• Published 23rd May 2021
  • 6,990 Views, 538 Comments

To Walk The Sky and Catch The Moon - Celestial king turles

What if Vader didn’t die on the Death Star, but escaped with his son to a planet far far away.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Silence reigned, and a feeling of tension hung in the air as the two groups stood off. The red earth pony leaned forward a little, the tip of his helmet spike pressing further into Luke's chest. Applejack gritted her teeth angrily; she hated feeling helpless when a friend was in trouble. She could hear Rainbow Dash growl quietly next to her; clearly her longtime friend shared her sentiments. The two pegasi blocking her, Big Mac, and Granny Smith didn't move a muscle.

Finally, Granny Smith drew herself up and stepped forward.

“N’ who ‘re you?” she asked loudly.

“Granny!” Applejack shouted in a panic. “Ya can’t talk ta ‘em like that! They’re–”

“Brats is what they are!” the old mare interjected. “Ah reckon they’d not survive one apple season here on the farm!” She started stomping forward. “Back in my day we–mppphf!”

She was caught mid-rant by Big Mac engulfing her with one massive foreleg and slowly backing away from the guards with the biggest sheepish smile he could muster.

To their credit, the two barely flinched. The one on the right, the dark tan stallion, stepped forward, pulling off his helmet. He had a dark blue mane and a laid-back demeanor.

"I'm sorry for the confusion," he began with a disarming sort of smile. "But we were sent here by royal command to look for anything or anyone out of the ordinary following the incident a few days ago."

"If ya want answers, we'll give 'em," Applejack cut off the lieutenant. "But first, mind callin' off yer attack dog there? Luke ain't gonna hurt no one."

One of Spearhead's eyebrows jumped up. "'Luke?' Is that what he's called?"

Rainbow Dash stepped forward. "Yeah, and he hasn't caused any kind of trouble since he came here! He's been helping around the farm for the last few days and hasn't hurt anypony!" She glared up at Spearhead like she was challenging him to call her a liar.

Spearhead's second eyebrow joined the first near his maneline, then he turned to address the earth pony. "Lieutenant Maple, stand down. It doesn't look like he'll be a problem.”

Maple didn't seem to hear him. The point of his helmet spike remained leveled at Luke's chest.

Spearhead frowned. "Lieutenant!" He barked. Maple's eyes flicked towards them for a brief instant, then he slowly backed away, not taking his eyes off Luke as he flicked his helmspike up. The glare of disgust and contempt didn't escape Applejack's notice — nor did the fact that the horn had only just missed slashing into Luke's face as it rose.

"Now then!" Spearhead spoke up, all smiles. Applejack didn't trust him one bit. "To continue our discussion, we were informed in town that there was a strange foreigner here." He waved a hoof in Luke's direction. "Seeing as Her Highness had directly ordered us to look for such individuals, we had decided to investigate."

Applejack took in this new information with more than a little concern. The Princess herself was looking for Luke? That part at least made a little sense, but were they going to blame Luke for what happened? Applejack had heard some fairly terrifying stories about what happened to anypony who had earned Princess Celestia's anger, and the way that Maple fella had been acting wasn't really reassuring her on that front. Another thing Spearhead had mentioned had also caught Applejack's attention.

"Hold up now," she started, giving the guardspony a flat, suspicious look. "Just who told ya that Luke was here?"

Maple turned to sneer at her. "What?" He asked. "Want to know who ratted you out for your treason?"

Cold anger settled in Applejack's gut. "What did ya just say?"

Maple practically swaggered towards them, his chest puffed out as he glowered at Applejack.. Behind him, the second pegasus moved in to stand next to Luke. Applejack couldn't help but notice him give a sour look at Maple, who seemed to be attempting to look bigger that he actually was.

Key word being "attempt": with the helmet on, he was barely half a head taller than Applejack herself, and was absolutely dwarfed by the likes of Big Mac.

"Let's go over it, shall we? An attack clearly magical in origin sweeps over the population and incapacitates roughly three-fifths of the ponies in Canterlot alone, with two-thirds of that number put in the hospital." Behind him, Applejack could see Luke suddenly blanch with horror. "At the same time a strange object flies overhead, crashing somewhere near Ponyville and in the process managed to shatter around 700 windows in Canterlot and Ponyville combined. And after that, there's a report from a concerned citizen of a strange creature on the outskirts, in the company of local farmers. It doesn't take much more than that to put two and two together."

