• Published 4th Jun 2021
  • 257 Views, 1 Comments

Hao Haa Yee Haa Yee Hao Yoo - CrimsonEquine

Assailed from unexpected intruders, Rarity defends her home and Sweetie Belle against these unknowns.

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A black sky wandered above, the stars up high twinkled with the light of many burning gas giants, that breathed energy over the planets of their respective systems. On this wide mooned night of endless darkness with a shimmered white light above, a filly named Sweetie Belle slept sound with soft snores and comfortable snugness within the grasp of her warm big sister. Rarity had guarded Empress Luna for decades against all threats and was privy to have held her younger sister after a long night to have stood with eyes diligent at all times.

Rarity clenched her closer to her body and tightened her hold mid sleep. The reminder of somepony with her helped against the unending trauma of all those attacks that nearly killed her. Several coups and rebellions which had her on the offensive constantly drove the battle to a point where it commanded her psyche, where she would slam a table in half in case there was an imagined assailant come to cleave her head off. It wouldn’t be surprising at this point for her sister to cry at the sight and be berated for “betraying her peace”. They both cried over the night at the destruction of the table and the violence that had assailed the poor Sweetie Belle.

Every second of her life was made to be used as a weapon. The first time she had respite was more than enough to bring the destructive Rarity to tears of agonizing frustration. There could be the strength of carrying on and the work of diligence to keep that Empress safe. All she had to do was stay as strong as possible. To be the sister that Sweetie Belle needed after all of this madness.

“Hao Haa Yee Haa Yee Hao Yoo”

Sweetie Belle awoke to the sound of chanting. Her eyes hazy and barely awake, she looked and saw something from behind the window. Bright red eyes and a black figure with long floppy ears that watched them from afar. A bright wide grin emerged from its dark face. Sweetie Belle made a horrific screech which awoke Rarity, she leaped out of the bed, rolled over and landed on all fours to have stood ready for anything that would endanger them. The long chant of whatever these things were had become louder and more apex as time went by.

“Go to the closet Sweetie Belle, go right now!”

She did as she was ordered with the shake of a terrified filly before she slammed the closet door closed. Her breath was frantic and her chest popped out of her with each inhale. Rarity readied herself as the assailants breached through the door of Carousel Boutique and slammed open the door with some metal thing. They trailed up the steps and knocked three times, it made a loud metallic bang each hit. Rarity was no stranger to this, but it was unexpected to happen at this time during this night and she never saw these strangers before. A quiet emptiness enveloped the air as there was no sound, but the danger of death.

The door flew and slammed into the wall, a figure appeared from behind a wall of red eyes hidden in darkness. He was tall and had no weapons. He appeared in the moonlight and showed he was just a regular pony, but with some type of rabbit mask with red eyes that shined from its sockets.
“What, what's wrong with you ponies!?” she asked to their empty faces that looked to have felt no remorse or emotion. “Well, get out of here or else!!” she spoke with eyes wide open and teeth that gritted against each other.

“Hao Haa Yee Haa Yee Hao Yoo '' sang the choir of darkness.

Hao Haa Yee Haa Yee Hao Yoo”.

The two were at a stand-off, before the large masked pony began to walk towards her.

“No stay back, or else!” the pony would not relent.

As he got close, Rarity leaped and did a spin to which slammed her right hind leg right into the pony's head, which destroyed the side of its plastic rabbit face.

Sweetie Belle whimpered at the crack to which heard shattered bone. Then, she screamed as the doors to the closet broke in half into itself. At this point, Sweetie Belle cowered inside the crevice that was safe from the broken sharp wood of the door. The chant grew louder and heavier until it suddenly came to a full stop. A hoof placed a mask on the floor of the closet, before it disappeared in an instant. And the chant from them became quieter as the sound slowed to a crawl. Sweetie shook and looked through the hole in the broken closet. Rarity was unconscious, with blood that dripped out from her mouth. Sweetie Belle felt tears flow down her white cheeks as Rarity laid there.

“No, No please, Rarity, please, don’t leave me, mom and dad are gone, you are all that I have left, no, don’t” she begged to her sister.

Rarity with a flop of her arm grabbed Sweetie Belle and caressed her close. Her warmth felt good amidst all the constant madness. To think she would go out like this. All she wanted was one day to rest and all she was rewarded with was this. She couldn’t even be with her loved one for one second.

“I’m sorry my Sweet, i’ve done enough, it's time for me to go”

Sweetie Belle looked into her sister’s eyes and turned away.

“Stay alive, I lo-”

Sweetie Belle grasped her sister as she was knocked out. There Sweetie called out to the ceiling a penetrative cry that sailed through all senses. Sweetie Belle then stood up from the ground.

“Rest backup my sister, all will be well”, she said with a wipe of her tears, the gravity of the situation broken by mere silence. “I’ve had enough”.

She went to the closet, picked up the mask with a weak sigh, and placed it on her face. There she walked out of Carousel Boutique with a long wall of ponies aside as she went. Then, as a group, they chanted towards the night sky that derived them for so long.

Hao Haa Yee Haa Yee Hao Yoo



Comments ( 1 )

The concept is interesting. Could have really used a bit more set up. Like...it's clear that Rarity is stressed to the point of PTSD, but why she's stressed isn't really mentioned at all.

Also, for the fight, pick one perspective. Jumping between Rarity and Sweetie Bell makes it super confusing.

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