• Published 6th Oct 2021
  • 1,136 Views, 14 Comments

The Best For You - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

After she went missing in Savannah for a few days, Rarity finally found Lee and Clementine only to discover that the man was bitten; leaving her with no choice but to take Clementine under her wing.

  • ...

4 Months after Savannah pt.2

Rarity pulled open the door and left the station. Nate was still in there, in the kitchen and scrounging up whatever the elderly couple had.

Nate wasn't stable, that much was obvious. It became clear very quickly when he killed the couple without a moment of hesitation. He drew on them and shot them. Although the seamstress didn't oppose the idea of killing them, it didn't change the fact that he had a few loose screws but regardless; who didn't?

Rarity was all for killing the couple, she had no qualms. No remorse. They tried to kill them but failed and it cost them their lives. They pleaded for mercy but the seamstress didn't care and neither did anyone else in this world. They were too dangerous to be left alive. The old man almost shot her in the head when she was still in the vehicle, she was mere inches away from death.

She could not care less for their pleas.

The element of generosity no longer existed, none of that mattered in this world. Most of civilization was dead and those who were still alive were not innocent. Everybody was guilty of something.

The mare strolled past the gas pumps. It was still in the dead of night, dark and barely any light. The sky was full of clouds, blocking out the moon's glare, making it difficult to see.

She saw Nate's truck a few feet away. She could faintly make out the dents where bullets hit. She pulled open the door to find Clementine hiding in between the seats and floor. "Clementine," She called.

"Rarity?" The child frowned. "Is... it over?"

The seamstress nodded. "Yes, we're okay now. We took care of them."

"Oh okay, c-can I come out now?"

"Oh, yes, of course." She took a step back, allowing the child to exit the car.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" The child asked, taking a look around the lot.

"Well, we're taking the supplies the couple had."

"Couple?" The child frowned.

"Yes, couple. There was some elderly man and his wife that was shooting at us."

"Oh..." the child trailed off, a slight hint of sadness.

The seamstress frowned. "What? Is something the matter?"

"No, it's just... a-are they still alive?"

"...No. They are not. As I said earlier, we took care of them."

"You mean, you killed them?"

The seamstress and turned to face the child fully. "If you want to blunt, yes we killed them."

"Couldn't you spare them? Like, let them live?"

"No, I couldn't. They were too dangerous to be left alive." She answered, slightly irritated. She turned and began walking back into the station.

Clementine quickly caught up to her, walking side by side. "So, you just... killed them?"

Rarity sighed. This was getting irritating very quickly, She was asking way too many questions. She went in there with Nate and took them out, what more did she need to know? "Why are you asking so many questions? We killed them, it's quite simple to understand." She said, frowning at the child and stopping.

Clementine had no choice but to stop as she found herself under Rarity's fierce gaze. The mare seemed so sure of her decision as if she felt no remorse for the killing. It would've been terrifying if not for the fact that she knows Rarity.

"Well?" The mare snapped her out of her thoughts. "Are you gonna answer the question or not?"

"N-no." The child answered and Rarity left without another word.

They both continued to the diner and the mare opened the door. Rarity entered the building, moving past the counters and into the kitchen. The child found herself staring at the elderly-now dead couple. They were by the window, laying there motionlessly as blood leaked from their wounds, out onto the leather seats.

She walked closer toward them, getting a better look. Deep within her chest, her heart slowly picked up as she saw the dead couple up close. An old man had been shot in the chest and the woman had been shot in the neck.

She couldn't help it but Clementine felt sad for them, she wished that they could've helped them in some way. Even though they were shooting at them. It was difficult to believe that Rarity, the mare of generosity, the one who forgave Lilly for murdering Doug, had no issues over this.

"Are y'all ready to hit the road?" Nate called out as he and Rarity stepped out of the kitchen with duffle bags in hand. Well, Rarity was using her magic.

"Certainly. Come on, let's go." The mare went to leave the station with Nate.

"Just gotta fill up some gas tanks and then it's smooth sailing from there!" Nate stopped as he approached the door, turning back around at Clementine. She was still staring at the dead couple with a troubled expression. "You coming, kid?"

"Huh?" The child looked up, at him. She was still unsure as to why Rarity came along with him in the first place. She knew that she wanted to get to Wellington in Ohio but with him? He was clearly unstable, you didn't need a degree in psychology to figure that out. "Oh... uh-yeah." She finally answered and the man left without saying anything. Before she went after him, the child spared a glance at the couple once more; a feeling of regret still on her mind.

"Nrgh-alright! There we go!" Nate grunted as he tossed the duffle bag into the back of his pickup truck.

"Is that it? Shall we set off now?" Rarity asked, standing behind him.

"Yeah-yeah, just hang on for a sec." The man walked around the truck, the side of where the bullets hit. "Ah dammit..." he trailed off as he surveyed the damage.

"Oh wonderful, is the vehicle destroyed now?"

