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Chapter 2: Relationships

Songbird Serenade looked at the ceiling of her room, it depicted two creatures, one she knew was Discord, the other was like him but a dark grey with a hint of silver and maroon. Looking intently it had all of Equestria's enemies portrayed and the dark grey draconequus was being cursed she assumed and seeing Chrysalis give the draconequus a yellow flower similar to a rose. She was confused by the image, to say the least.

She began to feel hungry again she had breakfast about two hours ago and she trotted to the kitchen. When she got there she saw Tempest and Twilight kissing and Grubber was eating a slice of red velvet cake. She blushed at the scene and failed to see a shadow had loomed behind her. Storm King pulled an air horn and blasted it. All parties jumped and Songbird Serenade screamed and launched upward and hitting her head on the door frame. As she came back down, Storm King caught her while still smirking. Songbird glared daggers, she felt like she almost had a heart attack. "What the fuck was that for!"

"I was in the mood to prank some creature"

"And you chose the smallest creature in the room?"

"Technically Grubber is smaller than you are"

"Technically he's shorter but he weighs like a hundred pounds more than I do! Are you cray-cray?"

"Not medically assessed as so............yet."

"My head hurts I'm gonna take this apple and eat it in peace somewhere and try to sleep this migraine away." As she walked out, rather crookedly he asked Grubber how long Tempest and Twilight been making out in the kitchen. He felt a little bad scaring the pegasus so badly. Storm King went to go find her and apologize.

He found her in the garden singing her soul out, It was a soulful song it told of the sorrow of one who had lost their freedom and homeland to a conquering ruler and the joy of knowing they were safe. It confused him a good deal. He sent a scroll by the hoof of a hired pegasus scribe to have Tempest Shadow do a background check of the last few days to see who has rented the music ponies. He walked up to Songbird Serenade and awkwardly apologized for scaring her, as he stepped closer she smirked as he found himself pulled upward and she was laughing hard now and he couldn't help but laugh himself.

"Gotcha!" As the pair talked they were unaware of what was transpiring inside.

"See Twilight, my dear? My king is blind to the potential romance before him. As you know I have all the intel on the ponies who rented the musicians, I'd wager that he'll let Celestia and Luna you, and Cadence condemn Filthy Rich. As you know when he disbanded the Lunar and Royal guard he made sure they returned to their families. He sees families as the strongest bonds in a kingdom. I should let you in on it but Grubber has started dating Chrysalis."

"What the hell? That is fucking hilarious! At least we know Chryssy won't die hungry." As if on Grubber and Chrysalis cleared their throats loudly.

"Glad you find our relationship............funny, but I could say the same thing about you and Tempest."

"Sorry Chrysalis, it's just I could have not seen this coming." The changeling nodded knowingly and the four watched as the two in the garden had to play tennis. "Songbird needs to work on her backhand stroke it's a bit sloppy."

"Storm King needs to learn that every fourth hit Songbird adds a backspin coupled with sidespin." The match quickly ended when Storm King there his racket on the ground and could be seen applying pressure to the pegasus muzzle.

Grubber and Chrysalis told Twilght their story. "You see Twilight I found Chrysalis in a cave a few miles from here and she wasn't in good shape. She was running fever, starving and torn wing. I helped her out, all I wanted was to get her fever down and get the heck out of there. But her healing up took weeks and I kinda started falling in love............who knew I had a thing for changelings. "

"I told Grubber once my fever broke that just a few hours before he showed up a couple of unicorns had turned and left after I asked them for help. Grubber annoyed me at first with his cake obsession; I learned to like the the taste of pony food and realized if i could eat normal food like you I won't have to solely live off of love. So now here we are an unlikely couple enjoying life."

A few hours later all three couples dined in the great hall and had been joined by six other ponies and four alicorns. The topic turned to a more serious matter dealing with Filthy Rich.

Storm King was upset about the infidelity and the alicorns were to run the trial. It was gonna be a hell of an event held in a public courtroom and everypony was required to be there.