• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 3,246 Views, 343 Comments

Starlit Knights - BlackRoseRaven

Darkness has come to Equestria, and the world is threatened with destruction. Can Luna stop it?

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A Brutal Skirmish, An Elegant Battle

Chapter Twelve: A Brutal Skirmish, An Elegant Battle

Luna smiled despite herself as she and Scrivener Blooms strode at the head of the small vanguard unit, Twilight trailing back a few feet beside Pinkie Pie and Applejack as Rainbow Dash flew easily along above their heads, every now and then doing a short circle… whether it was out of boredom or because he was trying to do a good job, it was hard to say.

Cowlick and Aleksandr strode easily on the other flank of the group, a piece of straw hanging from the minotaur’s mouth as he walked with ease seeming relaxed while most of the other ponies were charged with tenseness and excitement that ebbed and flowed with their emotions. They were maybe an hour out of Ponyville, on the long road to Canterlot, and as they hadn’t run into much adventure yet, it seemed like some of the ponies were starting to understand that between the short bursts of violence and the battles and the tenseness… there was the suspense – or perhaps a better word was dullness – of a lot of calm travel.

The minotaur seemed to understand this most, humming a folk song to himself, dressed in his traditional kilt-and-loincloth and rawhide body armor. The black steel handle of an enormous war hammer was held easily in one hand, the large head resting just past his shoulder: the octagonal, dangerous-looking blunt business end was counterweighted by a deadly, single large fang, slightly chipped from years of wear-and-tear on and off the battlefield. The minotaurs were a rough but honorable people, and their weapons were rough and honorable as well: designed not just to kill, but for everyday tasks too… and killing just happened to be one of a minotaur’s many chores for most days.

Aleksandr’s brothers, as he called them, were helping guard the caravan, which was trailing almost a kilometer back now. Close enough it was still visible and that they could do a quick turn and reach it should something go wrong, far enough away they would likely be able to draw the attention of any brigands or Nibelung war bands and deal with them before the caravan could be threatened.

Cowlick, meanwhile, was looking thoughtfully over the minotaur, surveying him with interest as her carbine rifle glinted over her back, the earth pony matching his pace before she asked curiously: “You guys don’t seem as dumb as you look, you know. I heard you live in tribes, though, prefer to live out in the wild. Got something against technology?”

“Aleksandr does not like technology any more than he dislikes flying four-hoof.” the bipedal bull replied calmly, shrugging a bit. “But, much like flying four-hoof, technology does not like us. Is brittle. Is small. Is easily broken. Is not suited for our life.”

Cowlick snorted in amusement, then she shook her head and grinned slightly. “Remind me to introduce you to some of the gear I got stowed in the caravan later. Designs out of Stonehoof and Hellhorse, mechanical marvels like this rifle I’m carrying. Take down one of your boys at fifty yards.”

“I doubt this. I have seen crude guns before, is like shooting serpent’s teeth from crossbow. Effective on smaller creatures, but minotaurs are kept strong in nature’s wilds, we do not have soft skin like four-hoofs.” Aleksandr replied disdainfully, flicking his wrist. “Is no honor to hide in bushes and shoot opponent in back. Is better to meet on battlefield with hammer and sickle, even if opponent you meet is Death.”

“Yeah, I’ll take not dying, thank you very much.” Cowlick replied flatly, and then she shook her head before looking ahead and calling to Luna: “What about you? Honor or life?”

“Honor, always.” Luna replied with a smile over her shoulder, then she winked. “But the rules of honor can be confused with a touch of mischief every so oft, with no harm done.”

“You are Yaga Baba. Is different. You are expected to be meddling with rules.” Aleksandr said easily, and Luna laughed at this and shook her head with a wide grin. “Besides, you teach four-hoofs to fight with pride and courage, even against dwarf-pigs and dead-walkers and all others who would threaten them. This is good.”

“Suck-up.” Cowlick muttered, and she shook her head before saying dryly: “Anyway, I’m sure you’ll all be singing a different tune once we start having to deal with swarms of Velites and my guns are the only things that let us keep distance with them. I don’t have a lot, stuff like this isn’t mass-produced outside of the far reaches, but I do at least have plenty of ammo. And you know-”

“Silence, Cowlick.” Luna said sharply, and the engineer grumbled but shut her mouth before frowning when the dark-sapphire pony glanced up and ordered quickly: “Rainbow Dash, ascend high, look to the north, tell me what you see.”

The Pegasus glanced down curiously, but then he nodded before tilting himself backwards and flapping his wings powerfully, sending himself corkscrewing upwards until he was almost hidden amongst the clouds… and then he arched his back and gracefully fell towards the ground, letting his weight carry him down and his wings careful to catch the air before he twisted and landed smoothly with a flex of his body, saying quietly: “Looks like a little camp, two Velites, three Nibelung. How did you know?”

“There is a thin trail of smoke ahead, white and almost transparent, camouflaged against the skies… and there is a smell in the air, faint but easy to distinguish, of meat being cooked.” Luna paused for a moment, then glanced meditatively back at the group as they stood, suddenly looking far more anxious. “Scrivener Blooms, wait here with the others for the time to be ripe. I shall go and speak with the Nibelung. I shall drive them off or barter for information, and either way hope that this is a trap.”

“You mean isn’t, right?” Twilight asked after a moment, but Luna only gave her a grin before the winged unicorn turned and headed up the slope of the path through the rolling fields, and Twilight shook her head with a roll of her eyes, muttering: “Of course you don’t.”

