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Graymane Shadow

“It’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other peoples’ expectations. They produce their worst work when they do that.” - David Bowie


"Drink this potion, then answer the prompt written below."

Those are the instructions Twilight Sparkle has sent to a number of her friends, along with a small vial of a mysterious potion.

The following letters were their responses.

Art by Shamanguli, a snippet of the cover art for the Ponies at Dawn album Anthology.

Featured 5-18-21 to 5-20-21, peaking at the #5 spot. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 43 )

This has made me curious. Now let's see what the other letters say...

Unbridled honesty... from Celestia’s point of view.

Just a small point, since Celestia narrates everything from her view, is hard to tell what it's being written in the response and what is just her rambling. Maybe use italics so we can be sure what exactly she sends back.

Apart from that I agree and disagree with some of what Celestia is saying which in my mind is very good way of writing her.

Let's see what the others respond and I hope at the end we get to see the reason why Twilight does this.


I've made a few tweaks to clarify - the letters are optional to send back. Twilight understands that some of the contents may be too personal to share with others, and she won't be so insensitive as to demand them.

I also made an edit, which will be a feature of future chapters, on whether the letters were sent back, and if so, when.

As for the content, what you see is what was in the letter. No edits or changes. Think of it more like a freehoof writing exercise on their part.


and if so, when.

This is quite interesting.

As for the content, what you see is what was in the letter. No edits or changes. Think of it more like a freehoof writing exercise on their part.

Oh so just dump everything in. i guess it makes sense if they're under the potions influence.

Very well, I'm now more excited to see more.

I quite enjoyed this
I hope you don't stop with just the mane six. It would be great to see alot more ponies getting a chance to do this experiment

I wonder if Trixie would get one. Or Twilight's parents.

This concept has my complete attention. Love it!

Trixie doesn't need a potion to not have a filter.

This is some really great characterization of Celestia.

On the contrary, boastful people are often the ones that hide the most secrets about themselves.

Love the job you hate. One of the reasons I consider Between Dark and Dawn to be one of the best episodes in MLP is that we got to see an unfiltered Celestia going out and just enjoying the things in life she loves, and showing that there was more to Princess Celestia than just the Princess part.

I for one can't wait to see Cadance's response. I think there's going to be a lot more to it than Celestia suspects.

Also, I have five bits that say the potion does absolutely nothing. Placebo is one hell of a drug in and of itself.

This is some under appreciated, good shit. I can’t help but laugh at how applicable the author’s “bio” is to their style and themes.
The story, so far, is a unique prospect to be sure. It purports to show the uninhibited thoughts of important characters, committed to paper.
The premise sounds mildly intriguing on it’s own, but to be honest the first chapter/letter makes enough good choices that I’m engaged.
It is a wise move to put forth Celestia’s letter first, and it’s oh-so-sweet of a feeling to get a better description of the why than the show could ever produce. Why rule? Why abdicate? Why care? Why hold back? Why not?

I’ll patiently await the rest. I do hope however, that future chapters clarify whether their letters are sent or not.

Personally, I think I am fated to die alone, surrounded by cats.

As the brother to a person who is no kidding fated to live alone with cats, I can tell you Rarity, that you're exaggerating.

This is honestly my principal problem with this particular letter. While it presents the problem well, it fails to give us enough reasoning for why would Rarity think of herself like this, or that her future would be so set in stone. I like where it's going, it just doesn't feel like it's there yet.

This letter was, as promised, sent to Princess Twilight upon completion, along with an attached sketch of a wedding dress, since lost to time. Princess Twilight assures me it was the most beautiful gown Rarity ever designed, even if it was never worn.

I have to wonder. Who wrote this? It wasn't Rarity. Nor Spike, since he's obsessed with her to an unhealthy degree he'd remember this clearly.

Me thinks these aren't in real time. But someone reading these centuries or millennia later.

I believe it may be some assitant Twilight has in the far future, seeing that the princess had a conversation about it with someone who refers to her by title

Another great chapter. Too bad Rarity didn't mention anything about Spikes feelings for her while she was under the potions effect

So the big question is, was the wedding dress for Twilight? Or was it for Rarity herself?

Always loved the all loving ever hard working celestia way more then the tyrant version. Though her being all powerful is something I’m not a fan of either but this does it’s is a pretty interesting way.
Nice work, can’t wait for more chapters

Another good chapter, these unfiltered confessions are very interesting. Sad that Rarity never got to wear the dress

Yeah, it seemed a bit weird that it wasn’t mentioned considering the effects of the potion

I will always love you Scootaloo

Art by Shamanguli, a snippet of the cover art for the Ponies at Dawn album Anthology.

Where can I listen to the songs on that album?


Should be on most major streaming services, YouTube, or Bandcamp.

Oh, oh Scootaloo. If only you knew.

That's it. This is too good. It's getting a favourite now.

That letter really shines through to me - after a thousand years of benevolent (as afar as we know) rule, I feel that Celestia surely wants it all to end.

I don't see a happy future for rarity; I hope that she at least finds contentment.

Who is this "me" that speaks in the comment?
I failed to catch that.

I actually quite like the little footnotes at the end of the letters, which provide us a little picture of the aftermath. Also very curious to see who ‘me’ is - a reporter? An archivist?

Wonderful writing, I’m looking forward to more!

Hmm so if fluttershy never told Discord then that means she and treehugger could have been together ❤

But I might write you for a bravery potion first. After I hide this letter.


Discord: "Fluttershy? Why's there so much booze at the door?"

You don’t have to rush chapters to satisfy us randos if you don’t need to :)

I liked the update. This story really fits into the slice of life tag.

not necessarily.
It just means she never sent the letter

Take as long as you need with these updates. I don't mind waiting for them when they're all so beautifully written.

Huh. For some reason I thought you couldn't lie while under the potion's influence. Good on Trixie that she managed it.


You can’t, but the potion isn’t instant - it does take a little bit to kick in. Generally the letters get more honest as they progress, because the effects are growing stronger.

Look! She can learn!

Really liked these so far, it's that wholesome slice of life injected into my eyeballs that I miss from the show ending. The little touches that hint at the wider world are also nice, great stuff all around!

The concept is good and even though these letters don't contain anything mindblowing, they still manage to pull a few heartstrings.
Hope you'll find the motivation to write some more.

Btw, is it only me or did Rarity's letter have the ever so slightest romantic undertone at the end?

Nice story. Would like to see more someday. Great work. :twilightsmile:

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