• Member Since 20th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2015



"War is upon us.

Dodge City was the first to go. It was a regrettable loss, but we had no choice. Our messengers couldn't reach them in time. The border towns will not be saved.

The only hope is to evacuate everyone to Canterlot. We can't save everyone, but if we act quickly, we may be able to... mitigate civilian casualties."

The Royal Council sat in a stunned silence. Only Queen Luna seemed unfazed, likely having already heard the news. She cast a sidelong glance at her sister, suppressing a smile despite the grim circumstances. Now I will be the one revered...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 2 )

Oh cool. A non-Ponyville OC fic. Read later.

I have my eye's on you

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