• Published 7th Apr 2021
  • 1,414 Views, 29 Comments

The Goddesses of Ice and Fire - Foal Star

Rainbow Dash has been given the role to give birth to the newest reincarnation of the Goddess of Fire

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Chapter seven: A Date in Manehattan

It's been about a month since Rainbow Dash's misadventures in Spike's comic book, and things have progressed much with her pregnancy. The pregnant mare groaned as she was slowly getting up and looking down at her bloated belly. She gently took a hoof, rubbed it over her body feeling how tight her stomach was, and looked down at her stress lines running all over her body. Everything about her feeling off both having shivers feeling cold while her forehead was hot to the touch like she had a fever. She was feeling sick, and she ran to the bathroom, where she puked hot flames and snow from her mouth. Most would be somewhat stunned by this, but Rainbow Dash was used to this by now. After flushing and gurgling her mouth with mouthwash, she looked into the mirror seeing her dreary eyes staring back at her. Rainbow Dash still couldn't believe that she was actually going through with this pregnancy. Still, the pegasus was rather happy that she wasn't doing this on her own. She slowly walked over to the guest room she rarely used, and her face turned a bright red. The simple guest room was now looking like a nursery with two cribs, a diaper changing table, and a few toys. The walls, however, were still bare, being a dull white. She and Winter were still debating how they were going to go about painting the nursery, but it's not a big deal. She was around four months pregnant, so it would be a while before the foals were born. Rainbow Dash went down the hall and wasn't that surprised to see Winter already up with breakfast ready to go,

"Eggs, pancakes, and tofu bacon topped with hot sauce and a sprinkle of frost." Winter chimed as she slid the meal towards her marefriend.

Rainbow's mouth was drooling, looking down at the table, and she snickered as she sat down at the table, "thanks, but seriously, I can make breakfast once in a while too. I'm not helpless, you know?"'

Winter threw a hoof nonchalantly. "Oh, don't fret about it; I know you're throwing your weight cloudbusting; it's the least I can do."

Rainbow Dash nodded as she dug into her meal, too busy gouging into her food. But it gave her time to think a little, realizing that Winter hasn't been able to do much since winter wrap-up. She then looked up and replied, "alright...I know it's hard for you since Winter is still months away."

Winter threw a hoof in the air and replied, "oh, it's fine; I have no issues with how things are besides? We have bigger issues we need to address."

Rainbow scoffed, wondering what they could possibly be missing, "we already have a bunch of foal supplies, a crib, and even nursing equipment. What else could you even be addressing?

"Hmmm, nothing like that. It's just that Rarity wants us to go to Manehatten, and you haven't responded, and the train leaves in a few hours." Winter explained.

Rainbow Dash looked down at her body, seeing how her belly was bloated outward and teats now bulbous again. She didn't want to admit it, but she was becoming self-conscious about her body as she shook her head, "I... I'm just uncomfortable with going out looking like this."

Winter shook her head as she walked over and placed a hoof on her mare friend's shoulder, and commented, "Rainbow, you're beautiful."

"Oh, stop lying!" Rainbow Dash cried out, feeling somewhat flustered from the compliment.

Winter threw her hooves over her eyes and squeaked, "I'm serious! You look amazing! You make me blush, for crying out loud!"

Rainbow Dash was stunned as Winter had a bad habit of not telling how she really feels, but she could tell that Winter wasn't lying. The mare got up and walked over to her marefriend and nuzzled her. "I'm sorry you're right, and thank you. I appreciate your compliment."

The two kept nuzzling each other, which eventually led to kissing. Still, the moment broke when Rainbow Dash got up and groaned, feeling the pressure in her teats beneath her underbelly. The mare then walked off back to her bedroom with Winter, who then helped push the cups over her teats and turned the machine on. Rainbow closed her eyes as she had her teats being milked. After an hour of being on the device, she felt the pressure release hearing that satisfying "pop." Winter closed up the machine then asked, "so...you want to go to Manehattan?"

She gave a sigh thinking it over; she already took a few days off in advance just in case she decided to go, or she was just planning to relax and have a staycation. But in those last few moments, she decided to go and grumbled, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Alright, well, we should get packing," Winter replied as she helped Rainbow Dash off the bed, and the two mares went along and picked up clothes and had them pack her milk machine. As they were getting ready to go, Rainbow Dash found herself looking in the mirror multiple times and having doubts about this trip. It wasn't just the fact her friends were going to see her like this, she still had a dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, and she didn't want her public image marked by her pregnant body. But... Winter's words came back to her about being beautiful, and she did admire her slender curves. Her somewhat toned body gave her a feeling of admiration that she still retained her physical prowess despite the pregnancy. Rainbow Dash then came to the door with a single suitcase, only bringing the milk machine and her vitamins.