Luna didn’t make any attempt to hide on her way to the small camp the Nibelung had set up: a tent, a few ugly bags, some trinkets and rocks all scattered around a fire the five were gathered in a circle around. Two of the Nibelung were eating loudly, some horrible, mostly-burnt mess sitting on a large rock to one side of the flickering, small fire, and the last wolf-pig was sharpening a knife noisily against a rock as the Velites simply sat.

They were the first to notice, one of them glancing up and hissing loudly to the other, which tilted its skull even as the other Velite pointed wildly… and then Luna sat down calmly beside it as if this was a dinner with friends, and one of the Nibelung loudly began to choke on whatever mess he was eating, the other dwarves both laughing for a moment, too dumb to register Luna’s presence until she said kindly: “’Tis rude to try and speak with thy mouth full.”

Without glancing up, she reached up and firmly batted the skull of the Velite beside her as it began to lean slowly towards a large log, and its skull was torn almost comically away, bouncing over the field as Luna shot the remaining body an ugly glare. For a moment, the undead beast seemed indecisive… but then it awkwardly, slowly laid itself flat on the ground and tried to make itself small, and the winged unicorn sighed and glared around at the others. “Thou art all a bunch of craven cowards. Now, either give me a reason to fight thee, or give me the terms of thy surrender. I require information.”

The other Velite hissed at her, and Luna slowly turned her head to glare at the undead earth pony, which flinched back a bit before one of the Nibelung leaned over and muttered urgently to the skeleton… and a moment later, the undead creature cursed, the glow in its eyes seeming to fade a little as it crossed its arms and muttered in an echoing, unnatural voice: “Arrogant pony. I would like nothing better than to strip the hide from your body for what you did to Mistress Veliuona. For leaving us scattered, alone, and cursed… for ensuring our pain will never end.”

“Oh, truly mighty undead monster thou art, using such horrid words to maim my spirit.” Luna retorted, and the skeleton hissed loudly at her again, but this time the winged unicorn only shook her head, saying distastefully: “And yet thou all fled the moment Veliuona died. Some loyalty, some fearlessness. The undead fear death more than the living, do they not? ‘Tis why thou does not attack me with anything but words, but come, I have not the time for this. Nibelung, tell me from whence thou hast come and what thou art doing here. I know of the Black Baroque, and the tunnels, but thou art encamped here… have thou orders?”

One of the Nibelung was still choking loudly, and the other two traded winces before Luna rolled her eyes, her horn glowing, lifting a large rock with telekinesis before throwing it firmly forwards into the stomach of the dwarf-pig that was still desperately trying to breath, and it leaned forwards with a belch, spitting out a large piece of bone and making Luna wince back as she said distastefully: “Let me make this decision a simpler one. Do not give me information, and I shall shortly be using this fire to roast back-bacon on an ivory grill.”

“No, no, no, we talk!” one of the Nibelung babbled, raising his hands and waving them wildly in a gesture of surrender. “No hurt us, flying fancy-corn! We told to set up roadblock by smoky-corn, okay? He want us to set up roadblock, he said ‘careful, careful’ and we said ‘ha, we trap her, we ready!’ but we not ready, not ready at all, okay?”

“Smoky-corn… Ignominious, you mean?” Luna asked quietly, and one of the Nibelung nodded rapidly before the winged unicorn shook her head distastefully, then glanced down at the headless Velite as it tried to slowly edge away before she bad-naturedly booted the skeleton into the fire, making it flail wildly in a burst of ashes and embers that sent the dwarf-pigs screeching backwards. “Stay out of my way, or the next thing I roast will not climb so easily out of the flames, understood?”

“Yes, fancy-corn!” one of the Nibelung squeaked, and Luna smiled to herself as she turned around and headed back towards the road, purposefully putting her back to them in order to see what they would do… but not even the Velite bothered to attack her, and it made her shake her head in slow distaste, knowing all too well what was likely going to happen as she stepped back onto the wide dirt highway…

And, as expected, several more Nibelung leapt up from the side of the road and charged across it, dropping into a line of five: much-more experienced dwarves, four of these armed with bows and clothed in lightweight leather armor, war paint over their faces and arrows already nocked and at the ready. Their leader, meanwhile, carried a heavy shield in one hand… and in the other, he had a control device of some kind, grinning as he shouted: “Got you, fancy-corn!”

He rose the device, pressing the button on it, and something rumbled and clanked loudly before two large, steel-bodied figures picked themselves up, crude but effective camouflage of grasses and straw falling away from them as the golems stood and strode silently forwards, standing calmly in front of the line of archers. Thick, with wide limbs and small heads, the metal plating that made up the outer bodies of the clockwork sentinels was slightly-rusted and dented, but in otherwise fair condition… and while the weathered golems weren’t as sturdy as they looked, their rusted innards would slowly limber up the more they moved, going from the expected clankiness of metal and age to surprisingly-fast weapons of destruction.

“These tactics are ancient… an obvious lure, likely a band of thieves thou hast bullied into serving as bait, and now the attempted ambush? Pathetic.” Luna said distastefully, and then she whistled loudly and leaned forwards, readying herself as the Nibelung leader snarled and tossed the remote away to yank an axe free from over his shoulder. “But I suppose thy kind spend too much time being trodden on in Niflheim to be bothered with thinking up better tactics. Worry not, I shall send thee running back to the tunnels… or, if thou prefers, to Helheim instead.”

“We shall see, fancy-corn, you are alone, we are many! There is price on your head, high-price, wish-price!” The Nibelung leader snarled, but Luna only smiled indulgently, making him glare and begin to open his mouth… and then there was a loud, sharp bang before one of the Nibelung archers was sent flying backwards with a gargle, bow flying from his hands. “What?”

