• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 9,907 Views, 111 Comments

The Day Spike Stopped Caring and Made Love to Everpony He Cares for - B_25

Spike stops caring for a day, which sees him confessing to all the beautiful mares in his life, about all the not-so-beautiful things he'd like to do with them.

Comments ( 17 )

That was a pretty nice ending.

Though still really bummed Luna has been left out hard like that though..

great job on story:twilightsmile:

Oh Luna, maybe next time!

8 hybrids? Who had the set of twins?

"Ooo-ooo-oh." Spike shook his head, wanting to barf as nausea washed over him. "How am I not dead?"


i hope for a sequel

Well, this was fun.

Aww, no barely legal gang bang with the CMC?

No, this can not be the end. This can not be.

I just realized that too.

My only complain was that I didn't get the see the reactions from both Cadance and Shining.

My money is on, Applejack or Celestia!:ajsmug::trollestia:
Or Rarity, because she got the first dose!:duck:

Wow. This really topped its parent story.
Part of me wants a sequel because of the growth of all the characters involved. But another part doesn't because of how awesome this story is alone!

But damn! A sequel to this would. Be. EPIC!!!:pinkiehappy:

P.S. The biggest voice of reason goes to Rainbow Dash;

"So we all love the dork," Rainbow said amidst the conversation, drawing attention with a point of her hoof toward Spike. "And we also love each other, so why don't we just share the guy?"

And, as always, Twilight for planning;

"If that's the case," Twilight began, "I already have a way to plan this out." She giggled as she teleported in a flash, reappearing with a standing board next to her. "I may or may not have been thinking about this in my sleep, but I have a way to share Spike equally between us all."

Just love that nerd!:moustache::twilightsmile:

Great job, B!

Good story. Great work and keep on going. Have a good one.

Heh, the spell did more than anypony could anticipate...

Not a bad story overall. It’s a fun concept, and the ‘starting a harem’ kind of story is always nice. It’s also nice that it takes the time to try and tackle the emotional aspects as well.


- It could use a good proofreader.
- It does a bit too much telling rather than showing sometimes.
- I think what feels a bit ‘off’ about it is that Spike ends up being kind of a Mary Sue here.

Just surprised you read the whole thing, lol.

Thanks for the notes.

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