• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 1,587 Views, 45 Comments

My little pony: Mexico is magic - EdBoii

Rosita pie is a young pony living in the small town of Villa del pony. Or at least she was, until one fateful day in which she met Arcoiris Veloz, a notorious bandit and sworn enemy of Rareza. How will this adventure fare for Rosita?

  • ...

Camino A La Gran Ciudad!

Arena Caliente Desert

The rising sun illuminated the cold sands of the desert, a few snakes slithered across the vast expanse of land as the first rays of daylight crept up on them, cacti loomed over the emptiness of it all like solemn guardians of silence.

On top of a small hill, however, not all was as calm and quiet.

"What the HAY?!?" Arcoiris shouted as she saw her former attackers standing over her, smiling grandly as they held out a plate full of berries and other dried fruit.

"Good morning missus Arcoiris!" Retoño greeted the mare as her two friends nodded enthusiastically.

"We made you breakfast!" Dulce announced jumping happily.

"Sorry for the smack with the scooter!" Speed apologized happily as if it were no big deal.

Arcoiris quickly got to her hooves and backed away from the three fillies glaring menacingly.

"The thieves are back! Rosita! Diana! Get the guns!" Arcoiris bellowed while looking for her friends.

She didn't notice the look on the little pony's faces as she called them thieves, their eyes watered, their smiles quivered, their cheerful expressions wavered.

"We said we were sorry..." Dulce looked down and kicked a small rock with her hoof.

Arcoiris was still looking for her friends when a rather soft object hit her in the back of her head, she didn't faint this time though.

"Hey! Leave them alone!" Diana stood behind Arcoiris frowning, muffin in hoof.

"Yeah! They said they were sorry!" Rosita appeared out of nowhere. "And they made breakfast!"

The three fillies perked up as soon as the breakfast was mentioned.

"Yup! And it's yummy!" Dulce waved her hooves in the air and nearly fell down.

"I want some!" Diana smiled widely and rushed over to the campfire, where several marshmallows were burning and a few hay and cacti tacos were slowly cooking over the fire.

"Me too!" Rosita hopped over to the food and ravenously engulfed several of everything at the same time.

"Hey! It's for everypony!" The three fillies raced over to the fireplace as well, leaving a confused Arcoiris behind.

Arcoiris stood up slowly, and stared ahead at the strange sight before her.

The three fillies and the two mares sat around the fireplace, laughing and enjoying their meal. Life had been looking strange for her lately. First she steals a gem from Rareza and, much to her shame, Diana gets blamed on it for several weeks, Arcoiris manages to escape while the confusion is afoot and arranges for Diana to flee to Prance for a few days while Rareza discovers what really happened to her jewel.

As soon as Rareza found out that Diana did not break her prized jewel, and that Arcoiris was the actual mastermind behind its theft, she sent half of her thugs after the rainbow maned pegasus, while the other half secured all the bits Arcoiris had made for the last three years she worked with Rareza.

Arcoiris didn't care much for that money though, with what the jewel she stole was worth, she could live four lifetimes like royalty!

Slowly she stood up and trotted over to the camp fire, as soon as she got close to it all three fillies looked up and met her gaze, Rosita and Diana looked expectantly at their rainbow friend.

"I... um..." Arcoiris could not fit the appropriate words into a sentence, eventually she just looked at Rosita and tried to reason with the pink pony. "But they hit me with a scooter!"

Rosita just raised an eyebrow. All three fillies continued to stare, waiting for the imminent apology.

"Ugh, fine!" Arcoiris sat back and softly muttered. "I'm sorry..."

Speed looked at Dulce, who in turn, looked at Retoño. The small ponies all smiled and nodded sharply before rushing over to Arcoiris and giving her a triple bear hug.

Arcoiris was knocked on her back as the smiling ponies buried her in hugs and adorability. Their little pony smiles gleaming in the sun.

"Ok, ok! Enough of the mushy stuff!" Arcoiris gently pushed off the three ponies and made her way to the snacks. Picking up a few tacos and one or two marshmallows she seated beside Rosita and commenced her feast.

All six of them enjoyed a delicious breakfast and resumed their journey once they were done, Rosita insisted that the three fillies tagged along for an adventure and the three friends complied.

So there we have it, a band of six brave ponies making their way over to the capital city of that great nation! Little did they know however, that their trip was soon going to get a lot more exciting than they bargained for...


Mexicolt City, Army Head Quarters

Capitan Copo de Nieve stood beside the troops, he was charged with training the recruits.

The soldiers wore the regular uniform, dark blue top with golden buttons, white pants, black stripes in an 'X' across the chest with a saddlebag at their backs and a black hat with gold adornments and a red feather on top, their muskets held between their hooves as they stood on two legs.

