• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 24,311 Views, 882 Comments

Want Me, Need Me, Love Me - criticalmess

Twilight Sparkle becomes a changeling and soon finds her metamorphosis doesn't only affect her.

  • ...

Chapter Three: Control

Want Me, Need Me, Love Me
Chapter Three: Control


Scootaloo rapidly rubbed the towel through her mane, drying off her soaked head. Twilight stood nearby, calmly mixing together a batch of hot chocolate on the kitchen stove. She smiled softly as she stirred the dark brown mixture.


"Here you go Scootaloo," Twilight said happily, levitating the steaming cup over to the table.

The little orange filly's smile widened to comic proportions. She slapped the wet towel around her neck and fluttered onto a nearby chair. "Thanks Twi!" she cried and started to drink.

Twilight chuckled as the hot liquid scorched her little tongue, causing her to cry in shock. "Not so fast Scootaloo." she cautioned.

Okay, calm down, deep breaths. Okay, I can't do it physically because Scootaloo will wonder what's wrong so-FOCUS! I can't send Scootaloo back out into the storm, but I can't let her stay here and risk exposing her to whatever it was I did to Pinkie. Not to mention the longer she's here the more likely she'll find out I'm a changeling, can't let her find out. The answer is simple, I have to stay as far away from her as possible.


Twilight stopped by the door to the main room, hoof hanging in the air. She turned back calmly to see Scootaloo sitting in her chair, hooves wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate. "What'cha doing?" Scootaloo prodded.

"Oh, I just need to get some reading done, " Twilight explained casually, "you finish up your hot chocolate."

Scootaloo nodded and blew on the steamy beverage as Twilight left the kitchen to do just what she said.

That was a terrible excuse, Twilight silently chastised herself as she pulled a book at random from the shelves, 'I just need to get some reading done?' Still, it brought me enough time to try and think of something else. Something that will keep Scootaloo far enough away from me so she doesn't trigger that... thing... until the end of the storm. A storm that will probably last all night. So I can't leave this tree. And I'm stuck in here. With Scootaloo.

After a minute of brainstorming, Twilight began to suspect that her deceptive instinct was either refusing to help her avoid corrupting Scootaloo or simply unable to perform miracles.

"What're you reading?"

Twilight jumped slightly as Scootaloo suddenly appeared behind her. She turned around, quickly composing herself as she replied, "Just..." Twilight glanced at the book title, "...A Guide to Ponyville Lichens." She inwardly sighed in relief that she had grabbed a mundane book rather than one of the stranger titles she sometimes found while searching through her library. Even more fortunate was that she actually was planning to read this guide to the fascinating world of local photosynthetic symbiotes anyway.

"Uh-huh?" Scootaloo nodded, one eye raised. Twilight noted that the hot chocolate was left untended in the kitchen while the filly casually looked around the library. "So... is it any good?"

"Oh, it's really a fascinating book." Twilight smiled, turning through the pages, "Look, it even has color illustrations of each and every species of lichen, from Everfree Moss to Whitetail-"

"Yeah, that's nice." Scootaloo pushed away the book Twilight had offered her. "Um, do you have anything else? You know, something... awesome?"

Twilight continued smiling and trotted away from the little filly. "Well, I've got every single Daring Do -"

"Read them."

Twilight blinked in shock. "All of them?"

"Yeah. Ever since I heard Rainbow Dash started reading them, I've been reading them as well." Scootaloo beamed. "I mean, if Rainbow Dash says they're awesome, then they have to be. And they are!"

"So... are you sure you've read all of them?" Twilight replied, pulling a novel off of the shelf. "I mean, just last week Daring Do and the Ch-"

"-Chalice of Char le' Mane came out, I know." Scootaloo interrupted. She fluttered across the room to Twilight, hanging in the air several seconds before falling to the ground again. "I've read that already. Do you have anything else?"

Twilight inched away from the eager filly and searched through the fiction section. "I think Ms. Braveheart was writing another book, the Tall Tale of-"

"Read it, not that great."