“I do not walk these roads alone, dwarf!” Luna shouted, leaning forwards as her horn glowed brightly, and then she snapped her head upwards before any of the Nibelung could react, a voracious wind bursting into being around her and sweeping forwards against the creatures, the golems unfettered but the arrows and bows ripped from the hands of the archers as they squealed and were dragged backwards by the hurricane-force gust, the Nibelung commander hissing as he leaned forwards against the back of his shield and barely managed to hold his ground.

It gave more than enough time for the others to crest the hill and charge down… and the two Nibelung who had decided to try and join the fray from the encampment winced at this before they both turned and simply bolted away, fear easily overwhelming the little courage the creatures had.

The Velite that hadn’t been battered, however, continued to charge eagerly forwards, focused intently on Luna… and then it screeched loudly when Rainbow Dash crashed down on top of it with his full weight and momentum, the brittle skeleton all but exploding before he launched himself back into the air, shooting upwards as one of the Nibelung grabbed wildly at his bow as the last burst of wind ripped past the dwarves, hissing as it followed the flight of the Pegasus before cursing as it turned its attention back to ground level at the sight of Scrivener Blooms, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Aleksander all charging forwards.

The minotaur headed straight for one of the golems, roaring as he swept his hammer back before swinging in a devastating upwards arc when the metallic creature stepped forwards with a swing of one of its arms… and the hammer smashed its limb apart like clay, chunks of metal flying in all directions as the creature staggered backwards before the minotaur rose a hoof and kicked it solidly in the chest, knocking it flat before he swung the business-end of the hammer once, then twice hard down into the creature’s chest, smoke rising up from the magically-powered machination as it whirred and spasmed on the ground.

Scrivener Blooms leapt towards the second golem, gritting his teeth… and then he winced before a metallic fist smashed into his features, crashing onto his back with a grunt of pain and rolling several times as Luna winced at a shock of pain that travelled through her own body before ordering sharply over the roar of battle: “Twilight Sparkle, destroy the golem! Others, focus on the Nibelung!”

Twilight nodded quickly as the mechanical construct strode forwards, a bit of steam hissing up from the cracks in his metallic body as it strode towards Scrivy as the earth pony regained his hooves and readied himself, then leapt to the side when it swung at him before dodging backwards from another lunging blow. It began to lean forwards, but then a fireball crashed into its head, blowing off chunks of metal plating and sending it staggering backwards before Twilight snapped her horn upwards, and the ground beneath the golem shattered as thick vines raced up around its frame, locking it into place… before it spasmed wildly, smoke and rattling steel falling from its body as ivy and plant-life began to rip its way out of the chinks in its armor, vegetation clogging its gears and innards as its gemstone eyes flickered violently before the light faded slowly from them.

The other Nibelung were losing confidence as they fought desperately: one lashed a dagger towards Applejack, but she only grinned as she dodged backwards before Rainbow Dash crashed into the Nibelung’s back, sending it face-first into the ground in front of the earth pony before her hooves smashed down on top of its skull and knocked the dwarf unconscious: another attempted to break away from the fight, and there was another bang before it staggered to the side, clutching at its neck as its eyes bulged and it gave a gargle before it collapsed mindlessly forwards, as Pinkie Pie dodged easily back and forth around the last still-standing archer, the dwarf putting too much concentration into trying to hit the pony… and then Aleksandr slammed his elbow down into the side of its neck, and the dwarf’s eyes rolled up in his head before he collapsed onto his face.

It left only the commander, who was standing with his shield raised and axe held at the ready, breathing hard as Luna faced him with a cold grin, her horn glowing slightly and her hooves spaced evenly apart as she said softly: “Thine ambush has failed spectacularly, foul creature. I shall spare thee on the condition thou tells us about Ignominious and his plans… and the Ekleíp. We know already many Nibelung serve as mercenaries to them… we know that they provide you with these rusted, ancient constructs and other equipment. Tell me their aims, their intentions, and I shall let thee escape to live and fight another day.”

“Fancy-corn already knows too much, so I let my axe teach her to shut mouth and ears!” the Nibelung snarled, then it charged forwards and swung savagely out with its shield, but Luna leapt up and shoved her front hooves against it, stalling the battering attack and making the dwarf grimace and stagger even as it swung its axe savagely outwards, shifting the shield sideways to try and throw Luna off balance… but with only a tilt of her horn, the axe blade was repelled by the natural weapon of the winged unicorn.

The wolf-pig staggered with a curse… then gasped in shock as Luna leapt forwards, lightning fast, and buried her horn through his chest, then leapt backwards as it dropped axe and shield, falling to its knees and clutching at the hole rent easily through both armor and body. She looked at him coldly as the dwarf hissed and bowed forwards… then grinned weakly even as blood spilled out of its body, one hand clawing into the ground as it rasped: “May you live to see all your friends die, fancy-corn.”

It gave a single broken laugh… then fell dead, and Luna shook her head grimly as the others gazed towards the fallen creature. It wasn’t the first time any of them had seen a dead body, nor their first battle… but Luna thought it was the first time many of them had seen her kill anything apart from the living dead so ruthlessly, and the winged unicorn closed her eyes before she took a calming breath, then looked up and said quietly: “Come, let us drag these bodies off the road and out of the path of the caravan. Let the unconscious ones stay unconscious, let the dead stay dead, and burn the bones of the Velite; they will offer no further troubles.”

The others nodded, and Scrivener quietly approached Luna, looking at her for a moment… but she only smiled a little in return, then gestured to the corpse of the commander, and the male nodded slowly, hesitating only a moment before the two turned towards the body and dragged it carefully off the path.

