• Published 6th Sep 2012
  • 4,859 Views, 261 Comments

Longest Night: Everypony's Day - Fizzy Orange

Lunaverse Story, what happened to side characters during Corona's return with chapters written by different authors.

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Fragrant Posey's Day: Cloudsdale Will Soar!

Fragrant's Day

Fragrant Posey looked up at the sky and felt at peace. Standing alone on the roof of her manor in the cloud city of Cloudsdale floating high above Equestria she felt that she could finally let the stresses and strains of public life fall away. She wished she had more time to spend in such meditation but her public role meant that such moments were fleeting at best, there were always inquisitive ponies trying to invade her privacy. Even now at the time of the Longest Night festival tradition meant that she should be spending her time ‘snowed in’ at Canterlot probably attending some formal ball or another, playing the court’s games of one upmanship, vying for position. It was so very tedious.

Instead she had chosen to fly in the face of expectation and spend her holiday with her family. Even then it was saddening how few of her relatives could make it this year, she supposed it was understandable, if she was the age of most of her nieces and nephews she would probably prefer to spend time with her friends rather than her old aunt. Still her brother had promised to spend at least some of the night with her, she hoped he would manage to get away in time for the highlight of the night although she knew how difficult that could be. The cost of power always seemed to be a loss of freedom.

“Bit for your thoughts, Smelly,” came a voice by her head causing her to jump.

She turned to look up at her younger brother, Thunderous. Fragrant was a tall mare but her brother still towered over her, she must have been totally oblivious for him to have snuck up on her. “You know I’m not fond of that nickname, Boom Boom,” she chided her brother using his equally disliked childhood monica. “Still,” she smiled broadly, “I’m glad you could make it.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, still why don’t you come down stairs? I’m sure the guests would love to see you. Rising Star in particular has been asking after you.” He gave a wink.

“You know most brothers don’t try to set their sisters up on dates.”

“Most brothers don’t need to,” he joked. Then continued in a quieter tone, “It’s been over twenty years Fragrant, you deserve to have somepony special.”

She looked pained, “I don’t want to talk about it now, please.”

He sighed, “Of course, but do try to make the party.”

“Maybe later, you know I don’t like crowds.”

“Says the mare who regularly gives speeches to the entire Night court, including her royal highness herself.”

“That is different, that is court. I am obliged to do the best for my people then. However, for the holiday I would rather spend the night up here with you rather than being pestered by hangers on and sycophants all night. Can Edelweiss not join us?” she asked.

“I’m afraid somepony has to run the party without me.”

“It’s not too long until moonrise, then you can go back to the party. I’ll apologize to her later.” She shivered slightly, it was a cold night and her formal dress did not provide much insulation. Like all pegasus she was somewhat resistant to the cold but as she grew older the nights tended to bite a little more.

“Nonsense, you know she loves it really and I’ll spend all night up here with you if you want,” he said nuzzling his sister and throwing a warming wing over her.

“Thanks.” She leaned into her brother as the silver light of the moon broke the horizon and the stars in all their majesty whorled around the sky. She couldn’t help but gasp at the spectacle, Princess Luna seemed to have outdone herself this year. “You know Luna is in Ponyville this year,” she said when she could bring herself to speak again. “Maybe Fluttering is attending the festival there.”

Thunderous sighed, “You know that’s not likely.”

“No, it’s not. But I can hope.”

“She will get better eventually you know, she just needs time and some encouragement. Cloudia’s daughter is looking after her, she even suggested Fluttering play for the Princess.”

“With her birds?” said the Duchess with a smile. “That would be wonderful, she’s so good with them.” Then her mood darkened, “But she won’t will she?”

Thunderous sadly shook his head, “No, I doubt she will.”

“Why was I so blind? Why couldn’t I see what I was doing to her?”

