met her, I haven't been able to look at any other mare!” Flash Sentry said with eyes of a lover. While he and Dusk put away the suitcases. “I know I was a fool the last time we met. But now I want to patch it all up and show Twilight that she has stolen my heart... With your permission, of course, dear Dusk... or maybe I should say, dear brother-in-law, hahaha." Flash laughed, feeling that all his gallantry was now focused on winning the heart of a single mare. Filling him with renewed confidence.

“Yeah… hehe… we'll see…” Dusk responded, red with embarrassment. Not understanding how Flash had fallen in love with him so deeply.

This fool fell in love just by seeing my private parts!? Although... They weren't my real private parts... Or were they...?” Dusk thought red with shame. Not knowing whether to feel offended or not, since he wasn't even sure whether to consider his transformed body as part of his true body. “I thought I'd have to worry again about Flash flirting on my friends again, but now... I think I'd prefer that to this madness!” Dusk thought, red with embarrassment, while he saw that Flash Sentry saw Twilight's photo in the newspaper, and smiled at it with his most gallant smile, practicing for when they were face to face.

“I… I think I'll go find my seat…” Dusk said awkwardly, turning to leave there. Not knowing if he wanted to vomit, cry, or punch Flash in the face.

After walking away from the suitcase car, Dusk reached where Applejack and Pinkie Pie were sitting. There, apparently, they were both chatting about something that seemed funny to them, murmuring and laughing among themselves. None of them managed to notice that Dusk was approaching down the hallway, so the stallion managed to hear a little of what they were both murmuring.

“Yeah, now that you mention it, Dusk always does that when… you know…” Pinkie Pie muttered into Applejack's ear. Laughing as her friend laughed too. “And when he sleeps, he also does it without realizing it, but towards the other side, hehehe…”

“Yeah, I noticed that too, haha.” Applejack laughed, covering her mouth so as not to be loud. “Also, have you noticed that-” Applejack suddenly stopped talking when she saw that Dusk had arrived at her side.

“What were you talking about?” Dusk asked, sitting in front of his friends. Trying to sound casual, even though he had heard that he was the central subject of that gossip.

Both mares looked at each other, then looked away. Covering their mouths as they held back their laughter.

“We weren't talking about anything important, hehe…” Pinkie Pie finally responded, with a nervous smile.

“Hey, look!” Applejack said surprised. Turning to whisper something to Pinkie Pie while pointing at Dusk. Then Pinkie looked carefully at Dusk and covered her mouth when she almost burst out laughing.

Both mares murmured among themselves again, always glancing askance at Dusk and laughing occasionally every time they commented on something. At that moment, for some reason, Dusk blushed and looked away embarrassed. Dusk realized that he had been the coltfriend of those two mares, and they both knew him intimately, so they must have known several secrets or habits that Dusk only showed when he was someone's coltfriend. Thus, for the first time, Dusk Shine realized that the only thing worse than a marefriend getting along badly with an ex-marefriend is a marefriend getting along well with an ex-marefriend. Thus, Dusk continued to sit, red with embarrassment while pretending not to notice that his marefriend and ex-marefriend were secretly gossiping about him.

After a long journey, one that seemed eternal to Dusk, the four ponies arrived in Manehattan. This was a huge city, full of large buildings and hundreds of ponies rushing from one place to another, as if they were all running late wherever they were going. The train station itself was several times larger than the Ponyville station, and that alone was enough for Dusk to realize that finding someone there would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

“This city is huge… Where do we start looking?” Applejack asked with an uncomfortable look. Since she didn't really like big cities.

"I'm not sure." Dusk responded, taking the Manehattan newspaper that the princess had handed him. “Maybe we should-”

"Oh no!" Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted. Starting to look scared everywhere. Approaching his friends' paws and lifting them to look under them. “I lost Gummy!”

“Did you bring Gummy with you?” Dusk asked surprised.

“Of course, I always take him on my trips. He really likes hiding in my mane, but sometimes, when he sees something new, he runs after it.” Pinkie Pie answered. Shrugging her shoulders at what she thought was an obvious answer.

Do she always carry him with her?” Dusk Shine thought, remaining stunned, with his mouth open for a couple of seconds. For a moment, he remembered all the times he had been with Pinkie Pie and wondered if the little baby alligator had been hidden in his marefriend's mane all those times without him realizing it. Which left him with a strange mix of shame and confusion.

“He can't be too far away…” Pinkie Pie said, beginning to search through Flash Sentry's mane. “Maybe he beat us to it and went to the park on his own. He was very excited to see Manehattan Park… La-lala-lala!” Pinkie Pie began to jump happily, heading towards the city park.

"Wait! You're not sure if your pet really went in that direction. We should look on the train first, don’t you think?” Flash Sentry said , very confused by Pinkie's impulsiveness. Then he looked at Dusk and Applejack, who simply shrugged and followed Pinkie without hesitation. Already accustomed to blindly trusting the pink pony, despite not understanding why she acted without sense or logic.

After arriving at Manehattan Park, Pinkie Pie stopped dead when she saw a huge group of ponies, all gathered next to the river that runs through the middle of the park.

“Gummy must be there! He loves crowds.” Pinkie said, continuing her jumps to go there. While Dusk and the others followed her.

