• Member Since 1st Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


The Dastardly Cringe-pilled Brainrot-maxxer || if comparision's the thief of joy then i've been robbed a lot


Raven was just walking down the hallway when she suddenly spawned in here.


and a reading by Lotus Moon that I was either not informed about or I forgot. Thank you Lotus Moon.

Was reviewed by Present Perfect and rated "Not Recommended" and I think you should keep that in mind before reading this story

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 40 )

It's not from me, but it might be due to association with the other Backrooms stories. As you said, there are a few others, and one of them I recall really blew up with a lot of backlash and angry words flying. Whoever disliked might have just assumed this was more of the same without reading, since it has almost the same cover. I'll give a positive like to counter it.

Can you send a link to the story?
The one with negative reviews. (and the other backroom stories as well)

Looks like it got taken down and/or deleted. I recall it was one of the big name authors, maybe 2019 or so.
They were trying to be really meta. Every couple hours adding new chapters, removing old one, rearranging them. A chapter of nothing but "run" repeated 5000 times. Hints and clues in chapter titles that, if you missed them, future chapters made no sense. That sort of thing.
And assuming that readers would be refreshing the page constantly to track every new change. Played havoc with people's notifications.

I was there for that one, it was a very odd story but untracked it due to the notification spam. Form what you have said about it it sounds like a cool idea if it had been slowed down and not spammed the notifications.

That almost sounds like it's trying to be its own ARG or something. It seems like a cool concept but it must've had some pretty poor execution


The story (though heavily edited and nowhere close to its original form) is here:

Nothing belongs here unless it's meant to be fixed, Twilight Sparkle.
shortskirtsandexplosions · 2.7k words  ·  172  35 · 3.6k views

The author (SS&E) has written a bit about the piece in this blog post, which might help to understand why it received such a backlash. It was more or less one of those things that was confusing and experimental, and a lot of people thought it cheated its way to the feature box. Nothing to do with the quality, really. If you'd like to distance yourself from the SS&E story, putting a little note in your long description about it might be a good way to go.

You have a really interesting start, here! I've never really heard of the backrooms outside of the SS&E story, so it's super fun to find out that it's a bit of an external canon! I think you could take this in an interesting direction. I'll be keeping an eye on this one!

You want an aftermath chapter?
'Cause I can do it.
Just for you.

I wonder if more people see Raven as a Unicorn or as an Earth Pony. At leas in this situation it fits to help her out.

I do, too, especially if she's in Canterlot, but most show appearances and merchandise have her as an Earth pony which is so unfitting for a princess's aide.

I know.
Anyway, how do you feel about his story? Please tell so I can improve.

I liked it, although it was very short and built up to the end pretty quickly. I personally would have liked for a few more events to happen to her.
Most experience I've had with the backrooms is gameplays and people often run into a few different obstacles in the BR or sometimes even another survivor.

The other survivors would be humans tho and I wanted to do a story without humans.
I'll probably rewrite this when I am better writer.

Maybe they wouldn't necessarily have to be humans: if it's a living thing and it can move on its own, it can slip into the backrooms.
It's fine the way it is.

Comment posted by ARandomLonelyDude deleted Jun 8th, 2021

So this is way Raven never showed up again after Season 5... She died offscreen... *sounds of a grown ass man crying*

I'm starting a fundraising to have a statue in her memory placed where Discord's statue used to be!

Hey! Raven now has a Hidden Dissectable figure!

(A man can dream...)

I will give you a Raven Inkwell jigsaw puzzle. Just ignore the red stuff and bad smell that is coming out of the pieces.

A product of Cosmos Inc.
Made for Bronies, from Ponies!

I know what it says, what I want to know is why you used Morse code for the chapter title.


For a time, Picasso seemed to be mimicking Jarry, carrying around a Browning revolver of his own, filled with blanks. Miller explains:

"He would fire at admirers inquiring about the meaning of his paintings, his theory of aesthetics, or anyone daring to insult Cézanne’s memory. Like Jarry, Picasso used his Browning as a pataphysical weapon, in a sense playing Père Ubu au natural, disposing of bourgeois boors, morons and philistines."

Look closer.

He would fire at admirers inquiring about the meaning of his paintings, his theory of aesthetics

Ask again and I'll pull a Picasso on you.

Remember to not question why I made the title the way it is because I don't know either.
How was the story?

Unfortunately, my walls are made out of bricks.

I'll make a hole in the wall so that we can hold hands.

When I tried to copy the URL link there was a text it saying "Congratulations! You have no-clipped out of reality! Now run."

Is that a joke you put in OP? Because if so then I am impressed and kinda wanna know how did you do that.

Unfortunately, no. If you know how to make URL link out od a saved image then be sure to let me know. I can however, post you a link to reddit post I made about it (I specifically made it so you can see it and I didn't know where to post it so don't be surprised if it gets deleted soon)
Ps: I am Czech so don't mind all the gibberish contacts.

Pretty sure that is a normal feature. It is the short description of the story set by me.

Already noticed by the time you said it. A cool feature tho.

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