“It wasn’t your fault Fragrant, I was putting too much pressure on her, expecting her to run the factory and be your heir. One or the other could have broken anypony, both together, she didn’t have a chance. Still we can’t change the past, however much we might want to, we just have to do the best for her future.”


The two ponies stood there for a while longer lost in their own thoughts and enjoying the night’s sky.

“I have to get back to the party,” said Thunderous eventually. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

“I suppose I should put in an appearance, shake some hooves. There are some ponies I need to discuss court business with while I have the chance. It is almost dawn.” She gestured towards the horizon where the golden light of the sun was starting to seep out.

“Yes,” Thunderous nodded and then blinked, “Wait that can’t be right! It’s far too early!”

Before the astonished ponies eyes the sun suddenly rocketed into the sky taking its noonday position in only a few seconds. Both stood fixed to the spot in shock.

“That’s.... What....” stuttered Thunderous staring at the sky.

“Luna! Something must be wrong with her, it might be a signal of an attack,” said Fragrant her voice cracking.

“An attack! Who would attack the Princess in the heart of Equestria?”

“Ponyville!” cried Fragrant, “Luna’s in Ponyville, Fluttering could be in trouble.” Her first instinct was to fly straight to her niece’s aid, her wings flexed somewhat restrained by her formal dress, then she took control of herself. If there’s something in Ponyville powerful enough to threaten Luna then there would be nothing she could do by herself. “We need to know what is going on. We should send out guards to Ponyville and Canterlot, its closer at the moment and any news will be sent there first.”

“I’ll send my fastest,” agreed Thunderous trying to pull himself together.

She thought for a moment, “There was a Wonderbolt show due for tonight wasn’t there?” Thunderous nodded. “Good, then there should be a squadron here in Cloudsdale, they will be able to get there and back faster than anypony else.” She turned and headed towards the inside of the mansion. From below sounds of panic could be heard. “And we’ll both need to calm the populace, we can’t let this get out of hoof.” Suddenly the symbol of icy calm Fragrant strode towards the ball room the twitching of her tail the only sign of her unease. Similarly composing himself her brother followed.

It took far too long to pacify the party guests and they were only a small part of the problem. Fragrant was responsible for the whole of Cloudsdale as soon as the immediate panic was calmed she ordered her guards and the police to patrol the city, the people needed to be reminded that they were protected even if their ruler didn’t know what she was protecting them from. She personally toured the city as quickly as she could to show the populace that she was unafraid, even if that wasn’t true, appearance was very important.

The sun had glared down from the sky for several hours by the time the city had calmed down. Fragrant found herself without anything to occupy her and her thoughts were drawn back to her niece. She would never forgive herself if something happened to Fluttering, although she knew it would be at least another few hours before any of the scouts sent to Ponyville would return, she couldn’t help but wish she knew what was going on.

She was shaken out of her thoughts by her secretary Notebook, “One of the Wonderbolts has returned,” he announced. His normally unfazable public persona looked shaken.

“There is word of Ponyville?”

“No, Lieutenant Fleetfoot has returned from Canterlot and... I think she should tell you herself,” he sounded scared and his normally deep red coat seemed paler than normal.

A white maned mare staggered into the office, she had obviously been flying hard her blue uniform was drenched in sweat and she was panting lightly. She reared up and gave a wobbly salute her wings and tail twitching in panic. Fragrant couldn’t think what could have affected the normally stoic pony so badly.

“Canterlot... Canterlot is under siege,” stuttered Fleetfoot

“Siege? By what force?” the Duchess couldn’t believe her ears.

“By a white mare with a mane of fire,” Fleetfoot shuddered, “It was Corona herself.”

“WHAT!” cried Fragrant.

“I swear it’s true my lady, I didn’t get too close but I saw her clear as day.”

“But.. She’s,” Fragrant tried to pull herself together. “What of Canterlot itself?”

“The city still stands, it is surrounded by a magic shield. The tyrant sun did not seem to be attempting to gain entry.”