Upon reaching the crowd, everyone's eyes were surprised to see that exactly there was what they came to look for, but it was not Gummy, but rather THE OTHER THING they came to look for... There, in front of their eyes, giving a cheerfully chatting in front of all those ponies, there was a mare with lavender fur and purple eyes, with long dark blue mane, with a purple stripe and another lilac stripe in the middle... It was Twilight Sparkle! She was an exact copy of Dusk Shine when he transformed into a mare, with the only difference being that that mare did not have a cutie mark.

Dusk had gone there with the theory that the Manehattan newspaper had faked a photo of his female counterpart, to sell the false story that 'she' had saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon and Discord. However, he never imagined that he would find his doppelganger there. Neither he nor his friends imagined it, and for that reason, the three of them couldn't help but be stunned for a few seconds, watching how that Twilight was chatting happily with everyone.

“...and there we were me and my friends, going on the trail of the dangerous Nightmare Moon. Walking through the dark and sinister Everfree forest, until out of nowhere... A huge manticore appeared!” Twilight said, telling her story. “Body of a lion, with wings, horns and a deadly scorpion tail… Rarity jumped to kick its snout, but the manticore growled and completely ruffled her mane, making her flee from there… Applejack jumped on the beast and tried to mount it, but the beast sent her flying away with its strength… Rainbow Dash flew quickly and surrounded her with a whirlpool! But the manticore used its tail to stop Rainbow Dash in the air, causing her to crash to the ground... Each of my friends tried to confront the beast, while the timid Fluttershy tried to tell us something, but we were too scared to stop and listen to her... Finally, the five of us gathered our courage and launched an attack against the manticore, until suddenly, Fluttershy jumped in front of us and screamed for us to stop! Unbeknownst to me, she was about to give me a big lesson in kindness… Because as I always say…” Twilight added after reaching the climax of her story. Pausing briefly for the audience to participate in her story.

“The magic of friendship is the strongest magic there is!” The entire audience shouted in unison. Excited about the Twilight story. Shouting the motto of friendship that that brave lavender unicorn had taught them.

“Uh… We didn't find a manticore in the forest when we went after Nightmare Moon… Did we?” Applejack whispered in Dusk's ear. Doubting her own memories, since Twilight told her story so well.

"No, definitely not." Dusk responded seriously. Remembering that Fluttershy had indeed taught Dusk a lesson in kindness that time, but in a different way. Furthermore, Dusk couldn't help but be surprised to see how all those ponies were completely attentive to the lesson of friendship that Twilight had supposedly experienced.

“Before I tell you the end of the story, I would like to introduce you to a friend who has just arrived.” Twilight said, looking behind her and bending down to pick up 'something'. “Here is my most faithful friend… My number one assistant, who has accompanied me on so many adventures… Spike, the dragon!” Twilight added proudly. Showing the little baby alligator she had between her hooves.

“Wooow… A real dragon…” Several ponies in the audience said. Getting closer to get a better look at 'Spike'.

To most of those ponies, that lizard seemed too small to be a dragon. However, they had listened carefully to Twilight's stories and knew of the brave little dragon that always accompanied her. Furthermore, whoever told them that that lizard was a baby dragon, was Twilight herself! The very student of Princess Celestia, heroine of Equestria, who banished Nightmare Moon and Discord. If she said that that lizard was a baby dragon, none of them were in a position to doubt it.

“That's Gummy! Does she want to make them believe that Gummy is a dragon!?” Applejack asked Pinkie with a small laugh at how ridiculous it all was.

“It can't be… Gummy was Spike this whole time!?” Pinkie Pie yelled almost in shock. As always, confusing things. Leaving Applejack speechless.

“Can you believe Pinkie thinks Gummy is Spike?” Applejack asked again, laughing. This time looking at Dusk. However, as soon as she looked at the lavender stallion, she was once again stunned with her mouth open.

“Spike…” Dusk cried comically. Knowing obviously that that was Gummy and not Spike. However, when remembering his little brother and past experiences, Dusk couldn't help but cry when he remembered his little brother again.

“That will be all for now, friends.” Twilight said, after everyone looked closely at her 'assistant dragon'. “I’ll continue with the end of the story after a break… Don't miss the second part of the show!” Twilight added with a big smile. Winking at the audience as they began to applaud her, thanking her for the show.

We are not that far from her, and she has looked in this direction several times. Still, she doesn't seem to have noticed us…” Dusk thought, narrowing his eyes. Beginning to analyze that 'Twilight', to begin to decipher her and see how she would react now that he was there. After all, she was stealing his stories. Although it seemed that, for some reason, she modified them.

“Let's go and talk to her.” Dusk said to his friends. Taking advantage of the fact that some ponies were beginning to withdraw and there was more space to get closer.

When Dusk and his friends were almost in front of that mare who called herself Twilight, the lavender mare blinked several times and stood motionless with a look of surprise. Then, to the surprise of Dusk and his friends, she put on a big smile and hugged Dusk.

“Dusk! You finally came to see me! I’ve wanted to see my brother for so long.” Twilight said, hugging Dusk. Who, for his part, remained frozen, not knowing how to react. “And you came with Applejack and Pinkie Pie! It's great to see you girls!” Twilight added. Releasing Dusk and also hugging Applejack and Pinkie Pie, with a big smile.