Winter turned and snickered, "you sure you don't want to bring any clothes?"

"Buck, no, I'm not going to be modeling or anything...also we're going, but I'm going to ask for our room for...you know...privacy," Rainbow mumbled, feeling embarrassed about her teats and didn't want an audience made up of her friends watching her being milked. They then set off from her house above Ponyville, and she could only hope that there weren't many ponies at the train station.

Rainbow Dash flew down to the train station accompanied by Winter as they came upon the rest of her friends at the train station. The other ponies seemed to be rather excited about the trip and talking primarily about the new musical "Hinny of the Hills," Rainbow Dash's cheeks were a bit pink as she also heard about the musical and was also interested in seeing it. But it didn't take long for the rest of her friends to look over at her and gasped in surprise. Rarity was the first to come over and compliment her, "Rainbow Dash! I'm so glad you could make it! I was worried that you were going to not come!"

Rainbow Dash took a second to compose herself, seeing her friends weren't gawking at her or making her feel uncomfortable. She got up and replied, "yeah, of course, I was going to come, but...I would like to ask a favor?"

Rarity threw a hoof, "oh, if you're going to ask for a private room for you and Winter, that's already been arranged. I know with your condition you would like some privacy."

Rainbow Dash beamed a smile; out of all her friends, she and Rarity don't get along that much, but she had to admit she knew when to make accommodations. She does an excellent job. "Alright! Well, then it's settled; let's get going!"

Rarity, however, just stood there and slowly opened her mouth as if to say something, and she eventually did, "Rainbow...I know you are still against the idea of trying out some maternity dresses, but I was t-"

"No thanks! I'm not going to model anything while we're out, ok!?" Rainbow snapped she wasn't going to ruin her vacation by modeling dresses or whatever else Rarity had in store. She then flew into the train and plopped down on one of the seats. Winter eventually flew by her and asked, "hey? Rarity didn't mean to embarrass you; I think she just got inspired by your new body and wanted some help with seeing how they would look."

"I understand that! But I really don't feel comfortable doing that, ok?" Rainbow Dash growled as she settled into her seat. As her friends got on the train, it wasn't much longer; the chugging of the train pulled itself from the station, and they set off to Manehattan.

When the ponies finally made it to Manhattan, Winter and Rainbow Dash settled with Winter in their hotel room. The pregnant mare was laid out on the bed, relaxing on the bed and stretching her limbs, "ugh, that was one heck of a train ride! I never felt so stiff in my life!"

Winter walked over and asked, "so...while Rarity is off doing her fashion week contest, why don't you and I go hit up the city by ourselves?"

"Yeah, I guess we got nothing else to do?" Rainbow grumbled, "but I swear if any other pony comments on my body, I'm going to blow a fuse!"

"Ok, ok, just don't go ballistic on anypony," Winter snickered.

The two then set off through the city; as they walked about, Rainbow Dash could feel the stares of many ponies gawking at Rainbow's body. She was feeling rathered and flustered, but Winter's presence kept her that soothed her down to not start shouting at everypony and looking crazy. They then came to see a relaxing looking spa with a statue outside of ponies sitting cross-legged outside what looked like an oriental temple of some sort. Winter was the first to point a hoof at it and asked, "Hey, why don't we try that?"

Rainbow Dash realized it has been a while since she had a massage; she knew due to her condition, she wouldn't be able to get her super deep tissue massage that she usually got back in Ponyville, but anything would be nice to alleviate the stress of her pregnancy. "Alright, it wouldn't hurt to get a massage."

She and her marefriend both then walked inside. They were surprised to see the interior with an oriental-looking interior; the walls were decorated with exotic flowers and bamboo with a small waterfall in the back of the relatively large waiting area. They then both walked up to a receptionist, a young pegasus mare sitting in a cross-legged yoga pose with her eyes closed. She didn't even open her eyes when she addressed the two and asked, "hello there and welcome to the Zen Spa; how may I assist you?"

Winter paused, looking somewhat surprised as Rainbow Dash held up a hoof and asked, "so...um, do you have any recommendations for a pregnant mare? Or is this one of those things I can't do while pregnant."

The mares looked up, and upon seeing Rainbow, she smiled and replied, "oh, of course, we do! We will do a light massage around your belly and groin area. We will do our best to provide a soft, pleasant blend of oil and creams to help elevate any aches and cramps. Of course...there is even a discount for pregnant mares."

Rainbow was actually enticed by the offer and nodded, "yes, please, I'll do it!"

"Oh, and can I get something like an ice bath while Rainbow Dash gets her massage?" Winter asked.

"Oh, of course! Now together, both will cost three hundred and fifty bits." the mare replied.

Both Rainbow and Winter squeaked at the price, but Rainbow took a bag of bits out. "It's fine; when we are on vacation, there's no reason not to spend a little."