Fragrant felt like slumping to the ground in despair but managed to stop herself, this was worse than she could possibly imagine, her head was swimming. Fleetfoot seemed to be waiting on her expectantly. “Thank you Lieutenant,” she managed to spit out, “My assistant will see to your needs. Notebook, look after the Lieutenant and summon my brother, I will need to discuss this matter with him.”

Fleetfoot once again saluted and turned to the door, before she could leave she turned, “What are we going to do Duchess?” she asked in a small voice.

“We are going to do whatever we have to to defeat Corona. Remember Cloudsdale has never fallen to an attacker.” She said with bravo she did not feel.

Fleetfoot straightened a bit and left the room followed by Notebook.

“Corona!” gasped Thunderous after Fragrant finished telling him of Fleetfoot’s report, “Surely it’s a joke!”

“No, not a joke. A nightmare come to life.”

“Luna must be doing something about this. She must have some plan for this occasion.” He was clutching at straws and he knew it.

“I have seen no report of Luna, we have to assume she is,” she chose her words carefully, “Indisposed. If she had a plan to deal with her sister then she didn’t tell me, any other pony who might know is almost certainly trapped in Canterlot right now. Although that might be for the best I’m sure some of the Court would help Corona if it meant their survival,” she sneered.

“Almost the entire Night court would be trapped in the city, damn tradition.” A thought struck him and his eye bulged, he turned to his sister. “Fragrant, you might be the highest ranking noble still free.”

“Possibly, a few others might be away from court. But what of it?” Her brow furrowed.

“Look,” he commanded gesturing out of the window into the streets of Cloudsdale, “What do you see?”

“I see my city,” she said not sure where this was going.

“And the people?”

“They are frightened, but calm for the moment.”

“Calm only because somepony took charge, because you took charge. They were one step away from total panic.”


“The whole of Equestria is like this, panicked, unsure, easy prey for Corona to return to power. If you think some of the court might support Corona what do you think the common ponies might do?”

“I would trust the common ponies much more than the vipers of the court.” Then her eyes widened as his meaning dawned on her, “You mean for me to take over Equestria, that would be treason!”

“Not take over, organise. Be the rallying point in the fight against Corona. The rest of the court are trapped in Canterlot. You have to step up and organise a resistance.”

“I doubt the rest of the court would see it that way, they would see it as me setting myself up as a Princess. We could both hang for this and even if we didn’t Corona may well choose to make an example of Cloudsdale.” She looked down.

“Then I would rather hang than see the land fall under Corona’s iron hoof again, if she wants us, let her come I will not go meekly into her slavery,” he stood tall.

She looked up again with a smile, “Smelly and Boom Boom, together to the end?”

“So it seems,” he grinned as well.

“Very well. Send out the word to all the towns and cities nearby. Tell them what has happened and that Duchess Fragrant Posey will be searching for the Princess and organising a counter attack against Corona. Tell them we will prevail.” It could take days if not weeks to get a reply from the whole of Equestria but nearby settlements should respond soon. “If we do find a higher ranking noble free then I will be happy to hand the responsibility off to them, more than happy,” she added.

She looked out over her city again and then up into the sky, “Still Corona has a weapon we will not easily overcome. The sun will eventually make all of Equestria uninhabitable unless we can do something about it, we will be forced to surrender or face total destruction.”

“Would even Corona do that? Destroy all of Equestria, and beyond?” asked Thunderous crossing the room.

“I do not know, but can we risk our continued existence on the tyrant’s sanity?”

Thunderous walked up behind her, “It’s just as well I happen to own the largest weather factories in Equestria then, isn’t it?”

“It’s all about the clouds you see,” said Crimson Cloudmunger, she was a stick thin mare peering at Fragrant through thick glasses. The two of them were meeting in a small laboratory set near the top of the main Cloudsdale weather factory. “While they may all seen to be similar in the most rudimentary level, all being composed of water vapour, their effects can actually vary quite considerable depending on their location and structure,” her voice became stronger as she started to lecture on her specialist subject.