“Hi Twilight!” Pinkie Pie answered smiling, who wasn't sure who that mare was, but she never turned down a hug and a warm smile. Unlike Applejack, who stayed silent and gave an awkward smile. Seeing that a mare she didn't know was so close to her.

“Did you hear? This is Applejack and Pinkie Pie!” A stallion who had been listening to Twilight's stories said. Then, he and several other ponies approached to look at both mares in admiration, beginning to thank them for saving Equestria alongside Twilight.

“You say… That you’re my sister?” Dusk finally asked, after waking up from his initial surprise. Looking suspiciously at that mare that pretended to be his female alter ego.

At Dusk's question, Twilight simply nodded and smiled tenderly at him, as if the answer to that question was somewhat obvious. Dusk opened his mouth to immediately contradict Twilight, but then he remembered something and glanced back.

When Dusk and his friends approached, they left someone behind, who Dusk almost forgot. Flash Sentry had stayed several steps behind, watching Twilight attentively, with his cheeks blushed and a very nervous look on his face. It seemed that the handsome palace guard had suddenly lost all his courage upon seeing Twilight there. And now, his nerves prevented him from approaching the one he considered to be the love of his life.

This 'Twilight' knows that I said that Twilight was my sister, when I tricked Flash…” Dusk thought, becoming alert. Realizing why that impostor was pretending to be his sister. She was following the very story that Dusk had made up.

“By the way, Pinkie, I have someone who can't wait to see you.” Twilight suddenly said, turning to approach Pinkie Pie and whisper in her ear. Then she raised her hoof and handed her Gummy. “I found Gummy lost near here. I'm sorry I said he was Spike, but Gummy seemed very eager to be on my show."

"Oh, yeah. Gummy always loves to be the center of attention.” Pinkie Pie said smiling. Taking Gummy between her hooves and laughing along with Twilight.

“By the way, how are the other girls?” Twilight added, looking at Applejack and Dusk. “I hope Fluttershy is feeling better now, after almost turning into a bat.”

“H-How do you know that?” Applejack asked, very surprised.

“Well, we’re friends. I obviously know everything that happens to my friends!” Twilight said smiling. Then she put on a more serious look, touched Applejack's side and smiled tenderly. “I know you recently reunited with your grandfather Grand Pear. I'm sorry I wasn't there to support you. But I'm glad Apple Bloom can chat with her new grandfather now.”

Applejack turned pale for a second and glanced at Dusk with an unsure look. While Dusk also had a nervous look, understanding what Applejack must be thinking at that moment... She couldn't be Twilight Sparkle! That was just a fake name for a character Dusk played. She didn't exist nor did she know his friends. But then... How did she know so many details about his friends!?

“E-Excuse me…” A male voice suddenly said and approached their side. Then Twilight, Dusk and their friends turned around and saw that it was Flash Sentry. Who had finally regained some of his courage and approached Twilight.

“Oh… Hi Flash! It’s been a while since we saw each other!” Twilight replied smiling.

Flash Sentry was silent for a few seconds. Staring Twilight from head to tail. With an unsure look.

“You… Are you really Twilight Sparkle?” Flash asked with an incredulous look.

"Obviously." Twilight scoffed. "Though for now, I prefer to just be called 'Twilight'."

Again Flash stared at Twilight, as if he sensed something was wrong.

“Hmm… You look a little different…” Flash said with a thoughtful look, observing Twilight carefully. Something that greatly surprised Dusk, who paid a lot of attention to it. “Your voice sounds a little different… and your eyebrows look a little different… and your cutie mark… Why don't you have a cutie mark!?” Flash asked, a little frustrated at his confusion. Asking the most obvious question that Dusk and his friends had been slow to ask.

"Hey! Don’t be rude!” A mare suddenly said. One of the Twilight fans who had come there to see her heroine with her friends. “Twilight sacrificed her cutie mark to save us from Discord, when he stole the Elements of Harmony! Have more respect!” The annoyed mare added. Causing several ponies around them to also shout in support of Twilight.

“Don't be mad at Flash. He didn't know…” Twilight said, looking away and making a sad face. “Just as they say, I lost my cutie mark facing the Lord of Chaos. But that doesn’t matter. I would give everything to save Equestria and my friends. Because more important than a cutie mark, they’re my friends.”

“Long live the magic of friendship!” Several ponies around shouted. Again giving their support to Twilight, thanking her for her noble sacrifice.

“What she just said is a lie…” Applejack whispered in Dusk's ear.

Dusk obviously knew that what that Twilight had just said was a lie, since that was not how they defeated Discord. However, Applejack's comment made a great impression on Dusk, because Applejack said that not because she knew the true story, but because she could recognize when someone was lying, no matter who they were.

That is! We must interrogate this Twilight. Applejack will be able to unmask her and expose her. Dusk thought. Realizing that he had to be careful when revealing this Twilight's fraud, since apparently, she had many fans, who could turn against him if he didn't show them clear evidence of the truth.

“Is that what happened? I… I was almost certain that the Lord of Chaos was defeated in another way…” Flash Sentry muttered unsurely. Who had occasionally heard the princesses talk about that event, but he wasn’t completely sure how things had happened.

At Flash's doubt, Twilight subtly stopped smiling for a moment and then approached Flash with a mischievous smile.