After she paid for their treatments, Rainbow Dash was taken to a bench that was surrounded by candles and incense burning on sticks. It was thick with a relaxing and welcoming aroma. She was laid out on her back, wings stretched out, and flopped over. She laid her head back and let the mare do her work. She could feel the gentle hooves hitting several tight knots in her back. The hooves were covered in a coat of oil and cream, helping smooth out the skin underneath her coat. The feeling and experience of the massages were so relaxing and gentle Rainbow Dash couldn't help but moan once in a while. The feeling of the masseuse's hooves moving across her back felt so lovely, and she was somewhat cautious as she pressed gently into the sore spots across her shoulder blades. It was unlike anything Rainbow Dash ever experienced, and it was, without doubt, a gentle but well-deserved massage. Then the preening began as she felt her wings being groom with the feeling of the hooves of the masseuse moving across her feathers, removing bent ones, and cleaning the dirt from the crevices. It was a tense and sensational feeling as she could feel each of her feathers being touched. She shivered and whimpered as they were gentle, seeming to make sure that they weren't harming or making her feel uncomfortable. Then she was told to flip over, which she did without hesitation. The masseuse took some more cream and oil and rubbed them over her hooves. She then progressed, providing a very light touch to her pregnant belly. Rainbow's cheeks flushed pink, seeing her move around the bottom part of her belly, smoothing out the tight skin and making sure to not be near the womb. The mare hummed as she made sure to provide light, smooth, relaxing motions making her way to Rainbow's nether regions as she asked, "may I provide comfort in your private areas?"

The daredevil mare wasn't sure at first, but the masseuse was so kind and relaxing that she couldn't help but want to get some relief around her more tender areas and nodded "yes." The mare just gave a nod back before starting to rub her hooves around her crotchboobs and making sure to just rub the oil over them, smoothing them out; she squeaked, feeling them leak a little. But the mare already had a small bucket catching the excess milk and placing it aside. She then continued until she came to Rainbow's more sensitive parts. Rainbow laid her head back and just let the masseuse do her work, rubbing those gentle hooves over the most sensitive parts of her body. Rainbow Dash felt at peace with herself and the world and was feeling relatively relaxed from the massage. When she opened her eyes, the mare replied, "alright we're finished here."

Rainbow slowly got up, and she was surprised that all the aches and tightness throughout her body seemed to have disappeared. She felt as if a giant weight was lifted off her shoulders, and all the stress and pain from her body was gone. Rainbow Dash rose up and stumbled after the masseuse. She draped a bathrobe over her and then applied a chalky green face mask over the pegasus's face as she explained. "Now, your marefriend is in an ice bath and finishing, I suggest you come with me to a nice warm bath. I filled it with soft bath salts to help finish your cleanse."

"Yeah...that sounds really nice," Rainbow sighed as she followed her to a small warm pool of water, letting it engulf her body. She sank into the soft clean water that seemed to just amplify the masseuse's work on her body as the mare felt any minor pains wash away from her body. Being rather tired and quite relaxed, she closed her eyes and sunk into the water, and decided to take a nap.

After a few hours soaking in the hot tub, Rainbow Dash reunited with Winter at the lobby; she also seemed to be preened and relaxed from her own experience at the fancy massage parlor. They both hugged each other with Rainbow Dash whispering, "my goodness, I feel so relaxed; I'm glad we came here."

"Me too, you look...wow even more beau-" Winter was going to finish her compliment. Still, Rainbow Dash planted a kiss on Winter's lips, and they held their embrace for a moment before they both trotted out the door with each other's heads nuzzled next to each other. Winter looked up to see the sun setting and suggested, "hmmm, maybe we should head back? Rarity might be back from her event?"

Rainbow Dash was going to agree, seeing she was well relaxed and ready to see Hinny of the Hills, but her stomach then made a loud growl, and both mares burst into laughter. Rainbow Dash turned to face her marefriend and suggested, "well, then guess if we could get a bite to eat first."

"Yes, who knows if we'll be able to eat during the musical," Winter added.

They then saw they were next to a rather homely, looking pizza parlor with some ponies on tables enjoying delicious-looking slices of pizza. Enticed by the aromas that wafted from the food, Rainbow Dash and Winter both walked into the parlor with the smell of garlic, tomatoes, and cheese seeming to encase them. There was a happy chubby stallion who waved a hoof, "welcome! You two are here for Manehattan's best quality pizza, am I right?"

Winter snickered as Rainbow rolled her eyes, "I bet every pizzeria owner says that? What makes you so special?"

"Oh, come now!? You two have no idea what you're missing! I am the best, and I have proven it again and again. Now come and sit!" the chubby stallion exclaimed as he patted the two chairs down with a hoof.

