• Published 2nd Jun 2021
  • 4,076 Views, 262 Comments

Newfound Neighbors - FrostTheWolf

Having a new neighbor move in next door is one thing... that is, until you realize that neighbor is a unicorn that's too smart for her own good.

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08- What did I get myself into?

It had been a few days after Gizmo had moved in next door and from what I could tell, she was settling in rather nicely. After what happened on her first night here, my dad and I were lucky that there weren’t any repeat incidents that would have Mistral knocking on our doorstep. Heck, there were even a couple of times that Gizmo had asked for us to come over because she needed some help with setting up some old electronics my dad decided to give to her as a housewarming gift. Such things included an old TV that he once decided to use as a computer monitor, a dvd player and a few movies that he considered ‘timeless classics’. However, there were a couple of movies I had to personally ‘remove’ from the gift because I thought that Gizmo seeing it would do more harm than good.

Case in point, the first Godfather movie. Never let her see that under any circumstances. For those of you that have, you probably might know why.

Though, it was when we were over to help her set all of this up that we actually found out a bit more about Gizmo, as well as why she might’ve decided to leave her world to come to ours. Back in her homeworld, she was a brilliant unicorn who wanted to create inventions that could improve the lives of many. However, despite several ponies being amazed by what she could do, what she had been working on all her life ended up becoming overshadowed by two other unicorns. A pair of brothers that tried to recreate what she had done, only for the creations to break and the two con-artists to get away with the money of ponies who believed they could help them. Gizmo had tried to convince them that she was not like them, but the damage had already been done.

Shortly after first contact between Equestria and Earth, Gizmo saw what many would consider as an accidental discovery as an opportunity. An opportunity to start over with a clean slate. So, with the help of some of the friends she knew back home as well as Mistral, Gizmo took all of her savings and any other money she could find to not only come over to Earth, but to have a place to call home. It just so happened that Mr. Rochester’s home was the first and only one she ever considered, because she was so eager to get out of there and start a new life.

It was a story that Dad and I were not expecting, but it wasn’t something that I could just ignore. Gizmo gave up everything she had before just to come here, so I should be able to find a way to help her outside of just being neighborly. I mean, living in that house by herself can get rather lonely and I don’t think she’s the kind of pony that can handle taking care of pets.

Then, a thought hit me. Perhaps there is somepony I can ask that might point me in the right direction.

“You want my help with what now?” Mistral asked as she sat across from me at a table in front of Jamba Juice. She wasn’t on duty and was in the middle of drinking a large mango smoothie when I met her. “Gizmo’s not giving you any trouble now, is she?”

“No, no, not at all,” I insisted, “In fact, she’s settling in well… though, that’s also why I’m a bit concerned.” From there, I began to recall everything that Gizmo told Dad and I, as well as mention that it was because of her friends and also her that she was able to come to earth in the first place. Though, it did little to help.

“I fail to see what the issue might be.”

“Well, back home, she had a supportive group of friends that helped her come here, yourself included. However, after arriving here and such, I’m worried that Gizmo won’t be able to find that same group of friends, aside from me, that can help her here,” I told her carefully, “It doesn’t help much that there are a bunch of things that are still new to her and have probably terrified her in the process. Hell, just the other day when the garbage people were coming to get rid of our trash, she tried to pick a fight with them because she thought that the garbage truck was a monster wanting to consume her recycling bin.”

That had Mistral blink for a moment as she tried to process what I just told her. Yet, afterwards, she narrowed her eyes, “So, are you saying that you’re not up to the task?”

Immediately, I shook my head, “No, that’s not even remotely what I was trying to say-”

“Then, what are you trying to say,” Mistral retorted, her teeth biting down on the plastic straw as she was growing more irritated by the second.

“What I’m saying is that I think Gizmo needs somepony that she knows to keep her company. Like a roommate,” I told her, “Being in that house all by herself with no one to talk to seems… rather depressing. So I thought that having a friend that she’s familiar with could make things seem less scary for her.”

At that, the bat pony paused. I wasn’t sure if what I said was enough to convince her to take what I was saying seriously or if she thought of what I said as some kind of joke. Especially since her expression didn’t really change. Though, after a moment or two, her expression began to change as Mistral let out a light chuckle.

“Funny that you mentioned that, because when it came to her coming to earth, she wasn’t suppose to come by herself.”

Huh? What do you mean by that?

“Gizmo told you that some of her friends helped her out, didn’t she?” The bat pony asked, to which I nodded my head, “Well, there was somepony else that was supposed to be with her. However, their passage to earth got delayed because somepony at the clerical office in Equestria screwed up and scheduled them to cross over a week later. I’m surprised that Gizmo hadn’t brought it up considering how close the two of them are.”

I’m just as surprised as you are, if I’m going to be honest. Though, I’m not entirely sure how this related to me.

“Alright, I’ll bite,” the bat pony spoke, which made me feel a bit relieved. Though, that was only for a brief moment “However, I’m doing this for Gizmo, not because you asked. Which means we’re doing this my way.”

“Okay, that works for me,” I told her, “Though, what exactly are you thinking about doing?”

Now the bat pony had a smirk on her face as she looked back at me with a gaze that made me think that I was going to regret asking that. “Remember when Gizmo told you that I had Reggie help her with her things? Well, this time around, you’re Reggie.”

Two Days Later

Out of all the places that I thought that Mistral was going to have me head too, the last place that I expected to end up driving too on a Sunday was a facility that I didn't know even existed. From the outside, the main building looked like a hanger from one of those private airports given its size. Though, as I parked my car in the parking lot and walked towards the building, the sign that was on the building gave me an idea of what I was about to walk into.

