• Published 9th Apr 2021
  • 705 Views, 10 Comments

Sunflower’s always bloom in summer - Reactception

  • ...

Do I love her ??


Summer break that beautiful time of the year when everyone could take a load off and relax for awhile.

Sunset was bored she was sitting at home waiting for the weekend when she could see her friend’s.
Her friend’s all had summer job’s but she did not.

She wonder’s if their was anything to do today. Maybe the beach?

Nah. Heard it might rain today sunset thought remembering the weather man saying something like that. She could go shopping But where?
The mall was shut down and the clothing shop Rarity was working at was too expensive.

After some more thinking Sunset decides on a walk.

And she strolled on down the city streets and began to hum as she walked down the street. She looked up at the sunset. And chuckled to herself about the irony Sunset watching a sunset.

Before she knew it Sunset was out of the city and down near canterlot high as she continued her stroll lightly walking.

If their was one thing Sunset enjoyed doing alone it was walking and exploring. No distractions just her and her thought’s. But it’d been forever since she’d gone for a walk alone not since the fall formal. She’d thought if she was alone with her thought’s it’d be dangerous and she might start her plotting again become her old self again.

But ever since the memory stone incident she’d realized she wasn’t the same person and she never would be that person again.

So she had started walking this summer realizing that if her friends weren’t around she’d still be the same person.

As she causally strolled past the school something caught her eye: a girl!
Speaking of the memory stone their was the wielded of the artifact herself walking into the woods behind the school.

Having nothing better to do and subconsciously wanting to follow Wallflower she starts to follow her a quick but stealthy pace.

As she follows Wallflower Sunset looks at the girl from behind curiously having never seen the girl out of her bulky sweater or baggy cargo pants.

What she was wearing now was much different.
Wallflower was wearing a white tank top and a small obviously unbuttoned and open yellow dress shirt over it. Along with short short cargo shorts that were just tight enough to show off all her curves.
That she had hidden under her baggy cargo pants.

Sunset was thinking damn she’s hot only to shake off that thought with a shake of her head.
No Sunset she’s your friend don’t think of her like a piece of meat.

No of course not meat isn’t that thicc Sunset thought. “Shit” Sunset let out in a loud tone angry that her thoughts continued to betray her like this.

“Hello?” Wallflower calls out.

Sunset silently curses herself realizing that wallflower heard her yell shit. Sunset quickly ducks behind a tree hoping Wallflower didn’t see her.

After what felt like an eternity of hiding wallflower finally walked away muttering “guess I’m hallucinating again.”

Sunset finally popped out from behind the tree and continue’s to wonder why she was so attracted to Wallflower. Confident that Wallflower had walked the rest of the way to her garden out of earshot.

And Sunset began to talk to herself and talk out her problem’s. Talking to herself was a nasty habit sunset had started right after the fall formal she would talk all her ideas and the things that bothered her so she didn’t have any outbursts in front of her friends or classmates and ruin what was left of social status.

“Why do I find Wallflower attractive? Is it the clothes?” Sunset asked herself these questions as she considered it she thought it must be the outfit I’ve never found her attractive before right?

As Sunset thought back to when she first met Wallflower the shy girl who had temporarily taken away her friends in that green sweater and cargo pants. She had been pretty cute back then.

“Oh crap. I’m so oblivious I’ve been attracted to her this entire time” Sunset exclaims in frustration. “Is this just physical attraction?”

As Sunset thought about Wallflower and uh umm cute, caring, hardworking, stubbornness and heck even her temper made Sunset’s heart flutter.

“Holy crap I’m in love with Wallflower Blush!” Sunset tell’s herself in shock and embarrassment.

Little did Sunset know Wallflower Blush was watching her from the bushes....



She was causally walking to her garden in the wood’s behind Canterlot High. When she heard a loud high pitched “shit” come from about 7 feet behind her.

She quickly twirled around and faced the direction of the yell only to see very familiar fiery red and yellow hair duck behind a tree.

Sunset? she thought as she silently wen around the other side of the trees to peak around the tree that Sunset hid behind.

And sure enough she saw Sunset there crouched hiding her eyes squinted closed. Why would Sunset be following me? Wallflower wondered.

I bet I can find out Wallflower thought in her head as she swiftly walked over to the spot she was In where she heard Sunset from.

And said “guess I’m hallucinating” just loud enough for Sunset to hear. And went and hid in the bushes as Sunset walked out of her hiding spot.

She over heard Sunset ask herself question after question and eventually heard “holy crap I’m in love with Wallflower”

Upon hearing this Wallflower’s heart thumps at an inhuman speed and she swoons.

Did Sunset really mean that she questions in her.
Should she come out of the bush and admit she loves Sunset too but..........

In the back of her mind even if she heard Sunset say she loved her she still was terrified of rejection.

So instead of going out and telling Sunset she started to fantasize about what might happen if she admitted it to her beautiful sun.

She imagines herself coming out of the bushes and saying “Sunset I heard you talking”.
“You di di did?” Sunset stammers.

“And i feel the same” the smooth fantasy Wallflower exclaims smirking.
“You do?” The cute fantasy Sunset asks meekly.