Cowlick joined them a few moments later from wherever she had been sniping, grimacing a little as she rose the carbine rifle and used the scope along the top of the plain, steel-and-oak weapon to survey the roads ahead. One hoof cradled the body of the gun, the other rested on the enlarged trigger in a lever-action ring designed to allow her to easily and effectively hold and fire the rifle as necessary… and then she shook her head and muttered: “Looks clear up ahead, anyway. Should we get Rainbow Dude to check?”

“Nay, ‘twas only a threat, Cowlick, and one Ignominious plainly expected us to survive. But he wished to send us a message, to show us that he knows of our plans and intends to trouble us every step of the journey.” Luna shook her head slowly, saying distastefully: “Let us only hope the wretch has not risen anything worse from the tunnels or the lower realms than what we see before us.”

The others nodded slowly, before Twilight glanced nervously towards the golem that now stood like a monument to nature’s power, steel completely overwhelmed by vines and life. “I’ve read about these… even seen one or two in Canterlot, a long time ago, but they were much different… made of stone. Is it possible that they can make more of them, in better condition?”

“Anything is possible, Twilight Sparkle, but worry not. They take time to build and enchant, and time is something that will work both for and against us on this journey.” Luna shook her head slowly, saying quietly: “But come. Let us once more stride forwards. We have lost time and the caravan likely approaches close upon our tails. We must distance ourselves again to the vanguard position, and be wary of further ambush or attack.”

She paused, then glanced irritably to the side, adding in a clear shout as the others looked up in surprise: “Cowardly Velite, I know thou lurks in the weeds! Stay there, for all I care, and gather the bones of the dead to mend thy broken body, but do not disturb the caravan… and when thou art finished with thy staring and spying, return to Ignominious with a message. Tell him to cease his games, to face me like the stallion he pretends to be, ‘lest I be forced to hunt him down in short order and send him back to Helheim a mocked, crying mess.”

There was an awkward rustling in the tall grasses, and Luna sighed and shook her head, even as Twilight frowned… but the winged unicorn grimaced, saying quietly: “Nay, worry not, Twilight, one Velite alone is not stupid enough to attack the force that guards our supply caravan, and I wish to send a clear message of my own to Ignominious… that I do not fear what he has raised against me. The Nibelung will likely-as-not simply flee for the tunnels: the Velite, at least, has nowhere to go but to report back to its new masters.”

With that, Luna turned and began to stride down the path again, Scrivener Blooms falling into pace beside her, adjusting his glasses on his muzzle as he studied her… but she only smiled, shaking her head as the others once more began to follow, even as Rainbow Dash disconcertedly glanced over his shoulder towards where the Velite was half-hidden and Pinkie Pie and Twilight traded worried looks. “Trust in me, and in my instincts. Besides, Canterlot is not a great distance away any longer… it awaits us ahead, and there is much to be done, much to be tended to. Shortly, in any event, we shall fall back and rejoin the caravan, to finish the march together… I would prefer to enter Canterlot in the presence of many allies than risk entry with only a few friends, who may be harmed should things not go according to whatever plans Celestia has hatched.”

Scrivy nodded slowly, and then they both glanced up in surprise as Twilight laughed a little, looking towards the unicorn as she said softly: “For once, Luna… I have faith in Celestia. Maybe it was the way she told me, or maybe it was just… the conviction in her eyes, or the honesty that shines out of the letters she’s been sending… I think things are going to be okay.”

Luna looked at her thoughtfully… and then she sighed and nodded slowly, saying quietly: “Very well, Twilight Sparkle, thou hast certainly earned my faith… and Celestia has been different as of late. Odd, and different… and not in ways completely unpleasant. I shall… try and have faith as well.”

They lapsed into silence, which stayed for most of the journey, apart from the occasional short conversation… and finally, at the foot of the path leading up the mountain range Canterlot was perched upon, Luna called a halt so they could wait for the caravan. Not that it was long in coming: the wagons were able to move a little faster than expected, and the vanguard ponies hadn’t put much effort into keeping a great distance between themselves and the caravan. Instead, Luna had paced slowly, deep in thought, worries flickering through her mind as she wondered what grand scheme Celestia had concocted this time… and these apprehensions continued even as they began to make their way up the path, Luna, Scrivener and Twilight still at the head of the column even as the others fell back into line, Rainbow Dash joining the other Pegasi flying slowly over the three enormous wagons being hauled by groups of armored earth ponies as the minotaurs brought up the rear.

Guard towers had been built along the path, and Celestia’s golden-armored soldiers stood in many of these with crossbows… and yet, even as Luna half-expected to be met with a hail of bolts, they only stood and looked down at her with the same anxiety she gazed back at them with. The same went for the earth pony knights that stood at the sides of the road, many of them with shields over their backs emblazoned with the symbol of the sun.

The biggest surprise, however, was at the end of the path in front of the lowered drawbridge that led directly into Canterlot Castle, where Celestia herself stood, the ivory equine tall and imposing, the winged unicorn almost double Luna’s impressive height. Her amethyst eyes were calm and focused, and a rainbow mane that flowed like liquid spilled past her features, swaying quietly with a mind of its own, her tail the same strange, semi-solid substance, moving with the same eccentric life.

She wore a peytral plate of gold that was inset with a gemstone the same violet as her eyes, and a matching, tall golden tiara rested upon her head just past her long, spiraled white horn: she was next-to-flawless, beautiful, powerful, and the only thing that marred her perfection was the single circular swatch of scar tissue just beneath one leg. It was a scar that Luna had given her long ago, a past mistake she had paid direly for… and when she straightened, the honor guard of no less than a dozen enormous earth pony knights in full plate armor all bowed, and the Pegasi in the sky dropped to the ground to do the same as behind Luna, Scrivener and Twilight, the others lowered themselves in respect.

