• Published 8th Jun 2021
  • 2,031 Views, 17 Comments

Slumbering Love - sunsetshimmer_13

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Only Chapter

It was a bit of a tiring and stressed day for Adagio Dazzle. She was just getting back from performing one of her concerts in the city of Dallas in Texas. She did have a fun time but was all beat up from having to give a hundred percent during that time. Now she was just tuckered out as she wanted to just collapse on the ground and sleep, but of course it’s not smart to just be laying down at a random place, especially when it’s in a completely random spot in a particular place. The dazzling was trying her best not to randomly fall asleep until she makes to the hotel room she and her girlfriend were staying at. It took awhile but Adagio finally made it to the hotel and now just have to take an elevator and get on the correct floor to get to her temporary room space for a couple days.

“Hey Ms. Dazzle. How was performing?” the polite man asked.

“Fun but exhausting,” she admits. “I think I overdid myself and busted my ass over there. Never thought I would get close to a burnout over there,” she yawns.

“I see you’re tired from it too. Want me to escort you to the room?” He offered.

“I don’t wanna bother you I can...”

“I insist,” he says.

“...well ok then. Room 837,” said Adagio.

“Ok ma’am.”

“No need for that formal shit. Just call me Dagi,” she says as she chuckles a little.

“Alright,” the man respects her wishes as he escorts her to the room she was put in.

The two of them went to the elevator and the man press the button to summon it. One of the elevator doors open and the both of them went inside the elevator and one of them press the button to the 8th floor. The elevator lifts itself up until it gets to the floor they intend to go on. Later on they get off the elevator and the man leads Adagio to the exact room she says she’s staying in: Room 837.

“Thank you,” Adagio smiles a little as she rubs her eyes a little.

“Don’t mention it. I’m just glad I could help. Have a good night ma’am,” the friendly man says as he walks away to get back to the lobby.

“Heh. He’s so uptight,” Adagio jokingly said. She knocked on the door and waited for someone on the other side to let her in. It only took a minute or so before the door opened and revealed Sunset Shimmer behind it.

“Hey hon,” Sunset says. “How’s the concert? You got the guys drooling over you again?” Sunset jokingly says.

“Hey. It was fun. And please shut up because you know there are guys drooling over me,” she says as both of the girls laugh a little. Sunset steps away from the door to let Adagio inside the hotel room. They share a quick kiss as Sunset closes the door. “What time is it?” Adagio asks.

“It’s about 10:45,” she answered.

“Well I’m gonna take a shower and get to fricking bed,” Adagio says as she stars to take some of her clothing off, starting with her purple jacket then her shirt.

“Well mind if I join in?” she suggests.

“You didn’t take your shower yet?”

“I had things to do too you know plus I thought you’d like my titties pressing up against yours when we make out,” Sunset joked.

“Oh shut up,” Adagio says as she laughs and Sunset nudges her a bit. The fire haired girl starts to strip out of her clothing as well starting with her plain white shirt. And then she takes off her jeans. Adagio was just taking off her cut off short jeans and her matching tights as well. Both of the girls stripped out of their clothes until they’re in nothing but their bra and undies. Sunset was then stealing a glance at Adagio’s plump ass. She giggles a bit as she blushes at the sight a little before the dazzling realizes Sunset having a pervy moment.

“Heh. You looking at my ass?” Adagio says as she giggles a little. “Lesbo.”

“Oh screw off,” Sunset laughs. The two girls got into the hotel room’s bathroom were ready for their shower together as they shut and locked the door behind them.


Sunset and Adagio were just finishing up the shower they were sharing. As they finished up Adagio turned off the water that came from the shower head. Both of the girls took the time to dry themselves off before they got of the bathroom and once they finish they wrap the towels around their bodies. Once they exit the room they’re in they leave the door open to let all of the fog and heat air out.

A bit later on they keep their towels around themselves and they pull out the cushions and took out the pull out mattress from the sofa so they have somewhere in the room to sleep all night. One of them picks up a remote to turn on the TV in front of them. They seem to be in for just a regular and casual night this time around.

“You ok Adagio? You seem like you’re drained,” Sunset asks.

“Yeah. It was just an exhausting night,” she replied.

“Heh. Well at least you get groupies. You’re practically attracting guys and girls to you yourself,” Sunset joked.

“Screw off,” the dazzling laughed a bit. “All I need is some fricking sleep. Maybe then I’d be ready to bang anyone who’s comes my way,” she joked further.

“Well then...” Sunset unwraps her robe as it then drops to the floor and she gets up under the sheets that would cover her natural naked body. She smirks a bit as she then bites her lip seductively.

“That’s how we’re gonna end the night huh?” the dazzling drops her robe as well and joins Sunset in bed. The two girls are now in bed under the sheets that cover their naked bodies.

“Feels like we’re having sex already,” Sunset says as her girlfriend laughs a little.

“Well I’m just about beat and drained at this moment. So don’t expect me to give a hundred percent here,” Adagio points out as she yawns.

“Well... if it makes you feel any better,” Sunset went ahead and gave her partner a passionate kiss on her lips. Adagio returns the favor as she runs her hands through Sunset’s hair. The two lovers share this special intimate moment as they exchange their love for one another. After about a while minute or so the two broke the kiss.

“Hmmmmm. I’d say your kisses are...”

“Hot you’re gonna say?” Sunset says.

“I was going to say scrumptious,” the two girls share their giggles.

