• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 11,430 Views, 334 Comments

Restraint - Habanc

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often the most meaningful.

  • ...

Chapter 7

”Is it really possible to have a skip in your step? If so, then I think I might have a hop and a jump somewhere in there too.”

”This can't be happening. Or at least, it shouldn't be... I've been so nervous, scared and afraid for the longest time, both of my feelings and myself, that this shouldn't be happening. I should be, well, where I am now I guess, but in a different light... Or lack of one.”

”I should be sighing and whimsically asking the air what could have been and who I should have become, escaping reality in whatever way I can – from anecdotes to alcohol – to let the emotions pass, I should be miserable. For awhile I guess I covered it up so well, even I forgot I was neck-deep in a giant hole.”

”But now, after being uprooted from such a place within a flash, it's easy to see the hole I had dug for myself. Not necessarily depression, no. But I think it was worse than that, because you can sometimes fix the origins of depression. This gaping cavity was more or less an aftermath of regret... Asking the past too many “what if's,” and never once getting an answer. And the bad part is that you can't fix it, it'll always be there, this hole. The best you can do is analyze and come up with why you did the things you regret; those who do it, though, often don't like what they find, and henceforth refuse to acknowledge it as the truth. Then you believe you can find another answer, and begin digging for something that's not there. And as you dig, the hole gets deeper.”

Click. Click. Click. The sound rang over the low hum of machinery.

”I think I saw something on the way out. Shiny and golden, just barely showing underneath all the dirt and soil I had kicked up. Like an old dream, you knew it existed, but of its contents you are still clueless. But now that I'm out, I think it's best to build over it, put something on top of it so I can never fall back in again. Another round of asking myself all these questions about Twilight, I really think it'd slowly crucify my soul. But now that I'm out...

She felt her cheeks tighten and her lips press together as she smiled to herself.

”Now I can enjoy myself. I can be me, not like before where I put on a very good disguise. And truth be told, I'm still really, really nervous. But, in a good way. I'm so giddy with this “happy anxiety,” I feel like I'm going to explode. I want to run around in circles and let loose in a drunk, happy fit of giggling. Is that the right way to do it, though? I don't know. Maybe I should just ease it out in short spurts, when it really matters. Or maybe I should just... Gosh, I really don't know what to do with myself right now. And dammit Twilight, it's all your fault!”

She giggled out loud as she slammed her hoof down. Click. Click. Click.

”And for that, I lov- Well, do I? I think I do... But I don't think I should rush it, but I shouldn't wait too long either. Dammit, it hurts so badly, trying not to fall when my heart's gravity pulls on me like this! I just want to run up to her house, barge through her door and kiss her! ...Yeah, she'd be a bit confused, but I don't think she'd mind. That blush on her face afterwards would be really cute too.”

She felt a light heat along her cheeks.

”...Really, really cute. Even though I adore her personality – honestly it's my favorite part about her – and her virtues, I think there's a time and place to take a step back and admire her looks.” Another giggle passed. ”I guess Fluttershy was right, maybe I did admire more than just her pretty face and dazzling eyes, but I'd only do that if it was worth looking at... And it was.”

“I'd love to see her in more dresses like that. She looked heart-stoppingly beautiful, even without any makeup on. I'm jealous. I just hope she wears this one a few times, because even if she looks half as good in it as I think she will, then I might just-”

Rarity was snapped out of her inner-monologue by the abrupt touch of something rubbing against her leg. She looked down, to see a resplendent feline gazing back up at her.

“Oh, why hello there Opal!” She cried in a high pitched voice. “What is wrong, my little baby?” Her only answer was a pair of green eyes staring back at her expectantly. “Oh, right, you must be hungry!”

The white mare turned off her sewing machine, and pulled a dazzling piece of clothing out from it. “Well, you can have some as soon as you give me your opinion on this.” She put on a stern look. “It's for Twilight, and she can only have the best!”

It might just have been that. It was beautiful and ornate, crafted from exceptional silk in an opulent, rich hue of violet. Small flecks of gold populated its entirety, glittering in even the artificial light of the room. Also, one could see bits of silver as the thread neatly and fittingly held it all together. It wasn't too showy, no grand train that would suffocate the ground for yards behind her, no frou-frou, frilly fabric sticking out anywhere. It was slimming and gorgeous, adhering to only the shape its wearer provided it with.

Opalescence mewed. Rarity chuckled. “Alright, I guess that's the best I'll get from you, my dear.” She started down the stairs, her fluffy companion following right behind. “Come on, let's get you something to eat. I won't be home for quite awhile.”