Luna gazed quietly up at her big sister, her cyan irises flickering as Celestia met them… and then her older sibling lowered her head, saying quietly: “My friends. It is a pleasure and an honor to receive you here… but come. We have business to attend to first, in Canterlot Square… Scrivener Blooms, Twilight Sparkle, I wish for you both to join us, and my knights will take the wagons to be loaded up and guide your friends the short way around to the plaza, but we have a little to discuss first.”

“Of course, sister.” Luna said softly, nodding slowly and trying not to show her hesitance… but when Celestia smiled a little at her, the sapphire winged unicorn knew that she had sensed it anyway, and she fidgeted a bit before nodding firmer and saying quietly: “I shall trust in thee, Celestia, as thou trusts in me.”

“I do not expect that, little sister, don’t worry.” Celestia’s eyes were tender, lingering for a few moments over the three before she shook her head before motioning for them to follow as she turned. Luna paused only long enough to glance over her shoulder and motion to the others to go on their way, and the ponies nervously rose as the knights of Celestia came forwards… but they were reserved and polite, treating them more like honored guests than fellow soldiers.

The trio followed Celestia over the lowered drawbridge and towards the open gates, the Princess of the Sun gazing steadily ahead as she said softly: “I will require a favor of you, Luna, that you may not like… but we need a united Equestria. An Equestria where the rumors about Nightmare Moon are laid to rest, and where we recognize that the source of this darkness comes from a place far darker and fouler than a pony who wished only for others to appreciate her.”

“I know not whether to be touched or insulted. But tell me then, Celestia, what machinations hast thou set in motion, what grand scheme does thou have hidden in thy flowing colorful locks?” Luna asked mildly, but when Celestia only gave her a smile over her shoulder even as she led them calmly through the carpeted halls, Luna sighed a little, shaking her head… and then shuddering a bit as she looked back and forth through the grand halls. “’Tis as stuffy here as I remember. So art thou. Why must we now try to solve these problems, though, my sister? Should our focus not be upon the enemy?”

“The direct attacks of our enemy are not unimportant, but mostly they are a distraction. The shadows are subtle, little sister… while our attention is focused on the events we can see, the sight of monsters flooding our beautiful home, the sounds of battle… at the same time, darkness creeps through the ground, corrupting and poisoning Equestria in far-more-dangerous ways.” Celestia answered quietly, shaking her head slowly. “What would it matter if we destroyed their armies, and they managed to convince Equestria that Nightmare Moon was the cause behind all this? Already, many ponies, driven into aggression by terror and panic, have asked me to have you hunted down and killed. Already, Bucephalus tried to do this exact task, and you saw the result: Ponyville was almost destroyed by Sol Seraph, you were nearly captured by Ekleíp, and we discussed at length through letters what happened to your home.

“I could not… I will not… even pretend to turn upon you, Luna, not again.” Celestia stopped in front of a pair of double doors, turning around and gazing silently down at her sister as the three gazed up at her, the Princess of the Sun slowly drawing her gaze over them as she murmured: “I betrayed you all, terribly. And even after I tried to change myself, I was not forthcoming about what was going on, I was trying to control things and rule as a leader, not act as a sister, as a fellow pony, and it cost the life of a unicorn you had taken on as student. I have a chance now to set things right. After so much thought and effort, I have come to the decision to let myself act on emotion and rash instinct instead of trying to control, and try to unite us. To make it clear that Nightmare Moon is not the enemy, that you are not the enemy. To… save you, from having to be the scapegoat even after the darkness recedes.”

She stopped, then bowed her head forwards and smiled faintly, whispering softly: “Luna, I will not… ask you to return to Canterlot. I will not make you be the Princess of the Night you never wanted to be… but I need to at least try and remedy what I caused, so you do not have to live in exile with Scrivener Blooms. And Twilight Sparkle, I owe it to you as well, to fix the mistakes I made, to show you that… what happened all those years ago, will not happen again.”

Celestia closed her eyes, then she straightened and turned, flicking her horn to the side, the double doors glowing before they flew open and she strode onwards. Behind her, the trio of ponies exchanged awkward looks, then hurried after her down a long hall decorated with paintings, Luna asking hesitantly: “Art thou sure? My sister, do not think I am ungrateful, but exile has not been awful, and ponies have never dared chase me before… and as the darkness recedes, would not the ponies of Equestria decide that once more Nightmare Moon must have been bested and has decided to try and quietly escape thy wrath? Is it not tempting fate to invite these added dangers? I do not wish to have saved you all those years ago from suffering the torments I once did, only for thee to throw caution to the winds now and risk Equestria turning upon thee as well.”

The Princess of the Sun only laughed softly at this, however, asking with quiet entertainment: “I have thought of this, but I believe I understand a way to ensure the ponies of Equestria do not ask for anything brash, no matter where their loyalties lie… and furthermore, who would replace me? Oh, I am sure many ponies of the Royal Court would scramble for the position of monarch, but they would all topple shortly like dominoes in the whirlwind of backstabbing that would follow. They would all have only the support of themselves, and a few sycophants… the only pony with a possible claim to the throne is so-called Prince Blueblood, and he is merely a figurehead. Not of royal blood or status, instead a figure elevated to this position by the wish of the Royal Courts, to replace me in name should anything ever happen.”

