• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 4,096 Views, 86 Comments

Love Is A Funny Thing - Silver Hoof

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Tarnished Silver

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sat next to each other in class the next day. "Why would she lie to us?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yer still on that?" Apple Bloom appeared annoyed. "Look, whatever it is, she'll tell us eventually. We're her friends, an' she trusts us."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Sweetie sighed.

"Of course Ah'm right!" Apple Bloom beamed. At that moment, Diamond Tiara trotted in with a huge grin on her face. "Oh great. What do ya think she has planned fer us today?"

"I don't know." Sweetie Belle said as a second mare walked in behind Diamond. "Wait, isn't that Scootaloo?" Sure enough, the orange pegasus had walked in behind Diamond Tiara. They watched in horror as their mortal enemy began to nuzzle their best friend lovingly.

"Everypony, listen up!" The pink mare said. "We have a confession to make!"


Silver Spoon sat in the back, staring at her secret crush with a foggy look in her eyes. The sweet mare who tamed the heart of a teenage dragon. Silver Spoon sighed dreamily. She knew that Sweetie Belle was out of her reach. The unicorn was with Spike, and that could not be changed. Sweetie Belle obviously loved that dragon, and even if she didn't, Silver Spoon was pretty sure that she was straight.

Silver Spoon heard a commotion and looked up quickly. She saw her 'friend', Diamond Tiara, walk into the class, followed by... Scootaloo? Her jaw dropped when she saw them kiss each other right there in front of the class. Thank Celestia the teacher is late today. "We have secretly been together for about three to four years now." Diamond said when they parted. "Yesterday, during one of our... secret meetings... we decided that it was time we told you all. We couldn't hide it any more, and, frankly, I was tired of pretending to hate everypony."

"Ah really don' trust you." Apple Bloom said. "But Scootaloo is our friend, and Ah would trust her with mah life. If this makes her happy, then Ah'm happy." They didn't notice the platinum blond maned mare shaking her head violently in the back of the room.

"Well, I'm not!" Sweetie Belle snapped. "That bitch has been tormenting us for years, and you expect me to just accept her because our friend got a little horny?"

"Hey!" Scootaloo said, preparing to charge. Diamond stuck out a hoof to hold her back.

"Let her speak." She said. "She has a right to, and I probably deserve whatever she decides to say."

"Damn right, you do!" Sweetie said. "You hurt me and my friends, you verbally tortured us! You continued to do so, even after you and Scootaloo got together! Did you really think that I would be okay with this? Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"Because I knew that you would react like this!" Scootaloo screamed.

Their ears pricked up, suddenly distracted by a noise in the back. They looked to see Silver Spoon rocking back and forth, shaking her head and continuously chanting a single word. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

"What's wrong with her?" Diamond whispered to Scootaloo.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO!" Silver Spoon jumped up from her chair. "You just don't get it, do you? You could never see! I've always had to play second banana to all of your antics! I always had to come in second at beauty pageants. I've always been the sidekick, the apprentice, the other mare!"

"Oh, so you're a little plot hurt that you never came in first?" Sweetie said sarcastically. "Big deal! You still hurt everypony you ever met! You can't justify that!"

"You know nothing about pain!" The gray mare screamed. "I've experienced pain! Such exquisite suffering! You just got made fun of! What happened to me... I wouldn't wish that on anypony."

"What could have possibly happened to you that was so horrible?"

Silver Spoon looked at Sweetie Belle with hatred. True, pure hatred. "Should I tell them?" She said to Diamond Tiara. "Should I tell them the secret that I have kept for eight years?"

"That is up to you." Diamond said somberly. Silver Spoon nodded.

She began to explain. "My father was never around. He would come home once, maybe twice a year. And when he did come home, he never paid any attention to me." She shed a single tear. "All I had ever wanted was for him to come home, spend some time with me, and tell me that he loved me when he left."

Sweetie Belle was unsure of where this was going. The mare continued. "Then, one day, on my ninth birthday, he came home... To see me. Our birthdays fell on the same day, so I had made him a present. I wanted to give it to him right then and there, but he said that he would take his present that night. I didn't understand. How could I? I was just a filly. But I found out that night." Sweetie was beginning to feel sick. She didn't know where this was going, but she had a good idea. "So that night, I lay in my bed, holding my gift and waiting for my daddy. He came inside and told me to stay still so he could take his present. I didn't understand, and I told him that I could just hoof it to him. He... He yelled at me, said to lay back down and be still. He climbed onto the bed and pinned my forelegs down, and then he... He..." Silver Spoon vomited.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't know! So maybe next time, you should shut your fucking mouth before you judge somepony!" Silver Spoon stopped, and a sudden calm washed over her. She smiled and gave a light laugh, scaring Sweetie Belle. "I'm done." Silver Spoon whispered. "It's over, I'm done." She calmly trotted to her saddlebag and reached inside. When she pulled her hoof out, she was holding a gun.


"Where the hell is the teacher?" Somepony screamed.

"Silver Spoon! You don't have to do this!" Diamond Tiara cried. The suicidal mare looked to her friend with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I do!" She said. "I've spent my entire life being second best! The first pony I fucked was my own father! And to top it off, the one pony that I like is already taken!" Silver Spoon gestured to Sweetie Belle. "Nopony likes me, and, honestly, this world is better off without me." She put the barrel of the gun to her head.

"Wait!" Apple Bloom cried.

"Why? Why should I wait, when the only thing this world has to offer me is pain? Nopony loves me! Why should they? I've hurt all of them! I fucked my father! So who could possibly love me? You tell me! Who could possibly love a filthy little whore like me?" The tears spilled to the floor.

"Well... Me." Apple Bloom said. Silver Spoon's jaw dropped and she dropped the gun. "Ah'v always sort of liked ya. Even when y'all were bein' a bitch. Ah jus' got the feelin' that yer heart wasn' in what ya were doin', that it was all jus' an act. But as the years went by, an' the torment got worse, those feelins kinda faded away. Until the day Ah turned thirteen. Y'all can guess the rest. Hormonal changes, puberty, sexual desires an' what not."

"Wait, sexual desires?" Silver Spoon said. Apple Bloom blushed.

"Well... What Ah meant was... I mean... Oh, jus' kiss me!" She said, pulling in the gray mare. Their lips connected and Sweetie Belle took that opportunity to confiscate the gun. Wow! Apple Bloom wasn't kidding about her feelings for that mare! They parted, and Silver Spoon dried her tears. "Ah love ya." Apple Bloom whispered.