Equestrian Gate Crossing- Canterlot/California Junction

If memory serves me right, these crossing sites were seen as sanctioned zones where Equestrians that were coming to our world would come through and anyone that was traveling to Equestria would do the same. If anything, they gave me the impression of border checkpoints that would be along the northern and southern border of the country. Only thing was, unlike border checkpoints, there were only two of these crossing sites in the United States as far as I know. The other one was in Southern New Jersey on the east coast and from what I had seen on the news, that site was much bigger in scale.

As I approached the door though, that was when I heard another voice. “Excuse me, ma’am. Do you have a scheduled appointment?”

I turned towards the voice to find that a griffon was sitting behind a hard plastic screen that resembled ticket booths at stadiums and concert venues. “Uh, no. I’m actually here to pick up someone that’s supposed to be arriving here today. Am I in the right place?”

The griffon, who’s name was Gary if I read the ID card that was attached to his lanyard correctly, pointed a claw farther down to my right. “You would be looking for arrivals right over then. This section here is for departures. You’ll see someone else that can help you get inside.”

Huh, guess it’s more like an airport than I thought.

After thanking the griffon, I began to walk back over to the other end of the building, where there was another booth. Though, this time around I did not get a griffon to greet me. Instead, I found myself looking at the last thing I expected. Even though there was a pegasus mare behind the counter, they also had a yak that was standing out front as a security guard. Which was weird because on Earth, you could only find Yaks around the Himalayas and Siberia, not a parking lot in southern California.

“Hello there, welcome to the gate crossing!” the pegasus replied in a lively and positive voice, “I’m Paper Checker, how can I help you today?”

“I’m here to pick somepony up that’s going to be coming in around noon,” I told her, getting out some papers that I kept in my pocket for her to take a look at. “Should I wait out here or-?”

“No, that won’t be necessary. We have a waiting area inside,” she replied, before giving me the papers and looking towards the Yak, “Brümar, go ahead and let them through. They’re here to pick someone up today.”

Of course, before I could even take a step inside, the yak was having trouble with the door. “Rrgh! Brümar hates fragile doors!! Brümar SMASH!!”

I’m sorry, wha- HOLY SHIT!! This Yak just threw himself at the door and shattered it!! What the fu-!?

“Brümar, really?!” The pegasus that I was just talking to scrambled out from her desk and out to the front door. “I told you that you need to pull open the doors, not push it! This is the third time today!!”

“Is… everything okay?” I asked, hesitant to even go inside because of the scattered glass and debris. Even though the Yak just shrugged it off like nothing happened.

“My apologies, but my colleague always seems to solve problems with nothing more than sheer force,” the pegasus replied, “Not to worry though. It’s not something that can’t be fixed.”

Before I could even ask what she was talking about, the glass that had scattered everywhere was now floating over back to the door frame and reassembling itself. After all the pieces were arranged, there was a brief shine and the doors were back to normal.

“W-what was that?”

“First time seeing magi-glass?” Paper asked, before pushing the door open so I can come inside, “It’s a type of glass enchanted with a special kind of spell. That way if it happens to break, it can fix itself.”

Before I could say anything, Paper was insistent on guiding me over to the waiting area and had me follow her. As I sat down in a chair, I began to take a look around and notice that here, there were a lot more Equestrians compared to humans. Not just ponies, but many other species too. There were even complimentary pamphlets in the waiting area for those who might’ve been like me and didn’t really know much about different Equestrian species.

Though, as for the equestrian that I was specifically waiting for, that was something that I only knew a couple of details on. They were an earth pony stallion named Brisk Tundra, whose fur and mane made me think of a snow covered mountain (And ironically, a snow covered mountain was his Cutie Mark). From what Mistral told me, he was somepony who’s talent specialized with Mountain Climbing and even once climbed up the side of the mountain that the city of Canterlot was on because of a dare. Yet, the one thing that she didn’t tell me was how this guy and Gizmo knew each other.

After about twenty minutes of waiting and reading headlines off of Google News to pass the time, I looked up to find that the earth pony was waiting for had just trotted out of the portal and was greeted by some of the staff. Even had a saddlebag that I assumed carried some of his belongings. As if on cue, I emerged from my seat and began to walk over to him. “Hello there. You must be Brisk, right?”

“That would be me, yes,” the earth pony replied, looking at me with a raised eyebrow, “Though, who are you though, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh, um, right, my apologies,” Real smooth for first introductions, it seems, “I’m Sam. Mistral wanted me to make sure that you got picked up when you arrived.”

Shortly afterwards, his expression changed as he greeted me with a smile, scratching the back of his head with one of his front hooves. “Oh, you must be Gizzy’s neighbor. Sorry about that, for a moment I wasn’t sure if you were a friend or just a stranger.”

Gizzy? If he’s talking about Gizmo, then I bet there’s some kind of story to that. “Yeah, I kind of give that impression,” I told him, before looking around a bit, “So, did you have any other luggage you brought with you or-?”

“No, everything I need is right here,” Brisk motioned to the saddlebag on his shoulders as he looked at me.

“Alright. I guess we’ll hit the road then.”

Now came the question of whether or not a stallion like him can actually fit inside my Honda Fit. Though, there was one question I wanted to ask first.

“Hey, out of curiosity, how do you and Gizmo know each other?”

While it was a simple question… I was not prepared for the answer I got in response. “You mean Mistral didn’t tell you? Gizmo’s my marefriend.”

Author's Note:

Well, that escalated quickly

Fun Fact- The location of the portal on the East Coast is a reference to the story 'Mr. Jones Goes to Equestria' by AlwaysDressesInStyle, the same Author of stories such as 'Business Trip' and '16'. I highly recommend checking them out