“And yet I assume thou hast some underhanded loophole already exploited in this law to ensure that Blueblood would never claim the throne, even should thou be dragged down into the earth from the awful weight of thy scheming mind?” Luna asked dryly, but the look she received from Celestia in response was more entertained than exasperated. “Of course thou does. Thou always does.”

Celestia only shook her head with a quiet laugh, however, saying softly: “But that is all unimportant, sister… all it does is demonstrate further that I have spent too much time planning and strategizing and seeing to every little detail. Now it is time to act, and hope for the best, as you have spent all your life doing… a life shorter than mine, but… better, in many ways, and more full, even with the years you spent sealed away.”

“Yes, that was wonderful, Nightmare Moon and I truly had some deep and incredible dialogues.” Luna said flatly, then she paused and glanced towards Scrivener Blooms, and the male winced a bit as a memory flickered through his mind, of Nightmare Moon storming back and forth, raving furiously to herself in what looked like nothing more than a small white room. “She was always very eloquent.”

“And I require her help.” Celestia said softly, and the three looked up sharply at this, stopping as Celestia paused at the end of the hall, turning around and gazing slowly over the group. “Trust in me, Luna. I know it will be strange, but I must ask you to become Nightmare Moon. And you have my promise, that everything will be okay.”

Luna hesitated all the same, and then Twilight stepped forwards, saying quietly: “Celestia, I… know you mean well, but this course of action… we’re in Canterlot. We’re in Canterlot Castle, furthermore, and we have a long walk to Canterlot Square… is it such a good idea to-”

“Trust in me.” Celestia repeated soothingly, her eyes roving to Twilight as she leaned down and smiled faintly, murmuring softly: “Just enough for this, just a little for now. And I’ll repay you all for this later… I will. There is much to discuss, and we have only tonight before you must hurry onwards to North Neigh… and that is why we must make the most of the time we have now, and ensure that there will be no unnecessary distractions or problems on your travels northward.”

Luna nodded with a sigh after a moment, rubbing at her face with a hoof nervously as she looked back and forth for reassurance… and Twilight shrugged slowly to her before smiling hesitantly, and Scrivener Blooms nodded slowly, gazing at her softly. Finally, the winged unicorn lowered her head, murmuring: “Well… thou were always the mind of the group, Celestia. The dangerous, dangerous mind.”

“A mind that thought too often and too deeply, little sister.” Celestia said softly, and the two looked at each other, studying one another for a few long moments before the ivory equine gave a hesitant smile… and finally, Luna gave a grudging smile in return before stepping backwards and taking a slow breath.

Her starry mane glowed and shimmered as her body pulsed, light spreading over her frame, her armor groaning as it rippled strangely before stretching as her body grew and changed… and then Luna arched her back, gritting teeth that had become sharp, eyes clenched shut as her black coat shone with night’s dark radiance, her ephemeral locks and tail flicking backwards before beginning to slowly settle around her as eyes open, pupils like slits and irises glowing before a calm, sly smile spread over her face; the face of not Luna, but Nightmare Moon, her wings flapping once before she leaned forwards and said almost enticingly: “This is the first time, Celestia, we meet on such kind terms… you seem to be favoring your leg a little more today than usual, have you been straining yourself? I suppose that wound must hurt even now, after all…”

“We may banter later, and you may have your fun afterwards, Nightmare Moon… for now, I know you are as eager as Luna to get underway, are you not?” Celestia’s voice was surprisingly tactful, her body language passive and docile, and both Twilight and Scrivener looked with surprise at this. Nightmare Moon herself seemed almost troubled by it, but Celestia lowered her head, saying quietly: “I wish to save you, sister. Whatever name you go by, whatever guise you wear, you are my sister. I won’t forget that again.”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes flickered… and then she laughed quietly, her pupils returning to normal as the glow faded slightly from her irises, and Luna’s voice spoke in return as she said quietly: “Then I shall keep my own self at bay for now for thee, Celestia. But we should hurry onwards… when I take upon her body, her mind has freer rein as well, and ‘tis a very strange feeling for us to be in thy presence at… peace. Horses of Heaven know what troubles we may stir up to see the comforts of thy frustration and fury.”

“Thank you, Luna. Then let us proceed to Canterlot Square… to the Chamber of the Sun.” Celestia said softly, facing ahead once more to lead them through the labyrinthine castle, and Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle both winced at this: the place where Luna and Celestia had battled years ago now, the place where Celestia had lured them all, consumed with power and madness and a need to ‘protect’ her country.

“This isn’t ominous at all.” Scrivener muttered as the trio strode forwards, and Luna smiled despite herself as Twilight grimaced a little… but otherwise, they strode onwards in silence that was tense but felt strangely-necessary. Celestia and Luna walked almost side-by-side, the Princess of the Sun and Nightmare Moon, neither looking at the other, walking as calmly as if they had practiced this path a thousand times before.

Scrivener could sense Luna’s hesitance as they entered the rear hall of the castle and strode towards the open rear gates… but her features remained as calm as ever, slight smile on her face, eyes glowing faintly as her armor gripped tightly into her black-coated frame. He could feel both sides of Luna trying their hardest to trust in Celestia, even as they strode out of the gates and onto the wide bridge leading down into the town beyond, even as Twilight leaned to the side and stared in surprise at the ponies – commoners and soldiers, nobles and students and everyone in between – all gathered along the road as if for a royal parade, staring in shock at the sight of Celestia and Nightmare Moon striding calmly side-by-side.