“Flash, I can show you that I am the real me. But there's no way I'm letting you look under my tail again to check it out.” Twiligh said, staring into Flash's eyes.

Hearing that, Flash Sentry's face turned completely red. He opened his mouth to try to say something, but he was so embarrassed that he only let out a few stammers. Then Flash couldn't take it anymore and ran away, almost blowing smoke from his ears. Meanwhile, Twilight couldn't help but laugh when she saw that the palace guard was still embarrassed when remembering that embarrassing situation.

“Miss Twilight, could we have your autograph?” A little filly asked, approaching Twilight with a photograph of herself.

“Of course!” Twilight replied smiling. But then, she glanced sideways at Dusk and Applejack, and noticed that they were both staring at her with serious looks. Then she bent down and looked tenderly at the filly. “Sorry, I'll sign it later. Now I have to talk alone with my friends.”

“Oh! Yes, I understand!" The little filly said excitedly. “If your friends need you, always go to them!”

"That's right! That's the magic of friendship!” Twilight said smiling proudly. Then she said goodbye to the filly and approached where Dusk and his friends were.

Understanding that it was time to clarify everything, Dusk guided his friends and Twilight to get away from the crowd a little so they could chat alone.

“Okay, now that we're alone, tell us the truth.” Dusk said, looking seriously at Twilight. "Who are you?"

“I told you, I'm Twilight, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said with a shy smile. “Although it's obvious that the part about being your sister is a lie. But I said it so that no one would suspect. After all, how else can you explain why two ponies look so alike?”

“You're not Twilight! Twilight doesn't exist! It’s just a name I created.” Dusk said, starting to get annoyed when he saw that that mare was still lying. “And about being my sister, it wasn't the only lie you told. Your stories are too! The story of Fluttershy and the manticore, that's not how I discovered that she represented the Element of Kindness. And Discord never stole the Elements of Harmony!”

“Maybe not here, but in my world!” Twilight said, raising a hoof to make Dusk calm down.

"What?" Dusk asked, raising his head and putting on a confused look.

“I said that maybe things didn't happen like that in this world, but they did happen like that in my world.” Twilight said with a small smile. Giving Dusk a few seconds to process what she had just said. After all, she knew he would now begin to understand the truth.

“You say… that you come from another world?” Dusk said, almost ready to laugh in mockery. “Since I discovered your lies, do you want to make me believe that other universes exist and you come from a parallel universe? Hahaha! Don't be ridiculous!” Dusk mocked, annoyed to see that that mare thought he was stupid enough to believe such a silly story.

"It's the truth!" Twilight said with a worried look. “I was in the library, researching one of Mage Meadowbrook's nine enchanted items, when something went wrong, and somehow I got here, into this world!”

Mage Meadowbrook only had eight magical items, not nine…” Dusk thought annoyed. Recognizing another lie.

“When I got here, I tried to go to Ponyville. But here, everyone was so in need of lessons in friendship, that I finally extended my stay in the city.” Twilight continued speaking. “This is how I have spent the last few days giving talks about friendship. Telling the adventures that my friends and I lived in my world. Although it seems that they’re a little different from the ones you have lived here..."

“It's a story too fantastic to believe…” Dusk said, looking annoyed at Twilight. "Everything is a lie! Applejack herself recognized that the story you told about how you lost your cutie mark was false.” Dusk added, looking askance at Applejack, who, for some reason, had looked away with a confused look.

“It's because that story is false! It was the only thing I could think of as an excuse for not having my cutie mark.” Twilight said, nervous about not being able to convince Dusk. “My theory is that since you’re my double in this world, my cutie mark couldn't be duplicated here. After all, cutie marks are a very ancient magic that-”

“And how did you find out about me, if all these days you have stayed here in Manehattan!?” Dusk interrupted angrily. Trying to corner Twilight with the gaps in her story.

“I ran into a reporter who knew you, or at least your story.” Twilight said with a shrug. “For some reason, she knew my name was Twilight and showed me a report from the Ponyville school newspaper. It said that Dusk Shine was Twilight's brother... Honestly, I don't know how you did it, but it didn't take me to put two and two together to understand that somehow you briefly transformed into a mare and pretended to be me... Or rather, another Twilight, since you didn't know of my existence.”

"ENOUGH!!" Dusk shouted annoyed. “It's a ridiculous story! The multiverse is just a baseless theory, they’re fictional stories for foals! It’s all a big, huge lie!!”

“Well, if it's a lie, why don't you ask the most honest and trustworthy pony in the world already!?” Twilight yelled in frustration. Pointing at Applejack, who was next to Dusk.

Turning around, Dusk saw that Applejack was pale, with a nervous look.

"What's going on?" Dusk asked worried, looking at his friend.

“She… She's not lying…” Applejack said. Still unable to believe that she didn't find a hint of a lie in anything that Twilight had said.

Upon hearing Applejack's response, Dusk opened his eyes wide and his face was also pale. Then, everyone remained in an awkward and long silence. One that was necessary for everyone to understand that somehow, the madness they had just heard... Was it true!?

"It's... It's impossible..." Dusk finally muttered. Fighting in his head to try to find a reasonable justification for everything he had just heard.