“Yes. Let’s date my princess” fantasy wallflower say and as she does real Wallflower imagines herself in knight armor and Sunset wearing a princesses corset......

No no no I’d never be that forward or smooth and Sunset’s not that shy Wallflower tells herself as her mind quickly comes up with another fantasy scenario.

Slowly and nervously fantasy Wallflower walks out of the bushes to a leather jacket and sunglasses clad fantasy Sunset relaxing on the most badass motorcycle Wallflower had ever seen or imagined.

“Hey Wallflower I was just thinking of ya” fantasy Sunset says in a jersey accent.

“I know. And I need to talk to you” a shy blushing Wallflower exclaims just above a whisper.

“Ya gonna tell ya love all of this. I know” the fantasy Sunset says in the ridiculous jersey accent as she pulls Wallflower over into her arms.

“Sunset what are you......” fantasy Wallflower never finished as jersey sunset pulled her into a kiss.

The kiss lingered on Wallflower’s lips in both the real world and the fantasy world as jersey Sunset pulled away.

“Oh Sunset” both fantasy and real Wallflower moan in pure ecstasy.

“Hello?” Sunset asks in fright at hearing a voice coming from the woods behind her.

It was at this moment Wallflower’s “fight or flight” kicked in the choice to run or confront sunset.
She chose the middle option.

She came out of the bushes and says good thing I checked on my plant’s that could’ve been a disaster” pretending she had been at the school/her garden.

“Sunset why are you here?” Wallflower asks feigning innocence and obliviousness. “Umm just going for a walk to the river” she responds trying to causally lean against a tree with her elbow.

“Cool” I respond a little too quickly.

“Wanna come along?” Sunset asks with a huge red blush on her face.

“Sure” Wallflower responds unsure a what to make of this situation or of the awkward tension in the air.

Sunset led Wallflower through the trees and a field even passing a cave entrance and eventually getting to a river Wallflower had never seen before. Which was rare considering she thought she knew most of this forest.

They had walked the entire way in silence and tension both scared to say anything to the other thinking they might spill the beans about how they felt about one another.

Sunset finally concluded their walk by leading Wallflower to an old log that was just big enough for 2.

They sat in awkward silence for a good 30 minutes before wallflower decided to break it by asking Sunset a question.

“So uh Sunset how’d you know this was here?” Wallflower asks in a curious but cautious tone.
Sunset froze at the question and then answered

“Well right after one of the rounds of the battle of the bands. My friends were angry with me for tackling Rainbow Dash off stage due to magical uh issues” Sunset starts to tell Wallflower sheepishly.

“And after they got upset with me I kinda wandered off for a while into the woods questioning my entire life until I found this place” Sunset said gesturing to the river and the trees.

“And decided not to give up on friendship or my life” Sunset finish’s with a sigh.

“Why do you sound so unsure about your choice?”
I ask in worry. Scared of the possible answer I was gonna get. “Well sometimes when I mess up or my anger flare’s up. My friends look at me different and they think I don’t notice but I do....” Sunset her voice soaked in pain.

“Sunset...” I started unable to finish I reached my hand out to grab her shoulder, she shrugged away from my hand.

“I’m used to the fact that everyone who knew me before will always see my as a demon or a bitch to some extent and I’ve accepted...” Sunset never finished what she was saying she was cut off as wallflower’s lips pressing against hers.

After a good minute kissing without a breath Wallflower pulled away to take a breath and after catching her breath and then says “I don’t see you like that anymore. I hated the old Sunset but I love you.”

Then Wallflower panicked realizing she’d just kissed Sunset and said she loved her. “Sunset I shouldn’t have said that not after the memory stone I’m so sor.....” and much like Sunset she was cut off by Sunset kissing her back.

They kissed passionately as their lips wrestled with each other in the most passionate kiss either of them had ever. As they pulled away from each other. “Whoa” Wallflower gasps in mind bending happiness as her heart fluttered from the kiss.

“I think I love you too” Sunset finally says a goofy smile plastered on her face.

And it began to rain and not just sprinkling of droplets here and there but full blown pouring.

Both the girls squealed as the rain poured onto their summer gear and onto their exposed skin.

The 2 girls ran for cover holding hands the entire way. After about 10 minutes of running they saw the cave entrance and ran in to get cover.

And so the 2 girls sat in the cave waiting for the rain to stop so they could head back to the city. And they spent most of the time staring into each other’s eyes.

After another 20 minutes of staring and waiting they were making out and kissing each other again. And as they were making out wallflower decided then and there to never imagine kissing sunset again and to just do it and never have regrets when it came to sunset again.

Their kiss deepened and their tongues slipped into each other’s mouths as they began to hug.

Only to be interrupted by loud footsteps coming towards them from inside the cave. They both turn to the mysterious sound and wallflower mutters “what was that?”

As the steps grew louder the 2 girls start to panic
The footsteps hit louder until the girls saw a light from a headlamp pointing at them....

As the blinding light got closer they realize it is maud pie and she’s carrying rocks from the back of the cave in a small sack.

“Maud why are you way out here?” Sunset questions unsure why the eldest Pie sister was way out here in the middle of a cave.