It rose more questions in the minds of all three… and yet Celestia only tranquilly walked onwards, only faced forwards with her regal and yet almost-relaxed expression. Scrivener could feel frustration from Luna, but moreover, absolute confusion as well: walking around in her normal form could draw bad enough attention and had been sufficient to terrorize any number of soldiers, but she was in full Nightmare Moon shape… and for all the fear, for all the panic, for all the way they stared, the ponies did not flee or yell or attack. They watched from the sides, almost as confused as the trio was, in silence so loud it was almost worse than if they had all been shrieking with terror.

It was the strangest stroll Scrivener had ever been part of, looking awkwardly back and forth, glad that the enormous winged unicorns took up all the attention as he and Twilight strode nervously in their wake. Both were all too glad when they reached the steps leading up to the Chamber of the Sun… and all too well aware of the enormous crowd gathered in Canterlot Square, all staring upwards at them, the gathered ponies rumbling like one enormous beast as the Starlit Knights sat awkwardly at the front of the group, beyond a line of Pegasus Guard. Other soldiers were stationed all over the square, and Pegasi flew back and forth through the air in constant patrol as they reached the state… and, no longer able to resist, Luna asked in a low, sharp voice: “What is the meaning of this, Celestia?”

“Do not worry, sister… it was important they saw us side-by-side. Important that word spread, as word spreads far faster than the fleetest of hooves… important that they know this is not simply an act.” Celestia said quietly, and Luna gave her a horrible look only amplified by the features of Nightmare Moon, her eyes almost blazing… but Celestia only smiled in return, saying quietly: “I know, it was not fair to surprise you with this, but it was necessary. Otherwise, you never would have been willing to do so.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed moodily, but then Celestia bowed her head to them as she said quietly: “Now, pray that they will listen, my sister. Pray that the darkness has not dripped poison into their ears already, and that they are not blinded with fear and panic. But they are eager to hear why you are here, and why we stand together… and now, I shall tell them. Not the truth… but not lies, either. I shall tell them… just enough.”

Celestia smiled slightly at this, and Luna shook her head slowly, her eyes glowing a bit brighter for a moment before she murmured: “We do not know whether to be impressed or scared, and I think I speak for not only myself and Nightmare Moon, but Twilight Sparkle and Scrivener Blooms.”

“It’s all about timing, that’s all… most things are.” Celestia replied quietly, and then she paused for a moment longer before turning and striding slowly to the wide balcony, gazing imperiously over the gathered crowd, and immediately, ponies fell silent as they gazed up at their Princess of the Sun, at their ruler, their figurehead, their guide.

She gazed back down, and her expression was almost sad for a moment, looking at the way they stared at her, worshipped her, begged for knowledge and advice with their eyes… and her own irises slipped closed as she straightened. The silence spiraled outwards for that moment, that second, that minute… and then her amethyst eyes opened, confident, calm, and reassuring, as she said in a voice that rang powerfully throughout the square: “My subjects… today, I stand before you with somber news, and yet also with renewed hope in spite of the gravity of what has occurred. Today, I am here to confirm that in the north, a village was destroyed by unknown forces, and that we have lost contact with the ponies who were investigating this tragedy.”

She stopped, letting a rumble of unease pass through the crowd before she leaned forwards, saying quietly: “The loss of one life is terrible, and should not be overlooked… for all life, no matter who it is, no matter how large or small, has value. To lose an entire village is not something any of us can neglect… and it is not something I will ignore. All of you have seen the signs of growing darkness, have encountered the Nibelung or their machinations, have heard stories of the Velites and know that the monsters in the wilds grow more savage, that things thought legend roam the world anew. And many of you would blame Nightmare Moon, is this not true?”

Celestia leaned forwards slightly, her eyes and tone sharpening, and the effect was not a question but almost a scolding accusation: it made even the angriest of ponies wince back a bit in reflex, hesitating even as mumbles and a few scattered yells rose up from the crowd. The winged unicorn, however, only smiled as she straightened slightly, glancing towards Luna… and she stepped slowly forwards in her Nightmare Moon body, gazing coldly down at the crowd, as the ivory equine said quietly: “And yet beside me, stands Nightmare Moon herself, does she not? How could Nightmare Moon wage war on us, on Equestria, from the north, and yet arrive here from the south? Why would she stand here, beside me, with no guard, no allies… why would she walk through the presence of a thousand ponies without turning on them, calm and serene?

“The time has come for these lies and rumors to end. Years ago, you all saw Nightmare Moon battle me, and defeat me… and that is true.” Celestia’s voice became quieter, but it carried more weight for it, the crowd leaning forwards, staring up at her, listening almost urgently as Luna looked sharply towards Celestia… but the Princess of the Sun only smiled, slowly looking towards her, meeting her eyes and speaking to both her and the group as she said: “And it was my fault. The quarrel… was childish, and yet it escalated quickly. I am at fault, and even after Nightmare Moon fled… I did not attempt to save my own sister. I did not go after her, I did not confess my sins, I did not do everything I should have done, and instead… allowed her to take the blame for what happened in full part.

“All of you know she fled to the Everfree Forest, as an exile.” Celestia turned back towards the crowd, gazing calmly over them. “And never once did she try to plunge our country into darkness, whether it was by eternal night or to overthrow my rule. How many of you failed to recognize this fact? Yet I cannot blame you… for even I did. Even I was eager for someone to blame when the darkness began to rise in Equestria… and that is why I sought Nightmare Moon out. That is why I sought my sister out… and found her already fighting the things I should have been preparing my country for long ago. We began to talk, slowly at first, hesitantly… and now, I have invited her here. To show you all that she is not a threat, to tell you all that she is not behind this darkness, but in fact has agreed to help us fight it, to be our greatest warrior against the shadows that once manipulated her, already willing to throw herself into harm’s way and investigate what has happened to the north.