Knock knock knock.

Rarity fidgeted uncomfortably outside the door. It was seven-thirty exactly, and the sun had set an hour ago in the late winter evening. She felt the breeze nip at her sides, reminding her that maybe she should have put something nice on. But Twilight asked her out after all, and it was her job to decide what they did tonight. The thought of the lavender mare taking her out to some place fancy seemed far-fetched, and disqualified the idea of arriving in a dress.

But, just in case, she had one of her own stashed underneath the one she had made for Twilight.

The door creaked open, Twilight looking out to see Rarity before opening it fully for her. “Hi Rarity! Come on in for a second!”

Rarity smiled. “Thanks,” she replied, walking inside and setting her bag down. The cute unicorn closed the door behind her.

“So, yeah, do you have any ideas on where we could go tonight?” she asked.

Rarity grinned, shaking her head. “Oh no, you are the one that asked me out on a date. It's your job to pick where to go, dear.”

Twilight blushed slightly, scratching the back of her neck. “Oh yeah, I did.” She looked around the room, pondering her options. “Do you mind if we do more than one thing? Or if it's not so fancy as last night?”

“Why are you asking me? You get to choose.”

“But, what if you don't like it? What if-”

Rarity put a hoof over her mouth. “Stop over thinking it, darling. It'll be a lot of fun, I promise,” she finished with a wink, before putting her hoof down.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Alright, thanks. I-I think I have an idea.”


“Honestly, now I'm curious,” Rarity began. “Why are we ordering stuff to go from the cafe?”

Twilight giggled. “You'll see. You told me to choose and not tell you what we're doing.” She put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. “You're just going to have to wait.”

“But making me stay outside, while you went in and ordered it all? Isn't that a little much?” The white unicorn tried looking inside the eatery.

Twilight got in her way. “Nuh-uh! No peeking!” The door opened and a serving pony walked out to the pair, handing Twilight a nondescript, brown paper bag. She thanked him before turning to Rarity. “Alright, we're good to go!”

The two mares set off down the road. “So, where are we going?” Rarity asked.

“I thought I told you it's a secret.” Twilight giggled.

“But... But we're probably walking there now, so can't you tell me?”


“Pleeeeease?” Rarity tried her best puppy dog face.

Twilight shook her head. “No.” She smiled at her date. “Come on, it's not that long of a walk, I'm sure you can wait.”

Rarity sighed. “I guess you're right.” They remained silent for a few moments, making their way down the streetlight-lit path. She found herself staring at Twilight as they walked.

“Hmm?” Twilight looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh...” Rarity looked away for a moment. Nopony was around, just the two of them. “Well,” she glanced back up, “I just wanted to say you look really pretty tonight.”

Twilight blushed. “Oh, really?” A huge smile started to grow on her face. She looked at the ground and giggled to herself.

“What? Did I say something wrong?”

“No, no.” Twilight seemed like she couldn't stop herself from smiling. “It's just...”


“Oh, nothing.” Twilight waved a hoof. “You look great, too.” The smile remained as she stopped abruptly her tracks.

Rarity gave her a look. “Are we here?”

“Almost...” Twilight took a step off the path and onto the grass. She beckoned for her to follow. “Come on, let's go.”

Perplexed, Rarity shrugged and followed behind her. As they left the road, they also left the lights alongside it. For a few minutes, it felt like they were walking in complete darkness, but soon enough her eyes adjusted to see under the moonlight. Not like it helped much, because she still had no clue where they were going.

Coming up to the summit of a hill, Twilight slowed down so she could walk next to her. Slowly, something entered her ears. It sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

“Alright, here, hold this.” Twilight passed the paper bag to Rarity, who obediently held it in her telekinesis. Suddenly, two forehooves wrapped around her head, covering her eyes.

A voice sounded next to her. “So I'm going to walk you up and over the hill, and once you can answer my question, I'll take my hooves off, okay?”

Rarity giggled. ”Ooh, a game? I can't believe Twilight's doing this.” She grinned. “Alright, sure.”

She slowly walked up the hill, in step with Twilight. With each of those steps, the noises got louder and louder, but still too subtle to be distinguished separately.

The voice reappeared, “What do you hear, Rarity?” Twilight's breath tickled her ear, sending goosebumps down her body.

They kept moving, and now Rarity could feel her hooves going down a decline. She strained her ears to pick out any clues, curiosity nagging in her mind.