The two then sat down across from each other, and then they ordered a giant pizza. Rainbow Dash's side had spicy jalapenos, ghost peppers, hot sauce, a dash of cold mozzarella cheese, and frozen tofu pepperoni. In contrast, Winter just had that on her side. Winter ate her side of the pizza with a smile as she watched her marefriend devour her's. Rainbow was immersed in eating the mouthwatering pizza with the spiciness and cold texture melded into perfect harmony in her mouth. She ate about a quarter of the pie before she burped and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "That was good."

"Yes, it was; we should bring some of this pizza to our friends," Winter added. The fat stallion waved a hoof, "hey, if you enjoyed it so much, please come again! I love serving new customers!"

"Oh, we will! We're going to come back every time we visit!" Rainbow chirped, and she meant that, having never eaten sound this good in her entire life! As the two got up they walked off back to the hotel.

As the two came to check on their friends, the two pegasi were somewhat astonished at what they saw. Rarity was freaking out and having the rest of her friends have taken any kind of fabric, along with every curtain and sheet in the room, and had turned them into long rolls of cloth being ready to be made into outfits.

"Uh, what's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking both confused and concerned at the state of the room.

Rarity gasped and shouted, "everypony, stop!"

She turned her head to Rainbow and pleaded, "Rainbow! I require your assistance! Somepony stole my ideas and ruined me! I have made a full line of maternity dresses already. But...I...I need your help! Would you model for me?"

"What!? No way!" Rainbow Dash shouted back, being adamant about not being a model for any reason.

Rarity threw herself at Rainbow's hooves, wailing, "Please! I'll do anything!"

Rainbow Dash looked over at her friends, who all shrugged, as her marefriend just had a sheepish grin who was probably wanting her to take the offer. Rainbow Dash really didn't want to do this but seeing Rarity was looking rather desperate, it was obviously the right thing. The pegasus slammed a hoof on the ground and shouted, "fine, I'll do it!"

"Thank you! We must be there early though, can you manage waking up at five A.M? We have to be at the studio by eight." Rarity squealed as she was jumping up and down in joy.

Rainbow Dash muttered some curses under her breath, and she threw a hoof as she walked out the door, "fine, whatever, just let me sleep then, alright. Also, I got this stuff called pizza; I had a lot leftover, so please enjoy yourselves."

The rest of her friends all looked down at the odd pizza, with most of them giving it a look of disgust. Pinkie Pie, however, was already chomping away at it, but half her face turned blue while the other half a bright red as she squealed, "eeep! That's hot and cold at the same time! How is Rainbow eating this!?"

The rest of her friends snickered while Twilight did her best to explain. "She's pregnant Pinkie, from what I've read, pregnant mares have the oddest of cravings, and seeing she's giving birth to a goddess of winter and one of fire, I assume that has something to do with her odd cravings of late."

Applejack just shrugged, "I just hope she gets back to being our old Rainbow Dash when these babies come out."

Rarity got up and shouted, "enough of this nonsense! Don't you see that Rainbow Dash needs her beauty sleep!? Besides, Applejack, you don't see what I see in our new Rainbow Dash; she isn't just any pregnant mare, she's grown into a goddess of fertility! I mean, my outfits will accentuate her femininity, but as a model, I think she will become a star!"

Fluttershy lowered her head and muttered, "hopefully, she won't get carried away as I did when you made me into a model."

Rarity coughed as she rolled a hoof over her mane, "yes, I do apologize for that. No, I'll be clear with the judges that this is a one-time thing."

The others just rolled their eyes as Twilight shrugged, "All alright, well, at least your debut at the Fashion week will be successful….but where are we going to sleep?" She looked around, seeing the sheets of the beds were now giant balls of yarn.

Rarity scoffed, "I'll just pay the hotel extra for the damages; we shall go to a new room far from Rainbow Dash to give her adequate room to rest, now come along!" She then strode off with her friends shrugging and following after the fashionista.

As the rest of her friends sought a new hotel room, Rainbow Dash strolled into her room and yawned rather loudly, stretching her hooves out. Despite the Hinny of the Hills show being delayed due to Rarity's drama. She honestly was glad at the same time, being a little too relaxed and bloated from all the food she ate. Rainbow Dash plopped onto the bed and barely noticed Winter drifting the covers over her and tucking her in. Feeling the warmth of the blanket cover her entire body. She then soon drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of eating pizza while sitting in a natural hot spring somewhere high on a snowy mountain top. Rainbow Dash looked down at her pregnant body and smiled. All that insecurity and shame she felt about herself seemed to have wafted over her. The daredevil mare laid back, feeling the strange mixture of the hot water around her body and the cold icy air around her mixed together. She just sat back, listening to the wind whistling around her as the hot boiling water around her body softened her body and made her feel at peace.