"AIM!" Copo de Nieve shouted, the dozen, or so, soldiers lowered their muskets, aiming at the targets in front of them.

"READY!" Copo de Nieve bellowed at his soldiers, the ones closest to him winced at the strength of his voice.


Hooves pressed the triggers and frosting went flying towards the practice targets, some hit their marks but most went astray and collided with the wall behind the targets.

Copo de Nieve frowned and trotted behind one of the soldiers who missed his shot.

The poor pony was sweating badly, he knew what happened to recruits who failed...

They received encouragement.

"YOU DID WELL! BUT TRY HARDER NEXT TIME, YEEEEEEAAAAAAH?!" Copo de Nieve let his roar inundate the entire courtyard of the barracks, the poor pony he was reassuring winced in pain as the shout deafened all sounds and filled his poor pony ears.

"Yes sir!" He managed to reply softly after several seconds of sheer agony.

"GOOD! NOW, RELOAD!" Copo de Nieve smiled and returned to his position, he liked encouraging ponies to do their best, although he didn't quite understand why they made such funny faces when he offered reassurance in his, not loud at all, friendly voice.


General Juana Gutierrez Manzana watched as her captain trained the new soldiers, she needed those ponies ASAP! News of raids in the north were beginning to spread and political tension between Mexicolt and the United Stables was growing, soon enough war could explode, and if it did, she would need as many trained ponies as she could get.

And weapons...

The issue of technology had always been a problem for the troops of Mexicolt, they had no lack of brave ponies ready to give their healthy teeth in sacrifice for their country, but they were sorely lacking in modern weaponry, which made Juana's guest of today as important as she was annoying...

"So, missus Rareza, what is yer offer?" Juana turned away from the window and looked at the elegant white unicorn standing by the door with a smug smile on her lips.

"Why, I intend only to help of course!" Rareza slowly trotted over to a small wooden table in the middle of the room where a few cups of apple cider were served, she sipped from her cup.

"Ah' don't believe you're giving this here weapons out of the kindness of yer heart! So what do you want in return?" Juana was getting really annoyed by now, she didn't like this one bit, and she didn't trust this fancy unicorn and her fancy wording.

Rareza stared intently at Juana before replying. "Gems, lots of them, safe passage to Prance and this..." Rareza pulled out an envelope from under her dress and tossed it towards Juana.

The General of Mexicolt picked up the envelope and opened it, inside it was a drawn picture of a rainbow maned pegasus holding a reddish gleaming gemstone.

Juana stifled a small giggle and tried her best to hide a smile.

"I fail to see the humor in this..." Rareza glared at Juana.

"Oh, Ah'm mighty sorry miss Rareza, I... um... Ah' just didn't think you swung that way is all." Juana smiled apologetically.

Rareza's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a fiery red.

"Why you little...! THE GEMSTONE! That's what I want! Not the mare!" She hollered angrily at a rather amused Juana.

"Oh! That makes more sense... Y'know considering yer attitude..."


"Nothin!" Juana's eyes darted from side to side rapidly, she wasn't good at lying.

"Anyway... You get me that gemstone." Juana giggled as Rareza mentioned the gemstone. "And the weapons are yours..."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, you gimme them guns and I'll give ya your weight in gems!" Juana smiled happily as she extended her hoof out to Rareza.

"Make it your weight and I'd be richer than the Duke of Stalliongrad..." Rareza muttered as she shook Juana's hoof.

"What was that?"



Arena Caliente Desert

Aleteo Valiente sat in her small carriage, carried by several unicorns, she had planned on walking, but the unicorns insisted.

They had left the small, frosting covered, village of Villa Del Pony behind after several hours of travel, and they were beginning to see the end of the desert on the horizon, there, by the end of the sands, stood the great city of Mexicolt, soon enough they would be received by the army of Mexicolt and allowed inside, or so they had been told by Rareza.

The unicorns were shifting nervously as they marched, they were crossing between two large hills and it was the perfect place for an ambush, they levitated their rifles closer to their faces so they could swiftly aim and fire upon anypony foolish enough to attack them.

Sir Biscuit looked at the uneasy ponies around him and rolled his eyes, the entire way to Mexicolt was secured and scouted ahead of the main group, so there was nothing to fear.

"Calm yourselves ponies! There is nothing to fear!" His thick British accent did little to calm the ponies's nerves.

They marched through the desert in complete silence, passing through several cacti and rocks that lay scattered around the scenery.

Little did they know, not all of their scouting parties would return...


"Shh!" Arcoiris hushed her friends as they all hid behind a bush. "Get ready everypony!"

Diana nodded and pulled out her gun, aiming it at the nearest unicorn, Arcoiris aimed her's towards, what she thought was, the leader of the unicorns, a large tan one with a very thick mustache and a sombrero, there were at least half a dozen.