”I hear... Something soft, flowing... Rising and falling peacefully. Both warm, deep sounds and hair-thin high ones. All working together... Like uh, like a-”

“An orchestra?” Rarity guessed. Suddenly the hooves unraveled and a warm glow of light shone on the grass in front of them. Not the bright, white light like the ones along the street, but soft and yellow.

“Good job!” Twilight's cute, smiling face came into view. She sat down on the grass, patting the space next to her. “Come on, sit down.”

Rarity looked up, and farther down the hill the lights from an open stage glowed. She could barely make out the large section of seats around it, probably filled with ponies. But as for being outside, on the grass, they were the only ones. ”Oh right! The Trottingham Philharmonic is playing tonight at the Ponyville Arts Center.”

The white unicorn smiled, and taking the bag from the cafe with her, sat down next to Twilight. “Alright, I'll admit,” she began, “this is not what I expected at all.”

Twilight opened the bag, taking a few items out. She looked up to Rarity. “Well, what did you expect?”

Rarity chuckled. “I don't know, but not this... This is actually really, really nice.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks! I actually spent the whole day thinking it over, so I'm glad you like it.” She used her magic to open two plastic containers, and a wonderful smell wafted up into the air.

Rarity tried not to notice, not to show how hungry she suddenly felt. “Wait, so then why were you asking me what to do earlier?”

“Oh, I was just nervous.”

Twilight looked up to Rarity as she put a hoof on her shoulder. “Twilight, don't be. This is great, much more creative than I could have ever thought of.”

The lavender pony smiled. “If you say so.” She looked down at the food. “Anyways, are you hungry?”

“Oh, a little bit.” Rarity lied. Her stomach growled in defiance.

“Rarity,” Twilight giggled, “is there something you're not telling me?”

She murmured in response, “Maybe.”

“Well, dig in! I got a daisy and poppyseed panini and a green bean casserole for us to share.” Twilight took out a pair of forks and knives for them.

“What about drinks?” Rarity asked, already scooping out a bit of the casserole.

Twilight, reached into the bag once more, pulling out a few items. “Well, I've never had it before, but I heard a bottle of champagne is a nice touch.” She inspected the bottle carefully.

Rarity nodded, her mouth full.

“Now, if only I could open this...” Twilight started undoing the wire cage, pointing it up towards her face.

Rarity leaned over and shook her head, making alarmed noises through a mouthful of food. Twilight stopped and gave her a look. She took a second to swallow, before explaining, “I wouldn't do that, dear. Let me see it.”

“What? It doesn't seem that hard.”

Rarity shuffled closer. “No, I'm serious, it's tricky.”

Twilight pulled the bottle away. “How tough can it be? It's just a cork.”

Rarity leaned almost across Twilight, reaching for the bottle. “It's more than that, and I don't think you know how to open it.”

“Come on, let me do it!”

“Now now, this is only for your own good.”

“Please? Rarity, it's really not hard, see?”

“No, stop!”

Rarity pushed Twilight to the side as the cork shot off into the night. A little bit of the drink fizzed over the top as it levitated in the air, away from the two ponies.

“There... Disaster averted.” Rarity sighed in relief. The poor girl almost popped the bottle right in her face.

“Hey, do you want to get off me?” Twilight said.

Rarity looked down, noticing she was now on top of her. Blushing, she quickly got up and occupied the spot she had before. “Oh, yeah... Sorry.”

Twilight laughed and sat back up. “No problem, it was my fault I didn't know that was going to happen.” She took the bottle and poured the champagne into two slim glasses. "Thanks."

Passing one to Rarity, she leaned against her. “You're warm,” she muttered as she got comfortable.

This did not help the blush on Rarity's face. Soon, her whole body itched as she felt the heat intensify on her cheeks. But the other mare didn't notice, resting casually against her.

“So, do you like the music?” Twilight asked, before taking a bite of the panini. For the first time since they had sat down, Rarity remembered there was even a show going on.

“Yeah, it's really nice,” she replied softly, before taking a sip of the champagne. For coming from the cafe, it actually wasn't too bad.

“Good. I hoped you'd like it.” Twilight said, almost seeming to forget the awkward moment barely minutes ago. She seemed really quiet all of a sudden, not that Rarity minded. That ever-persistent smell of sandalwood filled the air and the soft touch of her mane was comforting. Besides, she was warm as well, beating back the small chills of the night air.

For a few minutes they sat there, eating and drinking in quiet, listening to the music together. ”This is actually quite enjoyable. I could do this for the rest of the night if I had to.”