“Rocks and Pinkie” Maud states simply

“Pinkie?” Sunset asks even more confused then before.

“Pinkie said to go look for a cave near a river in the woods behind canterlot high. She said I’d find 2 cute lesbians who need a ride home after they finished admitting their feelings for each other.” Maud says unblinking and without a single bit of excitement in her tone.

“Ride? You have a vehicle?” Wallflower asks wondering what kind of vehicle could be in this dense forest. “Wait and how could pinkie know what was gonna happen here?”

Before Maud could respond to all these questions sunset jumped in. “Yeah Maud’s got a sweet ride an off the road motorcycle. As for Pinkie well she’s Pinkie I don’t know any other way to explain it.

“My motorcycle’s right outside” Maud stated pointing outside the cave.
The girls gathered themselves and walked out to the bike where they saw the tiny little bike barely enough room for 2 people let alone 3.

“We’re not all gonna fit on that” Wallflower exclaims worried either her or Sunset’s gonna have to be left behind in the damp cave.

“No you’ll fit” Maud states and without another word she climbs on the driving part of the motorcycle.

“Guess we’ll have to snuggle” Sunset teases lightly pecking Wallflower on the cheek and then climbing on the middle of the bike. Wallflower took a few minutes to build up the courage but eventually climbed on.

Maud starts the bike with an abrupt rev and then took of at lightning fast speed. Startling Wallflower who quickly ducked down grabbing onto sunset’s waist with a squeak popping out of her as she did. Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle at the scared Wallflower and her cute nervousness and her tight grip that would’ve probably cut off blood flow if it weren’t for Sunset having such a thick waist and hip’s.

After about 5 more minutes Wallflower had begun to losses her grip and even smile. And though Sunset was happy she was getting used to motorcycle riding she was just the littlest bit sad that Wallflower wasn’t holding her as tight.

And eventually the ride came to an end at the Canterlot High parking lot. Where both Sunset and Wallflower thanked Maud for the ride. As maud rode off the rain started to subside and both Wallflower and Sunset’s phones went off with a new group text between them and Pinkie.

The text they both got from Pinkie read : Maud save you yet?? :) :) 😀

Choosing to ignore Pinkie’s psychic powers sunset turns to Wallflower and says “Wallflower you free tomorrow?”

“I wish I was but I’m going to my grandparents house” Wallflower responds sadly. Then quickly perks up and says “I’m free Saturday though”

“I’m meeting with the girls to go out to eat and then have a sleepover Saturday” Sunset sighs suddenly not wanting to hang with the girls Saturday. “Oh” Wallflower says in disappointment.

BEEP both their phones go off with another text from Pinkie that read : wanna come meet the girls Saturday Wallflower? It’s about time Sunset introduces her girlfriend to the others? 😄

Awkwardly Sunset looks over at Wallflower Blush then bends down to look Wallflower in the eyes and asks “Wallflower Blush will you please go out in a date with me and come meet my friends officially Saturday at a sleepover”

Wallflower grins “of course Sunset I’d love too” the kiss once more and then Sunset pulls out her phone.

“Better check with the girls huh?” Sunset says only for only to get another text from Pinkie Pie

The text says : checked with the girls their fine with it.

Sunset smiles one last time and kisses Wallflower who quickly kisses back......

Author's Note:

I’m so glad I toned down this story for the competition to really make it a romance in my original draft it was more a comedy and featured : a naked and drunk flash sentry running around the woods yelling about gay rights, a man eating boar, love ballads, more wallflower fantasies, sunset hitting her head and hallucinating sunset demon as a wingwoman while courting, hot lesbian sex and maud rapping a song.

Comments ( 10 )



The perfect story 🙏

I’m so glad I toned down this story for the competition to really make it a romance in my original draft it was more a comedy and featured : a naked and drunk flash sentry running around the woods yelling about gay rights, a man eating boar, love ballads, more wallflower fantasies, sunset hitting her head and hallucinating sunset demon as a wingwoman while courting, hot lesbian sex and maud rapping a song.

If you don't write a story that features all of this, I will find where you live and spray cheese whiz in all your shoes.

10/10 would 10/10 again

“Hey wallflower I was just thinking of ya” fantasy sunset says in a jersey accent.

“I know. And I need to talk to you” a shy blushing wallflower exclaims just above a whisper.

“Ya gonna tell ya love all of this. I know” the fantasy sunset says in the ridiculous jersey accent as she pulls wallflower over into her arms.

“Sunset what are you......” fantasy wallflower never finished as jersey sunset pulled her into a kiss.

The kiss lingered on wallflower’s lips in both the real world and the fantasy world as jersey sunset pulled away.

“Oh sunset” both fantasy and real sunset moan in pure ecstasy.

God, this is pure art. Please write your original idea as a stand-alone story.

Comment posted by Reactception deleted Apr 9th, 2021



Guess I’m writing the original draft as I got so many request’s and this is my most liked story ever :derpyderp1:

Wow, interesting love story.

Hello there! One of the judges for Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest checking in for your donation choice for this submission. Which of the three charities would you like $20 donated to on your behalf?

The LGBT community center

As requested, a review.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

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