“Dr Cloudmunger,” interrupted Fragrant, “I think you forget who you are talking to. My family has run Cloudsdale for eight generations and its weather factories. I hold a degree in weather management. My understanding of weather control is a little more advance than that of a foal!”

Cloudmunger gaped for a moment, “I’m sorr.. sorry my Lady, I...”

Fragrant sighed and glanced at her brother who shrugged, “No harm done. Now perhaps you could explain your plan to me? I should be able to keep up.”

“Well you see it all comes down to clouds, I have calculated that a cloud layer reflects about twenty percent of the heat from the sun, but also retains heat closer to the ground, umm, about five percent. In addition clouds can soak up heat and can be used to move it from one place to another and specialised clouds can be used to provide localised cooling, snow I believe ground dwelling ponies call it.”

Fragrant rolled her eyes, everypony who wasn’t an ivory tower dwelling intellectual called it snow. “So what is it that you are actually proposing?”

“Well I believe that with a carefully controlled plan of cloud construction, placement and movement we will be able to minimise the effect of the constant sunlight for a limited period of time.”

“How limited?”

“Maybe as long as three months, although my projections become hazy after the first few weeks, there would certainly be an increase in average temperature and localised flooding, drought and the like.”

Fragrant considered, this was all just too big for her to comprehend, “Three months? At most three months before Equestria becomes uninhabitable? What would your solution require?”

“Oh it will truly be a mammoth undertaking, it will require all of Equestria’s weather factories running at full output, as for pony power well,” Cloudmunger passed Fragrant a sheet of paper, she looked at it and her eyes widened.

Thunderous looked over her shoulder, “This must be wrong. Are there even this many pegasus in Equestria?”

“That is approximately eighty five percent of the working population based on the last population census.”

“It can’t be done,” announced Thunderous, “Nothing that big has ever been attempted before, the organisation alone...”

“We have to do what we can,” announced Fragrant. “Draft as many ponies as we can, bring in all the part timers, offer bonuses, anything. If we can keep Equestria safe for even a few more days, it gives us time to try and find Luna, to find some way to defeat Corona, to do something. Thunderous, we must start with the factories here, review Dr Cloudmunger’s plans and implement them as best you can. Eventually we will need to draft the citizens of Cloudsdale if her calculations are correct.”

“Much of my staff will be on holiday today,” he complained.

“Bring them in anyway, the work will keep their minds off of Corona and create a feeling of stability.”

“But the cost.. it could bankrupt us.”

“Thunderous, I am the Duchess of Cloudsdale,” She stood tall and regal. “I am ordering you to do this,” she said with finality.

Thunderous looked rebellious for a moment, then bowed. “Of course my lady.”

She stepped forwards and gave him the briefest of nuzzles. “We have to do whatever we can Boom Boom,” she whispered. “Please I can’t do this alone.”

“Of course my lady,” he announced again with more force, “All of my resources will be made available to you.”

“Good, now arrange the assembly of your workers and the important ponies of the city, I will address them in person. They will need to know what is going on.”

It was an hour later and the first replies to her missives were returning, settlement after settlement were replying to her communication agreeing to join, asking what they could do. Their response was unexpected, she had feared that many would attempt to ignore the crisis or even worse swear loyalty to Corona but so far only a few had even responded guardedly. It seemed that almost all of Equestria was willing to unite to try and deal with the Solar Tyrant. It was.. buoying. However, her messages were yet to reach the larger cities and Corona had not made a move yet, things might change if the Alicorn tried to exert her influence.

Shaking herself Fragrant prepared to face the people of Cloudsdale, she was situated high up in the weather factory in her brother’s office, only a short distance away was a balcony which overlooked the vast main factory floor where the largest weather systems were constructed. Below the area was almost full to capacity with pegasus, thousands of them, the workers and the great and good of Cloudsdale alike, all waiting for her to tell them what to do. To her surprise she felt quite calm, she supposed this was what she had been born and trained to do.

