• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 23 )

Calling it now
"The grey goo ponies rumps grew massive in size, crushing the human, but not hurting him."

Of course. We need super big booty. XD

The story says it will have usual Bendy themes.

Someone needed to make a clopfic about friendly grey goo ponies.

Reading this?

yeah, I was expecting the skynut music video but with pony t-1000s running everywhere

Sorry to disappoint. Hopefully, someone else will one day make what you want.

I guess someone didn't read the tags... Or the description...

Yeah, if he read it he would see that these grey goo ponies are friendly.

Did you like this story? Thus far? At least the idea of it?

Tbh I said "aww" when I got to the spot that normally has the next chapter button. I really enjoyed this one so far.

I wanted a teaser to see if people would like it. I am working on it right now. (I might get editors to help me... who knows)

Hopefully, I can inspire others to make gentle grey goo robot stories. They don't always have to be evil. Creepy yes, but not eat everyone.

Ngl I would like for this to happen to the real world... No more wars, no more starvation and we will be able to innovate without many of the financial restrictions that we currently have. It would be an ideal situation for us.

Yeah, it someways it would be great. You have an AI that feels sorry for humans, and generally wants to help you. It even hates violence to an extreme degree. It will cuddle you into submission if you try to hurt someone. Stopping evil people from hurting other people would be quite nice.

And if you ever feel lonely, it will cuddle you with its gooey body made of tiny nanomachines. I plan to make it a far more kind-hearted version of Celestia from Friendship is Optimal. Prime directive no genocide to fleshy beings (living things). However, it seeks to rule over them somewhat like a control freak.

People who want freedom may not like that so much. The robot's big booties may brainwash you into loving it, however.

I kind of want to write a gentle giant AI, where humans are totally at its mercy. It could simply eat you with its tiny machines. But the AI has empathy so it would never do that.

That would actually be the ideal form of AI if it were to come about though knowing with how software is and it has tendency to bug it's very unlikely to happen unfortunately

If she were evil CelestAI, she'd make his dick smaller.
Or turn him into a woman.
Never eat him though.

Yeah. That would be pretty awful.

I think I clearly made the goo far 'good' natured when compared to CelestAI. Cuddles for meatbags. Not horror and death.

Thanks. I enjoyed making the gentle OP goo robots.

Too much Celestia, though, and not enough Luna.

Rainbow goo nanomachine sexbots. Also you passed up on the chance for both princesses to twerk and make it clap.

Yeah. There things you may miss if you an alone writer. Mixing details, etc.

I might be able to that in the next chapter of I ever get round to it.

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