"Lieutenant," Spearhead said in a warning tone, but Maple either ignored him or didn't hear. His face was now inches from Applejack's. If he got any closer, she was going to buck his snout off. Her mind raced a mile a minute.

'Concerned citizen?' That didn't make a lick of sense. There were only two other ponies Applejack had told, and she knew neither Big Mac nor Granny had told anypony else. Fluttershy would have mentioned something when she arrived, and Rarity… Applejack didn't know her well, but Rarity didn't seem to think Luke as a threat. She didn't strike the farmpony as the type to just call the guards on someone.

"So here we are, finding the prime suspect in an attack on our country… clearly being harbored by civilians who hadn't done their duty to the crown and turned the intruder in." He lifted his head, looking down his nose at Applejack. It reminded her of the kind of look her Aunt Orange used to adopt when talking with the marketplace vendors in Manehattan. She hated that look. Nopony had the right to look down on anypony else like some gross little bug they were about to stomp on.

“Aiding and abetting the enemy. That's treason, in my book. We have grounds to have everyone single one of you chained up and put into a dungeon with all the other criminals to await Her Highness's judgement." His eyes slid over to Apple Bloom, who was now trembling wide-eyed behind Big Mac's leg, and then he sneered again. "Now wouldn't that be a shame?"

The cold anger turned white-hot in an instant, and Applejack felt Big Mac tense and ready for a kick of his own. Spearhead's face twisted with anger and he stomped forward himself.

"Lieutenant, that's en—"

But he was interrupted by a new voice breaking in over them, shattering the tension


Everyone turned to the new arrival. Standing on the dirt road, sweaty and panting, was Rarity, but Applejack barely recognized her. Her coat was smudged with dirt and sweaty and multiple locks of her mane had gone wild, and she was clearly livid. Overall she actually looked pretty terrifying, and Applejack honestly couldn't blame the guardsponies for taking a step back at the sight of her.

Luke raised an eyebrow as he saw the white unicorn ready to unleash fury on the guards; who took her temper in stride.


The guards recoiled again, Maple most of all. Applejack's were already starting to ring and Rarity had barely even started. And she didn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

Luke winced as Rarity continued her tirade.


The guards blanched a little as she continued to roar at them. Luke was glad she couldn’t use a sonic scream or she might have sent them flying.

“Rarity I thi-”


Maple drew himself up and adopted that sneer of his again.

"How can you complain about us taking him? You informed us, didn't you? We're just going off what you told us!"

“And you ran out before I could finish!!!

Snorting in anger, Rarity flicked her hair dramatically before taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. Luke and most of the Apples remained quiet while Granny Smith smirked with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

Applejack would notice that the

“I would have told you that he wasn’t a threat had you listened! In fact he’s been helping these ponies for the last two days! While I understand haste, you can’t just not get the whole story from somepony!”

Granny Smith snickered after Rarity finished before chiming in with her aged voice.

“Y’all best be listening to her boys; spunky mare knows what she’s talking about!”

Applejack could see Luke looking between Rarity and Maple with a mixture of confusion, worry and amusement. Rarity drew in a deep breath before letting it blast out of her nostrils so fast Applejack could swear she saw steam. She couldn't help but grin at the fashionista's antics. Rarity may be more prissy than her Aunt Orange on a bad day, but she definitely knew how to lash a pony with her tongue alone when she got into 'high dudgeon,,' as Aunt Orange had called it. The 'Maple' fellow got a real loud earful; she can tell how nervous he was despite the sneer on his face. It didn't last long.

“They harbored a potential threat to Equestria. That’s still treason —"

That had been the wrong thing to start with. Rarity's eyes flashed.

"TREASON!?" She shrieked so loudly Applejack was shocked that the leaves hadn't been blown off all the trees in the area. The same, however, couldn't be said for everypony's ears.

“Now, it’s treason to be a good Samaritan! Taking a lost soul into your house and offering good food and a bed out of the kindness of your heart is now rebellion against the Crown, is that what you're saying!? So if I wave 'hello' to a passing griffin does that count as treason?! What if I bought a meal from a travelling Minotaur vendor? Will you clap me in chains for that? Is wearing Yak-made coats in winter worthy of a stint in the dungeons too!? What will you declare a crime next? Saying 'good morning' to a neighbor? Being polite to a stranger? Looking left instead of right!? And to think I actually respected the authority held by you — you — ruffians!"