“Listen, Dusk. I know it's a lot to process. Take your time,” Twilight said, approaching Dusk and gently touching him on his side. Looking at him tenderly, Twilight said, “Now I have to get back to my show. Everyone is waiting for me to tell them the end of my story. You should come! Everyone is expectant, wanting to know how I was able to defeat powerful villains thanks to my friends and the power of friendship.”

Seeing that Dusk was still pale, without reacting, Twilight sighed sadly, looked at her friends, giving them a sad smile, and began to walk away. Back to the side of the river, where her audience gathered to listen to her.

“I hope you can see my show. I promise you that we can continue talking once it's over.” Twilight said smiling. “Come to the front row, so I can see you well,” Twilight added, winking at them. Finally, walking away from there.

“Dusk… Are you okay?” Pinkie Pie asked worriedly. Seeing that Dusk was still silent, with his head bowed and motionless.

“Yes, I'm fine… It's just…” Dusk said, raising his head and putting on a sad smile. He was still fighting the evidence before him. He wanted to ask Applejack if she was completely sure about what she said, but he knew he couldn't distrust his friend. Still, what Twilight was saying was completely crazy. Even though she sounded coherent, his rational being was screaming at him that something was missing, that it was impossible to believe such an absurd story. “I think… the best thing would be to watch the show…” Dusk finally said, after a long silence. Annoyed with himself, realizing that even a little, he was beginning to think that there was a small chance that what Twilight was saying could be true.

Dusk and his friends went to the park's river again to listen to the final part of the Twilight show. However, upon arriving, they realized that Twilight was no longer speaking in an open space. Now, for some reason, the show had been moved to a small improvised stage, which was next to the bridge that crossed the park's river. A stage that was surrounded by curtains, so that no one outside could see it from the outside.

Dusk and his friends approached the curtains that limited that stage and saw that at the entrance, there was a sign with Twilight's face, which announced her show and said: 'See here, Twilight, the heroine of Equestria! Hear her incredible stories for only 2 coins.' At the entrance, an old pony collects coins to be able to pass the curtains. Dusk gave a confused look, not understanding why Twilight had spoken loudly in the park before and now she was charging to be seen and heard. Feeling again that there was something fishy about it all.

After paying, Dusk, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie passed through the curtains. There, Dusk saw that almost all the ponies that had previously been in the park were now there too. Everyone looked expectantly at Twilight, who had just then begun to tell her story. She started precisely from where she had left her previous story unfinished. Telling how Fluttershy bravely approached the manticore and, although it roared at her, Fluttershy took its paw and removed a thorn that was stuck in it. Then, the manticore licked Fluttershy in gratitude. Twilight told how, with that, she understood that sometimes you just have to trust in the kindness of others. After that, Twilight continued telling how her other friends taught her about laughter, generosity, and loyalty until they finally faced the powerful Nightmare Moon, managing to defeat her together, thanks to Twilight discovering the magic of friendship.

As she finished her story, the entire audience burst into applause and cheers. Dusk looked at Twilight in surprise, seeing that her story was slightly different from what had happened to him, but the background was the same. More importantly, Twilight didn't miss the opportunity to emphasize how important friendship was and how it had helped her become a better pony.

I'm still confused about many things, but what I can't deny is that Twilight has made all these ponies interested in friendship and learn from it…” Dusk thought in surprise. Feeling more and more insecure about his own position, thinking that perhaps Twilight was who she said she was.

"It just can't be!" Applejack suddenly said in distress. Something that brought Dusk out of his thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Dusk asked confused. Looking at Applejack and then where her friend was looking. Then he also put on a surprised look.

“Let's give another big round of applause to our great heroine!” A pony said, going up to the small stage. A thin stallion, with yellow fur, a red and white tail and mane. Additionally, he wore a blue and white striped vest and a hat.

“Twilight! The savior of Equestria! Protector of the kingdom!” Another stallion said, walking behind the other. Almost identical to the previous one, dressed exactly the same. With the difference that this stallion had a mustache.

“The Flim Flam brothers!?” Dusk said very surprised. Recognizing both stallions very well, as both had tried to take the farm away from Applejack and her family. “What are they doing here?”

“The story of how Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon is known to everyone in Equestria.” Flim said cheerfully while on stage. “But… Did you know that she also fought a dragon?” Flim asked towards the audience.

"I didn't fight... Rather, Fluttershy did all the work of chasing it away." Twilight said, blushing.

“As modest as ever, dear.” Flam said, interrupting Twilight and returning his focus to the audience. “What about the time you traveled to the Wild West and faced a buffalo charge? Or when you saved Canterlot from the attack of some dangerous changelings? Or when you faced the mighty Discord?” Flam added, leaving everyone in the audience excited to find out more about it.

“But dear brother, how do you know so much about Twilight's adventures?” Flim asked, feigning ignorance.

“Well, it's simple, dear brother. It’s all here.” Flam said, holding up a purple book with a large golden horseshoe on its cover. “This is the Journal of Friendship! A diary where our heroine Twilight has written down all her adventures with her friends. A text full of wisdom and lessons of friendship. A must-have book in every pony's home... And today you can get it for the incredible price of only 10 coins!”

Without wasting time, all the ponies in the audience rushed to try to be the first to buy that valuable book, which told the secret stories of their greatest heroine.

“And don't forget that Twilight will be signing autographs for only 1 coin!” Flim added while his brother sold copies of the Journal of Friendship. Bringing a stack of photos of Twilight, and placing them in front of the lavender mare. Causing another line to form in front of her to get her autograph.

