• Published 7th May 2021
  • 1,248 Views, 73 Comments

What the where? - ARandomLonelyDude

Locally grown, cringy, sort of good that has an Indian guy.

  • ...

0-6: It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me and I'm feelin' bad.

I woke up to knocking on the door. I get out of face and look at Arnold, who's on the nightstand. 6:50 in the morning. I quickly walk downstairs as they knock again. I open the door and guess what. It's Derpy but I gotta act like I don't know her.

"I've got a letter for you!", she says in a cheerful voice as she takes out a letter from her mailbag.

"Thank you.", I say as I take the letter from her.

"You're new around here?", she asks.

"Yes. I'm Lonely Gear by the way.", I say.

"I'm Ditsy Doo but everyone calls me Derpy! I've got to go now!", she says as she flies away. I close the door and go back to my room upstairs. I open the letter, It's from Nightmare Moon. I read it aloud.

"Mr. Gear,

I am writing this letter to you to warn you about potential theft of the elements. I had heard Princess Celestia talk to her sister about acquiring the elements of disharmony. While I believe that you can keep the two you are in possession of safe, I am concerned about the third one. While I would have liked to help in searching for, I can't. There is a picture of the element in the envelope. I hope you are able to find it before the royal sisters do.

Nightmare Moon."

Inside the envelope there was a picture of the alicorn amulet as well, so I know what it is. I'll probably find it in canterlot. Right now I've got to get ready. Ready for that job.

I lock the door and levitate the keys into my saddlebag and adjust my fedora. I am only wearing the shirt of the tracksuit. I look at Arnold on my foreleg. 7:15 A.M. I'll reach the workshop in time. I had a nagging feeling so I took Stan with me. He is in my bag. I start walking the wooded path to Ponyville.

*Bush rustle*

I look in the direction of the sound but spot nothing. It can't be a timberwolf because I'm too close to ponyville. Probably some rabbit. I continue walking but the feeling of being followed doesn't stop.

*wing flap*

Something has landed on my back. It is a bird, a crow to be exact. I am surprised at how chill this crow is. Most birds just fly away and this one just lands on me. I pick it up in my magic and set it down on the ground. It didn't freak out so that's good. I continue walking and the crow is on my back in 5 seconds. I put it on the ground again and it is on my back again. This repeats another 3 times. This is annoying as fuck.

'Animal cruelty is bad. Just ask Fluttershy about this.', I think to myself so that I avoid violence. I let the crow stay on my back as I started making my way to the nearest neighbo(u)r. Even with the crow on my back, I can't shake the feeling of being watched.

(3rd Person)

A cloaked figure waits for the stallion to leave the area. As soon as it is clear, they run to the stallion's house. As expected, the door is locked. The beige colo(u)red hoof pulled out a lockpick and started their work. Within moments the door was unlocked. The pony entered and immediately got to their task.

Get the elements of disharmony as per princess Celestia's orders. The basement and ground floor(or first floor, IDK what you call the floor on the ground) did not have them. Just like the other floors, there was no sign of the elements being there. They removed the hood of the cloak because it served no purpose and was unnecessarily hot. The pony was revealed to be Bon-Bon but she was Agent Sweetie Drops in reality.

She was annoyed that she had to follow that stallion because he must have taken the elements with him. She left the house and made sure to lock the door and started walking back to the town to find him.

It's going to be a long day.


"Coming!", Fluttershy says from inside her cottage. You may not realizeit but I'm tired of this crow just using me as a ride. It probably wanted me to drop it off at Fluttershy's house. I'm brought back to the real world as I hear the cottage's door open. Fluttershy opened the door and was surprised to see me. Expected.

"Uh... hi.", she whispered.

"Hello Fluttershy. I need help.", I say as I point to the crow on my back, who's just staring at Fluttershy. "This crow has not left me alone. Is there something you can do about it?" She inspects the crow for a moment.

"Mr. Crow, can you please tell me what you want from Mr. Gear?", she asks the crow who just caws in response. The crow flew onto Fluttershy's back and sat there.

"It was nothing. Mr. Crow just decided that you were nice.", she says with a smile.

"hmmm... Okay, I'm going now. Bye.", I say as I leave Fluttershy with the crow. Time Turner's workshop is close by and it is only 7:32 A.M. I don't have anything to worry about.

'What if the crow is a spy for Celestia.', Arnold says interrupting my thoughts and destroying my good mood.

'So you woke up and decided to alert me with a possibility and ruining my mood.', I think back.

'Yes. I viewed your memories and found out that we are very similar. One of them was ruining someone's mood with a fact or possibility.'

'You went through my memories?'

'Your secret is safe.'

Bon-Bon was following the stallion from a distance. She somehow had to snag the watch he was wearing to acquire the element of Knowledge. Right now, all she could do was observe.

I am walking to the workshop while Arnold is giving me mental notifications on Bon-Bon who's following us. I am thankful that I won't look like a weirdo if I do karate because the equestrian version of shotokan karate is almost a mirror image of human shotokan karate. My purple belt still means something. I still won't last 10 seconds against a special agent with my rusty skills. All I can hope for is that we don't have to fight.

I arrive at the workshop and Bon-Bon goes her own way. Thank god. I open the door and look inside. Lots of clocks and other machines and appliances. All of them look like they need to repair. In the middle of it is Time Turner. He notices me.

"You're here for the job, right?", he asks. I nod in agreement. "Put your saddlebags on that table and come here." I do as he says without speaking. "I will hire you if you can fix this.", he says as he points to a pendulum clock.

It looks fine on the outside but it's probably messed up on the inside. I pick it up in my magic and I know what to do as if it is a 6th sense. I feel around the inside with my magic and make a mental image of the insides. A few of the gears are missing. I levitate the required gears into the clock through the slot for the pendulum. The gears are put in place and the clock is fixed. In the span of 45 seconds, I fixed a clock.

I levitate it to Time Turner and say, "Done." He checks it to see if it works and it is working.

"Good. Looks like you have gotten the job. I'm Dr. Time Turner Whooves and you are?", he say. He should have introduced himself first.

"I'm Lonely Gear.", I answer with a neutral expression.

"Okay. Can you fix electrical appliances?", he asks. Shouldn't he haved asked this before.

"Yes boss." , I answer with a smile because I have made doctor slightly peeved.

"Don't call me boss. Call me doctor, okay?"

"Okay boss"

Author's Note:

I demand feedback from you all. Also, congrats if you get the reference.