She was just going over her speech in her head when a red coated mare interrupted her. “Excuse me madam.”

Fragrant recognised the mare as her estates seneschal, Cloudia. “What is it?” she asked somewhat abruptly.

“I wondered if there had been any word from Ponyville ma’am, any word of my daughter,” her face trembled slightly, as if she was trying to hold her emotions in check.

The Duchess frowned, she had almost forgotten that Cloudia’s daughter was the one looking after Fluttering. “No, I’m afraid not,” she replied gently, “But I’m sure Dash and Fluttering are alright, it seems as if Corona is only interested in Canterlot.”

“It’s just that Rainbow is... she’s so fearless, she might do something stupid,” she broke down, “My baby’s just so very brave,” she sobbed.

In a few steps Fragrant was next to Cloudia and had her wing around the distraught mother ignoring the tears staining her dress. “I’m sure Dash is alright and Fluttering as well. We both have to be brave, to be brave for those depending on us.” The larger pegasus felt her own resolve start to give, she had to hold herself together for as long as Equestria needed her. “We both have to be strong.”

Cloudia pulled herself together, “Yes ma’am.” She dried her eyes, “You’re right. I should make sure the house’s servants are all alright.”

“Good, and as soon as I hear anything from Ponyville I’ll make sure you know right away.”

Cloudia gave a curtsy as she left the room, “Thank you ma’am. Thank you and good luck.”

Fragrant took a moment to compose herself again. She was starting to get worried, the scout sent to Ponyville should have returned by now, maybe she should... no she had to put her own personal fears behind her now.

She strode out onto the balcony. Below her the chamber stretched out almost as far as she could see, ponies stood on and flew above various cloud platforms filling the space. A hubbub of frightened voices filled the air. Above, the roof was open revealing the sun.

“Citizens of Cloudsdale,” she called, her voice amplified by an enchantment so that it filled the area, still the noise did not die down.

There was a rumble as Thunderous, standing on the centre of the factory floor, slammed his wings together, the shockwave silenced the area.

“Citizens of Cloudsdale,” repeated Fragrant, “My ponies, my friends.”

The crowd remained silent looking up at their Duchess.

“As you are all aware the Solar Tyrant, Corona, has returned from her prison in the sun. At present she is besieging Canterlot, and although the city holds the majority of the Night Court are trapped inside. But we will not stand by and let this happen, the blood of ancient heroes such as Hurricane and Pansy runs in the veins of all the people of this city, you are not afraid to fight for your freedoms. We will not stand alone in this, support has been pledged from the nearby cities, and given time, I believe that the whole of Equestria will unite behind us. However, we will not defeat Corona with strength of arms alone, instead we will fight with the skills that are our birth right. Corona’s sun, held over our head like a threat may do as much harm as the mare herself, but we are not defenceless. Do not the clouds and winds follow our commands?”

Below there were a few cries to the positive. Fragrant knew she had them now, they were behind her.

“Are we not the masters of the snow and the thunder and the lightning?”

There was a roar of agreement below.

“Corona’s burning eye may sit in the sky above us, but can we not blind that eye with the fruits of our industry?” She gestured to the sun still sitting high in the sky, on cue a team of hoof picked weather workers pushed a thick blanket of cloud into place blocking the light and throwing the factory into shadow.

The crowd below went crazy yelling and screaming. She waited for a moment and held out a hoof for silence. The noise quickly died down.

“I will not lie to you, our work will not be easy, everypony will have to give their all in our endeavours. Everything you have, every iota of strength, but in the end we will overcome.” She leapt into the air and with a few beats of her wings hovered at the top of the factory “Equestria will stand! Cloudsdale will soar! Corona will fall!” she cried.