“Dusk, look! I think I know that photographer.” Pinkie Pie suddenly said. Pointing at a mare that was in the front row, taking pictures of Twilight and her admirers. “Wasn't she the fake waitress that got kicked out of Shining and Cadance's wedding?”

Dusk's eyes widened in surprise when he remembered that. The mare that Pinkie was targeting was the mare that Shining told him was the one who was harassing him and Cadence. A nosy reporter who liked show business.

“That must be the reporter that Raven Ink gave the Ponyville newspaper to, with the story of Twilight saving Equestria.” Dusk said, putting on a thoughtful look.

If that same reporter is here, it explains a lot of things. But there's still something that doesn't fit…” Dusk thought. Breaking his head at the mystery in front of him.

“Well… If we wanted to know if something strange was happening, this is definitely the test.” Applejack said, looking annoyed at the twins, as they sold their merchandise.

“Yeah… it seems that Flim and Flam are using Twilight for their own business, but…” Dusk said, looking from afar at Twilight, who seemed not to care that all of this was a business. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying herself while being praised by dozens of ponies.

While Dusk was looking at Twilight, he was distracted when he saw a filly passing by who had just bought a copy of the so-called 'Journal of Friendship.'

“Sorry, could I look at it for just a moment?” Dusk asked kindly.

“Hmm… Well… Twilight says you should always share.” The little filly said uncertainly, passing the book to Dusk. Then she opened her eyes wide when she saw that next to Dusk was Pinkie Pie. “You're Pinkie Pie!? Is it true that you have something called 'pinkie-sense' that warns you of danger!?”

"Yep!" Pinkie Pie said proudly. Until she realized something and opened her eyes in surprise. "How do you know that?"

“It appears in the book…” Dusk responded before the filly responded. Quickly flipping through the book and verifying that, as Flam announced, that book told several of the adventures that Dusk and his friends had had. With the difference that it told them in a different way, and in those stories, Twilight was the protagonist and not Dusk Shine. “The most important events that I had since I arrived in Ponyville are written here… In essence, they’re the same stories, but they happen in a different way for Twilight.”

“Well… She said she was from a parallel world. Things won't happen the same way they happened to you, right?” Applejack said, confused, scratching her head.

At Applejack's comment, Dusk simply remained silent, with a very thoughtful face as he looked at the book.

That reporter was the one who exposed Twilight's story, and that's why the fake Twilight was able to know about my adventures. Just like Flim and Flam.” Dusk thought, trying to think logically. “But… that doesn't explain how Twilight knows so many details about my friends. Things that I never said when I was transformed as Twilight…” Dusk thought, frustrated, closing his eyes in annoyance, feeling his head hurt. Thinking that he could understand that Flim and Flam had made a fraud about Twilight, that whole theory fell apart because Twilight herself was there, and that her story and knowledge were unquestionable and true.

“Maybe we should talk to that reporter,” Dusk said, deciding to question everyone involved in that mystery. “Do you remember what her name was?”

“Hmm… Her name is Nosey News.” A female voice suddenly said behind Dusk and his friends. The three ponies jumped around and opened their eyes in surprise.

“Derpy!? What are you doing here?" Dusk asked, very surprised to see the clumsy gray pegasus there, in Manehattan. Carrying her small mailpony's suitcase.

“I have a letter for her.” Derpy said, taking a letter out of her suitcase and pointing it at the reporter, who was still photographing Twilight. “I've been delivering letters to Miss Nosey News for several weeks.”

“Anyone sending her letters from Ponyville?” Dusk asked confused, looking at the letter Derpy was holding. Then he opened his eyes in surprise when he saw that the envelope was closed with a stamp that he recognized. A blue shield with the golden drawing of a caped filly.

That… Isn't that the club symbol of Apple Bloom and the others?” Dusk thought surprised and very confused.

“Can we see the letter?” Applejack asked, reaching out to take the letter from Derpy. However, the pegasus immediately took it out of her reach.

“It’s not okay to read other people's correspondence,” Derpy said, with an annoyed look. Which on her innocent face, looked quite adorable.

Without wasting any more time, the responsible Ponyville mailpony went and approached the reporter to deliver her correspondence. From afar, Dusk indicated to his friends to follow him, and they stealthily approached closer to the reporter. Hiding behind the other ponies in the audience so she wouldn't see them.

Nosey News received the letter delivered by Derpy with joy and she quickly approached the side of the makeshift stage. Where Flim and Flam began to count the coins earned that day, while Twilight continued happily signing the last autographs.

Flim saw the reporter with a subtle look of disgust and told Nosey News to follow him behind a curtain, which was behind the stage. Meanwhile, Flam approached Twilight, faking a smile, and indicated to the fans that it was time to leave and let Twilight rest.

Seeing that everyone was starting to leave the place, Dusk and his friends hid behind some chairs, maintaining their spy position. And when they saw that Flim and Twilight also walked back from the stage, Dusk and his friends silently approached a corner of the stage to listen from one side, where it was darker.

“I'm telling you, it's no longer necessary…” Dusk was able to hear what Flim was saying. Apparently having a small argument with the reporter.

“What is not necessary?” Twilight asked. Not knowing what Flim was talking about.