At this point she was almost nose to nose with Maple, a pristine white hoof jabbing at his chest with every word, which caused Maple to step back with every jab the mare threw.

“Rarity.” Luke called out. “It’s okay.” Causing her and Applejack's attention to be drawn to him with incredulous looks. The human continued without addressing them further.

“They’re just concerned; I’m certain you can understand that. After all, if even half of what he said is true it would be strange not to be.”

Turning to Maple, Luke offered a calm but disarming expression. Applejack had an idea of what he was trying to do. Part of her wanted to warn him it wouldn’t work. From what she could tell however; it was likely he already knew that.

“I know how it is to know my family was hurt. Maybe you have family or friends hurt by whatever that was. You’re undoubtedly furious about it too.” He held his wrists out, a sign that he wasn’t going to put up a fight. “Take me.”

“W-wait Luke, come on you don’t have to.” Applejack tried to reason. Only for him to shake his head, she can see guilt in his eyes.

“No it’s my fault, I’d rather own up to this.”

Applejack wanted to protest further; but she knew a pony — or person — that wasn’t backing down when she saw them.

Spearhead pulled out a slab of rough metal from the saddle bags of one of the pegasi and approached Luke. Luke, in response, unclipped the short, flashlight-like tube that Applejack had never seen leave his hip, and turned to Flash Sentry. The guard gave him a confused look.

"I believe that I'm supposed to give you my weapons before I'm put under arrest," Luke said, offering the stouter, grooved end to the pegasus. Flash gave the tube a suspicious look, but carefully took it from Luke's outstretched hand before stowing it in a saddlebag.

Applejack made the connection immediately; now she knew what had made that burning tendril of green light that had cut a hole in the escape pod, when Luke had arrived.

Spearhead nodded in approval. "Hold out your arms, please," he ordered. Luke did so without protest, and Spearhead raised the metal slab and tapped it against Luke's right wrist. The unmistakable clank of metal against metal filled the clearing. The three guards both looked at the hand in amazement, but the enchantment acted regardless. The seemingly poorly forced bar of metal started shaking in Spearhead’s hoof and the rough etches running along its surface started glowing white and blue. The bar started to shriek and howl as it reshaped and latched around both of Luke’s wrists and hands like a furious, malformed serpent. Strange runes started to form from the dents and wedges, taking on soft and rounded features that overlapped each other. They almost looked like manacles of a sort to Applejack, with the bulky, octagonal shape the metal took as it grew around his wrists.

“Alright let’s go,” Spearhead began, walking to the dirt path the lead out of Sweet Apple Acres.


Applejack ran round them and stopped in their way, blocking them. “I’m coming with you.”

“Applejack there’s no nee-“

She cut him off mid-sentence. “No, it’s not fair what they’re doin. Somepony,” she shot a glare at Maple, "has to keep the story straight. So I'm comin' with!"

“So am I!” Rarity stated standing next to her friend. “It’s my fault I got you into this so…I want to help fix this mess.”

Applejack smiled at the tailor and gave her an appreciative nod.

Maple however seemed to not like the idea at all. He opened his mouth only for Flash to step in his way. “Can we not? Look, you mares can come but only you two. Our chariot is only so big.”

“What are you doing?” Maple demanded, glaring daggers at Flash.

Flash, surprisingly enough, snapped back.

“Trying to keep you from ending on the wrong hoof! You're causing enough trouble as it is!”

Maple's face twisted and drew himself up to full height; he was at least half a head taller than Flash. “Who are you to-”


Spearhead stamped his foot and marched up to the two, glaring down at them. “We are not doing this here! The two of you are going to stop and act like the soldiers you are! Flash, get yourself strapped in for the flight, and Maple!” His glare hardened on the second lieutenant. “You will keep your mouth shut until we get to Canterlot, do you understand?” Maple didn’t reply. Spearhead closed in until he stood nearly nose to nose in front of him.

“I said, do you UNDERSTAND?!” he snarled.

Maple’s face twitched. The seconds dragged by, and then he replied in a low voice. “Y-yes sir.”

“Good.” He turned to the two mares. “If you want to vouch for your friend, follow us. Your other friends will need to stay here or take the train to Canterlot. We can't carry all of you, and time is of the essence. Second Lieutenant Maple wasn't exaggerating when he said we’re here by Royal order."

Rarity nodded, still giving a sidelong glare at Maple. “We understand.” Applejack was admittedly happy to see Maple put in his place. If a fight broke out they would all be in a world of manure.