Below the chant was taken up and magnified, “Equestria will stand! Cloudsdale will soar! Corona will fall!” Fragrant closed her eyes and bathed in the sound, her people were united, for the moment.

As planned supervisor ponies started to shout orders to the work crews who still cheering headed off to various parts of the factory to begin their labours.

Fragrant Posey looked up at the sky and noticed the blanket of cloud was already starting to be dispelled by the blazing heat of the sun and wondered if she and Equestria would ever know peace again.

Author's Note:

Two in a row! Thanks again for Talon and Thorn for this wonderful addition to this growing collection that helps expend the world of the Lunaverse! Just like last time, he had this message for you guys:

"I would like to thank everbody who suggested improvements to this story. Both Fragrant and Max will be staring in a new story I hope to kick off in the next few weeks currently entitled 'Climbing the Mountain' featuring Max's first days at court and his growing relationship with Fragrant.

As always comments are much appreciated."

Comments ( 26 )

As noted above, I'm hoping to publish the first few chapters of 'Climbing the Mountain' next week, as it's primarily a romance I'm going to try for Valentines day. The first chapter is written although the romance doesn't kick in until chapter 3 so I might even skip chapter 2, we'll see.

On this story as always I have to thank my pre-readers particularly for the "Cloudsdale will soar!" line far better than "Cloudsdale will stand!" which I came up with. Interesting to see Fragrant being acting princess for about 12 hours, that will have a few repercussions in Mountain along with a few other things in these chapters.

3911524 I... no. That is just... I am simply going to say I disagree with that and leave it at that. She's a character and for her actions deserves a hell of a lot more than any sort of sad ending.

3911528 It will certainly make for a good story for Fragrant to tell "Did I ever mentionned the time I ruled Equestria?" :derpytongue2:


(1) Is not likely. Although it's nice to think of Max as the one honest pony the scene and Luna's general depression would loose their impact if she basically says, you're all corrupt, except this guy, he's fine.

(2) A little more likely but again reduces the effectiveness of the scene. Max is only a background pony, he shouldn't be effecting the whole plot.

(3) Has a good chance. Max isn't perfect he has flaws like everypony else. He's not totally beyond corruption.

(4) Is what I have currently in mind. To be honest there is no evidence Luna went off and punished every member of the court individually, she gave all of them a final warning but she doesn't seem to have carried out any direct punishment, yet.

3912526 : Well, we do know from Notary that something bad happened to Greenie. From 'Old Friends':

[Notary says] “I left his service, and Canterlot, just before [Greengrass's] final scheme caught up to him. His destruction was... imminent. I don't know exactly what his fate will be, but I can assure you he will never again be a threat to you or others."

Granted, we don't know why.


Yeah, that does sound almost.. terminal.

Still there's nothing in there to suggest that Luna herself smote him from on high. It sounds like he ultimately caused his own downfall presumably by threatening to break the peace Luna brokered in the court so that the bigger players were forced to crush him.

3912526 3912490
For what it's worth, I don't think she sought out and punished everypony who'd done everything wrong, either, except in the worst of cases, and even then she still did it through entirely legal means.

She doesn't think they're all terrible, horrible ponies utterly beyond any chance at redemption. It's supposed to be more like a boss at work chewing out his entire staff because their antics, which he previously dealt with on a case-by-case basis, have just become too much for him to stand anymore.

"Yes, Fragrant. Oh, is this the version where you temporarily sprouted fingers just so you could make a rude gesture in Corona's face?" :raritywink:

Well, Fragrant did that like a boss. :rainbowdetermined2: Now I kinda want her to yell at Celestia and Luna post-redemption...

That was actually rather disappointing. One of the qualities I always admired in Notary was her unwavering commitment to Greengrass. I think her abandoning him post gala cheapens both characters. Not to mention it undercuts the entire point of GG's confessions at the Gala not counting if he just takes an off-screen fall later anyway.