“I-It's nothing. Don’t worry, hehe.” Flim responded quickly, with a nervous smile. Then he subtly looked at his brother and signaled with his gaze to take Twilight out of there.

“Dear Twilight, it's just a business talk. There is nothing to worry about," Flam said. Quickly taking his brother's cue, he hugged Twilight from the side and guided her back the way they had entered. “The best thing is that you return to the riverside and continue telling your fans your great stories of friendship… But remember, only tell them the first part. The main show is where you tell the end of your stories.”

“Hmm… I still think it would be simpler to tell the complete stories with an ending at once.” Twilight said with an unsure look, as she was subtly pushed by Flam to get out of there. “I don't know if my friends would like to know what I charge for telling the end of their stories.”

“Nonsense, it's not for the money, it's just to make it more exciting!” Flam said smiling. However, seeing Twilight looking at him with a raised eyebrow, Flam had to change his deception tactic. "Okay, I know. It's true that we make a little bit of money on the second show. But it's all to have the funds to publish your beautiful Journal of Friendship! Isn't it good that your lessons in friendship reach every corner of Equestria? With your diary, it can be like that! But for that, we need some financing.”

“I-I guess you're right…” Twilight said unsure, but accepting the answer. Finally being taken out through the stage curtain. Heading again near the river, to continue telling her stories.

“Wow… she sure takes her role very seriously…” Nosey News said, a little surprised to see Twilight's reaction. Then she shook her head and returned her focus to Flim and their previous discussion. “What do you mean it's no longer necessary?” The reporter added, showing Flim and Flam the letter that Derpy had just given her. “Here are more details about the life of Dusk Shine and his friends in Ponyville. The more information we have, the more difficult it’ll be for us to be discovered!”

“Hmm… If you insist so much, I guess I'll take it.” Flim said reluctantly, taking the letter from Nosey News, approaching a table, opening a drawer and putting the letter inside a book he had kept there. Then, reluctantly, Flim motioned to his brother, and Flam handed the reporter a small bag of coins. “Here is your pay. But this will be the last time. We already have enough information about Dusk and his friends. We don’t need more to maintain the fraud.”

As soon as Nosey News heard Flim mention the word fraud, she frowned and froze right before taking the money. Then she lowered her gaze and looked away with sadness and disgust.

“I… I don't want your money.” Nosey News said, upset with herself for being in that situation. “I’m a reporter, and I have my integrity.”

Flim and Flam looked at each other, and both burst into laughter. Causing the reporter to blush in embarrassment.

"Integrity? You were the one who gave us the idea for this scam! Hahaha!" Flam said laughing.

“I didn't do this for money! I did it out of necessity!” Nosey News shouted, upset and embarrassed. Looking away as she remembered how she had gotten to that point. “How was I supposed to know that my informant in the castle was going to give me false information!? That damn Raven! I needed to redeem myself as a journalist so much that I did an entire report on Twilight Sparkle, based on the information she gave me! When I found out that Twilight Sparkle didn't exist and that all her exploits had been done by Dusk Shine, it was too late... After the wedding fiasco, if my boss found out the truth, he would fire me!”

At that point, Nosey News stopped for a moment to calm down. Releasing a small tear of helplessness when remembering everything that happened and how a simple mistake turned into a huge web of lies.

“Dusk Shine and his friends didn't seem to care about fame, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to keep up Twilight's ruse and not have my boss fire me…” Nosey News continued, venting her pent up frustration. “I was contacted by letter the first reporter who made the Twilight story, Miss Gabby Gums… She admitted that Dusk Shine had done all those feats and was willing to tell the truth… I had to fool her, too. I told her that my readers would love to know more about Dusk and his friends. Then she sent me unpublished details about them, about their adventures and how they learned more about friendship together... I promised Gabby Gums that I would make a book about friendship as thanks to her, where everyone would meet the real Dusk Shine and his friends. But instead, I made my Twilight hoax more believable... The Twilight story was a hit! Everyone started wondering where Twilight Sparkle was…”

“And that's when we appear in your story, isn't it?” Flim said pretending to yawn. Bored with the reporter's outburst moment of sincerity. "You worry too much! If you're worried about the book, that was no hoax! Here is the book! And we sell it at a very good price…”

“I never thought that fraud would grow so much… Now it's like a huge snowball that not even I can stop!” Nosey News said, holding her shaking head. “You knew from the beginning that there was no Twilight Sparkle and that all her feats had really been done by Dusk Shine. That's why you two took advantage of me. You started selling my stories to get rich… You even hired an actress so that no one would doubt that Twilight DID exist!”

“You're wrong about that. She's no actress; she's the real Twilight,” Flam said, smiling a sinister smile that made the reporter even more nervous.

"I'm not interested! I don’t want to know!” Nosey News said, turning around. Feeling like she couldn't stand being with those scammers anymore, she began to walk away. “I'm not interested in what you do. I’m just interested in keeping my job, and as long as the fraud continues, that will remain the case.”

As she was about to step through the curtain to leave, Nosey News paused for a second and took one last look at the unicorn twins.

“There's one thing I don't understand… Why doesn't your Twilight Sparkle have a cutie mark?” Nosey News asked confused. Realizing that with all that enormous fraud, drawing a fake cutie mark wouldn’t have been a problem for those two charlatans.