“Alright. Follow us,” he ordered.

Applejack turned around rubbing her hoof against the back of her head, feeling sheepish. “Granny I know today we’re supposed to harvest but-“ The elder matriarch waved her off.

“Oh it’s fine jus’ go and protect our friend. Show 'em us Apples ain't fair-weather friends.” She smiled , “We’ll be waiting for yer return.”

“But you can’t go!” Applejack looked at Apple bloom, her little sister was more worried than Granny Smith.


“At least take me with you!” She begged. “Luke’s ma friend too. I wanna help!”

Applejack shook her head. “No Apple bloom, this is somethin’ you shouldn’ be involved with.”


Granny Smith interrupted. “Yer sis is right.” She gave her youngest granddaughter a stern look. Applebloom seemed to deflate upon hearing this. She couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about the situation somehow.

“We’ll be doing what we can for Luke, Applebloom. You need to be here okay?”

Applebloom merely nodded and walked back to the house. Applejack sighed as she turned around and got ready to go.

Not even two steps were taken when Rainbow was already in front of her. “Are sure you’re up for this? I know it’s the right thing to do, but I’ve got a bad feeling about…everything.”

Applejack gave her a funny look. “A bad feeling? Rainbow, I'm just going to vouch for him.” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes and smile. That Rainbow Dash. She acted tough all the time, but there were moments where that strong mask of bravado slipped a little, showing the kinder mare underneath.

Applejack could relate, but now wasn't the time for worry. She trotted after the others, not before saying. “If yer so worried then take the guard’s advice,” she threw over her shoulder. "Nopony's stoppin' ya."

When there was no reply, Applejack continued on after Luke and the others. There was no time for dawdling. She had a friend to help.

Apple Bloom watched her sister leave. She wanted to help out, but her Granny wouldn’t let her. For the best, it seemed.

She could tell that Rainbow Dash was pouting even if she couldn’t see it and could hear there grumbling something under her breath.

“Welp!” Granny Smith started. “No use standin’ around. Back to work.” She tapped Big Mac on his ankle, taking him out of his stupor. “Let’s go, Mac. You too, Apple bloom.”


“Now.” She gave Apple Bloom a stern look, ceasing any argument.

Apple Bloom whined as her big brother and grandmother went off to finish their chores.

“There’s gotta be somethin’ ah can do, Rainbow Dash…Rainbow Dash?” She turned to Rainbow, only to realize she wasn’t there anymore.. Four hoof shaped marks were left behind in the grass. “Oh come on…”

“Maybe we should let them handle it.” Apple Bloom's ears perked up at the soft voice. She spun around to see Fluttershy standing behind her, looking to where the group had vanished over the small rise.

Honestly, Apple Bloom had forgotten Fluttershy was still here after the kerfuffle. “What do you mean?” She asked.

Fulttershy replied, “I mean we should let your sister help Luke, without us in the way.”

“In the way? But we won’t be in the way!” Apple Bloom argued. “What’s wrong with tryin' to help a friend?”

“Oh there’s nothing wrong.” Fluttershy replied calmly. “It’s just this is simply something you can’t get involved with. You’re young, Apple Bloom, you’ll understand why.”

“B-bu-! Hooooo….” Her cheeks puffed up. “But what about you? Can’t you take me…?”

Fluttershy shook her head, to Apple Bloom's dismay. “No, I’m sorry. Granny wouldn’t be happy if I did; plus I have my own work to do at home.” She rubbed her hoof gently on the filly’s head. “Just trust your sister on this okay?” She gave a weak little smile. “I have to go now, so I’ll see you later.”

She spread her wings out, and with a flap she took to the air to fly home. Apple Bloom could only watch as the pegasi’s silhouette became smaller and smaller until it disappeared behind the trees.

The little filly sighed and started to walk back home. What could she do here, when Luke was going to Canterlot? He was going to need help! She heard stories about Princess Celestia and what she did to bad ponies, and with the way that guard was sneering, Apple Bloom didn't have her hopes up about Luke clearing his name.

A small beep broke her out of her funk. Kyugee was sitting on the spot where Luke had been. The filly walked over to him, putting a hoof on what she guessed was his shoulder. Despite him being a machine, she could tell that he was worried.