3918154 yeah, I'd rather he told her to go before she got dragged into his trouble, than her ditching him.

3918163 : To be fair, that might have happened. Notary was purposefully vague on that front.

(I can go into more detail in the quorum forum if there are concerns on this issue, though if there aren't I'd prefer to keep that a surprise until I write the story about these events).

3918154 : GG's got to be knocked as low as he can go before he rebuilds himself into a good pony. If he maintained his seat on the Court, even if Luna didn't like him anymore, he'd never really be motivated to change his ways--he might not be as openly corrupt, but he'd still be the same pony at heart. Sometimes it takes losing the things that matter most to you before you reform...

Comment posted by GrassAndClouds2 deleted Feb 9th, 2014


I can go into more detail in the quorum forum if there are concerns on this issue,

That's probably going to have to happen, but... but I can't say I'm in any way looking forward to it. Greengrass was always the one thing you and I could agree on, the one thing where I went to bat and outright defended you even when it seemed like everyone else hated the character. Now though... now I feel like all that effort was wasted, that there's no reason for me to even care any more about anything, and... and I'm just so very tired of all of it.

3918766 : Um... sorry?

If other people have plans for the character, I'm more than willing to change that line or whatnot. But if no one does, I had wanted to pursue the path I had originally intended for him from when I designed him: a villain to start out with, his fall during or after the Gala, and eventual redemption should the Lunaverse lat that long.

His villainry up till now was still necessary; there's no point in a redemption story when the guy being redeemed was never all that bad in the first place.


a villain to start out with, his fall during or after the Gala, and eventual redemption should the Lunaverse lat that long.

...and I want that too, I really and truly do, but the way you seem to be going about it... it's just so... so... I have no way to describe it and remain anywhere near civil, not right now at least; it's all bound up in so many other grievances and resentments, things I try to keep buried deep down for the sake of pretending that you and I can actually coexist, but now... now I just don't know any more.

We'll fight, we'll bicker, just like we always do, until some agreement gets reached --or more likely imposed-- that makes no one happy; there will be that much less joy and passion left in me, and then it will all just happen over again.

Sorry... I know I'm being a real depressing downer, but this has put me in a foul mood that I have to express some way or another or it will eat me alive, and moping about the futility of it all seemed better than an angry rant (though I can't guarantee it won't eventually come to that anyway). Like I said, it's something that will probably have to get discussed, but here is not the place.

It intrigues me why we have an OC for the mother of Rainbow Dash when S03E12 “Games Ponies play” show her to be Rainbowshine:


3938223 Because I wrote her in before season 3? :unsuresweetie: For all intent and purpose though Cloudia is supposed to look like Rainbowshine anyway so we can say Rainbowshine is her second name.

3938223 But the other rainbow haired pegasus is a stallion not a mare though; you can see it in his muzzle which is angular (like Big Mac's :eeyup:, Filthy Rich, Soren, and every other stallion) then a mares would be normally. Unless your referring to the mare in the bottom left corner with the similar eye color to Rainbow that is.


RainbowShine is the mare with the same eyes as RainBowDash. Her father is the stallion with her RainBowMane. RainBowDash has the same eyes of her dame and the mane of her sire.

Ooh this looks like a lot of fun

5792785 it's a sort of side business of his. It was first introduced in "A Hard Bargain".

Corona: "You mere mortal Pegasi DARE to stand against me. T'IS MADNESS!"

Sorry for anyone sick of that joke but I couldn't resist.

Another good chapter though and I have to say, it has been really interesting to find out what all these other ponies where doing while Trixie and her friends were dealing with Corona but I m glad that I can finally move onward to episode 2.

5792987 yeah... At the time I was hoping someone would pick up the thread and write Fluttershy's day so I didn't go very far. Maybe I should write it myself?


That might be a good idea, I've sort of had my eye on it as well but my dance card is sort of full at the moment.

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