“And I tell you all now, she is my sister. She is Nightmare Moon, and she is Luna. She will not harm those who do not harm her and in front of you all, with the Horses of Heaven as witnesses, I give her my blessing and declare that no mistake of the past shall be held against her, for no one has held themselves in greater account for their crimes than she has, no one has suffered as needlessly as her…” Celestia halted, then she faced once more towards Nightmare Moon, meeting her eyes and saying quietly: “And most important of all… Luna, little sister… I am so sorry. I am so awfully sorry for what I have done, trying to protect not my country… but myself. I am so sorry I have made you suffer. And Equestria, if you do not excuse her of her crimes for her sake… then excuse them for my own selfish reasons. Because we need her, because I need her… because I broke that promise, to always be there for my sister, and instead sent her off into exile, maimed worse in heart than I ever have been in body.”

Celestia stopped, then stepped forwards and hugged Nightmare Moon tightly… and Luna closed her eyes, bowing her head forwards, surprised and feeling her sister’s faint trembles, knowing it wasn’t just an act before she hugged her tightly back, the two resting against each other for a few long moments.

The Princess of the Sun stepped back and away… and Luna smiled faintly, her eyes gleaming before her body glowed, and in a burst of blue mist and light, she shrank back down, Nightmare Moon form fading, standing once more before her sister in her normal body as she whispered: “I forgive thee, big sister.”

Celestia smiled softly… and then she glanced out in surprise as the Starlit Knights shouted their approval from the front rows, stomping their hooves… and slowly, like a wave, the sound grew as other ponies began to join in, bit-by-bit, until they were cheering together for the sisters as they stood side-by-side on the balcony, stepping forwards and both staring with shock over the gathered crowd… and then Celestia smiled warmly, raising a hoof, and the sound died down as Celestia said clearly: “Your approval is appreciated, but hold your applause, for there is one more announcement I wish to make, to clearly show my faith in my sister… to clearly demonstrate to you all that I believe in her, from the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul.

“Luna… I have never ruled fairly with you. I relegated you to the night, offering excuses… but today, I look to share the realm with you fairly and equally.” For a moment Celestia hesitated… and then she said in a firm, carrying voice: “Luna, my sister… I do not offer you to take position back as Princess of the Night, but as my true equal, working beneath the light of the sun as well as the glory of the stars. We will not be Princesses of Night and Day, Moon and Sun, and I shall give you exclusive power over any territory you desire, Luna. I know… there are places in Equestria you cherish, deeper than I ever could.”

There was a hush at this offer, nervousness and anxiety whispering through the air, and yet Celestia smiled all the same, even obviously knowing how wrong things could go… and yet Luna could only feel touched at the offer, made in front of the gathered crowd, made without care for how it would make her look… and the winged unicorn laughed before she lowered her head with a bit of a blush for a moment, then suddenly gazed up and said clearly: “I am no ruler, Celestia. But Equestria… needs thee, more than it has ever needed mine own presence. Yet now… I am at peace with this, and instead take comfort in the fact that still I can serve my country, protect these ponies, in a fashion more fit for my talents. Nay, Celestia, I ask instead that thou continues to rule… but cast off this ridiculous notion of Princess, and assume thy title as Queen. For that is how we look to thee, as Queen of Equestria… for thou art our ruler, our sovereign, and there is no better fit to rule.”

And with that, Luna slowly bowed… and Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle both lowered themselves as well as Celestia looked back and forth, stunned, as cheers rose up from the crowd even as other ponies followed in the example. Luna was grinning slightly even as she stayed low, looking pleased with herself as Celestia gazed down at her… then bowed her head deep, even as she murmured: “Little sister… if I didn’t think you honestly meant what you said, I would gladly throw you off this balcony.”

“Silence, Queen Celestia, and announce thy acceptance. Besides, it seems to soothe the ponies to see me in submission to thee, twisted and perverse as that is.” Luna replied easily, and Celestia gave a tired sigh as she shook her head slowly, looking at her with exasperation.

But then she nodded, straightening and leaning over the balcony, saying calmly as the roar of the crowd died down: “‘Queen’ is only a title… but all the same, it is a word that carries with it great weight. I have been Princess for more than a thousand years, most of which I have sadly, ruled alone… and the only reason I feel ready to accept this honor is because in the last several years, I have finally learned things I should have learned a long time ago. I have learned that everypony among us has worth and value. I have learned that I am no better than any other pony, and that sometimes we must show others we are weak and admit to our faults to truly find strength. I have learned that we cannot make everything make sense, that not even I can control the outcome of everything around me… and that even at these times, everything can still work out well, and there is always hope and a brighter tomorrow.

“I am Queen Celestia, and beside me is my sister, Luna, Champion of Equestria. Do you accept us? Will you unite with us, under our one flag, our one purpose, to drive back the darkness? Will you stand with us, beside us, as equals in this fight?” Celestia leaned forwards, and there was a roar, soldiers saluting and civilians stomping their hooves with shouts of approval, and the ivory equine nodded grimly, saying calmly: “Then we stand a chance against the shadows that come. And now, we shall all prove ourselves… that a Queen may rule with honor, that a Champion may find redemption, that a people may unite as one to battle a common foe, no matter what their fears!”

The cheers of the ponies rose again, and Celestia smiled as she stepped back, nodding firmly as Luna rose and stood beside her, the two looking out over the gathered ponies… and then the sisters turned to one another, smiling, eyes meeting, knowing that this was only just the beginning… but neither afraid as Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle both smiled warmly at the reunited siblings.