Arcoiris smirked as she saw Diana's gun, it was slightly smaller than her own trusty six shooter, Diana lowered her head in shame but smiled smugly as she saw Rosita's shotgun slide through the dirt and point at the, unaware, unicorns. Arcoiris rolled her eyes when Rosita's weapon dwarfed her six shooter.

"Whatever, It's the way you use it that counts..." Arcoiris set her sights back on her targets.

The three mares had been hiding behind that bush for nearly ten minutes, when Diana spotted the approaching unicorns during one of her regular scouting flights, they had told the three little fillies to hide while they had their ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny... Yup, Dat Song...

The unicorns were about to leave when they heard a twig snap, all six of them turned around as quickly as they could, shocked expressions on their faces, they raised their rifles as fast as their magic allowed them to.

Too late.

"Eat some!" Arcoiris shouted before unleashing sweetened destruction on her foes.

Diana and Rosita followed suit, wave after wave of frosting went flying straight at the surprised unicorns.

One, two, three loud thuds were heard as the projectiles collided with their targets. Three down, three more to go.

The remaining unicorns rushed for cover as the three mares followed them with their bullets, Diana rose up in the air and chased after a green unicorn, shooting rapidly.

Rosita aimed carefully and sent a cupcake flying at frightening speeds towards the head of a grey unicorn mare.

Arcoiris did not bother with accuracy, she was the fastest and that was enough, her six shooter had five empty chambers before you could say 'empty', the tan unicorn with the thick mustache lost his sombrero as the projectiles flew past his head by mere inches.

Diana trapped her prey by a cliff and with a well placed shot, unarmed him.

Rosita rushed over to the fallen unicorn mare she had just shot, she was unconscious, her horn and forehead completely smeared in cupcake frosting.

Arcoiris smiled grandly as her opponent dropped his rifle and surrendered.

"Me rindo! Me rindo! No disparen!" The frightened unicorn screamed as Arcoiris lowered her gun, Rosita trotted over to her side and Diana joined them a while later with her own prisoner.

Both unicorns were tied up and placed in the middle of the mini battlefield, their fallen comrades laying behind them.

"So, who sent you? Who are you working for?..." Arcoiris began just to be-

"Where is the president?!" -interrupted by Diana.

"Diana! Not now, I'm interrogating them!" Arcoiris pulled Diana from the tail and carried the mare away while Diana made an 'I'm watching you' gesture towards the unicorns.

Rosita trotted back towards the place the three fillies had been hiding in to make sure they were safe.


Sir Biscuit frowned as the patrols he had sent returned, Valiente stood beside him with a worried expression in her face, six unicorns were missing .

"Oh my, do you think they may be in trouble Sir Biscuit?" The yellow pegasus asked frightened as the unicorns gathered around them.

"I'm afraid it is rather possible they may no longer be able to come back..." Sir Biscuit adjusted his monocle and scanned the surroundings. "Madam Valiente, with your permission, I'd like to send a larger group to locate our missing comrades."

"Oh why of course Sir Biscuit, anything you think is necessary to keep them safe." Valiente smiled warmly, she was so very glad Rareza had sent Sir Biscuit to help her with the mission, he always found a way to get things done quickly and was always caring for everypony's safety, he also was a good looking pony to say the least...

Valiente hid behind her mane to hide a blush as her thoughts got the better of her.

Sir Biscuit, however, was not paying much attention to her, he acted the part of subordinate, but it was rather clear in his mind who was actually in charge of the mission.

He quickly organized a dozen ponies into a raiding party and sent them out to find the missing unicorns.

"Miss Valiente, whenever you're ready." Sir Biscuit smiled pleasantly and waited for Valiente to give the order.

"Thank you Sir Biscuit, let's go everypony." Her soft voice, barely audible, was heard by the nearest unicorns, who started moving, their peers slowly followed and soon enough the whole, rather small, army was on the move.


General Juana Gutierrez Manzana trotted over to the entrance to the city of Mexicolt, Captain Copo de Nieve followed close behind with a few dozen soldiers behind.

The soldiers formed a line outside of the city and stood at attention as their general inspected them.

"Well Copo, ya did a mighty fine job with this here recruits! Ah' can barely notice they're new bloods!" Juana smiled widely at her captain, who in turn, saluted sharply.

"YEEEAAAH!" Captain Copo de Nieve then fell into position at the left flank of the soldiers and awaited orders.

"Alright everypony! Listen up! We've got ourselves in a pretty little mess here! There's some bandit pony galloping her way over ta us, an we are gonna stop her! That clear?" General Juana's orders were met with a loud...

"Yes ma'am!" ...from the soldiers and a...

"YEEEEAAAAAH!" ...from you know who...

Juana and her troops then waited for the bandit mare that was supposed to arrive at any minute.