"Nope, just making sure she was alright." He gently tapped the truck, a cheeky smile on his face.

The mare merely rolled her eyes. Clementine then came over to the duo. "Are we leaving now?" She asked.

"Yes, we are. Nate's just having a moment with his... truck. Come on." The mare walked over to the back seat of the vehicle and opened it, allowing the child to climb in. She then walked over to the front passenger's seat and entered it.

A few moments later, Nate got in the driver's seat and switched on the ignition before accelerating out of the parking lot.

Rarity woke up the next morning, slowly lifting her head off her hoof on the armrest. The sky was as grey as ever, clouds painting it like a canvas. She noticed the Virginia sign a few feet in front of the vehicle. "Virginia is for lovers" with the "O" replaced as a heart.

Loud snoring came from her left. She turned, saw Nate passed out and leaning on the steering wheel. Rarity rolled her eyes before checking on Clementine who was peacefully sleeping in the back seat like it was her personal bed.

The mare sighed as she thought to herself, taking in the view of the deserted road. The vehicle was no luxury but it was vastly better than sleeping in some abandoned store or rest stop; all over the littered, uncomfortable floors. It was the most relaxed she had felt in... a while. Even though it was just a vehicle, this was the most comfortable she'd felt.

When they left the gas station-diner last night, Rarity had realized she was beginning to feel drowsy, tired but she forced herself to stay awake. She didn't want to sleep when Nate was right next to her, he could do anything while she was unconscious. Unfortunately, the vibration of the vehicle as it smoothly drove along the road was more than enough to lull her to sleep.

She thought of the elderly couple. Now that everything was settled and she wasn't mad anymore. When the image of the elderly couple being shot by Nate flashed through her mind, she couldn't help the guilt that manifested in her chest.

The mare still stood by her decision in letting them die but she still felt guilty about how she acted. Her attitude toward the couple. She felt ashamed of the barbaric thoughts that took place during the encounter.

Because it was barbaric, she wanted the couple dead. Gone. Completely obliterated. She wanted to find the shooter and kill them herself. To make them pay for almost killing her. Thinking back on it now, she visibly cringed at how monstrous she was in that situation. She was so worked up about almost being killed that she essentially turned into a bandit herself...

When they began begging for their lives, just wanting to be alone; at that moment, Rarity practically became a bandit. Killing them and stealing all of their stuff. She was confused, conflicted about it. On one hoof, she was glad they were gone because you can't just open fire on any passerby who stumbles across your home. On the other hoof, it still didn't feel right to kill them although they were in the wrong. It just felt... wrong having to take a life without remorse. That was what a bandit was right? Somebody who kills without a second thought?

At the end of the day, they were the ones who opened fire first. They caused their own deaths, not her...

or so she told herself.

"So, where should we go next!?" Nate inquired in his usual casual tone.

Rarity frowned, turning to look at him. "Ohio. We're going to Ohio, remember?"

He quickly gasped. "Oh Yeah-yeah, now I do. Thank you!" He said, smiling.

They were driving down at a rural spot, where it was just trees on either side of the road. Not much to look at.

"Rarity?" Clementine leaned forward in her seat.

"Yes, darling?"

"What are you gonna do once we get to Wellington?"

"Uhh... well... I don't know. We'll just have to see once we get there." The mare didn't know what she would do, honestly. She doubted that they would have any functional boutiques in the community, so making fashionable attire was out of the question.

"I just hope they have beds there."

"What!? My truck ain't comfortable enough for you?" Nate feigned a scowl into the rearview mirror, at the child.

"No." The child simply answered, a blank look on her face to show her bemusement.

"Hey, Rarity."

"Yes... Nate?"

"What did you guys used to do back at home? You know-your friends and all that." He asked, curious. "And what is your home called exactly?"

"Well, if you really must know, it was called Equestria and I owned a boutique."

"The hell is that?"

The mare gave him a blank look. "An establishment where you purchase clothing."

His eyes widened. "You owned a clothes shop? Really? I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

"And why do you say that?"

"Your pompous attitude."

Rarity scoffed. "Pompous, attitude..." The vehicle was turning a sharp corner, going a tad too fast.

"Yeah, pompous."

"You're irritable."

"And you're stuck up."

"I prefer the term, elegant."

Nate paused for a moment, a frown of thought. "So... stuck up?" Glancing at her with that cheeky smile.

"Be quiet and drive."

He let out a laugh before looking at the road. "OH SHIT!"

Before Rarity even registered what was happening, or look to see what was on the road she was ejected from the car and barreled into the windshield headfirst at full force. She flew mid-air and plummeted to the ground; landing hard on her right arm, taking most of the impact. She rolled a couple of meters from where she landed before slowing to a halt, laying on her stomach in the road.

As everything slowly faded away, a persistent loud ringing echoed in her ears all throughout her temple, grinding against her cranium and suddenly everything went black.