"Um... how about the Vampony of-"

"No thanks."

"The Call of-"



"I'll pass."

Twilight glared back at the little orange filly. "You don't even know the title!"

Scootaloo backed away briefly before raising a hoof and pointing out, "A Tale of Two Ponies, I can see it from over here. I already had to read that for school, totally boring." Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "I mean, it's so old too. Who even reads it anymore?"

Twilight blinked, reigning in her ire at Scootaloo's condemnation of her personal favorite novel by Plot Thickens, possibly the greatest writer of all ponykind. "Well," Twilight shrugged and replied, placing the book carefully back in its vaunted place on the shelf, "if you're going to reject every single book I offer you off-hoof then I don't know what to do."

Scootaloo sighed and sat on the ground, her head leaning on her forelegs. "I'm sorry Twi, it's just... I'm so BOOOOORED!"

"Well I'm sorry but this is a library," Twilight stated, "there's not much else here but books."

Scootaloo groaned and rolled over on her back, staring at the library's ceiling. "There's got to be something else," she cocked her head thoughtfully, "maybe there's some way I can earn my cutie mark...?"

Twilight twitched, remembering the disastrous day the cutie mark crusaders decided that they would attempt to be Cutie Mark Crusader Librarians. She twitched again once she remembered the afternoon they tried out being Cutie Mark Crusader Lumberjacks. And again when she remembered the day they set out to become Cutie Mark Crusader Glue-makers. That last memory earned a very timid squeak to accompany it.

"Is there a mouse here?" Scootaloo asked, looking around, "Hmm... we haven't tried Cutie Mark Crusader Mouseca-"

"No that was me." Twilight replied quickly, trotting back to where she was sitting. "No mice here. There's, uh, no need to go off looking for any."

"Oh?" Scootaloo rolled over again and sulked. "Shoot."

"I'm sorry," Twilight sighed, "but they're just too scared of Owloysius."

"Where is he anyway?"

Twilight turned back to her book and started reading over the entry on Morphic Fungus as she replied, "Owloysius doesn't stay in the library, well, not during the day at least. I think he has a nest on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Besides, it's too early for him to be up." Twilight frowned. "And with this storm, I don't think he's going to be here today."

"Oh." Scootaloo nodded and scanned the room. "So then where's Spike?"

Twilight froze for the span of a few milliseconds before the deceptive instinct regained control. "Spike's been staying over at Rarity's place helping her out." She chuckled casually, "There's simply no getting him away from her when she asks for help."

Well, it wasn't a lie, Twilight thought, it just wasn't the whole truth..

"And he's not going to be back either?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, I don't think so. It looks like this storm is going to last all ni-"

"I know!" Scootaloo suddenly leapt into the air, hovering briefly before falling lightly onto her hooves. She rushed over to Twilight and beamed, shouting excitedly, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER NUMBER ONE ASSISTANT!"

"W-what?" Twilight stammered.

"Well Spike isn't here and neither is Owlo...olo... you know," Scootaloo explained rapidly, "so maybe I could be your Number One Assistant while they're gone!"

"Scootaloo," Twilight smiled nervously, "really, thank you for the offer, but there's no need to-"

"Oh come on Twilight, you always say how Spike and... the other one are... indie... induh...."


"Right! That you wouldn't know what you'd do without them! And if neither of them are here, then you've gotta be up to your neck in work. I could do that work for you!"

"Scootaloo, I really don't have anything I need you to-"

"Oh come on Twilight," Scootaloo pleaded, placing her forelegs on Twilight's shoulders. Twilight twitched at the contact but otherwise remained calm, "give me a chance. I'll be the best number one assistant you've ever had, and then I can finally earn my CUTIE MARK! Then I can show Applebloom and Swe-"

Scootaloo grunted suddenly and raised a hoof to her eye. She rubbed it, grimacing in annoyance. Concerned, Twilight asked, "Scootaloo, what's wrong?"

"I dunno," Scootaloo replied, "it's like there's something in my eye." The little orange filly dropped her hoof, smiled, and continued, "But don't worry, It's all right."

"You know," Twilight quickly said, knowing full well that it was not all right, and pushed Scootaloo off of her. "I think I may have something..."

"YAY!" Scootaloo cheered, "What can I do Twilight?"

"You can... um..." she trotted towards the kitchen, putting as much distance between Scootaloo and herself as possible. "Um..." she glanced down at her hooves and spied the tiny mirror still laying where she had dropped it earlier. "You can... put this back in the upstairs bathroom, the drawer by the sink."

Scootaloo blinked briefly as the mirror was levitated in front of her. After a moment's indecision, she grinned widely, saluted, and proclaimed, "Yes ma'am!" Eagerly, she snatched the mirror out of the air with her mouth and leapt into the air. She soared towards the stairs for roughly two seconds before her wings gave and she crashed at the bottom steps. Undeterred, she dashed upstairs, leaving a faint orange blur behind her.

Well, that was easy. Twilight gave a tiny smile of appreciation and walked back to her open book. All I need to do is come up with more little tasks that keep her away from me until she gets tired and falls asleep. Then I can just put her on the cot, go up to my room, lock the door in case she sleepwalks, and wait for the storm to end. It's simple, it's perfect. She'll be out of here before I have a chance to do... whatever it is I did to Pinkie. And... she is still upstairs.

Twilight glanced at the stairs Scootaloo had ascended nearly a minute ago. It should have taken her seconds to put the mirror away, but Scootaloo had yet to come back downstairs. Curiously, Twilight stared up the stairs, swiveling her ear around to face the silence. For a minute she stood there, waiting, but Scootaloo didn't come back down.

It's fine, she told herself, Scootaloo's just putting a mirror away. She can't possibly get into any trouble doing something as simple as that. Then again, she does have a habit of finding trouble, but it's just a bathroom... the statistically most dangerous room in a house.

Scootaloo didn't come back downstairs.

No Twilight, she asserted, you can't go up to check on her. You need to minimize your exposure to her for her own good. But if she's getting hurt because I'm not up there... is that any better?

Scootaloo didn't come back downstairs.

I'll give her another minute, then I'll go upstairs.

Twenty-two seconds later Twilight dashed up the stairs at a speed that would have made Rainbow Dash proud. She ran towards the bathroom , skidding to a stop just outside the closed door. "Scootaloo," Twilight panted as she threw open the door, "are you-?"

At first glance the bathroom had been transformed into a miniature ice rink with dozens of glass orbs hanging majestically in the air. Upon further inspection, however, the icy floor of the bathroom became slick soap suds, while the majestic orbs became simple soap bubbles. Before Twilight could have an uncomfortable flashback to Discord's invasion, Scootaloo sailed into her line of sight, squealing with joy as she slid along the floor, a towel beneath her hooves.

Scootaloo bumped into the far wall, but a quick burst from her wings kept her from slipping back too far. "Oh, hi Twilight!" Scootaloo cried and waved upon seeing the shocked unicorn. "I put away your mirror for you, but then I thought: what's a number one assistant that doesn't go above and beyond what she's asked?"

"Uh...." Twilight stammered, staring at the shiny, soapy, slippery, tile floor of the bathroom.

"So when I saw that bottle of soap in the drawer," Scootaloo continued unabated, "and I saw that the floor needed cleaning, I knew just what to do!"

"Scootaloo," Twilight said cautiously, "thank you for taking the initiative, but you really don't need-"

"YAY!" Scootaloo cheered and jumped for joy, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER NUMBER ONE ASSISTANT!" Scootaloo spun across the room joyfully. "I'm going to get my cutie mark before I know it! Maybe I have one right now!" Scootaloo looked back, staring intently at her flank. "Do I have one? Maybe a-"

But Scootaloo chose the wrong time to take her eyes off of her work, as the little filly soon found herself slammed into the far wall of the bathroom. Dazed and confused, she spun backwards, slipping across the floor at cartoonish velocity. Twilight shrieked and dived out of the way as the sliding filly spun out the door and sailed across the floor and to the stairs.

"Twilight!" Scootaloo screeched, "Help meeeeee!" The little filly's plea for help trailed out as she flew down the stairs and smacked into a bookcase. She ricocheted around the room like an orange and purple bouncy ball covered in soap suds. She crashed into a statue, into the chandelier, into a wall, before finally sailing in a long arc down the stairs leading to the basement, shortly followed by the sound of smashing glassware.

"SCOOTALOO!" Twilight screamed and rushed to the basement stairs.

Looking through, she could see that the one-filly engine of destruction had tumbled down the stairs and into Twilight's basement laboratory. There she had spun across a nearby table, shattering every test-tube (fortunately empty) she came across, and demolishing a stack of binders that composed Twilight's notes on her latest research project: a study of saps from various breeds of Ponyville trees. Now the tiny terror lay headfirst in a bucket of Sample B (Maple), struggling against the sticky tree sap that surrounded her.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, pulling Scootaloo out of the organic bath with a tug from her magic.

Scootaloo raised a forehoof wearily, pulling against the sap that bound it to her side. "Not again...." she muttered.

- - - -

Twilight sighed, sliding down the wall next to the bathroom door and coming to a rest on her haunches. She placed a hoof to her head and closed her eyes, willing her body to relax. Inside the bathroom, Scootaloo was splashing in the tub, washing off the sticky resin that plagued her coat.

"Be sure to get behind your ears." Twilight said after a minute of silence between the two.

"I know." Scootaloo called back. An awkward moment of quiet later, she continued, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Twilight sighed, "I needed to clean up the bathroom anyway. And I needed to reorganize the library. And I needed to replace that old chandelier. And the basement-"

"I get it." Scootaloo interjected, "I'll... help you clean up...."

"There's no need Scootaloo," Twilight quickly stated. "I can handle it on my own."

"Oh." The little filly's reply left Twilight feeling uneasy. The little figure inside was a whirlpool of emotions, flecks of warm and cold emotional energy splashing off of her and onto Twilight. Her response only served to agitate the emotion storm with sharper slices of energy. Twilight sighed, the study of emotions and emotional magic was a field full of empty theories and lucky guesses, such as the "Want It, Need It" spell. To Twilight, the waves of energy coming off Scootaloo were completely incomprehensible.

"I'll get started on cleaning up the library," Twilight sighed, stepping away from the bathroom. "Once you're done cleaning yourself off, dry off and I'll get you some more hot cho-"

"I can take care of myself."

Twilight froze as a sudden emotional spike accompanied Scootaloo's retort. After a moment of confusion, Twilight turned back to the door and pressed her head against it. "What was that Scootaloo?"

"Uh," the filly stammered, "nothing. Sorry. I'll do just that."

Twilight shrugged and started to move away from the door before a sudden flare of curiosity shot up in the back of her mind. It was like when the deceptive instinct took control with Celestia and Scootaloo, but it felt harsher, almost desperate. Her brows furrowing, Twilight pressed her head against the door again and asked, "Are you all right, Scootaloo?"

"Yes," Scootaloo replied anxiously, "I'm fine."

"So, what did you mean by that earlier? 'You can take care of yourself?'"

"Oh, well," Scootaloo stammered again, "I'm sorry it's just, well, I can take care of myself. But thank you Twilight for helping me."

The instinct prodded Twilight, churning through piles of questions before settling on one and placing it on the tip of Twilight's tongue. The unicorn opened her mouth and, without knowing why she said it, asked, "Is everything all right at home?"

Scootaloo was deathly silent, the emotional storm freezing over in an instant. Waves of cold energy surrounded the little filly inside the bathroom. "Everything's fine." Scootaloo replied carefully, "Why do you ask?"

"Instinct," Twilight answered softly, "and it's telling me that you're not telling me the whole truth."

"It's fine," Scootaloo answered, her voice briefly rising in pitch, "really, it is. I can take care of myself." From outside the bathroom, Twilight could hear Scootaloo practically swallow her words and clamming up.

"I see." Twilight said, the pressing instinct stringing together facts and assumptions. "Scootaloo, where're your parents?"

"They're fine." Scootaloo answered quickly.

"I meant where are your parents," Twilight repeated, "because they're probably worried sick about you. They must think you're lost out in this storm. I really need to get in contact with them to let them know you're safe."

"You don't... need to." Scootaloo answered, regretting it instantly.

The tension that descended upon the two ponies was so thick it could be worn as a blanket. Twilight leaned against the wall while inside the bathroom water rippled as Scootaloo sunk into the water. Eventually Twilight repeated, "Where are your parents?"

"Cloudsdale." Scootaloo mumbled, blowing bubbles in the bathwater.

"Who's taking care of you?"

"I can take care of myself."

Twilight turned to the door in surprise. "You're all by yourself?"

"Yeah, so?" Scootaloo shot back. "Yeah, my parents are in Cloudsdale doing... whatever it is, but I can take care of myself. They left me money so I'm not starving."

"Why would they need to...?" Twilight began, but once again the instinct prodded her in the right direction. "How long have they been gone?" Scootaloo didn't reply, the cold energy radiating off of her closing in around the little filly's form. "Who else knows?'

"Nopony," Scootaloo shot back, "and nopony needs to know."

"But you're just a little filly."

"I can take care of myself." Scootaloo repeated.

For a while, silence descended on the pair. Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but the same force that led her to this point caused her to choke on her words. She turned away from the door and stared at the opposite wall. After what felt like decades, the silence was broken by the sound of splashing as Scootaloo left the tub to dry off.

Twilight leaned against the wall and said, "You're right."

Inside the bathroom, Scootaloo stopped drying herself off. "What?"

"You can take care of yourself. I mean, at your age you're able to watch after a house on your own while managing to balance school and your friends. You look healthy so it looks like you've been eating right. You've even managed to keep the fact that you're living alone from everyone who talks to you. You've clearly shown you're a responsible young filly."

A still silence hung between the two. "Thanks." Scootaloo finally replied, her voice muffled by the door.

"But look," Twilight continued, "if you ever do need any help, anything at all, let me know, okay?" Though her mind protested, the rising warmth emanating from behind the bathroom door, dispelling the awkward cold energy, egged her on, "If there's anything I can do, even something little, you just need to ask and I'll help you Scootaloo. I promise, I'll be there for you."

"...all right." Scootaloo replied, her voice barely audible.

Twilight glanced over as the bathroom door opened slowly. "All done, Scoo-?"

Twilight gasped as a wet-maned filly slapped into her, wrapping her forehooves around Twilight. Twilight's ears leapt upwards as the unicorn was briefly overwhelmed by the sudden rush of energy. Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight could see the little orange filly smiling slightly. Her mane hung over her forehead, dripping slightly as she pressed it into Twilight's neck.

"Thanks again Twilight." Scootaloo said quietly.

"It's..." Twilight murmured hesitantly, "...it's nothing... really."

Scootaloo silently hugged Twilight, the purple unicorn standing still in the hallway. Twilight sighed in satisfaction and let a hoof rest of Scootaloo's head softly. She closed her eyes and allowed herself a brief moment of contact. Warmth flowed over her, relaxing her muscles and rolling away her worries. Soon she too was smiling as her mind drifted off peacefully.

What am I doing?

Reason and panic forced its way back into focus. Twilight's eyes snapped open at the realization of what she had allowed herself to do. She dropped her hoof and backed away, laughing nervously, "Okay Scootaloo, I think you should get dried off."

"Just a little longer, Twilight?"

Twilight grit her teeth as the little pegasus continued to hold on to her neck. "Scootaloo," she pressed, "let go of me."

Scootaloo pulled her head out of Twilight's neck and brushed the mane from her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked innocently.

"Because..." Twilight stammered at the sight of Scootaloo's inquiring eyes. Her light purple eyes had already begun to darken, pupils swirling with lavender magic. "...It's just... let go Scootaloo."

Scootaloo let go, backing away from Twilight. She stared at Twilight hurt and confused, her eyes continuing to fill with energy. If anything, Twilight could have sworn they were filling even faster. "Twilight, what's wrong?" the little filly asked with concern, "Is it something I did?"

"No!" Twilight reassured her, but under the weight of her terror the deceptive instinct was crumbling. Her calm was slowly giving away to panic as the succulent energy flowing from Scootaloo continued to intensify. "It's not your fault, really. I... that is...." Twilight backed away, not knowing what to do.

Scootaloo stepped forward, "I don't understand, is there something I can do?" One hoof reached up and absentmindedly rubbed her eye.

"I..." Twilight tried to stammer out before finally losing her last shreds of self-control. "...just... just stay away!" Twilight cried and ran for the stairs.

"What?!" Scootaloo cried back and started running after her. "No! Just tell me what's wrong!"

Twilight didn't answer and ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Behind her, Scootaloo reached the top of the staircase and leapt off, wings fluttering wildly. The little filly soared over her head before crashing gracelessly before Twilight just as the latter reached the bottom. Twilight froze in shock as the little filly lifted her head and groaned. She rubbed her eyes with both forehooves, begging, "Please, there has to be something I can do!"

"Yes, you have to stay away from me!" Twilight replied, backing up the stairs. Her back legs caught on one of the steps as she backed up, causing her to fall on her flank.

"I can't do that!" Scootaloo objected, dashing over to the fallen Twilight. Placing her hooves on Twilight's shoulder, Scootaloo leaned inn and stared into Twilight's eyes. The unicorn watched in horror as the energy flowed freely out of the pupils and started filling up the rest of her eye in a manner so horribly familiar. "Why can't you just tell me what's wrong?" Scootaloo begged, love flowing off of her like a waterfall, "Please, I'd do anything for you. You just have to ask me. Twilight, I want-"

Scootaloo grunted and reached a hoof to her eye. "There's..." she groaned, "...there's something in my eye."

"Scootaloo," Twilight gasped, "I can explain everything but before I do, I need you to stay as far away from me as you can." Twilight pressed Scootaloo away from her, despite the smaller filly's struggles. "Don't follow me, don't come near me, don't even think about me."

"NO!" Scootaloo roared and wrapped her forelegs around her neck, pressing her face into Twilight. The unicorn, already pulling away, snapped back and tumbled off the stairs. "No!" Scootaloo repeated, pleading loudly. "Twilight, please, I don't know what's going on."


"There's this... it's in my head...trying to make me..." Scootaloo grimaced. "...Twilight, please, can't you help me?"

"I'm... trying!" Twilight said, fumbling to pry Scootaloo off. Her horn glowed with purple energy as she readied a magical blast to pry the little filly off of her once and for all. She stared at her, magic building to a crescendo, as Scootaloo looked up. Her wide eyes were filled with tears and corrupting amethyst light. Her eyes were nearly consumed, only small traces of white holding out against the flood.

The little filly met Twilight's stare and begged, "Please, you promised. I need you."

Twilight hesitated, staring into the little filly's corrupted eyes. Despite the horror she faced, she simply couldn't bring herself to blast her like she did Pinkie Pie. The glowing energy from Scootaloo didn't help, as Twilight's starved body revolted at the idea of shutting off this new source of food. She stared hopelessly back at Scootaloo, mouth hanging open.

Scootaloo buried her head into Twilight's neck. "Twilight, please, I want you."


"I need you."

"...I'm sorry."

"Twilight, I-"

Scootaloo's suddenly cut out and for a brief moment, her entire body was completely and utterly still. The filly's entire body went lax shortly after, legs giving out from under her and placing her entire body weight against the shocked unicorn in front of her. Her forelegs limply hung around Twilight's neck as her head lay limply from her own.

"Scootaloo?" Twilight asked feebly.

The filly didn't respond.