“When we unveiled our show sign, announcing that 'Twilight Sparkle would be performing live,' some rich nobles arrived insisting that we remove the word 'Sparkle'.” Flim responded with a shrug. “So they asked us to remove the fake name Sparkle and hide Twilight's cutie mark.”

“In exchange, they gave us a lot of money,” Flam added, smiling greedily. “With the power and money those nobles have, they surely could have canceled our show easily. But apparently, they liked the idea that everyone began to believe that the one who saved Equestria was an unknown mare named Twilight and not that detestable Dusk Shine.”

Hearing that, Nosey News put on a thoughtful and confused look. Feeling a slight chill that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"What is this? That chill… My journalistic instinct says there is a truly great story there!” Nosey News thought, her eyes shining with excitement. However, she quickly shook her head to concentrate. "No! Enough chasing ghosts! I still haven't escaped the mess my last big news generated. I won't be doing anymore crazy research for a long time!

Finally, Nosey News broke through the curtains and left, wanting to get as far away as possible from all that Twilight fraud that she herself had created. Meanwhile, Flam got closer to his brother, then opened the drawer of the table next to him, taking out the book stored there and the letter that was there.

“What do you think brother?” Flam said, staring at the letter Nosey News had given them. “Do you want to include this new information about Dusk Shine and his friends for our show?”

"I don't think so. Our Twilight is already convincing enough with everything she already knows.” Flim responded smiling. Taking the letter and tearing it in half. “Besides, it's best that Twilight doesn't wake up. It would be risky.”

Flim and Flam laughed together and then also passed through the curtains, ready to prepare their act. Waiting for Twilight to finish telling the first half of her stories for free, then charging to hear how it ended.

When they saw that there was no one left behind the stage, Dusk and his friends came out into the light from the corner where they had seen and heard everything. The three of them looked surprised when they discovered that crazy conspiracy.

“I knew that multiverse thing was crazy!” Dusk said, hitting the ground, feeling relieved that his conception of spacetime was still intact. He used his magic to levitate the letter that Flim and Flam had torn up, showing his friends the Cutie Mark Crusaders symbol. That's how ‘Twilight’ knows so many details about you and me. Apple Bloom and her friends were the informants!”

“Why would Apple Bloom and the others do something like that?” Pinkie Pie asked confused.

“They didn't do it with bad intentions… That reporter contacted 'Gabby Gums' and promised them that she would tell the truth and make a book about friendship.” Dusk responded, looking away with sadness. That was the surprise that the three of them had prepared for me. They wanted to give me a book with our adventures. But that reporter tricked them, and what she really did was give those letters to Flim and Flam so that the fake Twilight would maintain her deception.”

“But… If that Twilight is fake, why couldn't I know that she was lying?” Applejack asked confused, scratching her head. “She must be a very good actress.”

“I'm not sure…” Dusk responded, narrowing his eyes and looking nervously at the ground.

There is something that bothers me…” Dusk thought, feeling that something didn't fit right. “What did Flim mean when he said he didn't want to 'wake up' Twilight...?

Suddenly Dusk looked at the table there. There was the book in which Flim had initially hidden the letter before his brother took it out. It seemed like they had forgotten to put it back in the drawer after taking it out. Upon seeing it, the first thing that surprised Dusk was that that book was not a copy of the 'Journal of Friendship' that those two charlatans were selling, but a magic book. And upon reading the title of that book, Dusk got a chill as a new theory began to form in his head.

It can't be... They wouldn't be able to!” Dusk thought scared. Taking the magic book and starting to review it quickly. Then he stopped when he saw a specific page of the book, one where a certain spell was explained. And that page itself was scribbled, as if someone had written some extra things there, information on how to improve the spell printed on that page.

“They can't have fallen that low!” Dusk said almost in a shout, with a mixture of fear and anger. He threw the book on the ground and opened the table drawer where Flim had previously hidden it. There, Dusk found what he feared and a chill ran down his spine.

“Dusk? Are you right?" Pinkie Pie asked worriedly, approaching Dusk when she saw that his face turned pale. While Applejack bent down and picked up the book that Dusk had dropped.

“'Advanced Spells, Volume Three: Mental Spells'?” Applejack read the book's cover, looking at Dusk confused.

“Applejack, you were right… Twilight wasn't lying. Or at least, she doesn't think so…” Dusk said, looking down angrily. Then he raised his head and showed his friends what he had found in the drawer: a bell. “Twilight blindly believes that she really lived all those adventures... because she is hypnotized!” Dusk shouted furiously, finally discovering the dirty trick those two scammers used this time.

At that precise moment, at the Manehattan train station, a mare with yellow fur and a red and gold mane was getting off a train that came from Northern Equestria.

“It was a long trip… I hope it was worth the detour.” Sunset Shimmer sighed tiredly, as she got off the train and began to walk through the huge station. Then she used her magic and levitated a newspaper she was carrying with her. “Now… Let's see who this 'Twilight' pony is…” Sunset added, looking intrigued at the photograph of that purple-furred mare. Wondering if that mare that the newspaper called 'heroine of Equestria' was the cunning hooded mare who had managed to beat her in a magical duel weeks ago.

End of chapter 31

Author's Note:

Many thanks to 'Silveranon' for his great help:pinkiehappy: