• Published 14th May 2021
  • 185 Views, 10 Comments

Potential of family - Darksoul85

Nightfall on Hearth's Warming Eve finds himself in a door way and he has been running from guilt until fate brings him to where he needs to be.

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Chapter one

Chapter 1

It was heartwarming Eve and DeWalt and his family were at his house when Arctic Frost went to the door and heard some carolers coming to sing. "I'm going to see the ponies sing outside ok." So she went to the front door and opened it and seen a colt on the step trying to stay warm, she just went and kicked him off the steps and into the crash.

"What was that just now Arcti?" Dewalt asks her and she just points to the colt by the trash cans, so he walks up to him and sees he has not eaten in a while and picks him up, and took him inside. "Can you tell me why you were outside, and why you were by the trash cans just now?" The colt tried to stand up and he fell, that's when the rest of the family came in and saw him. Redheart came over to him and looked him over, Knuckles came over with some food and hot tea for him.

"Thank you and I was kicked by her into the trash cans." He said as he started to eat and drink some of the tea, but he winced when Redheart touched his front leg, she stopped and told Knuckles she was going to get her first aid kit. That's when Knuckles walked up to him and start to talk to him.

"So can you tell us your name and where your parents are?" Knuckles asked him that's when the front door opened up and in came Sketch and her daughter Morning Dawn, they walked in and saw Knuckles and the bat pony colt. That is when Redheart came back with the first aid kit, she went to work to fix him up.

"My name is Nightfall and my parents are dead, I lost them in a shipwreck," Nightfall said to them and that Arcti went red in the face with rage, Nightfall looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry I did not look for you harder sister,"
"Sorry! Do you realize I lived on the docks for years barely surviving until DeWalt and Sketch found me?" They yelled at each other for forty minutes and words were said that need not have been spoken.

"Arctic I'm sorry for giving up so easily, I failed you, mom and dad………..I can't make up for our lost time, but we're together now." Nightfall said as he toppled sideways and his eyes closed from out and started to sleep in front of the fire, Arctic's rage was burning hot, as the night wore on she found herself forgiving him. Soon her rage was replaced with the joy that she had her brother back.

Dewalt knew that Arcti was happy but was displeased with her brother who gave up looking for her for years. "Ok every pony let's give them some room and we can talk to them in the morning, Redheart is he ok," Sketch asked her to check on the two who were sleeping by the fire.

When morning's sun rose into the sky the snow glistened and Arctic Frost posed over her brother and held a pillow above her head, and beside sat Morning Dawn with an air horn. Nightfall yelped as he felt something hit his head and the horn went off in his face. Above him sat Arctic Frost and beside him sat a smirking Morning Dawn. The Trio lept from bed and ran through the hallways with their cousins to leap in the fresh snow, Arctic and Morning snuck off to buy Nightfall a holiday gift.

Nightfall, Snare and Almandine were outnumbered by the female cousins and the lads ran for cover as snowballs flew toward them in a shower. Nightfall looked up from behind a wall and saw Lily Shade sitting on it seductively and next thing he knew a massive snowball crashed down on top of him by the very sweet Hibiscus.

Arctic Frost and Morning Dawn snuck home and wrapped Nightfall's gift. The girls bolted outside afterward and just in time to see Nightfall getting tackled by Tethys. Nightfall tried to crawl away but snow was being shoved down his coat and under his scarf. He looked cold and miserable, not as miserable as the other male cousins who had cold water poured down their backs. Snickering Arctic dropped in front of her brother, "Bro! Give up, you ain't getting away from Tethys. Besides she's having so much fun with you…………why is Hibiscus' beanie in your head?"

"Mine got buried in the snow somewhere!" When the breakfast gong was struck a ton of hungry mouths ran for the house without warning Arctic Frost was dragging poor Nightfall by the scarf and plowing the snow with his face. Nightfall was dried off and warmed up, his wings were still stiff and cold and his ears felt like they froze into ice cubes. His teeth chattered and Sketch was giving the cousins a talking to about being too rough with him.

Through clattering ivories he mumbled out, "It's fine, I had fun tomorrow it's game on!"

Hibiscus and Arctic leaned in at the same time and Morning Dawn slid a hoof across her neck. "Bro…………..good luck beating all of us mares!"

"Challenge accepted!" he smirked back toward his new cousins. He had no idea that when Sweet Treat showed up with her folks and the rest of the family he'd be running for dear life when Sweet Treat packed her snow canon. DeWalt was laughing when the girls told him what happened, screw his luck be screamed like a filly when Demeter leapt from the bushes looking like a Bug Bear and Manticore hybrid from Tartarus itself.

Nightfall was enjoying hot chocolate when his great grandmother Firebrand sat beside him and began telling him stories about the family. He laughed when he heard how Knuckles ended up in his first date with Sweetie Belle and how he ended up with Redheart. The stories mad him be in awe of what kind of family Arctic Frost ended up in. He couldn't wait to to open the gift under the tree with his name on it, he recognized his sister's hoof writing anywhere! He soon realized that his skin got saved by Knuckles and DeWalt when they told him what they got for him to give to his sister Arctic.

Neither one knew that each had a single toy from their child home before their parents' death had been reacquired through an antique dealer. Arctic as Nightfall was reading a book a spit wad stuck to his muzzle, looking up he saw Arctic smirking and Morning Dawn spat another from his left. He felt grossed out when noticed that it was lined with glitter; the which was stuck to his face and he would be spending days getting it off.