• Published 25th Jun 2021
  • 1,037 Views, 17 Comments

Creeping Darkness - Bronyxy

An unexpected visitor crashes Day Court, alerting Twilight to something being seriously wrong in the Crystal Empire ...

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4 You're in Charge Spike

Spike leaned forward to place his elbows on the table and laced his claws together, resting his chin on them to turn his gaze to each of the other three sitting at the table in turn.

“Well, if Twilight is the only one with a chance to take on Sombra" he reasoned, "She will have to go to the Crystal Empire before he gets too strong. In the meantime, you’ve got to keep trying to contact Celestia and Luna, and even Discord in the hope that you can find them before things turn really bad. Have I got that about right?”

“Um, Spike” interjected Twilight, “I notice you said ‘you’ when talking about contacting Celestia and Luna. I take it this means you still want to come with me?”

“Of course” he stated firmly, lifting his chin off his claws, “I’ll be by your side, just like always …”

“Spike” said Twilight, shaking her head sadly, “As much as it pains me to say this, but you have to stay here. If things turn bad, like you say, then I’m going to need somepony, or better yet, some dragon, whom I trust beyond all others to coordinate with Celestia, Luna and Discord if they turn up, or rally Princess Ember and the dragons if they don’t. Sorry, Spike, you are without doubt the best qualified to do this.”

“But, Twi …” he persisted, clearly desperate to pay Sombra back for what he had done to Flurry Heart.

“Spike, look, please don’t make it any harder for me than it is already” pleaded Twilight, “You’re needed here. I need you here, OK?”

The dragon shot her back a look that in days gone by would have seemed to resemble puppy dog eyes, but now came over as just plain menacing. She knew the look, and gave him a hug and a friendly kiss while the two generals looked elsewhere; one counting rivets in the ceiling, whilst the other made imaginary creatures from the shapes of clouds floating by beyond the windows.

“Gentlemen” she announced, drawing the generals’ attention back to her, “Any comments? Any better ideas?”

“No, Ma’am” they both agreed.

“Right, how soon do we move out?” she enquired.

“Soon as the scouts come back” the bat pony spoke up.

“A little longer for me” the pegasus chipped in, “My pegasi will be ready for the attack force, but I have unicorns and earth ponies to rally for defensive duties, let alone the specific weapon mixes they may need.”

“Of course” agreed Twilight, “We can lay on extra trains for the guards who can’t fly, and keep you supplied with food and equipment, just like we trained for.”

They had stress tested similar responses during exercises before, but hadn’t done one for some time, so went through the details, just to be sure each knew what was expected.

Spike just sat dejectedly, twiddling his claws and feeling completely left out. He wished he could go too, but Twilight had laid out to him what was needed, so he was in no place to argue; his loyalty to her meant more than anything else, even revenge.

As soon as the meeting broke up, Twilight asked Spike to escort her to the sick bay and did her best to reassure him how valued his support was to her all the way there. They arrived to find guards posted outside; a new feature considered necessary due to the high profile patient who was in there receiving life saving treatment.

Unhindered by the attentions of the guards, they ignored the main entrance and knocked instead on the door bearing a plaque notifying everypony that this was the office of the Royal Physician. It took a few moments for the door to be opened, but when it was, their gaze was met by a senior looking doctor wearing tweed, and staring at them enquiringly over half-moon spectacles.

“Ah, your Majesty” he greeted with a warm, but slightly absent minded smile of recognition, “I take it you are here to check on Princess Flurry Heart?”

“Yes” she replied, “May we see her please?”

“She’s stable, but she’s still unconscious.”

“Thank you, but we should still like to see her if possible, please.”

“As you wish, your Majesty, but we are not expecting her to regain consciousness for another couple of hours at the earliest.”

“Is there anything you can do to bring her round, even for a short time?” asked Twilight, “It’s really very important.”

“Not safely, no. I’m sorry” he replied, keeping his beady eyes trained on her, “My first duty is to my patient.”

Twilight sighed, but respected his decision.

Inside her own private room, the pink pony lay motionless on a bed, with two nurses constantly checking her and monitoring the machines she was plumbed into. At their monarch’s appearance, they turned to acknowledge her silently, but kept about their important business.

Twilight approached the bed and knelt down beside her niece, reaching over to gently brush her forehoof through the distinctive magenta and sapphire mane, while Spike watched on, reigniting his anger at whoever had been responsible for this atrocity.

“I’m so, so sorry” she whispered softly, daring to stroke Flurry Heart’s muzzle tenderly, “You have been through so much to get word to us. You’ve been so brave and made your parents proud. Thank you.”

Twilight looked up and caught the eye of the Royal Physician who was watching closely and did not need to ask the question on her mind before he replied, “No, your Majesty, she is no nearer to regaining consciousness. As soon as she does, I will send word.”

“Thank you” Twilight replied simply and gave her niece a gentle kiss before rising carefully to her hooves and turning to her dragon friend, who returned her a look of controlled anger. “I’ve got to get ready now, Spike. You’re in charge.”

He didn’t reply, just in case his suppressed anger burst out, which he knew would be inappropriate in the current setting, and instead returned a shallow nod before following Twilight out into the corridor and wordlessly setting off in the opposite direction. She knew he wanted to ask again if he could come with her, but respected his self-control and allowed him to part ways without saying another word; she didn't have the heart to test his thinly stretched willpower any further.