“Worried about him too?” The quiet beep and hum was her answer. She let out a small sigh and sat down. “I know, I just wish there was somethin’ we could do…”

Everything felt silent with only the wind as an ambient sound when Winona came up to Apple Bloom and nuzzled her, trying to cheer her up.

A loud click and the sounds of beeps and chirps rang loudly from Kyugee, almost sounding… happy? It was hard to tell but with the flickers of lights on his surface, but from what she could somewhat interpret, it seemed he had realized something.

“What is it, Kyugee?” Even Winona was curious, indicated by her raised ears. Sounds of whirring were heard. A compartment opened up and a jointed prong with a stubby claw on the end popped out, waving in the air.

Confused, Apple Bloom asked again. “What are you tryin to tell me?” The droid’s reply was another plethora of beeps. He spun, pointed the arm at her and then spun back to point towards the southwest. She realized he was trying to show her something and looked in the prong’s direction.

To the filly’s confusion, all she saw was the orchard, and beyond that, the forest. She turned to the droid and then back to the forest and started thinking. ‘He’s pointin at the forest…What does that…’ and the pieces connected in her mind. Hope flashed
bright in her eyes as she turned to the droid.

“Luke’s dad!” Apple Bloom cried. “Right?” Kyugee let out a confirming whistle. Apple Bloom practically jumped with excitement and asked “So do you know the way?” Another panel opened along the dome and from it rose a small, metallic stick. From its end unfurled a fan of metal fins, spreading out until it resembled an umbrella. The object moved from side to side until it finally stopped, pointing somewhere in the distance.

Kyuugee let out another rapid fire of beeps and boops before he began to trundle away in the direction the metal dish was pointing. After it moved a fair distance away it stopped and turned to stare at Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom blinked, then ran to catch up with the droid, who began to lead the way. It wouldn't be long before they found Luke's mysterious father, and he could help with the current predicament. The plan was pretty simple, or so Apple Bloom thought; and since it was so simple, it was practically foolproof!

‘Ah wonder what his dad looks like?’ She thought as she tried to conjure an image of him in her mind. Though what she would see in her mind would not match with what she would see.

The two of them were so caught up in congratulating each other on such a wonderful plan that they didn't notice the worried pair of aqua eyes staring at them from behind the farmhouse window as they left.

Author's Note:

CKT: Hey people. I told you we would get this out. Admittedly this chapter is short for my taste,but don’t worry the next chapters won’t be next time I will guarantee that. 

MCD: We did have to change up rank a little given that up until now we didn’t really take a look at military ranks. As it turns out, First Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant are a thing. Thank you US Army for helping out with that by listing out ranks. 

NB: That's not the only thing changed up; there's a bit of reshuffling of roles in this little group of ours. As of this chapter, I'm actually going to start taking a bit of a back seat in the writing process, and focusing on making illustrations for the fanfic instead. I have one in the works for this chapter, but it's likely not going to be ready by the time the chapter is uploaded. I will still help in planning out the plot and make some grammar tweaks here and there, but the writing will mainly be the domain of CTK, MCD, and Psycho from now on; I'm good with prose, but I'm more in my element when drawing art as opposed to writing; 8 chapters of tearing my hair out trying to figure out what to put down taught me that well enough!

Psycho: We’ll force NB to write from time to time, though, or else he will eat Swedish Banana Curry pizza and Hawaiian pizza: Some of the worst ‘foods’ know to all realities.

NB:*Loads Anti-Insanity Noble Phantasm* Feelin' lucky, punk?

Psycho: Psycho is not the Insanity. That’s Sociopath’s domain. The smelly chaos one.

CKT: You guys are fruitcakes. Anyways as my sla— I mean cohearts bicker with each other. I just want to say merry Christmas to you all and I want to thank you. We honestly never thought we get so much love despite how agonizingly slow it gets to pump a chapter out, I hate that we are slow honestly. However, patience is a virtue and it’s rewarding.

NB: we likely won't be starting on the next chapter until after New Year's. I don't know about you guys, but I say we need a break.

CKT: Well I might start the other chapter. At least like put in a little bit before stopping until new years. Eh either way this year has been a bit of a blast, I've got the God of war novel, I got Percy Jackson series. The Silmarillion, unfinished tales I even got world history of myths and tales. Oh yeah I even have Ragnarok. Guys it’s such a wonderful game I suggest you buy it. The scale and story is so massive and honestly it’s something that I want to replicate. I want to give you guys a big story.

Anyways. Thank you very much for reading, Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year.

Edit: chapter was re-edited.