Unfortunately, Twilight had other plans. “Hey, do you know how to dance?” she asked as they finished eating. She took her head off of Rarity's shoulder, looking up at her.

“Well, it's been a long time since I last danced... But yes, I suppose I do.” Rarity felt a bit unnerved, suddenly realizing exactly how long ago it had been. She quickly tried to remember all the moves she had been taught years ago.

“Do you think you could teach me? I really like this piece, and besides... I've always wanted to learn,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Oh, I don't know darling... I haven't danced since I was a filly.” Rarity gulped.

Twilight sat up a bit, nuzzling Rarity on the cheek. “Please?”

That did it. Whatever this music was doing to Twilight, making her shed her socially-awkward side for a more personal, affectionate one, was brilliant. “Okay.”

Stiffly, the both of them got up. Rarity felt a little disappointed, the source of heat against her side now gone. But then, Twilight grabbed by the hoof and pulled her away from where they had been. “So, how do we start?”

“Well, just stand like this...” Rarity began. Twilight mimicked her posture, standing directly across from her. “Now, when you find the beat,” The impromptu-instructor stood still for a second and focused her ears on the music before continuing, “just move like this, in counter-clockwise fashion.”

Twilight watched every step she took, before finally nodding slowly. “Alright... I think I get it.”

“Great! Want to try?”

“Umm, sure.” Twilight slowly took to the music, moving her hooves as Rarity had shown her. The white mare followed her pace, until she finally ventured out to go a bit faster.

“There we go, you're doing fine.” Rarity smiled at Twilight, who was too busy looking at her own hoofsteps. Suddenly, she stumbled.

“Darn!” Twilight exclaimed, scrambling to get back to where she was, before stumbling again. “Ugh! I'll never get this right.”

Rarity chuckled. “What are you talking about? For your first time, you're doing great!” She smiled. “Come on, you said you wanted to learn, so I'm going to make sure you do.”

“Fine...” Twilight couldn't stop a small smile forming through her guise. She started again, this time being able to get up to the speed of the beat, before stumbling again.

She sighed. “We'll be here all night.”

Rarity touched her shoulder reassuringly. “No you won't. Come on, I have one last idea.” Reluctantly, Twilight lined up once more, across from her teacher. “Sometimes, it's easier to dance if you don't watch your hooves. So, instead of looking down where you step, look up at me.”

Finding the beat, the two started. Instead of locking her eyes on the ground, Twilight began looking at Rarity, who smiled as they progressed. Within minutes, they had reached full speed, going around and around over the grassy hill.

Soon, Twilight broke out into a giggle. “I'm doing it!” she cried.

“Wonderfully too, dear!” Rarity proclaimed. It wasn't for awhile until they stopped, the piece finally slowing to an end. Clapping could be heard from inside the Ponyville Arts Center, obviously for the orchestra on stage. But for a brief moment, it felt like it was for them both.

Winded and tired, Rarity stumbled back to where they had been sitting down earlier. Twilight joined her, sitting up and grabbing both glasses of champagne. Refilling them both, she handed one to Rarity.

“To a brilliant performance,” she toasted, raising a glass.

“To who, us or the orchestra?” Rarity asked, before clinking her own to Twilight's. The other unicorn simply chuckled and drained her glass. Smirking, Rarity followed suit.

Seconds later, a cacophony of fireworks could be heard in the night. “What was that?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I know,” Rarity replied, coming to a realization. “The Wonderbolts are in town. Rainbow Dash was going head over hooves about it this morning.”

Twilight giggled. “That's Rainbow for you.”

“Quite,” Rarity laughed in response. After a few seconds, she asked, “Would you like to go over and see them? I personally love it here, but if you want to go check them out I wouldn't mind.” She looked to the lavender mare.

“No, that's fine,” She replied, leaning against Rarity once again. She closed her eyes. “I like just where I am.”


Rarity laughed, her giggles echoing in the empty night sky. “So, you're telling me he got sick because he thought those fake foal's toys were actual rubies?”

“Yeah, silly I know. That sure taught him a lesson.” Twilight chuckled to herself as the walked down the lamp-lit road.

“Aww, I could just see him chomping on plastic in the middle of the store,” Rarity said. “Besides, where is the little guy?”

“Spike's out in Canterlot still, taking a class on how to better control his letter sending abilities...” She added sheepishly, “Let's just say he's sent some stuff to the Princess on accident, and not really the kind of stuff I want her to see either.”

