• Published 27th Jun 2021
  • 4,815 Views, 202 Comments

Old Words - WurkyWilk358 0w0

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Nightmare No More

Chapter 6

The moon was high in the sky as the ponies slept peacefully and safely in their homes. As they slept, they dreamed of their own fantasies which allowed them to slumber in content. However, there were those who sometimes were plagued by nightmares from dreaming of monsters attacking them or allowing their insecurities warp their reality and cause fear within their hearts. Thankfully, a certain Princess of the moon was there to rid the nightmare from their dreams so that they may continue to sleep peacefully.

Princess Luna traversed through the dream realm and kept a watchful eye on the many dreams of her little ponies. Before she would find it a tiring and menial for a pony of her power, but she instead wore a content smile as she performed her duties. Ever since that night, the words she shared with the mysterious old man, she had made her solemn duty to ensure she not let her own insecurities get the better of her. His words of how much he appreciated her night sky, and how she was able to gain closure with her sister, allowed Luna to be a better keeper of the night and co-ruler of Equestria. Now she found herself to be on equal ground with Celestia as a sister and earned the recognition of the populace for her watchful eye over the dream realm.

As Luna examined the many dreams, one seemed to catch her eye. The setting looked to be in a living room of an old house. A comfy-looking chair, a table with a lit lamp beside it, and outside the window was the night sky. Luna gazed at the dream for a moment until she saw something that made her gasp and grow a wide smile. A bipedal being stepped into view with a cup of tea in hand and a book in the other. Luna approached the dream to confirm her suspicions. To her delight, it was none other than the old man himself as he sat down on the chair with a warm smile. Luna squealed to herself with excitement as she went to enter the dream to greet the old man. However, she hesitated and looked back at the many other dreams that she was supposed to look after. Luna would only enter a dream if the dreamer was being plagued by a nightmare or if they needed to hear some of her sagely wisdom. It wasn’t often that she would willingly enter a dream for her on volition, but this was an encounter she had longed for.

“Just…a quick visit wouldn’t hurt, will it?” Luna thought aloud.

Steeling her resolve, she stepped into the dream where the old man sat and appeared behind his chair. She looked around the humble abode and felt a warm comforting feeling wash over her. Her eyes landed back on the old man sitting in his chair as he reached over to take another sip of his tea. Luna’s chest felt like butterflies were flapping all around at the sight of him. She wanted to just wrap the old man in a hug, casting aside her regal personality, and thank the old man for setting her mind straight. But Luna was a professional, she had to be, especially at this very moment.

“Um…sir?” Luna called out, taking a hesitant step forward. The old man’s head perked up as he leaned to the side to look behind his chair. The feeling in her chest grew more intense from the sight of his kind eyes. “Do you…remember me?” The old man stared at Luna for what felt like an eternity until he smiled his signature warm smile.

“Princess Luna, how wonderful to see you again,” the old man said.

That was the final nail in the coffin as small tears of joy seeped through Luna’s eyes. It was him, the old man whom she longed to meet again.

“It is you,” Luna said, fighting back a sob. “I…I’ve long to meet you agin, sir.”

“I am glad to see you as well, my dear,” the old man nodded. “Come, sit so we may talk.” Luna did not hesitate this time as she walked around the old man’s chair and hopped on another chair beside him. “You look well, much more vibrant and full of content than when last we spoke.”

“Thank you,” Luna smiled as she got comfortable in her seat. The old man grabbed a second glass from the table that he made appear with his dream and poured it for his guest.


“Oh, yes, thank you,” Luna accepted the offer. She used her magic to grab hold of the cup and levitated it to her lips. The taste of lavender with a hint of honey and cinnamon tickled her tastebuds, earning a sigh of satisfaction. “It is very good tea, sir.”

“I’m glad you like it, my wife always had a special talent in bringing out the flavor of certain teas,” the old man said.

“Have you continued to enjoy the night sky as you said before?” Luna wondered.

“Yes, most definitely,” the old man nodded. “I have noticed that the stars, even the moon, shines brighter than usual. It’s a truly wonderful sight to see, my wife would have loved the very spectacle you provide.”

Hearing those words filled Luna with a happiness she had hoped to feel during this encounter. His words were as truthful and wise as he himself was. This was one of the reasons why Luna was able to see the error of her ways and allowed herself to be purged from the darkness by the elements. She also was appreciative to him for giving her the incentive to rekindle the almost lost bond she once had with her dear elder sister. There was so many things she wanted to tell the old man since their talk, but there was little time to do so.

“Sir, may I express something to you?” Luna requested.

“By all means, my dear, I’m an open book,” the old man said.

“I wanted to thank you, sir.” Luna said with a happy smile.

“What for, if I may ask?”

“I was lost in a sea of jealousy towards my sister and felt unappreciated for my night sky by the ponies of Equestria. I believed that the ponies favored the day more than the night and no pony noticed all the hard effort I put into the stars that twinkle in the night sky. I allowed myself to become a dark being of rage and lashed out at everypony around me. Thus ending in my banishment to the moon for a thousand years. I vividly remember harboring that rage for all that time, but I see that it was not rage towards my sister and the ponies, but it was myself I was angry with. I was about to follow though with my plans of domination by plunging the world in eternal night, and I very well might have done it had you not intervened.” Tears began to form again but this time dripped from Luna’s eyes. “You were able to convince me that these feelings of insecurity were of my own fault, and that they should not be held on to, for it would have consumed me and I would be all alone. What you said before, how ponies did in fact appreciate the night sky, rang to be true after all. I was foolish, foolish for letting my insecurities get the better of me and almost ruining my relationship with my sister forever. For that, I am truly grateful for your advice and helping me stray from the dark path I found myself on. I’ve waited for a long time to express my gratitude towards you, and I am finally able to do so, even if it is in the dream realm.”

The old man listened to all the words spoken by the lunar alicorn as he set his cup aside. He picked himself up from his chair and slowly walked over to her. Luna looked up at the old man as he leaned down and gently wrapped his arms around her frame and held her close.

“You are most welcome, Luna, I am glad you have reforged the bond with your sister and have regained the recognition from your subjects.” The old man leaned back to stare into Luna’s eyes. “I always knew you had the resolve to do so, I never had any doubts.”

Luna whimpered as her lip quivered and she wrapped her front legs around the old man, being careful not to put any pressure on him. She cried her eyes out on his shoulder as he gently rocked her back and forth, letting her tears fall on his shoulder.

“Thank you…thank you for showing me the way!” Luna wept as she held him close.

“It was my great pleasure, Luna, and it always will be,” the old man said as he stroked her back.

The world around them soon began to fade, meaning the old man’s dream was coming to an end as they broke the hug.

“Will I…will I ever meet you in the real world?” Luna sniffled. “I would like to see you again face-to-face.

“Perhaps one day,” the old man nodded. “In the mean time, you just keep your head held high and remember, I’ll always be with you in here and in here.” He pointed to her head and then her chest. Luna couldn’t stop her tears from flowing as she spread her wings and flapped them away from the old man.

“I’ll never forget you, sir, not for as long as I draw breath,” Luna said with a tearful smile.

“Neither shall I, Luna, neither shall I,” the old man said as we waved goodbye and the dream faded along with him.

Author's Note:

Closure and happiness, something we all need in life.

Hope you enjoyed.

~WurkyWilk has left the building…