After a little bit the two kiss each other again sharing a more compassionate and intimate kiss. The scene is now getting a bit more heated and sexualized by the two partners making out. Between the both of them they ran their hands in each other’s hair as they gave more heated kisses. Soon enough Adagio tries to give it one step further and tries to use her tongue, which Sunset grants entry while also sharing hers. The two partners moan into each other’s mouths as they start to fight for domination. Adagio seemed to have barely give effort as Sunset overpowered her and took control of the kiss. Adagio knew she wouldn’t get dominance up to this moment so she slides one of her hands down while getting under the bed sheets until she grabs Sunset’s ass. The fired haired girl admitted to herself that it was a bit of a surprise, but you don’t see her complaining. Sunset slid her hands down as well to grope Adagio’s breasts under the sheets. Sooner enough the two sex partners groped each other’s bodies in the bed in their casual mild sex scene behind their closed hotel room door.

Sunset slides her kisses down to the former siren’s neck. Adagio moans in pleasure as her partner kisses and even goes as far as to suck or lick her neck, eliciting more satisfying sounds in the process. Sunset stops for a little bit to speak.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” she asked.

“No shit. I needed this,” Adagio answered.

“Well there’s more well that came from."

“Shut up and pleasure me bitch.”

Sunset continues to give more pleasure to her sex companion as she gives more of her kisses and smooches on her neck. Even though Adagio was getting tired she’s still getting the hang of herself when having this intimate moment with her girlfriend.

Sooner enough they get back to their make out sesh. They have this special scene as if they had to act like this in a feature film, which if they were then some of the adults out there would definitely enjoy this little cut. Love and moaning sounds are filling the air in the hotel room as the two lovers were having casual kisses and passionate mild sex scene.

Now it was Adagio’s turn as she slid down to kiss Sunset’s neck, making her partner moan in response. Adagio tried her best to give more pleasure to her companion but couldn’t give as much as she wants as she was getting a little sleepy. Despite this she tries to push her incoming slumber aside as much as she can but some of it is too overwhelming to push aside and she starts to doze off.

“Hey maybe you should get some sleep,” Sunset says.

“Hmmmm, I still want to sex you up,” the former siren says as she ultimately starts to doze off.

“Hmm hmm. Good Night Dagi,” she says as she gives her partner a kiss on her forehead.

“Night, my sexy Sunset.”

Both of them cuddled up to each other and snuggled in the bed under their sheets. Adagio and Sunset made out one last time for their night of intimacy. This time their moans in each other’s mouths were more smooth and quiet until Adagio drifts off to sleep slowly, making the moans more and more quieter until they were finally silent. Sunset let Adagio go to sleep and get some rest. In the meantime she stayed awake for a bit watching the TV in front of them as it plays the series Dappled Shores while she kept Adagio close by her side as she comforted her in the girl’s sleep. After a while the fired haired girl drifts off to sleep.

The two sleep peacefully throughout the night with the TV in front of them still on. Even though they were asleep for the rest of darkness’s time through the city, their love was still in the air.

In The Morning

It was about 8:30 in the early morning and the couple were still asleep, thought not for long. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping on the early and bright dawn. Sunset automatically sniffs a little before she finally yawns and wakes up. Adagio in response to hearing her partner’s yawn wakes up as well.

“Good morning sexy,” Sunset greets Adagio on the fully risen sun.

“Heh. Morning,” she sits up in the bed as she stretches.

"Get some good sleep?" she asks.

"Yeah. I feel good and relaxed now that I think about it," Adagio then smiles a bit.

"Enough to make some Future Sex and Love Sounds," Sunset teased.

"You just can't help but to tease me huh," Adagio says as she laughs.

"Yes," she remarked.

"Wanna go get some breakfast?"

"Well if we can get dressed first then of course," Sunset jokes as she points out that they were still naked in bed.

"Well... let's get dressed so we can get pick up lines from other guys," the dazzling joked as well.

"Sure," Sunset and Adagio got out of bed to get themselves dressed, including getting their undies, some casual sweats and their bras and t shirts. After a little bit they were now dressed for downstairs and they start to head out the hotel room door. As the almost exit the room Adagio approached Sunset to say something.

"Hey... i love you," Adagio said as Sunset didn't expect her to say that out of nowhere, but she still appreciated the sentiment and returned her feelings.

"I love you too," she says. The two sex partners share a quick passionate kiss as they then head downstairs for some breakfast for the morning in the hotel.

Author's Note:

Yes I referenced Justin Timberlake in this lol :rainbowwild:

Edit: Forgot to mention I referenced a video by senRobotpony

Comments ( 13 )

14 points for grammar.

10 points for plot.

10 points for creativity.

17 points for romance.

8 points for writing style (I appreciated your unique and jumpy style).

-3 points for borderline smut.

But overall a great story and a great entry for the competition.

Not half bad

Thx for the crititque

Smut and Wholesomeness. Mostly made of the latter mixed with the former. It's an awesome story yo!

nice work

A bit later on they keep their towels around themselves and they pull out the cushions and took out the pull out mattress from the sofa so they have somewhere in the room to sleep all night. One of them picks up a remote to turn on the TV in front of them. They seem to be in for just a regular and casual night this time around.

Why didn't they just go to the bed? :unsuresweetie:

The two sleep peacefully throughout the night with the TV in front of them still on. Even though they were asleep for the rest of darkness’s time through the city, their love was still in the air.

There's something I'd never do, sleep with the tv still on. :ajbemused:

While I didn't enjoy this the first time I read this months ago, after giving it a second chance I like it now. :twilightsmile:

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