“Oh, good.” Rarity heaved a sigh of relief. “Because I was fearing that we'd have an awkward moment coming up.”

“Yeah, well you know we're going to have to talk to him sometime.” Twilight replied pragmatically. “He's smarter than most ponies credit him for, he'd figure it out on his own.”

“Oh, of course I know I'd have to talk to him sometime, darling.” Rarity shrugged. “But tonight was so great, I didn't want to end it with a talk with him about how I'm dating,” the word felt surreal on her tongue, “his lifelong friend.”

Twilight blushed slightly. Apparently she wasn't quite used to the term either. “Yeah, well there's that whole crush thing too.”

“Right, that as well...” Rarity conceded, as they rounded a corner, the library just yards away. They were silent as they approached the door.

“So, I just wanted to tell you,” Rarity began as they stopped in front of the entrance, trying to remember the words. She looked up to Twilight, her expression suddenly curious.

“When I said you looked really pretty earlier tonight... I might have lied.”

Twilight face turned to one of utter confusion. “What?”

“...You actually looked absolutely beautiful.” Rarity shuffled her hooves and looked at the ground, her courage failing her to look Twilight in the eyes, her usually confident demeanor not strong enough even for this.

“Rarity...” Twilight remained silent for a moment. With her eyes down, she couldn't see what the purple pony was thinking or doing. It seemed like hours, waiting for a response.

”Finish the sentence! Anything! Just say anything!”

Then she giggled. Giggled.

“Alright, how long have you been interested in me?”

Rarity looked up. Twilight's face was mixture of raw emotion and laughter, a sparkle in her eyes. “Huh? Wh-what does that have to do with anything?”

“Rarity, when you were staring at me before, before you called me pretty, I recognized that look.” She grinned. “I've been seeing it, oh, for maybe only a month now. Finally, now I think I know what it means.” She took a step closer.

Rarity blushed. Profusely. She had been caught red-hoofed. Or was it red-faced? She couldn't tell, with her mind spinning a million miles an hour. “I- uh...”

“Well? Is it?” The other mare took another step forward.


Twilight moved so close, Rarity could almost feel the warmth radiating off her. “I didn't hear you.” She insisted with another one of her cute giggles.

The dam broke. Rarity closed her eyes, her knees shaking.

“Yes... And you're right, for weeks now I-”

All of Rarity's speech became a jumbled mess as somepony else's lips stopped her. ”Oh okay,” was all her mind could register.

Leaning forward a bit, she kissed Twilight back, dropping the paper bag she had been carrying from the date.

It only lasted a few seconds, but once they finally broke apart, all Rarity could mutter was, “Wow...”

She had dreamed about this moment for countless nights, and now it felt even better than any dream she ever conjured. Opening her eyes, she saw Twilight with a smug, satisfied smile on her face.

“I've always wanted to do that.”

”You can do that anytime you like,” Her mind translated what her mouth could not even voice.

Twilight picked up the bag with her magic, opening her door and setting it inside. “So, are you going to say anything, Rarity?” She giggled.

“Ah-umm...” She gulped. “Yeah.” She lowered her voice, “Thanks, tonight was great.”

Twilight beamed. “Just great?”

Rarity managed to chuckle. “You know what I mean. Besides, I just remembered, I have something for you.”

Twilight's ears perked up. “What?”

Rarity poked her head inside the house. “Here...” She magically grabbed the bag she had left by the door when she first arrived. Pulling out the custom-made dress, she gave it to Twilight. “Since I assume your previous dress got ruined in the rain, I made you a new one.”

Twilight's face illuminated as she looked it over. The gold leaf flecks still sparkled in the night. “Wow, this is... I don't even know.” She smiled, looking back up to Rarity. “Do you want me to put it on?”

As much as she'd like for that to happen, Rarity shook her head. “No, it's late. I'm sure I'll see you with it on sometime soon.”

Twilight chuckled. “Oh, I'm positive you will.” She placed the dress back in the bag, putting it all back inside. “I guess you'll have to do with this for now, then.”

For the second time that night, Twilight leaned in and kissed her. None of the magic had been lost, the goosebumps still shooting down her body, perhaps more so because she saw it coming.

When they broke apart again, Rarity fixed her with a stare. “Wh-where did you learn to kiss so well?”

Twilight grinned sheepishly. “Oh... You'd be surprised what I can learn from books.” And with that, she went inside and closed the door.


Far above, flying home from a particular aerial event, one pegasus nearly fell out of the sky as she watched it all.