Arcoiris, Diana, Rosita and the three little fillies galloped as fast as their hooves could take them, if what the unicorns said was true then they could expect the army of Mexicolt waiting outside the city for them, and worse, Rareza herself was in the city!

Things were looking bad for the mares, but they were about to get worse...

Just as they went over a small hill between them and the path to the city, they froze in their tracks.

"Aw shoot..." Arcoiris cursed under her breath as a small army of unicorns came into view.

The unicorns turned around in perfect synchronization and spotted the six ponies atop of the hill.

"Get them!" A voice with a very thick British accent shouted from the crowd, and soon enough, gunfire filled the air.

With a startled shriek, Rosita jumped to cover while pulling out her cupcake shotgun, Diana flew up in the air and shot back the unicorns a few times before gliding behind a rock, and Arcoiris had enough time to empty her six chambers on the crowd before being forced to get behind something as well.

The three fillies had been hiding behind a thick bush and were completely out of sight.

Diana looked behind her shoulder and saw Rosita trying to get a few shots at the unicorns, and Arcoiris who was reloading her six shooter behind a rock, Diana knew she had to do something, but she just didn't know what...

"Arcoiris! I'm running out of cupcakes!" Rosita shouted as she sent another cupcake flying.

"Hold on a bit! I'm running low too!" Arcoiris looked inside her saddlebag, desperately looking for ammo but found nothing.

"Hey guys! I have a plan!" Diana smiled as a light bulb lit up above her head.

Tossing the light bulb aside, Diana darted off into the distance, drawing the attention of several unicorns who began to follow.

Diana maneuvered around in the sky for a while, the multiple cupcakes and frosting the unicorns shot at her fell to the ground, mere inches away from Rosita and Arcoiris.

"Good thinking Diana!" Arcoiris darted away from her hiding spot and started to pick up some of the frosting to reload her gun.

"Yeah! You're super smarty-pantsy-brainy!" Rosita giggled as she gathered several cupcakes and stuffed them into her shotgun.

Diana landed back behind her rock and, grabbing some ammo for herself, started shooting back at the unicorns.


Sir Biscuit had taken over control of the battle after Aleteo Valiente fainted from the surprise of the ambush.

"Fire! Fire at them I tell you! Blasted ponies aim higher!" Sir Biscuit shouted orders from behind a rock, safety first aye?

He had not been expecting Arcoiris to ambush them, especially not since they had number superiority, they did outnumber Arcoiris's band by almost ten to one!

However, the ambush had been successful enough, at least four unicorns lay covered in cupcake frosting, groaning in delicious agony as the sweet flavor invaded their taste buds, add the six other unicorns that had disappeared and the other dozen that were on patrol, and you had a very reduced fighting force.

With only eight unicorns left, without counting Sir Biscuit and Valiente, their chances of winning were very reduced.

They were, after all, facing the fastest shooter in all of the United Stables...


Juana heard the gunfire a few minutes after it started, she wasted no time in ordering her troops around and getting on the way to battle.

It took them around ten minutes to get there, and when they did it was quite a surprising view.

On one side of the shootout was the famous bandit, and old acquaintance of Juana's, Arcoiris Veloz, and on the other side, was none other than Sir Biscuit of Trottingham, famous economic and law adviser, presumed to be working with Rareza.

Juana stared at the battle taking place for a little while, then she ordered her troops to split up, twelve would surround Arcoiris and her band, while another dozen would do the same to Sir Biscuit's ponies.

"Alright Captain Copo! Get em going!" General Juana secured her cowboy hat on her head and raced off with a dozen ponies to circle around Sir Biscuit.

"YEEEEEAAAAAH!" Copo de Nieve and his dozen troops raced behind Arcoiris to arrest the three mares.


Arcoiris had been shooting nonstop for about twenty minutes, she hadn't hit anypony for a while now, but she couldn't let them think they had won!

Suddenly though, the shooting stopped.

"What in the hay?" Arcoiris lifted her head up and glanced at the field.

There were soldiers there, and they were arresting Sir Biscuit and his unicorns.

"Hehe, serves him right.." Arcoiris smirked and motioned for the other ones to follow her.

She slowly slipped away from the hill and looked back to smile at her friends, when she noticed.

They weren't following her.

They were nowhere to be seen!

"Rosita? Diana? Guys come on, we have to go!" Arcoiris looked around trying to find them. "Aw shoot! Where did they-WHOA!"

Something very strong swept her from her hooves and lifted her in the air.

"Let me go you-!" She was interrupted by a loud...

"YEEEEAAAAH!" Captain Copo de Nieve shouted at the mare, startling her, her two friends were already tied down and guarded by the soldiers.


"About the remain silent part... could you please use that?" Arcoiris's brain felt like it exploded every time the huge stallion spoke.